Project Gutenberg's Catalogue of "Standard Recitations", by Anonymous

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Title: Catalogue of "Standard Recitations"
       Numbers 19-34

Author: Anonymous

Release Date: November 25, 2019 [EBook #60781]

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8


Produced by Juliet Sutherland, David Wilson and the Online
Distributed Proofreading Team at


M. J. Ivers & Co., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  A Day. By John G. Whittier       7|The Cane-Bottomed Chair.
  A Keeper’s Story.                 |  W. M. Thackeray                 8
    By Ethel Lynn                 21|The Cavalry Charge.
  An Empty Nest.                    |  By E. C. Stedman                5
    By Mary A. Barr               30|The Missing Ship.
  Advice to Boys                  34|  By John B. Gough                9
  A Tramp’s Philosophy            37|The Burial of Chatham. Macaulay  15
  Cæsar Passing the Rubicon.        |The Hindu King’s Reply to the
    By J. Sheridan Knowles         5|  Missionary. Alfred C. Lyall    15
  Confession of a Drunkard         6|The Country’s Greatest Evil      16
  Courage, Boy, Courage!          17|The Pythian Flag up North        18
  Character of Napoleon.            |The Windy Night.
    By Lamartine                  38|  By Thomas B. Reed              24
  Do Not Rust Out                 24|To Her. By Victor Hugo           25
  England. By Charles Mackay      19|The Phantom Wreck.
  Even This Shall Pass Away       32|  Nathan D. Urner                26
  En Voyage                       38|The Shepherd of the People.
  Education. By Schuyler Colfax   47|  Rev. P. Brooks                 27
  Fancy or Fact.                    |True Fame. By Jay                28
    By James Russell Lowell        6|The Open Door                    29
  Great Lives Imperishable.         |The American Indian.
    Edward Everett                19|  By Charles Sprague             29
  How Riches are to be Measured   18|The Trapper’s Last Trail.
  If We Knew                      10|  Madge Morris                   31
  In Scotia Dear                  35|The Two Lives                    32
  Liberty. By Frank E. Brush      20|The Sabbath                      32
  Little Jim. George R. Sims      25|The World from the Sidewalk      33
  Live for Good.                    |The Duellist’s Honor.
    Rev. J. J. Case               31|  By Bishop England              36
  Logan at Atlanta                36|Trust in God, and do the Right.
  Malibran and the Young Musician 12|  N. McLeod                      40
  My Portion                      39|The Miner’s Luck. J. W. Donovan  40
  Napoleon the Little. Hugo       25|The Old School-house             41
  Night Before the Execution.       |The True Source of Reform.
    Mary E. Bryan                 45|  E. H. Chapin                   42
  Our Ships                        8|The Cry of the Dreamer.
  Opposite Examples.                |  John B. O’Reilly               43
    Horace Mann                   23|The Lover’s Leap                 46
  On Planting the Pear-tree.        |The Bartholdi Statue.
    By Rev. Edward Hopper, D.D.   42|  By John G. Whittier            48
  Resolution                      34|Vanitas. Charles M. Harger       27
  Success. By B. F. Taylor         7|Whiskey in its Place             11
  Spike that Gun                  10|Who are the Free.
  Saved. By Jennie Joy            44|  By John C. Prince              21

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  The Idyl of Battle Hollow.        |The Thank-You Prayer             27
    Bret Harte                     3|The True Pride of Ancestry.
  How Tommy Went to Sea.            |  Webster                        28
    Colonel Tom Ochiltree          4|Endurance                        29
  The Martyrs of Sandom’r.          |The Old Man and Jim.
    M. Capel                       6|  James Whitcomb Riley           30
  Pike’s Peak. Eugene Field        7|Why Are We Here.
  Alone. Robert J. Burdette        8|  C. G. Dann                     31
  Ingratitude Towards the Deity.    |Rural Occupations Favorable
    Appleton                       8|  to the Sentiments of Devotion.
  Legend of the Crossing            |  Buckminster                    31
    Sweeper                        9|The Moonshiner’s Daughter.
  Sergeant Jasper at Fort           |  M. B.                          32
    Moultrie.                       |The Baby’s Prayer.
    Louise Imogen Guiney          10|  Mrs. E. E. Williamson          34
  The Reveille                    11|How He Got Rich                  34
  The Stoning of the Magdalen.      |The Midnight Tryst.
    F. E. Pratt                   11|  Mary E. Bryan                  35
  State’s Evidence.                 |The Four-Leaved Clover.
    Margaret Cavendish            13|  A Decoration Day
  Mother’s Slipper                13|  Reminiscence                   37
  The Cradle Rocked.                |What is Religion?
    H. S. Keller                  14|  Bishop Heber                   38
  The Old Class Room              15|All Light There.
  In the Dakota Blizzard.           |  Mrs. M. L. Rayne               38
    John Paul Bocock              16|On the Field of Gettysburg.
  Langsyne. D. M. Moir            17|  Ena Walton                     39
  Mrs. Grundy                     18|In the Name of God, the Merciful,
  The Baby and the Soldier        19|  the Compassionate!             39
  “Clear the Way.”                  |Influence of Christianity in
    Camilla Crosland              20|  Elevating the Female Character.
  Wolfe Tone aboard the Hoche.      |  J. G. Carter                   40
    David G. Adee                 21|Would We Return?
  My Old Vag. M. Quad             21|  Robert Burns Wilson            41
  Nobody Knows but Father.          |The Rose. Mrs. Sigourney         42
    H. C. Dodge                   23|Death                            43
  The Brave at Home.                |My Henry. James W. Riley         43
    T. Buchanan Read              23|The Lock of Hair.
  Drunk in the Street             24|  Thomas Dunn English            44
  Posthumous Influence of the       |Vita Nova                        44
    Wise and Good. Norton         24|Description of a Death Scene.
  “Me and Bob and Jim.”             |  Miss Francis                   45
    Ada Stewart Shelton           25|St. Brigid                       47
  The Angelus                     26|“To Many of We.”                 47
  A Regular Bad ’Un.                |Decoration Day.
    Frederick Langbridge          26|  Minnie Irving                  48

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  Half-Way Doin’s. Irwin Russell   3|Mme. Eef                         27
  The Lady or the Tiger.            |The Lightning-Rod Dispenser.
    Mayor Joseph Kirkland in        |  Will Carleton                  28
    The Century                    5|Why Women Marry                  30
  Confidential                     6|A Pathetic Old Man               31
  St. Jonathan                     6|The Druggist’s Vengeance         32
  Shinbones Becomes an Umpire.      |The Emancipation of Man          33
    W. J. Henderson                7|The Wickedest Man in Memphis.
  Uncle Ike’s Roosters. Aaron       |  Alex. J. Brown                 34
    W. Fredericks                  8|The Knights of the Road          35
  How “Old Mose” Counted            |Heinz Von Stein.
    Eggs                           9|  Charles G. Leland              35
  Trouble in the Choir.             |Chairley Burke’s in Town.
    A. T. Worden                  10|  James Whitcomb Riley           36
  Who Makes the Soil              12|The Wife’s Strategy              36
  That Gentleman from Boston Town.  |Precepts at Parting.
    Joaquin Miller                13|  Irwin Russell                  37
  A Change of Views. W. Carey     14|Advice to a Young Man.
  The Story of Elizur. F. A. S.   15|  R. J. Burdette                 38
  Robin Hood and the Abbot.         |The Chap that’s Been over
    John Brook                    16|  to Lunnon                      38
  Two Boot Blacks                 17|Noodleberry as a Neighbor.
  A Reminiscence                  18|  W. H. Ellis                    39
  Uncle Cuff “Rises Fur Ter         |How We Tried to Whip The
    ’Splain.”                       |  Teacher. Eugene J. Hall        40
    William Longfellow Haynie     18|Der Sphider und der Fly.
  The Canine Question.              |  Charles Follen Adams           41
    Alex. Sweet                   19|Katrina’s Visit to New York.
  The Setting Sachem              20|  Alex. T. Brown                 42
  Asking the Gov’nor              21|The Turkish Bath.
  The April Face. Thomas            |  By A Young Woman               43
    Nelson Page                   22|Our Boarding-House Thanksgiving  44
  Guilty, Of Course. G. Waldo     23|Managing a Mule.
  The Mosquito                    24|  Irwin Russell                  45
  Ode to the Full Moon.             |Der Oak und der Vine.
    Allen Kelly                   24|  Charles Follen Adams           45
  The Ballad of Hiram Hover       25|The Skeleton’s Confession.
  A Negro’s Account of the          |  E. S. V. Z.                    46
    Prodigal Son                  26|How She Won Him                  47
  Don’t Shpoil Dot Leedle Fun.      |The Champion.
    Emile Pickhardt               27|  Edward P. Jackson              48

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  Shamus O’Brien, The Bold Boy of   |“Peace, Be Still.” Violet        27
    Glingall. Samuel Lover         3|A Short Debate on Rum.
  The Soldier’s Reward.             |  “Th’ Poet o’ Ante-Bar.”        28
    J. W. Donovan                  7|The Participants in the Boston
  The Kitten of the Regiment       9|  Massacre. John Hancock         28
  Perils of a Teacher.              |Dandie. M. F. Bradley            29
    J. W. Donovan                 10|The Nameless Guest.
  A Climb at Rouen.                 |  James Clarence Harvey          30
    M. Betham Edwards             11|Slug Number Eleven               30
  Catching the Colt               12|A Famous fight.
  Something for Strikers          13|  David Graham Adee              32
  Harmony                         13|More Cruel Than War              33
  By the Wayside. E. Doherty      14|The Fall of the Alamo.
  The Unwelcomed Baby             15|  Mrs. Barr                      34
  Running Before It.                |A New  Gospel.
    William Constable             16|  Carlotta Perry                 35
  “Warned.” Crape Myrtle          17|Making the Round.
  The Old Wife’s Kiss             17|  Mrs. M. L. Rayne               36
  The Old Office-Desk.              |The Beautiful                    37
    Henry J. Shellman             19|  Onatoga’s Sacrifice.
  Chickens Come Home to Roost.      |  John Dimitry                   38
    Ernest M‘Gaffey               19|Joe Sieg. Alexander Anderson     39
  The Blacksmith of Ragenbach     20|Education. C. Phillips           41
  The Old Mill. H. W. Field       21|Ingratitude; Or, Old Sport and
  One at a Time                   22|  His Master. Fred Williams      41
  The Hot Axle.                     |Old Uncle Jake                   43
    T. De Witt Talmage            22|On the Rappahannock              44
  Ellsworth’s Avengers. Tripp     23|The Better Land                  45
  The Origin of Whiskey.            |Charity                          45
    H. Burgess                    24|St. Michael, the Weigher         46
  The Two Words. J. E. Dinkenga   25|The Orphan’s New Year.
  Listeners. M. K. D.             25|  O. H.                          46
  The Delinquent Subscriber.        |The Inch Cape Bell               47
    Margaret Andrews Oldham       26|The Old Minstrel                 47

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  If I Should Die To-night         3|The Unknown Hero                 27
  The American Union.               |The Life-Boat                    28
    Daniel Webster                 4|Milton’s Last Poem               28
  Abon Ben Adhem.                   |How to Enliven Your Days—Work
    Leigh Hunt                     4|  With a Will                    28
  A Child’s Cry                    4|The Soldier’s Pardon.
  The Shamrock.                     |  James Smith                    29
    Anna B. Reardon                5|True Bravery—A Thrilling
  The Face Against the Pane.        |  Sketch                         30
    T. B. Aldrich                  6|The Last Broadside.
  Do Your Part. J. W. Donovan      7|  Elizabeth T. P. Beach          31
  The Reign of Terror.              |The Faithful Friend              32
    Thomas Carlyle                 8|His Last Run                     33
  Life is so Long                  8|The Ship on Fire. C. McKay       33
  Storming the Temple of Mexico.    |The Care of God                  34
    William H. Prescott            9|My Ship at Sea.
  Giant and Dwarf                  9|  Thomas Dunn English            35
  The Religious Card Player       10|The Sailor’s Mother.
  Conscience at Death             11|  W. Wordsworth                  35
  The Sicilian Vespers            12|Independence Bell                36
  The Curse of Regulus            12|The Unknown Future.
  Death Makes All Men Brothers.     |  Mary Kyle Dallas               37
    Louise S. Upham               13|Creating Criminals.
  A Vision Rendered Into            |  Charles Dudley Warner          38
    Poetry                        15|Martin’s Puzzle.
  At the Shaft’s Mouth.             |  George Meredith                38
    R. E. White                   16|The Ladder of St. Augustine.
  In the Tunnel                   17|  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow     40
  The Peaceful Life.                |The Step-mother.
    Marianne Farningham           19|  Nathan D. Urner                41
  The Story of a Stowaway!          |Success. C. M. Harger            42
    Clement Scott                 20|The Good Woman. I. B. Mean       42
  Loss of The Arctic.               |All’s for the Best.
    H. W. Beecher                 21|  M. F. Tupper                   43
  The Emigrants. Charles McKay    22|The Right Road.
  The Tramp. J. J. R.             23|  Ella Wheeler Wilcox            43
  The Nail Maker                  23|None Will Miss Thee              44
  The Last of the Druids.           |Little Orphant Annie.
    James Jeffrey Roche           24|  James Whitcomb Riley           44
  Personalities and Ill Reports.    |Difference Between Taste and
    Dr. John Hall                 24|  Genius. By Blair               45
  The Sailor’s Song.                |Strength for To-Day              46
    B. W. Proctor                 25|Washington. Eliza Cook           46
  Nail the Colors to the Mast.      |Found Drowned                    47
    Alfred H. Miles               25|The Rosary                       48

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  Concepcion De Arguello.           |Speech of Shrewsbury before
    Bret Harte                     3|  Queen Elizabeth. Schiller      26
  Eulogium on South Carolina.       |And then?
    Robert Y. Hayne                5|  James Jeffrey Roche            28
  The Brewing of Soma.              |The Tell Tale Heart.
    John G. Whittier               6|  Edgar Allen Poe                28
  The Wee, Wee Bairnie             7|The Convict’s Hopeless Lot.
  Destiny. T. B. Aldrich           8|  An Ex-convict                  30
  Without Me                       8|The Star of Bethlehem.
  South Carolina and Massachusetts. |  Henry Kirke White              31
    Daniel Webster                 9|Success in Life.
  Burglar Bill                    10|  James A. Garfield              31
  What My Lover Said.               |The Hindoo’s Search for
    Homer Greene                  11|  Truth                          32
  The Curse to Labor.               |The Spiritualist. L. W.          33
    T. V. Powderly                12|Last Charge of Ney.
  The New Hail Columbia.            |  J. T. Headley                  35
    Oliver Wendell Holmes         13|The Song of the Headlight.
  Reuben James.                     |  Hardy Jackson                  36
    James Jeffrey Roche           13|One of the Signers.
  Reply to Mr. Webster.             |  John Greenleaf Whittier        37
    Robert Y. Hayne               14|Apparitions. Thomas Carlyle      38
  Vas Marriage a Failure?           |Farewell to Nature.
    Charles Follen Adams          15|  Thomas Gordon Hake             39
  The Soul’s Farewell to the        |Jim.
    Body. Ella Wheeler Wilcox     16|  James Whitcomb Riley           40
  A Woman’s Heart                 16|Grant’s Strategy.
  The Minstrel’s Curse.             |  Judge Veazey                   41
    Ludwig Uhland                 17|Just for To-day                  42
  Visions of Joan of Arc and        |A Hero of the Tropics.
    Bishop of Beauvais.             |  I. Edgar Jones                 42
    De Quincey                    18|Priests unto God.
  The Old Cornet Player.            |  Rose Terry Cooke               43
    J. P. Bocock                  20|The Mayflower.
  Speech of Icilius to the          |  Edward Everett                 44
    Romans. Alfieri               21|The Veiled Statue at Sais.
  The Watch of Boon Island.         |  Friedrich Schiller             45
    Mrs. Celia Thaxter            21|Death of Hamilton.
  Rejoinder to Mr. Hayne.           |  Eliphalet Nott                 46
    Daniel Webster                23|The Soldier’s Return.
  To Ireland. J. B. Killen        24|  Susanna Blamire                47
  Christ Not a Christian. A. D.   25|Vicissitudes of 1849.
  The Forging of the Anchor.        |  Horace Greeley                 47
    S. Ferguson                   26|Washington. Phillips             48

The selections from Bret Harte, Whittier, Aldrich and Mrs. Celia
Thaxter are used by kind permission of Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  A Bachelor.                       |One of the Multitude.
    By Edgar I. Brenner           31|  By Margaret Veley              47
  A City Incident.                  |“Our Times not Degenerate.”
    George Bancroft Griffith      20|  By Chas. Emory Smith            5
  A Noble Mind in a Grand           |Patient Mercy Jones.
    Body                          38|  By James T. Fields             13
  A Paraphrase of Seneca.           |Remembrance of Wrongs.
    By Eugene Field               17|  Rufus Choate                   10
  A Picture.                        |Royalty. Thomas S. Collier        7
    By H. Antoine D’Arcy          15|The Skeleton Soldier.
  After Death in Arabia.            |  Mrs. Findley Braden            33
    Sir Edwin Arnold               8|The Stones of Manhattan.
  An Old Temperance Poem          29|  By Willis Fletcher Johnson     34
  Batyushka. T. B. Aldrich        15|The Two Brothers. By B. E. E.     9
  Ballad of the Bloody Brook.       |The King’s Daughters             21
    By Edward Everett Hale         3|The Centre of Gravity            22
  Boys, Go Home                   25|The Four Princes.
  Comfort One Another             44|  Arthur G. Geoghegan            23
  Crying for the Moon             35|The Poet’s Political Thoughts.
  Death Carol. Walt. Whitman      19|  John Greenleaf Whittier        25
  Evil of Duelling.                 |The Man Who Rode to Conemaugh.
    By Lyman Beecher              12|  John Eliot Bowen               37
  Extract from “How I Consulted     |The Game of Warriors             41
    the Oracle of the               |The Yellow Sands of Sussex.
    Goldfishes.”                    |  By Douglas Sladen              43
    James Russell Lowell          10|The Face Upon the Floor.
  Farmer Kent’s Parson.             |  H. Antoine D’Arcy              16
    Margaret Holmes               40|The King’s Dust.
  Found Dead.                       |  Harriet Prescott Spofford      12
    By Sarah T. Bolton            26|The Church and the World.
  Good-by Er Howdy-do?              |  By Mathilda C. Edwards         27
    J. Whitcomb Riley             42|The Simple Man and the Wise Man.
  Have Patience                   44|  Pollok                         45
  If. By Anstiss W. Curtiss       46|The Moan of the Attic.
  Illusions. By E. A.             36|  Margaret J. Preston             4
  In Eulogy of Water.               |To Florence Nightingale of
    By Emory Storrs                8|  England. By John Greenleaf
  Moral Power of Public Opinion.    |  Whittier                       10
    Daniel Webster                20|Two. By Rose Terry Cooke         11
  No National Greatness Without     |Under the Daisies                32
    Morality.                       |Waiting for the Mail.
    By W. E. Channing             45|  By S. W. Foss                  40
  Nobility                        48|War with Big Guns                30
  Old Boys. George W. Bungay      39|“Where the Willow Makes a
  Our Lady of the Mine            24|  Shade”                         18

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  The Sacrifice of Abraham.         |The Lady of the Rock.
    N. P. Willis                   3|  Thomas Dunn English            25
  The Angel and the Shepherds.      |A Ballad of East and West.
    (From Ben Hur).                 |  Yussuf                         27
    Lew Wallace                    5|The Light from over the
  The Dead Student.                 |  Range                          28
    Will M. Carleton               6|Charlie Wong.
  Henry W. Grady.                   |  H. Antoine D’Arcy              30
    James Whitcomb Riley           7|The Indian’s Tale.
  The Fratricide.                   |  John Greenleaf Whittier        31
    John Greenleaf Whittier        8|Cities. Anonymous                32
  Back from the War.                |The Leper. N. P. Willis          33
    T. De Witt Talmage            10|The Death of the Count Armaniac.
  The Luck of Edenhall.             |  A. Mary F. Robinson            36
    H. W. Longfellow              10|One Thing at a Time              36
  That Waltz of Von Weber.          |Song of the Mountaineers.
    Nora Perry                    11|  T. Buchanan Read               37
  Water and Rum.                    |The Battle Hymn.
    John B. Gough                 12|  Theodore Körner                38
  The Boy who helps his Mother    13|A Beautiful Death. Eli Perkins   38
  Teamster Jim. R. J. Burdette    14|Annie’s Ticket                   39
  Miriam’s Song.                    |Bad Prayers. Bronson Alcott      39
    Thomas Moore                  14|Mattie Stephenson. Anonymous     40
  Toussaint L’Ouverture.            |The Two Pictures                 40
    Wendell Phillips              15|Where God’s Hand is Seen.
  The Engineer’s Story.             |  Captain Jack Crawford          42
    Eugene J. Hall                16|The Sway of the Senses           43
  The Influence of Woman.           |Burial of the Minnisink.
    Webster                       16|  H. W. Longfellow               44
  His Mother’s Songs              17|Mary O’Connor, the
  Mother’s Doughnuts.               |  Volunteer’s Wife.
    Charles F. Adams              18|  Mary A. Denison                45
  Useless Philosophers            18|The Preservation of the Union.
  The Grave. H. W. Longfellow     19|  Daniel Webster                 45
  I wouldn’t—Would you?             |Our Women Heroes.
    Anonymous                     19|  Kate Brownlee Sherwood         46
  Despair. Dow, Jr.               20|The Prayers of all Living
  The Wife’s Appeal               21|  Creatures                      46
  Praying for Shoes.                |Wisdom Dearly Purchased.
    Paul Hamilton Hayne           21|  Edmund Burke                   47
  The New South. H. W. Grady      23|Keep Pegging Away                48
  Lincoln. James R. Lowell        24|

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  The Seeking. J. T. Trowbridge    3|Margaret. Henry William Herbert  28
  The Ballad of the King’s Jest.    |Wasted. Rev. J. F. Norton        29
    Yussuf                         4|Gentleman Jim.
  Two Offerings.                    |  Daniel O’Connell               30
    Henry W. Longfellow            6|Civilization of Africa.
  A History. T. De Witt-Talmagen   7|  Edward Everett                 31
  The Senator’s Grandmother.        |A Story of Fredericksburg.
    Patience Stapleton             8|  Herbert W. Collingwood         31
  The March of the Years.           |Grandfather’s Rose.
    Marianne Farningham           10|  Mary A. Denison                32
  The Song of the Sirens.           |The Mirage. H. T. B.             33
    F. Marion Crawford            11|Christianity Essential to
  Agriculture. D. S. Dickinson    12|  Liberty. Kossuth               33
  Wealth Untold.                    |Two Sinners.
    Charles Mackay, LL.D.         13|  Ella Wheeler Wilcox            34
  Irish Hearts and Irish Hands.     |The Shunammite. N. P. Willis     35
    Mary E. Blake                 13|The Demon of the Fire.
  Fame, Wealth, Life, Death.        |  Edgar A. Poe                   37
    Walter W. Skeat               14|The Successful Farmer            38
  Down in the Valley. M. Quad     15|Who carries on the Business.
  The Home Fireside. Mary Rowles  16|  Alfred J. Hough                38
  Some Things Forever             17|Happy the Man of Steadfast
  Stratford Fountain.               |  Faith. Solomon Solis-Cohen     39
    Oliver Wendell Holmes         17|The Sailor Boy’s Sister.
  Sympathy. Chriss Wilson         19|  Francis Lucas                  39
  The World is what we make it.     |Human Love                       40
    S. Moore                      19|My Picture Gallery.
  A Woman’s Story                 19|  Adelaide Anne Proctor          40
  Life’s Game of Ball             21|A Pack of Cards. Janet Cossar    41
  The most gifted of Mortals      22|A Lame Boy’s Query.
  To a Lady for a Picture of        |  Alexander L. Kinkead           42
    Pansies. T. W. Parsons        23|Kate. B. F. Sawyer               43
  Just Away. J. W. Riley          23|The Ould Canteen                 43
  The Lost Kiss. J. W. Riley      24|The Cell of the Missionary.
  The Wonderful Country.            |  W. L. Bowles                   44
    John Boyle O’Reilly           24|Uncle Jake. Kris Kyle            45
  The Power of Love.                |The Tyneside Widow.
    J. W. Donovan                 25|  Algernon Charles Swinburne     46
  Lost at Sea. C. S. Williams     25|The Convict’s Mother.
  Lost in the Clouds.               |  Katherine S. Mason             47
    Mary E. Bryan                 26|Of His Pitiable Transformation.
  The Dome of the Republic.         |  Robert Louis Stevenson         47
    Anonymous                     28|Ostler Joe. Geo. R. Sims         48

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  The Ballad of the Colors.         |Tim Murphy’s Stew                25
    Thomas Dunne English           3|De Yaller Chinee                 25
  The Dying Umpire                 4|Exclamatory                      26
  Goliath and David                4|Getting Right Up                 27
  Mr. Schmidt’s Mistake.            |He Guessed he’d Fight            27
    Chas. F. Adams                 5|Address of the President of
  Sned Skinflint’s Scheme. R.K.M.  5|  the Lazy Club. Anonymous       28
  Diamond cut Diamond. By           |Paddy’s Reflections on
    John E. M‘Cann                 6|  Cleopathera’s Needle.
  Rory’s Kissing School            7|  Cormac O’Leary                 29
  Reading a Dime Novel             8|Why she was Salted               29
  Paddy ye Rascal                  9|More Coyness                     30
  Uncle Peter’s Counsel to the      |A Costly Beverage                30
    Newly Married. Edmund Kirke    9|Smoking his First Cigar          30
  Bravest of the Brave.             |The Mosquito Adjured             31
    R. J. Burdette                10|She was a Shaker                 32
  A Wail of Toe                   10|The Bicycle and the Pup          32
  Mine Shildren.                    |The Mutilated Currency Question  32
    Charles Follen Adams          10|Carl Dunder Talks to the
  The Cultured Daughter of a        |  Children                       33
    Plain Grocer                  11|Business and Gambling            34
  Kelly at the Bat                12|Fate                             34
  “De ’Lection fer Jedge.”          |Some Simple Says                 34
    Unk’l Isam                    13|The Girl-Shooter                 34
  What is Done at Saratoga.         |About Bores. Alexander E. Sweet  35
    By John G. Saxe               14|Hamlet to his Mother             36
  When Greek meets Greek. Anon.   15|Quit your Foolin’                37
  Rules for Husbands              15|The Necktie                      37
  Rules for Wives                 16|A Leadville Sermon on the
  Hustler Joe                     16|  “Prod.”                        37
  Coming Home.                      |How they Said Good-Night         38
    Hugh Willoughby Sweeney       17|Uncle Moses and the Comet.
  The Minstrels of the Night      18|  Ruth Argyle                    39
  Baggage-Master Brick’s Lunch      |His Heart was True to Poll       40
    Can                           18|Pat’s Love. By Joe Jot, Jr.      41
  Short Summer Sermons.             |The Montgomery Guard             42
    By Bro. Gardner               19|Too Many for Him                 42
  In Holland. Eugene Field        19|Method in It                     43
  The Soft Guitar. P. F. Bowne    20|His Guileless Look.
  He Led his Class                20|  Thomas Holmes                  42
  “Human Natur’.”                   |Our Minister’s Sermon            44
    By Bro. Gardner               21|Aunt Sophronia Tabor at the
  Shoo                            21|  Opera                          44
  The New Lochinvar               22|A Street Gamin’s Story of the
  The Banana Peel                 23|  Play. Anonymous                46
  “Der Kicker und der Krank.”       |The Country Store. Nathan
    Emile Pickhardt               23|  D. Urner                       47
  Uncle Pete and Marse George.      |The Printer’s Revenge            48
    Anon.                         23|The Father to his Boy            48

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  The Captain’s Well.               |An Essay on Home.
    By J. G. Whittier              3|  By Margaret O’Gorman           25
  At Fredericksburg—Dec. 13,        |Retrospection. Alfred Lyall      26
    1862. John Boyle O’Reilly      4|Matins. Edna Dean Proctor        28
  Extract from Blaine’s Oration     |An Army Overcoat.
    on James A. Garfield           6|  George Archibald               29
  Drawing for Furlough             7|Little Tom. C. B. Lewis          30
  The Ride of Paul Venarez         8|The March of the Workers.
  Who’s Dead. Thomas Frost         9|  William Morris                 31
  The Peril of the Mines          10|The Seafarer. G. R. Merry        32
  Heroes. Francis A. Shaw         12|We’ve always been provided for   32
  Keenan’s Charge.                  |Saved by a Ghost.
    Geo. P. Lathrop               12|  Eben E. Rexford                33
  The Legend of the Organ           |Pardon Complete.
    Builder. Julia C. R. Dorr     13|  Clara G. Dolliver              35
  The Auctioneer’s Gift.            |Artie’s “Amen.”
    S. W. Foss                    15|  Paul Hamilton Hayne            35
  A War Episode.                    |Our Old Doctor                   36
    By Wallace P. Reed            15|Don’t Blame the World            37
  The Volunteer Organist.           |Humpty Dumpty.
    By S. W. Foss                 16|  Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney          38
  The Dandy Fifth.                  |Kate Shelley. Eugene J. Hall     39
    Frank H. Gassaway             17|Danger or Vast Fortunes.
  Sure Enough. Ernest McGaffey    18|  Horace Mann                    40
  A Dream of the Universe.          |Our Two Opinions.
    Jean Paul Richter             19|  James Whitcomb Riley           41
  Petit Jean. Mary A. Barr        19|The Policeman’s Story.
  At the Hospital. J. P. B.       20|  Geo. Birdseye                  41
  The Conductor’s Story.            |Public Opinion. C. Farrar        42
    By B. J. M‘Dermott            21|St. John the Aged                43
  His Sweet heart’s Song.           |A Mother’s Thoughts              45
    Fred C. Dayton                22|The Singer’s Climax              46
  In a Crowd. Marianne Farningham 23|Two Soldiers at Gettysburg.
  The Emperor’s Breakfast.          |  Isaac F. Eaton                 47
    Edwin Arnold                  24|A Message from Mamma in Heaven   47
  After the Curfew.                 |A Mother’s Answer.
    Oliver Wendell Holmes         24|  Lillie E. Barr                 48

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  At the grave of Alice.            |Our Mother’s Apron Strings.
    Thomas Dann English           33|  W. H. McElroy                  30
  A doubting heart.                 |Penn’s Monument.
    A. A. Procter                 21|  R. J. Burdette                  6
  At rest. Mary A. Barr           20|Pickin’ Cinders on the Dock       6
  A legend. A. A. Procter         14|Rebuked. Leslie E. Barr          38
  A bit of newspaper verse        10|Sorrow. Joan Volk                46
  A dead past. A. A. Procter       9|The Wine that Conquers Care.
  A ragged pair                    7|  Gen. Wm. Hains Lytle           48
  Beyond. A. A. Procter           22|The Truth. Archibald Lampman     48
  Barefooted after the cows.        |The Poor Man’s Wife              39
    Fred Emerson Brooks           16|The Old School Clock.
  Evarra and his gods.              |  John Boyle O’Reilly            42
    Rudyard Kipling               35|The Engine Driver’s Story.
  Friar Serverus.                   |  W. Wilkins                     31
    Clifford Lanier               16|The Legend of Van Bibber’s Rack.
  Face to face. Paul H. Hayne     11|  Emma D. Banks                  32
  Father Flynn as peacemaker       5|The last Milestone.
  Grandmother                     11|  Josephine Pollard              29
  Giving our best. W. E. B.       19|The Fellow in Greasy Jeans.
  Happiness                       12|  Charles F. Lummis              29
  In the children’s hospital.       |The Ships that sailed away.
    Lord Tennyson                 40|  Hester Crawford Dorsey         28
  I am dying                      36|The Life Brigade.
  Ingalls on life and death       13|  Minnie Mackay                  23
  I often wonder why ’tis so.       |The Dakine Snake.
    Father Ryan                    8|  J. Boyle O’Reilly              24
  Janette’s Hair.                   |The Word of the King.
    Miles O’Reilly                28|  Mary H. Krout                  19
  Keep your face to the light     22|The Czar and the Bridge-keeper’s
  Leaving the old farm.             |  Wife. Count Chapolsky          19
    Sophie L. Schenck             27|Two Poor Old Souls.
  Lord Manner’s leap.               |  Margaret Eytinge               20
    Lillie E. Barr                21|The Woman-Soul.
  Love and war.                     |  Courtlandt Palmer              17
    Flavel Scott Mines            15|The Secret Mourner.
  Mistress Sunbeam. Thomas Frost  43|  James Dawson                   15
  Mother’s Prayer                 35|Tootsie Brant.
  Much ado. Margaret E. Sangster  28|  H. Antoine D’Arcy               9
  Mad Anthony’s Charge.             |The Huguenot Lovers.
    Alex. N. Easton                4|  As Recited by Miss Jane Stuart  3
  Never Again. A. A. Procter      47|The Drunkard’s Lament.
  Only                            40|  E. D. Baker                    12
  One Day at a Time.                |What is Good.
    Helen Hunt Jackson            37|  John Doyle O’Reilly            27
  Only a Word.                      |Woman’s Rights                   17
    Adelaide A. Procter           34|Xmas Eve Ballad.
  Off Brenton Reef, September       |  Elmer Ruan Coates              30
    9th, 1890.                      |You and I and He.
    Louisa Both Hendricksen        8|  Elizabeth Oakes Smith          18

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  Anvil of God’s Word, The        27|Like any other Man.
  And So, Good-By!                  |  J. W. Watson                   14
    Nathan D. Urner               25|Life Is a Shylock.
  Annie. Wm. Lyle                 38|  Ella Wheeler Wilcox            15
  “Are the Children Safe at         |Last Prayer, A                   20
    Home?” Lillie E. Barr         44|Lost Amati, The.
  Best Sewing-Machine, The         3|  William E. S. Fales            21
  Bedrock Philosophy              10|Little Hunchback, The.
  Borrowed Troubles. Mrs. S. L.     |  James Whitcomb Riley           25
    Schenck (Mrs. Thornton)       21|Love’s Penance. C. E. Banks      35
  Blind Soldier, The.               |Michael O’Dwyer.
    Mary A. P. Stansbury          24|  T. P. Finlay                   37
  Best Helper, The                34|Nothing to Wear.
  Before the Gate.                  |  Wm. Allen Butler               39
    W. D. Howells                 40|Outcast, The. J. P. Bocock        7
  Broken Toys, The.                 |Old Beau, The. G. E. Fawcet       9
    Nathan D. Urner               42|Power of Wealth Produced by
  Ben Hafed. Wm. Whitehead        43|  Labor. Tristam Burgess         38
  Battle of Beal an’ Duine.         |Prize that Virtue Brings, The.
    Walter Scott                  47|  Will M. Clemens                 6
  Captain’s Dream, The. Andrew      |Purpose, A.
    Lang                           4|  Henry Clemens Pearson           8
  Could we but Tell.                |Queen of the May, The.
    U. S. G. Johnston              7|  Margaret T. Reidy              37
  Content. James W. Riley         17|Rhinoceros and the Camel, The    26
  Compensation. Celia Thaxter     17|Remember the Waifs.
  City of the Living, The         19|  Mrs. M. A. Kidder              41
  Come Home, Children.              |Reflections on the Battle of
    Mary A. Barr                  29|  Lexington. Edward Everett      46
  Divine Lullaby, The.              |Story of Faith, The              23
    Eugene Field                  16|Star, The. Victor Hugo           23
  Defence from Impeachment.         |Study of Eloquence, The.
    A. Marat                      20|  Cicero                         26
  Defence from the Charge of        |Seamstress’s Story, The          27
    Tyranny. Robespierre          43|“Swore off.” J. N. Fort          31
  Drunkard’s Death, The.            |Two Villages, The.
    I. Edgar Jones                45|  Rose Terry Cooke                9
  Do your Best                    30|Take my Hand. Lillie E. Barr     11
  Fashion’s Bride, The.             |Tale of a Bracelet, The.
    J. M. Hill                    30|  J. Leonard Hennessey           12
  Forgiven. H. W. C.              46|Two Lights, The                  18
  Give Thanks fer what?             |To Mother. Ivanhoe               22
    W. F. Croffut                 34|Vinous Fermentation.
  In the Harbor. Geo. R. Sims      4|  J. R. Williamson               33
  I Wonder why                    12|Woman’s Question, A.
  Indolence. Dennie               14|  Elizabeth Barrett Browning     11
  I Would Be Pure.                  |Wearyin’ for you.
    Mrs. L. J. H. Frost           41|  F. L. Stanton                  16
  Inheritance. Mary Macleod       42|Who is Independent?
  In Bohemia. J. Boyle O’Reilly   45|  H. B. Rhett                    32
  King Death. Barry Cornwall      18|What one Boy Thinks.
  Killed. Geo. Weatherly          20|  Harriet P. Spofford            33
  Lead Kindly Light.                |Waiting. Hollis W. Field         40
    Cardinal Newman               10|

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  After the Midnight cometh         |Make it right.
    Morn. Albert Pike             34|  Mrs. M. A. Kidder              32
  American Boy, The               48|Milly                            47
  Black-robed Sisters, The.         |Mississippi Boat Song, A.
    Edmund Lyons                  30|  Samuel Mintum Peck             37
  Bohemians, The. M. Lynch        26|Mother’s Face. E. E. Rexford     18
  Courting days of Old, The.        |Mother’s Heart, A                43
    Nathan D. Timer               40|Mother’s Work                    41
  Cross in the Snow, The.           |Mulberry Tree, The.
    H. W. Longfellow              26|  Benj. F. Johnson               34
  Czar & the Dead Soldier, The    14|My Friend the Cricket and I.
  Doctor to His Horse, The         8|  Lillie E. Barr                 35
  Easily lost but never found.      |Night. Victor Hugo               10
    Ruth Ashmore                   8|Old School-house, The.
  Farmer Green. J. W. Watson      27|  Thomas Dunn English            19
  Father’s Prayer, The. F. P.     21|Old Tenor’s last Song, The.
  Fault-finding Man, The.           |  Thomas Dunn English            10
    Caleb Dunn                    24|Old South and the New, The       22
  Flood is in Brittany, The.        |Petition to Time, A.
    Augusta Webster               11|  B. W. Proctor (Barry Cornwall) 36
  Foretaste. Ella W. Wilcox       47|Promises. Mrs. M. A. Kidder      33
  God’s Support and Guidance      13|Prophetic Dewdrop, The.
  Grandfather’s Grave, The.         |  Shirley C. Hughson              9
    Nathan D. Urner               43|Receiving Ship, The.
  Her Baby’s Grave                13|  Thomas Dunn English            39
  Honor the Brave                 17|Revival, The                     42
  If I were a Voice. C. Mackay    23|Soldier’s Wish, The              48
  In the Workhouse. Geo. R. Sims   5|Sunday. George Herbert           29
  In Time to come.                  |Saint Michael’s Bells.
    Eben E. Rexford               18|  Frank L. Stanton               20
  Jeanette                        17|Tramp’s Story, The.
  Jesus of Nazareth.                |  Will Carleton                  15
    Sydney K. Smith               21|They wadna’ let her marry me.
  Joe, my Pard, the Parson.         |  William Lyle                   37
    S. B. McB                     25|Two Kisses. E. M. N.             45
  Just twenty years ago.            |Until the end.
    Gath Brittle                  12|  Mrs. Margaret J. Preston       42
  King Thread. T. D. English      29|Warning of Time, The.
  Kitty’s Prayer                  35|  Nathan D. Urner                46
  Labor is Honor                  32|What a happy Home you’ve got,
  Lasea. F. Desprez                7|  old Friend. J. S. Fox          31
  Left behind. Mary C. Ames       28|When the old Tree was young.
  Letter to my Mother, A.           |  S. W. Foss                     31
    T. J. Richards                44|When Bessie died. J. W. Riley    22
  Life-voyage, The. Frances         |While we may                     38
    S. Osgood                      3|Wife to her angered Husband, A   14
  Little Bridge, The              41|Wisdom of Age, The               47
  Little Carl’s Resolve.            |With Manhood drowning.
    Mary H. Prichard               4|  Hal Berte                      46
  Little Quakeress, The           31|Woman’s Work for Woman           33
  Love beyond the Grave.            |Yazoo—(Siege of Vicksburg).
    Sir Edwin Arnold              44|  William T. Meredith            38
  Manliness. Rev. M. Stalker      11|

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  Are the Children at Home         3|Magical Isle, The                40
  Aged Prisoner, The               6|Nothing at all in the Paper
  Bull-Fight, The. Lord Byron      6|  to-day                         10
  Birthday Stones                 48|New Church Organ, The.
  Dermot’s Parting                20|  Will M. Carleton               39
  Deacon’s Story, The.              |Out of the Old House, Nancy.
    N. S. Emerson                 37|  Will M. Carleton                8
  Eleventh Hour, The.               |Our Neighbor’s Pity              15
    Anna  L. Ruth                 32|One Day Solitary.
  First Parting, The.               |  J. T. Trowbridge               28
    Marion Douglass                4|Out in the Sobbing Rain.
  Fire-Fiend, The. J. Glenn       35|  Dora Shaw                      33
  Hebrew Tale, A. Mrs. Sigourney   6|One of God’s Little Heroes.
  Heavier the Cross               13|  Margaret J. Preston            44
  How the Ships Came Back         16|Old Man goes to School, The.
  Helvellyn. Sir Walter Scott     31|  John H. Yates                  25
  If we would                      8|Room for you.
  I sue for Damages               11|  George R. Howarth               4
  If we had but known             21|Rabboni. M. J. Preston           22
  Jessie Cameron.                   |Shall we know each other
    Christina G. Rossetti         17|  there?                          4
  Jephthah’s Rash Vow.              |Silent Tower of Bottreaux, The   14
    Miss Howard                   26|Sally in Our Alley.
  Jolly Old Pedagogue, The.         |  Henry Carey                    16
    George Arnold                 40|Sister and I                     19
  Jenny Dunleath. Alice Cary      41|Song of the Market Place, The    34
  Little Mag’s Victory.             |Station-Agent’s Story, The.
    George L. Catlin              15|  Rose Hartwick Thorpe           45
  Low-Backed Car, The.              |True Success.
    Samuel Lover                  18|  F. Denton Merritt               5
  Last Mile-Stones, The.            |Trifles. John E. M‘Cann          36
    Pearl Rivers                  24|Three Bells, The.
  Life from Death.                  |  John G. Whittier               47
    Horatius Bonar                37|Widow’s Light, The.
  McDonald’s Raid.—A. D. 1780.      |  Augusta Moore                  12
    Paul H. Hayne                 29|

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.


Price, 12 cents by mail; 1 and 2 cent stamps taken.

  Abd’s Lesson.                     |Lost Nelly                        9
    Thos. Dunn English            29|Magdalen, The.
  Aquæon Bibamus.                   |  Kate Saxon                      7
    J. E. Rankin D.D.             40|Modjesky as Cameel.
  As you go through Life.           |  Eugene Field                   35
    Ella W. Wilcox                19|Moray and his Thirty             39
  At Bay. Oscar Fay Adams         26|Mother’s Vigil, The.
  Belle of the Miners’ Ball,        |  Hugh Conway                    37
    The                           47|Nathan Hale.
  Bertram’s Vigil. Emma             |  Eugene Geary                    3
  Alice Browne                     7|Never too Late.
  Betrothed, The.                   |  Josephine Pollard              33
    Rudyard Kipling               46|Only a Brakesman killed           8
  Benediction, The                15|Only a Woman.
  Betrayed                        13|  Dinah Maria Mulock              5
  Betsy and I are out             43|Our Traveled Parson.
  Between the Lights. The           |  Will Carleton                  10
    Widow’s Story.                  |Over the Crossin’                27
    Emma Alice Browne             85|Raising the Evil One.
  Bright Hours.                     |  Ingoldsby                      34
    Margaret Husted               48|Robert of Lincoln.
  Czar and the Scout, The.          |  Wm. Cullen Bryant              21
    Lillie E. Barr                24|Scout, The. 1864                 38
  Don’t be in a Hurry             26|Sailor’s Wife, The.
  Downhearted                     41|  Nathan D. Urner                17
  Dying Alchemist, The.             |Selling the Baby.
    N. P. Willis                  18|  Ada Carleton                   13
  Ghosts of the Manor, The.         |Seventeenth Century Story, A     12
    Minnie Irving                 14|She was a Phantom of Delight.
  Great Love and I.                 |  Wadsworth                      24
    Francis Hodgson Burnett       30|Single for Life                  28
  Grey Knight, The.                 |Song of Steam, The               37
    Thomas Dunn English            4|Sotto Voce                       20
  Guild’s Signal. Bret Harte      45|Stowaway, The. Matthison         42
  Her Chair.—A History.             |Tale of the Black Hills, A.
    Francis Bennoch               21|  Michael Lynch                  22
  Hope—Life—Man.                    |Tired Mother, The                41
    Thos. Carlyle                 41|To my Mother.
  Humanity. H. S. Keller          35|  Heinrich Heine                 31
  In Honor Bound.                   |Under the Purple and Motley.
    Nathan D. Urner               32|  Robt. J. Burdette              20
  Jolly Robyn Roughhead           38|When the Circus cum to town.
  Last, shall be First, The.        |  James A. Parks                 31
    Walter W. Skeat               47|Wock of Bages.
  Legend of the Belis, The.         |  Hans Gobel                     29
    Minnie Adele Hausen           33|

            M. J. IVERS & CO., 379 Pearl Street, New York.

Transcriber’s Note

This catalogue was originally bound into the back of Ivers’ 1887 edition
of _Manual of Parliamentary Practice: Rules of Proceeding and Debate in
Deliberative Assemblies_, by Luther S. Cushing
[EBook #60757 at Project Gutenberg].

End of Project Gutenberg's Catalogue of "Standard Recitations", by Anonymous


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