\iffalse;                               awk '/S[H]ELL/' lineno.sty|sh;exit;\fi
%%%                        To pretty-print this file, feed it to a unix shell!
%%% $Id: lineno.sty,v 3.11 2002/01/26 23:40:55 stephan Exp $
%%% Copyright 1995--2001 Stephan I. B"ottcher <stephan@nevis.columbia.edu>
%%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
%%% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
%%% version 1 of the License, or any later version.
%                                      \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}%D
%                                                        \usepackage{lineno}%D
%                                                                      \title{
%                                                             \texttt{\itshape
%         lineno.sty \ v3.08b 2002/02/27
%                                                                      }\\\ \\
%          A \LaTeX\ package  to attach                  
% \\        Line numbers to paragraphs
%                                                                    }\author{
%              Stephan I. B\"ottcher                    
%                                                                      }\date{
%            stephan@nevis.columbia.edu                   
%% \\        Stephan.Boettcher@desy.de                     
%% \\        Stephan.Boettcher@cern.ch                     
%                                                                          \\}
%                                                                \def~{\verb~}
%                                                       \catcode`\<\catcode`\~
%                                   \def<#1>{$\langle${\itshape#1}\/$\rangle$}
%                                                       \catcode`\|\catcode`\~
%                                                \def|#1{{\ttfamily\string#1}}
%                                                        \newenvironment{code}
%                                                     {\par\runninglinenumbers
%                                                        \modulolinenumbers[1]
%                                                           \linenumbersep.3em
%                                                                \footnotesize
%                                                          \def\linenumberfont
%                                                  {\normalfont\tiny\itshape}}
%                                                                           {}
%                                                           \begin{document}%D
%%                                                     \DocInput{lineno.doc}%D
%                                                         \pagewiselinenumbers
%                                                                   \maketitle
%                                                             \tableofcontents
%                                                                      \sloppy
%                                                                    \section{
%                    Introduction
%                                                                            }
% This package provides line numbers on paragraphs.
% After \TeX\ has broken a paragraph into lines there will
% be line numbers attached to them, with the possibility to
% make references  through the \LaTeX\ ~\ref~, ~\pageref~
% cross reference mechanism.  This includes four issues:
%                                                              \begin{itemize}
% \item   attach a line number on each line,
% \item   create references to a line number,
% \item   control line numbering mode,
% \item   count the lines and print the numbers.
%                                                                \end{itemize}
% The first two points are implemented through patches to
% the output routine.  The third by redefining ~\par~, ~\@par~
% and ~\@@par~.  The counting is easy, as long as you want
% the line numbers run through the text.  If they shall
% start over at the top of each page, the aux-file as well
% as \TeX s memory have to carry a load for each counted line.
% I wrote this package for my wife Petra, who needs it for
% transcriptions of interviews.  This allows her to
% precisely refer to passages in the text.  It works well
% together with ~\marginpar~s, but not to well with displaymath. 
% ~\footnote~s are a problem, especially when they
% are split, but we may get there. 
% lineno.sty works
% surprisingly well with other packages, for
% example, ~wrapfig.sty~.  So please try if it
% works with whatever you need, and if it does,
% please tell me, and if it does not, tell me as
% well, so I can try to fix it.
% This style option is written for \LaTeXe, later than November 1994,
% since we need the ~\protected@write~ macro.

  [2002/01/27 line numbers on paragraphs v3.08b]

%% v1.00 1995/03/31  SIB: first release for Petras interview transcriptions
%% v1.01 1995/10/28  SIB: added ~pagewise~ mode
%% v1.02 1995/11/15  SIB: added ~modulo~ option  
%% v1.03 1995/12/05  SIB: pagewise: try to reduce the hash-size requirements
%% v2.00 1995/12/06  SIB:   .. it works, new user interface
%% v2.01 1996/09/17  SIB: put into CVS
%% v2.02 1997/03/17  SIB: add: \@reinserts, for footnotes
%% v2.04 1998/03/09  SIB: add: linenomath environment
%% v2.05 1998/04/26  SIB: add: prevgraf test
%% v2.06 1999/03/02  SIB: LPPL added
%% v3.00 1999/06/11  SiB: include the extension in the main file
%% v3.01 1999/08/28  SiB: \@reinserts -> \holdinginserts
%% v3.02 2000/03/10  SiB: \@LN@output
%% v3.03 2000/07/01  SiB: \@LN@ExtraLabelItems, hyperref
%% v3.04 2000/12/17  SiB: longtable compatibility.
%% v3.05 2001/01/02  SiB: [fleqn] detection. 
%% v3.05a 2001/01/04 SiB: [fleqn] detection reverted for eqnarray. 
%% v3.06 2001/01/17  SiB: [twocolumn] mode support.
%% v3.07 2001/07/30  SiB: [hyperref] option obsoleted.
%% v3.08 2001/08/02  SiB: linenomath wrapping for \[ \]
%% v3.08a 2001/08/04  SiB: linenomath wrapping for \[ \] fixed
%% v3.08b 2002/01/27  SiB: enquotation typo fix
%% Acknowledgements:
%% v3.06:  Donald Arseneau, pointed to mparhack.sty.
%% v3.07+: Frank Mittelbach, points out inconsistencies in the
%%         user interface.
%                                                                    \section{
%          Put the line numbers to the lines
%                                                                            }
% The line numbers have to be attached by the output
% routine.  We simply set the ~\interlinepenalty~ to -100000.
% The output routine will be called after each line in the
% paragraph,  except the last,  where we trigger by ~\par~.
% The ~\linenopenalty~ is small enough to compensate a bunch of
% penalties (e.g., with ~\samepage~).
% (New v3.04)            Longtable uses 
% ~\penaly~-30000.  The lineno penalty range was 
% shrunk to $-188000 \dots -32000$.  (/New v3.04)


% So let's make a hook to ~\output~,  the direct way. The \LaTeX\ 
% macro ~\@reinserts~ puts the footnotes back on the page.
% (New v3.01)                ~\@reinserts~ badly
% screws up split footnotes.  The bottom part is
% still on the recent contributions list, and the
% top part will be put back there after the bottom
% part. Thus, since lineno.sty does not play well
% with ~\inserts~ anyway, we can safely experiment
% with ~\holdinginserts~, without making things
% much worse.    
% Or that's what I thought, but:  Just activating
% ~\holdinginserts~ while doing the ~\par~ will
% not do the trick:  The ~\output~ routine may be
% called for a real page break before all line
% numbers are done, and how can we get control
% over ~\holdinginserts~ at that point?
% Let's try this:  When the ~\output~ routine is
% run with ~\holdinginserts=3~ for a real page
% break, then we reset ~\holdinginserts~ and
% restart ~\output~.
% Then, again, how do we keep the remaining
% ~\inserts~ while doing further line numbers? 
% If we find ~\holdinginserts~=-3 we activate it again 
% after doing ~\output~.             (/New v3.01)
% (New v3.02)                    To work with
% multicol.sty, the original output routine is now
% called indirectly, instead of being replaced.
% When multicol.sty changes ~\output~, it is a
% toks register, not the real thing. (/New v3.02)

                   \global\holdinginserts 3

% The float mechanism inserts ~\interlinepenalty~s during
% ~\output~.  So carefully reset it before going on.  Else
% we get doubled line numbers on every float placed in
% horizontal mode, e.g, from ~\linelabel~.  
% Sorry, neither a ~\linelabel~ nor a ~\marginpar~ should
% insert a penalty, else the following linenumber
% could go to the next page. Nor should any other
% float.  So let us suppress the ~\interlinepenalty~ 
% altogether with the ~\@nobreak~ switch.
% Since (ltspace.dtx, v1.2p)[1996/07/26], the ~\@nobreaktrue~ does
% it's job globally.  We need to do it locally here.



% We have to return all the page to the current page, and
% add a box with the line number, without adding
% breakpoints, glue or space.  The depth of our line number
% should be equal to the previous depth of the page, in
% case the page breaks here,  and the box has to be moved up
% by that depth.  
% The ~\interlinepenalty~ comes after the ~\vadjust~ from a
% ~\linelabel~,  so we increment the line number \emph{after}
% printing it. The macro ~\makeLineNumber~ produces the
% text of the line number, see section \ref{appearance}.
% Finally we put in the natural ~\interlinepenalty~, except
% after the last line. 

\def\MakeLineNo{\@tempdima\dp\@cclv \unvbox\@cclv
   \sbox\@tempboxa{\hbox to\z@{\makeLineNumber}}%
       \advance\@tempcnta -\linenopenalty

%                                                                    \section{
%               Control line numbering
%                                                                            }
% The line numbering is controlled via ~\par~.  \LaTeX\
% saved the \TeX-primitive ~\par~ in ~\@@par~.  We push it
% one level further out, and redefine ~\@@par~ to insert
% the ~\interlinepenalty~ needed to trigger the
% line numbering. And we need to allow pagebreaks after a
% paragraph. 
% New (2.05beta): the prevgraf test.  A paragraph that ends with a
% displayed equation, a ~\noindent\par~ or ~wrapfig.sty~ produce empty
% paragraphs. These should not get a spurious line number via
% ~\linenopenaltypar~. 


     \advance\interlinepenalty \linenopenalty
     \advance\interlinepenalty -\linenopenalty

% The basic commands to enable and disable line numbers.
% ~\@par~ and ~\par~ are only touched, when they are ~\let~ 
% to ~\@@@par~/~\linenumberpar~.  The line number may be
% reset to 1 with the star-form, or set by an optional
% argument ~[~<number>~]~. 



% What happens with a display math?  Since ~\par~ is not executed,
% when breaking the lines before a display, they will not get
% line numbers.  Sorry, but I do not dare to change
% ~\interlinepenalty~ globally, nor do I want to redefine
% the display math environments here.
%   \begin{displaymath}
%                       display \ math
%   \end{displaymath}
% See the subsection below, for a wrapper enviroment to make
% it work.  But that requires to wrap each and every display
% in your LaTeX source.
% The next two commands are provided to turn on line
% numbering in a specific mode. Please note the difference:
% for pagewise numbering, ~\linenumbers~ comes first to
% inhibit it from seeing optional arguments, since
% re-/presetting the counter is useless. 


% Finally, it is a \LaTeX\ style, so we provide for the use
% of environments, including the suppression of the
% following paragraph's indentation.

%%% TO DO: add \par to \linenumbers, if called from an environment.
%%% To DO: add an \@endpe hack if \linenumbers are turned on
%%%        in horizontal mode. {\par\parskip\z@\noindent} or
%%%        something.


\expandafter\let\csname endlinenumbers*\endcsname\endlinenumbers
\expandafter\let\csname endrunninglinenumbers*\endcsname\endlinenumbers

%                                                                 \subsection{
%                  Display math
%                                                                            }
% Now we tackle the problem to get display math working.  
% There are different options.
%                                                      \begin{enumerate}\item[
% 1.]  Precede every display math with a ~\par~.  
%      Not too good.
%                                                                       \item[
% 2.]  Change ~\interlinepenalty~ and associates globally.  
%      Unstable.
%                                                                       \item[
% 3.]  Wrap each display math with a ~{linenomath}~  
%      environment. 
%                                                              \end{enumerate}
% We'll go for option 3.  See if it works:  
% \begin{linenomath}
%   \begin{equation}
%      display \ math
%   \end{equation}
% \end{linenomath}
% The star form ~{linenomath*}~ should also number the lines
% of the display itself,
% \begin{linenomath*}
%   \begin{eqnarray}
%     multi   && line \\
%     display && math \\
%     & 
%     \begin{array}{c}
%       with \\
%       array
%     \end{array}
%     &
%   \end{eqnarray}
% \end{linenomath*}
% including multline displays.
% First, here are two macros to turn
% on linenumbering on paragraphs preceeding displays, with
% numbering the lines of the display itself, or without.
% The ~\ifx..~ tests if line numbering is turned on.  It
% does not harm to add these wrappers in sections that are
% not numbered.  Nor does it harm to wrap a display
% twice, e.q, in case you have some ~{equation}~s wrapped
% explicitely, and later you redefine ~\equation~ to do it
% automatically. 

      \advance\interlinepenalty \linenopenalty
      \advance\predisplaypenalty \linenopenalty

      \advance\interlinepenalty \linenopenalty
      \advance\predisplaypenalty \linenopenalty
      \advance\postdisplaypenalty \linenopenalty
      \advance\interdisplaylinepenalty \linenopenalty

% The ~{linenomath}~ environment has two forms, with and
% without a star.  The following two macros define the
% environment, where the stared/non-stared form does/doesn't number the
% lines of the display or vice versa.



\expandafter\let\csname endlinenomath*\endcsname\endlinenomath

% The default is not to number the lines of a display.  But
% the package option ~mathlines~ may be used to switch
% that behavior.


%                                                                    \section{
%               Line number references
%                                                                            }
% The only way to get a label to a line number in a
% paragraph is to ask the output routine to mark it.
% We use the marginpar mechanism to hook to ~\output~ for a
% second time.  Marginpars are floats with number $-1$, we
% fake marginpars with No $-2$. Originally, every negative
% numbered float was considered to be a marginpar.
% The float box number ~\@currbox~ is used to transfer the
% label name in a macro called ~\@LNL@~<box-number>.
% A ~\newlabel~ is written to the aux-file.  The reference
% is to ~\theLineNumber~, \emph{not} ~\thelinenumber~.
% This allows to hook in, as done below for pagewise line
% numbering. 
% (New v3.03) The ~\@LN@ExtraLabelItems~ are added for a hook
% to keep packages like ~{hyperref}~ happy.      (/New v3.03)

            {\csname @LNL@\the\@currbox\endcsname}%


%                                                                 \subsection{
%       The linelabel command
%                                                                            }
% To refer to a place in line ~\ref{~<foo>~}~ at page
% ~\pageref{~<foo>~}~ you place a ~\linelabel{~<foo>~}~ at
% that place.
%                   \linelabel{demo}
%                   \marginpar{\tiny\raggedright
%                       See if it works: This paragraph
%                       starts on page \pageref{demo}, line
%                       \ref{demo}.  
%                       }%
% If you use this command outside a ~\linenumbers~
% paragraph, you will get references to some bogus
% line numbers, sorry.  But we don't disable the command,
% because only the ~\par~ at the end of a paragraph  may
% decides whether to print line numbers on this paragraph
% or not.  A ~\linelabel~ may legally appear earlier than
% ~\linenumbers~.
% ~\linelabel~, via a fake float number $-2$, puts a
% ~\penalty~ into a ~\vadjust~, which triggers the
% pagebuilder after putting the current line to the main
% vertical list.  A ~\write~ is placed on the main vertical
% list, which prints a reference to the current value of
% ~\thelinenumber~ and ~\thepage~ at the time of the
% ~\shipout~.
% A ~\linelabel~ is allowed only in outer horizontal mode.
% In outer vertical mode we start a paragraph, and ignore
% trailing spaces (by fooling ~\@esphack~).
% The argument of ~\linelabel~ is put into a macro with a
% name derived from the number of the allocated float box.
% Much of the rest is dummy float setup.

       \ifinner \else 
          \leavevmode \@bsphack \@savsk\p@
       \@floatpenalty -\@Mii
            \expandafter\gdef\csname @LNL@\the\@currbox\endcsname{#1}}%
           {\@floatpenalty\z@ \@fltovf \def\@currbox{\@tempboxa}}%
           \setbox\@currbox \color@vbox \vbox \bgroup \end@float
       \@ignorefalse \@esphack

%                                                        \modulolinenumbers[3]
%                                                                    \section{
%               The appearance of the line numbers
%                                                          }\label{appearance}
% The line numbers are set as ~\tiny\sffamily\arabic{linenumber}~,
% $10pt$ left of the text.  With options to place it
% right of the text, or . . .
%      . . . here are the hooks:


                         \hbox to\linenumberwidth{\hss\LineNumber}\hss}




% Margin switching requires ~pagewise~ numbering mode, but
% choosing the left or right margin for the numbers always
% works. 





% ~\LineNumber~ is a hook which is used for the modulo stuff.
% It is the command to use for the line number, when you
% customizes ~\makeLineNumber~.  Use ~\thelinenumber~ to
% change the outfit of the digits.
% We will implement two modes of operation:
%                                                              \begin{itemize}
% \item  numbers ~running~ through (parts of) the text
% \item  ~pagewise~ numbers starting over with one on top of
%        each page.
%                                                                \end{itemize}
% Both modes have their own count register, but only one is
% allocated as a \LaTeX\ counter, with the attached
% facilities serving both.


% Only the running mode counter may be reset, or preset,
% for individual paragraphs.  The pagewise counter must
% give a unique anonymous number for each line.


%                                                                 \subsection{
%               Running line numbers
%                                                                            }
% Running mode is easy,  ~\LineNumber~ and ~\theLineNumber~
% produce ~\thelinenumber~, which defaults to
% ~\arabic{linenumber}~, using the ~\c@runninglinenumber~
% counter.  This is the default mode of operation.




%                                                                 \subsection{
%               Pagewise line numbers
%                                                                            }
% Difficult, if you think about it.  The number has to be
% printed when there is no means to know on which page it
% will end up,  except through the aux-file.  My solution  
% is really expensive, but quite robust.  
% With version ~v2.00~ the hashsize requirements are
% reduced, because we do not need one controlsequence for
% each line any more.  But this costs some computation time
% to find out on which page we are.
% ~\makeLineNumber~ gets a hook to log the line and page
% number to the aux-file.  Another hook tries to find out
% what the page offset is, and subtracts it from the counter
% ~\c@linenumber~.  Additionally, the switch
% ~\ifoddNumberedPage~ is set true for odd numbered pages,
% false otherwise.



% Each numbered line gives a line to the aux file
%                                                                \begin{verse}
%     ~\@LN{~<line>~}{~<page>~}~
%                                                                  \end{verse}
% very similar to the ~\newlabel~ business, except that we need
% an arabic representation of the page number, not what
% there might else be in ~\thepage~.


% From the aux-file we get one macro ~\LN@P~<page> for each
% page with line numbers on it.  This macro calls four other
% macros with one argument each.  These macros are
% dynamically defined to do tests and actions, to find out
% on which page the current line number is located.
% We need sort of a pointer to the first page with line
% numbers, initiallized to point to nothing:


% The four dynamic macros are initiallized to reproduce
% themselves in an ~\xdef~

\let\lastLN\relax  % compare to last line on this page
\let\firstLN\relax % compare to first line on this page
\let\pageLN\relax  % get the page number, compute the linenumber
\let\nextLN\relax  % move to the next page

% During the end-document run through the aux-files, we
% disable ~\@LN~.  I may put in a check here later, to give
% a rerun recommendation.  


% Now, this is the tricky part.  First of all, the whole
% definition of ~\@LN~ is grouped, to avoid accumulation
% on the save stack. Somehow ~\csname~<cs>~\endcsname~ pushes
% an entry, which stays after an ~\xdef~ to that <cs>.
% If ~\LN@P~<page> is undefined, initialize it with the
% current page and line number, with the
% \emph{pointer-to-the-next-page} pointing to nothing.  And
% the macro for the previous page will be redefined to point
% to the current one. 
% If the macro for the current page already exists, just
% redefine the \emph{last-line-number} entry.
% Finally, save the current page number, to get the pointer to the
% following page later.

                 \csname LN@P#2C\@LN@column\expandafter\endcsname
                 \csname LN@PO#2\endcsname

    \expandafter\@@@LN\csname LN@P\LastNumberedPage\endcsname#1

% The previous page macro gets its pointer to the
% current one, replacing the ~\relax~ with the cs-token
% ~\LN@P~<page>.  


% Now, to print a line number, we need to find the page,
% where it resides.  This will most probably be the page where
% the last one came from, or maybe the next page.  However, it can
% be a completely different one.  We maintain a cache,
% which is ~\let~ to the last page's macro.  But for now
% it is initialized to expand ~\LN@first~, where the poiner
% to the first numbered page has been stored in. 


% To find out on which page the current ~\c@linenumber~ is, 
% we define the four dynamic macros to do something usefull
% and execute the current cache macro.  ~\lastLN~ is run
% first, testing if the line number in question may be on a
% later page.  If so, disable ~\firstLN~, and go on to the
% next page via ~\nextLN~.


% Else, if ~\firstLN~ finds out that we need an earlier
% page,  we start over from the beginning. Else, ~\nextLN~
% will be disabled, and ~\pageLN~ will run
% ~\gotNumberedPage~ with four arguments: the first line
% number on this column, the page number, the column 
% number, and the first line on the page.


% We start with ~\pageLN~ disabled and ~\nextLN~ defined to
% continue the search with the next page.

\long\def \@gobblethree #1#2#3{}


% When we switch to another page, we first have to make
% sure that it is there.  If we are done with the last 
% page, we probably need to run \TeX\ again, but for the
% rest of this run, the cache macro will just return four
% zeros. This saves a lot of time, for example if you have
% half of an aux-file from an aborted run,  in the next run
% the whole page-list would be searched in vain again and
% again for the second half of the document.
% If there is another page, we iterate the search. 

                    {Linenumber reference failed,
      \MessageBreak  rerun to get it right}%

%                             \linelabel{demo2}
%                             \marginpar{\tiny\raggedright
%                                 Let's see if it finds the label
%                                 on page \pageref{demo}, 
%                                 line \ref{demo}, and back here
%                                 on page \pageref{demo2}, line
%                                 \ref{demo2}. 
%                                 }%
% To separate the official hooks from the internals there is
% this equivalence, to hook in later for whatever purpose:


% So, now we got the page where the number is on.  We
% establish if we are on an odd or even page, and calculate
% the final line number to be printed.


  \ifodd \if@twocolumn #3\else #2\fi\relax\oddNumberedPagetrue\fi
  \advance\c@linenumber 1\relax

% You might want to run the pagewise mode with running line
% numbers, or you might not.  It's your choice:




% For line number references, we need a protected call to
% the whole procedure, with the requested line number stored
% in the ~\c@linenumber~ counter.  This is what gets printed
% to the aux-file to make a label:


% And here is what happens when the label is refered to:

  \c@linenumber #1\relax\testNumberedPage

%                                                                            %
% A summary of all per line expenses:
%                                                     \begin{description}\item
% [CPU:]  The ~\output~ routine is called for each line,
%         and the page-search is done.
%                                                                        \item
% [DISK:] One line of output to the aux-file for each
%         numbered line
%                                                                        \item
% [MEM:]  One macro per page. Great improvement over v1.02,
%         which had one control sequence per line in
%         addition.  It blew the hash table after some five
%         thousand lines. 
%                                                            \end{description}
%                                                                 \subsection{
%                  Twocolumn mode (New v3.06)
%                                                                            }
% Twocolumn mode requires another patch to the ~\output~ 
% routine, in order to print a column tag to the .aux 
% file.

   \setbox\@outputbox \vbox{%
      \boxmaxdepth \@maxdepth
   }% \vbox


%                                                                 \subsection{
%                  Numbering modulo 5
%                                                                            }
% Most users want to have only one in five lines numbered.
% ~\LineNumber~ is supposed to produce the outfit of the
% line number attached to the line,  while ~\thelinenumber~
% is used also for references, which should appear even if
% they are not multiples of five.   



% The user command to set the modulo counter:



%                                                           \switchlinenumbers
%                                                        \modulolinenumbers[1]
%                                                                    \section{
%                   Package options
%                                                                            }
% There is a bunch of package options, all of them
% executing only user commands (see below).
% Options ~left~ (~right~) put the line numbers on the left
% (right) margin.  This works in all modes.  ~left~ is the
% default.



% Option ~switch~ (~switch*~) puts the line numbers on the
% outer (inner) margin of the text.   This requires running
% the pagewise mode,  but we turn off the page offset
% subtraction, getting sort of running numbers again.  The
% ~pagewise~ option may restore true pagewise mode later.



% In twocolumn mode, we can switch the line numbers to 
% the outer margin, and/or start with number 1 in each
% column.  Margin switching is covered by the ~switch~ 
% options.


% The options ~pagewise~ and ~running~ select the major
% linenumber mechanism.  ~running~ line numbers refer to a real
% counter value, which can be reset for any paragraph,
% even getting  multiple paragraphs on one page starting
% with line number one.  ~pagewise~ line numbers get a
% unique hidden number within the document,  but with the
% opportunity to establish the page on which they finally
% come to rest.  This allows the subtraction of the page
% offset, getting the numbers starting with 1 on top of each
% page, and margin switching in twoside formats becomes
% possible.  The default mode is ~running~.  
% The order of declaration of the options is important here
% ~pagewise~ must come after ~switch~, to overide running
% pagewise mode. ~running~ comes last, to reset the running
% line number mode, e.g, after selecting margin switch mode
% for ~pagewise~ running.  Once more, if you specify all
% three of the options ~[switch,pagewise,running]~, the
% result is almost nothing, but if you later say
% ~\pagewiselinenumbers~,  you get margin switching, with
% real pagewise line numbers.


% The option ~modulo~ causes only those linenumbers to be
% printed which are multiples of five. 


% The package option ~mathlines~ switches the behavior of
% the ~{linenomath}~ environment with its star-form.
% Without this option, the ~{linenomath}~ environment does
% not number the lines of the display, while the star-form
% does.  With this option, its just the opposite.
%%% 1999-06-10: renamed ~displaymath~ to ~mathlines~.


% ~displaymath~ now calls for wrappers of the standard 
% LaTeX display math environment.  This was previously 
% done by ~mlineno.sty~.


% The ~hyperref~ package, via ~nameref~, requires three more 
% groups in the second argment of a ~\newlabel~.  Well, why 
% shouldn't it get them?  (New v3.07) The presencs of the
% ~nameref~ package is now detected automatically
% ~\AtBeginDocument~. (/New v3.07)

                Option [hyperref] is obsolete. 
  \MessageBreak The hyperref package is detected automatically.}}



%                                                                 \subsection{
%              Package Extensions
%                                                                            }
%  The extensions in this section were previously supplied 
%  in seperate ~.sty~ files.
%                                                              \subsubsection{
%              $display math$
%                                                                            }
%  The standard \LaTeX\ display math environments are
%  wrapped in a ~{linenomath}~ environment.
% (New 3.05)  The ~[fleqn]~ option of the standard
% \LaTeX\ classes defines the display math
% environments such that line numbers appear just
% fine.  Thus, we need not do any tricks when
% ~[fleqn]~ is loaded, as indicated by presents of
% the ~\mathindent~ register.           (/New 3.05)
% (New 3.05a)  for ~{eqnarray}~s we rather keep the
% old trick.                            (/New 3.05a)
% (New 3.08) Wrap ~\[~ and ~\]~ into ~{linenomath}~, 
% instead of ~{displaymath}~.  Also save the definition
% of ~\equation~, instead of replicating the current 
% \LaTeX\ definition.                    (/New 3.08)




  }% \@ifundefined{mathindent}


%                                                              \subsubsection{
%      Line numbers in internal vertical mode
%                                                                            }
% The command ~\internallinenumbers~ adds line numbers in 
% internal vertical mode, but with limitations: we assume
% fixed baseline skip.


\expandafter\let\csname endinternallinenumbers*\endcsname\endlinenumbers



   \hbox to\z@{\makeLineNumber}\global\advance\c@linenumber\@ne

%                                                              \subsubsection{
%      Line number references with offset
%                                                                            }
% This extension defines macros to refer to line
% numbers with an offset, e.g., to refer to a line
% which cannot be labeled directly (display math).
% This was formerly knows as ~rlineno.sty~.
% To refer to a pagewise line number with offset:
%                                                                \begin{quote}
%   ~\linerefp[~<OFFSET>~]{~<LABEL>~}~
%                                                                  \end{quote}
% To refer to a running line number with offset:
%                                                                \begin{quote}
%   ~\linerefr[~<OFFSET>~]{~<LABEL>~}~
%                                                                  \end{quote}
% To refer to a line number labeled in the same mode as currently
% selected:
%                                                                \begin{quote}
%   ~\lineref[~<OFFSET>~]{~<LABEL>~}~
%                                                                  \end{quote}



% This goes deep into \LaTeX s internals.

   \expandafter\@setref\csname r@#2\endcsname


%                                                              \subsubsection{
%      Numbered quotation environments
%                                                                            }
% The ~{numquote}~ and ~{numquotation}~
% environments are like ~{quote}~ and
% ~{quotation}~, except there will be line
% numbers.  
% An optional argument gives the number to count
% from.  A star ~*~ (inside or outside the closing
% ~}~) prevent the reset of the line numbers.
% Default is to count from one.




\newenvironment{numquote}     {\quote\numquotelist}{\endquote}
\newenvironment{numquotation} {\quotation\numquotelist}{\endquotation}
\newenvironment{numquote*}    {\quote\numquotelist*}{\endquote}

%                                                              \subsubsection{
%      Frame around a paragraph
%                                                                            }
% The ~{bframe}~ environment draws a frame around
% some text, across page breaks, if necessary.
% This works only for plain text paragraphs,
% without special height lines. All lines must be
% ~\baselineskip~ apart, no display math.

   \advance\@tempdima 2\bframesep
   \setbox\bframebox\hbox to\textwidth{%
   \advance\@tempdima 2\bframesep




%                                                                    \section{
%                   The final touch
%                                                                            }
% There is one deadcycle for each line number.

\advance\maxdeadcycles 100


%                                                                    \section{
%              The user commands
%                                                                            }
% The user command to turn on and off line numbering 
% are 
%                                                     \begin{description}\item
% [|\linenumbers]                                                       \ \par
%     Turn on line numbering in the current mode.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\linenumbers*]                                              \ \par$\qquad$
%        and reset the line number to 1.
%                                                      \def\NL{<number>]}\item
% [|\linenumbers[\NL]                                           \ \par$\qquad$
%        and start with <number>.  
%                                                                        \item
% [|\nolinenumbers]                                                     \ \par
%     Turn off line numbering.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\runninglinenumbers*[\NL]                                           \ \par
%     Turn on ~running~ line numbers, with the same optional
%     arguments as ~\linenumbers~.  The numbers are running
%     through the text over pagebreaks.  When you turn
%     numbering off and on again, the numbers will continue,
%     except, of cause, if you ask to reset or preset the
%     counter.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\pagewiselinenumbers]                                               \ \par
%     Turn on ~pagewise~ line numbers.  The lines on each
%     page are numbered beginning with one at the first
%     ~pagewise~ numbered line.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\resetlinenumber[\NL]                                               \ \par
%     Reset ~[~Set~]~ the line number to 1
%     ~[~<number>~]~.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\setrunninglinenumbers]                                             \ \par
%     Switch to ~running~ line number mode. Do \emph{not}
%     turn it on or off.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\setpagewiselinenumbers]                                            \ \par
%     Switch to ~pagewise~ line number mode. Do \emph{not}
%     turn it on or off.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\switchlinenumbers*]                                                \ \par
%     Causes margin switching in pagewise modes. With the
%     star,  put the line numbers on the inner margin.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\leftlinenumbers*]                                                  \ \par
%                                                                        \item
% [|\rightlinenumbers*]                                                 \ \par
%     Set the line numbers in the left/right margin. With the
%     star this works for both modes of operation, without
%     the star only for the currently selected mode. 
%                                                                        \item
% [|\runningpagewiselinenumbers]                                        \ \par
%     When using the pagewise line number mode,  do not
%     subtract the page offset.  This results in running
%     line numbers again,  but with the possibility to switch
%     margins.  Be careful when doing line number
%     referencing,  this mode status must be the same while
%     setting the paragraph and during references.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\realpagewiselinenumbers]                                           \ \par
%     Reverses the effect of ~\runningpagewiselinenumbers~.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\modulolinenumbers[\NL]                                             \ \par
%     Give a number only to lines which are multiples of
%     ~[~<number>~]~.  If <number> is not specified, the
%     current value in the counter ~linenumbermodulo~ is
%     retained.  <number>=1 turns this off without changing
%     ~linenumbermodulo~.  The counter is initialized to 5.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\linenumberdisplaymath]                                             \ \par
%     Number the lines of a display math in a ~{linenomath}~
%     environment, but do not in a ~{linenomath*}~
%     environment.  This is used by the package option
%     ~[mathlines]~. 
%                                                                        \item
% [|\nolinenumberdisplaymath]                                           \ \par
%     Do not Number the lines of a display math in a
%     ~{linenomath}~ environment, but do in a
%     ~{linenomath*}~ environment.  This is the default.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\linelabel]                                                         \ \par
%     Set a ~\linelabel{~<foo>~}~ to the line number where
%     this commands is in.  Refer to it with the \LaTeX\
%     referencing commands ~\ref{~<foo>~}~ and
%     ~\pageref{~<foo>~}~.
%                                                            \end{description}
% The commands can be used globally, locally within groups
% or as environments.  It is important to know that they 
% take action only when the ~\par~ is executed.  The
% ~\end{~<mode>~linenumbers}~ commands provide a ~\par~.
% Examples:
%                                                                \begin{verse}
%   ~{\linenumbers~  <text> ~\par}~                                         \\
%                                                                         \ \\
%   ~\begin{linenumbers}~                                                   \\
%       <text>                                                              \\
%   ~\end{linenumbers}~                                                     \\
%                                                                         \ \\
%   <paragraph> ~{\linenumbers\par}~                                        \\
%                                                                         \ \\
%   ~\linenumbers~                                                          \\
%     <text> ~\par~                                                         \\
%   ~\nolinenumbers~                                                        \\
%                                                                         \ \\
%   ~\linenumbers~                                                          \\
%   <paragraph> ~{\nolinenumbers\par}~                                      \\
%                                                                  \end{verse}
%                                                                 \subsection{
%                 Customization hooks
%                                                                            }
% There are several hooks to customize the appearance of the
% line numbers, and some low level hooks for special
% effects. 
%                                                     \begin{description}\item
% [|\thelinenumber]                                                     \ \par
%     This macro should give the representation of the line
%     number in the \LaTeX-counter ~linenumber~.  The
%     default is provided by \LaTeX:                              \par$\qquad$
%         ~\arabic{linenumber}~
%                                                                        \item
% [|\makeLineNumberLeft]                                                \ \par
%     This macro is used to attach a line number to the left
%     of the text page.  This macro should fill an ~\hbox to 0pt~ 
%     which will be placed at the left margin of the
%     page, with the reference point aligned to the line to
%     which it should give a number.  Please use the macro
%     ~\LineNumber~ to refer to the line number. 
%     The default definition is                                   \par$\qquad$
%         ~\hss\linenumberfont\LineNumber\hskip\linenumbersep~
%                                                                        \item
% [|\makeLineNumberRight]                                               \ \par
%     Like ~\makeLineNumberLeft~, but for line numbers on
%     the right margin.
%     The default definition is                                   \par$\qquad$
%        ~\linenumberfont\hskip\linenumbersep\hskip\textwidth~    \par$\qquad$
%        ~\hbox to\linenumberwidth{\hss\LineNumber}\hss~
%                                                                        \item
% [|\linenumberfont]                                                    \ \par
%     This macro is initialized to                                \par$\qquad$
%         ~\normalfont\tiny\sffamily~
%                                                                        \item
% [|\linenumbersep]                                                     \ \par
%     This dimension register sets the separation of the
%     linenumber to the text. Default value is ~10pt~.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\linenumberwidth]                                                   \ \par
%     This dimension register sets the width of the line
%     number box on the right margin.  The distance of the
%     right edge of the text to the right edge of the line
%     number is ~\linenumbersep~ + ~\linenumberwidth~. The
%     default value is ~10pt~.  
%                                                                        \item
% [|\theLineNumber] (for wizards)                                       \ \par
%     This macro is called for printing a ~\newlabel~ entry
%     to the aux-file.  Its definition depends on the mode.
%     For running line numbers it's just ~\thelinenumber~,
%     while in pagewise mode, the page offset subtraction
%     is done in here.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\makeLineNumber] (for wizards)                                      \ \par
%     This macro produces the line numbers.  The definition
%     depends on the mode.  In the running line numbers
%     mode it just expands ~\makeLineNumberLeft~.
%                                                                        \item
% [|\LineNumber] (for wizards)                                          \ \par
%     This macro is called by ~\makeLineNumber~ to typeset
%     the line number.  This hook is changed by the modulo
%     mechanism.
%                                                            \end{description}
%                                                             \end{document}%D

echo "expect errors for unknown commands 'iffalse' and 'fi'";# SHELL
awk '/A[W]K/' lineno.sty | awk -f - lineno.sty >lineno.tex;  # SHELL
latex lineno; latex lineno; latex lineno; latex lineno;      # SHELL

awk '/DOC A [W] K/' lineno.sty | awk -f - lineno.sty >lineno.doc; # DOC SH

BEGIN{DOC=-1;                                     # AWK DOC A W K
 BEGINCODE = "\\begin{code}\\begin{verbatim}";    # AWK
 ENDCODE   = "\\end{verbatim}\n\\end{code}";   }  # AWK
 BEGINCODE = "%    \\begin{macrocode}";           #     DOC A W K
 ENDCODE   = "%    \\end{macrocode}";          }  #     DOC A W K
/^[ \t]*$/ { ECNT++; next; }                      # AWK DOC A W K
/\\documentclass/{ sub("article","ltxdoc") }      #     DOC A W K
/%D$/      { sub("^%* *",""); sub("%D$","");      #     DOC A W K
             print > "lineno.drv"; next        }  #     DOC A W K
/^%%/      { next; }                              # AWK DOC A W K
/^%/       { if (!DOC) { print ENDCODE; }         # AWK DOC A W K
             DOC=1; ECNT=0;                       # AWK DOC A W K
             sub("^% *","");                      # AWK
             sub("^% *","% ");                    #     DOC A W K
             print; next;                      }  # AWK DOC A W K
DOC<0      { next }                               # AWK DOC A W K
/^-+-$/    { if (!DOC) print ENDCODE; exit }      # AWK DOC A W K
{ if (DOC) { ECNT=DOC=0; print BEGINCODE; }       # AWK DOC A W K
  while (ECNT>0) { print " "; ECNT--; }           # AWK DOC A W K
  print $0;                                    }  # AWK DOC A W K