Project Gutenberg's The Plague at Marseilles Consider'd, by Richard Bradley

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Title: The Plague at Marseilles Consider'd

Author: Richard Bradley

Release Date: March 28, 2010 [EBook #31807]

Language: English

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  With REMARKS upon the PLAGUE in General,
  shewing its Cause and Nature of INFECTION,
  with necessary Precautions to prevent the spreading
  of that DIREFUL DISTEMPER. Publish'd
  for the PRESERVATION of the People

  Also some Observations taken from an Original
  Manuscript of a Graduate Physician, who resided
  in LONDON during the whole Time of
  the late Plague, _Anno_ 1665.



  Printed for W. MEARS at the _Lamb_ without _Temple-Bar_. 1721.
  Price 1_s._

  President of the Royal Society, _&c._


To Act under Your Influence, is to do Good, and to Study the Laws of
Nature, is the Obligation I owe to the Royal Society, who have so wisely
placed Sir _Isaac Newton_ at their Head.

The following Piece, therefore, as I design it for the Publick Good,
naturally claims _Your_ Patronage, and, as it depends chiefly upon Rules
in Nature, I am doubly obliged to offer it to the President of that
Learned Assembly, whose Institution was for the Improvement of Natural

  _I am, Sir
     With due Respect,
       Your most obliged,
         Humble Servant,_

           R. BRADLEY.


_There would be little Occasion for a Preface to this Treatise, if the
last Foreign Advices had not given us something particular relating to the
Pestilence that now rages in the South Parts of_ France; _and what may
more particularly recommend these Relations to the World, is, because they
come from Physicians, who resided at the Infected Places._

The Physician at _Aix_ gives us the following Account.

_The Contagious Distemper, which has become the Reproach of our Faculty
here for above a Month past, is more violent than that at_ Marseilles; _it
breaks out in Carbuncles, Buboes, livid Blisters, and purple Spots; the
first Symptoms are grievous Pains in the Head, Consternations, wild Looks,
a trembling Voice, a cadaverous Face, a Coldness in all the extreme Parts,
a low unequal Pulse, great Pains in the Stomach, Reachings to Vomit, and
these are follow'd by Sleepiness, Deliriums, Convulsions, or Fluxes of
Blood, the Forerunners of sudden Death. In the Bodies that are open'd,
we find gangrenous Inflammations in all the lower Parts of the Belly,
Breast and Neck. Above fifty Persons have died every Day for three Weeks
past in the Town and Hospitals. Most of them fall into a dreadful Phrenzy,
so that we are forc'd to tie them._

_The other is a Letter from a Physician at_ Marseilles, _sent to_ John
Wheake, _Esq; who was so kind to give me the Abstract._

Marseilles _Sept._ 15. 1720.


I Arriv'd here the 8_th_, and enter'd the Gate of _Aix_ which leads to the
_Cours_, which has always been esteem'd one of the most pleasant
Prospects in the Kingdom, but that Day was a very dismal Spectacle to me;
all that great Place, both on the Right and Left, was fill'd with Dead,
Sick, and Dying Persons. The Carts were continually employ'd in going and
returning to carry away the Dead Carcasses, of which there were that Day
above four Thousand. The Town was without Bread, without Wine, without
Meat, without Medicines, and in general, without any Succours.

The Father abandon'd the Child, and the Son the Father; the Husband the
Wife, and the Wife the Husband; and those who had not a House to
themselves, lay upon Quilts in the Streets and the Pavements; all the
Streets were fill'd with Cloaths and Houshold-Goods, strew'd with Dead
Dogs and Cats, which made an insupportable Stench. Meat was Sold at 18 to
20 _Sous per_ Pound, and was only distributed to those that had Billets
from the Consuls: This, Sir, was the miserable State of this City at that
Time, but at present, Things have a better appearance; Monsieur _le
Marquis de Langeron_, who Commands here, has caused the Dead to be Buried,
the Cloaths and Goods to be burnt, and the Shops to be open'd, for the
Sustenance of the Publick.

Two Hospitals are prepar'd where they carry all the Sick of the Town, good
Orders are daily re-establish'd, and the Obligation is chiefly owing to
Monsieur _de Langeron_, who does Wonders. However, there is not any Divine
Service Celebrated, nor are there any Confessors. The People die, and are
buried without any Ceremonies of the Church; But the Bishop, with an
undaunted Courage, goes thro' the Streets, and into Publick Places,
accompanied with a Jesuit and one Ecclesiastick, to Exhort the Dying, and
to give them Absolution; and he distributes his Charity very largely. The
Religious Order have almost all perish'd, and the Fathers of the Oratory
are not exempt; it is accounted, that there have died 50000 Persons. One
thing very particular is, that Monsieur _Moustier_, one of the Consuls of
the City, who has been continually on Horseback ordering the Slaves who
carried away the Dead in Carts, or those that were Sick, to the Hospitals,
enjoys his Health as well as he did the first Day he began; the Sickness
seems at present to abate, and we have the Satisfaction to see several
whom we took under our Care at the Beginning of the Sickness, promise fair
towards a Recovery. The Sickness however, is of a very extraordinary
Nature, and the Observations we have in our Authors, have scarce any
Agreement with what we find in this: It is the Assistance of Heaven we
ought to implore, and to wait for a Blessing from thence upon our Labours.

I am, _&c._

_We may observe, that the Contagion now spreading it self in Foreign
Parts, has nearly the same Symptoms that were observ'd in the late Plague
at_ London; _so that what Medicines were then used with good Success, may
direct not only the People of_ England _in the way of Practice, if_ God
_Almighty should please to afflict us with that dreadful Distemper, but
be serviceable likewise to the Infected Places abroad. There is room
enough to hope, the approaching Cold, which we naturally expect at this
Season, may prevent its spreading amongst us for some Months, 'till the
Air begins to warm, but the Seeds of that Venom may be brought over in
Merchandizes even in the coldest Months, and according to the Nature of
Insects will not hatch, or appear to our Prejudice, 'till the hotter
Seasons. For to suppose this Malignant Distemper is occasion'd by Vapours
only arising from the Earth, is to lay aside our Reason, as I think I have
already shewn in my_ New Improvements of Planting, _&c. to which my Reader
may refer._

_I suppose there may be such Persons in the World who do not agree with
the Hypothesis I have laid down in the following Sheets, altho' many
Learned Authors have supported it; and again, I expect others to Except
against the Concise way I have taken, in writing upon a Subject, which at
this time ought to be set in the plainest Light; but as I found the Danger
of Pestilence spreading it self more and more every Day, a true Lover of
his Country could not be easie without giving the Publick some Hints to
prevent its dismal Effects, and at the same time to engage the Learned to
write upon such an Occasion._

_And it is with Pleasure I observe, that since the former Editions of
this small Tract has been made publick, our Learned Physicians are
dispos'd to consider the necessary Means to prevent (as far as in them
lies) the spreading of this Calamity, and justly deserve the favour of the

_For my own part, I can only say, that the short time I had to put this
Work together, would not allow me to give it with that exactness, that I
would have done, if I could have had more Leisure._

  CONSIDER'D, _&c._

The Deplorable Condition of the _Marseillians_, and the Danger that all
the Trading Parts of _Europe_ are now in, of being Infected by the Plague
which rages in the _South_ Parts of _France_, and every Day spreads it
self more and more over the Neighbouring Countries, gives me occasion to
Publish some Papers which would never have otherwise appeared in the

When I consider the melancholy Circumstances of the People at _Marseilles_
and other infected Places, how they are now divested of Relief, and
brought into that miserable State, that even every Man is terrified at the
Approach of his dearest Friend, and the very Aspect of our Neighbours
strike such Horror and Confusion in us, as if they brought our Death and
Destruction with them; it is then surely time for every one to contribute
all that in him lies to prevent the Progress of so _direful a Calamity_.

The good Counsels of our Nation, therefore, to prevent as much as possible
the Infection which might be brought among us by Merchandizes coming from
Infected Places, have wisely order'd strict Quarentine to be perform'd,
before either the Sailors or Goods can be brought ashoar.

The Neighbouring Nations of Trade, have follow'd our Example, but the
_Hollanders_ in an extraordinary manner, have even order'd the Burning the
very Ships and Goods coming from _Marseilles_, and have been so cautious,
as to suffer none of the Passengers to come on Shoar, without first being
dis-rob'd of all their Apparel, and even to be well wash'd with Sea Water,
and then likewise to perform Quarentine in a little Island, remote from
the Inhabitants. I could mention many Relations we have had, of the
Sufferings of the poor People belonging to _Marseilles_, who to avoid the
dismal Consequence of the Plague, have flown for Refuge into the Country,
and have either been starv'd to Death, or Murder'd by the Country People;
but yet we find, that notwithstanding all these Precautions, that
Pestilence continues to destroy as much as ever, and makes it Advances
every Day more towards us.

It is computed, that about 60000 are Dead of the Plague at _Marseilles_;
and that there are now (_October 20. N. S._) above 14000, Persons left
in that Town, including 10000 Sick; and at _Aubagne_, out of 10000 who
retir'd thither from _Marseilles_, above 9000 are Dead.

On this sad Occasion of the Ruin of _Marseilles_ especially since there is
talk of Burning that Town, it may not be unseasonable to give an Account
of it.

     '_Marseilles_ is one of the most considerable Cities in _France_, and
     the most Populous and most trading Town of all _Provance_. It is so
     Antient, that it is reckon'd to have been Built upwards of Six
     Hundred and Thirty Years before the Birth of our Saviour. It was once
     a very flourishing Republick; and its University was in such Esteem,
     as drew Students thither from all Parts of _Europe_.

     '_Marseilles_ is situate at the Foot of a Hill, which rises in the
     Form of an Amphitheatre in proportion to its Distance from the Sea.
     The Harbour is Oval, and bounded by a Key about fourteen hundred
     Paces long, upon which stand the handsomest Houses in the Town. It
     affords a very delightful Walk, Part whereof is taken up in the Day
     time by the working Gally-Slaves Stalls, where you may furnish your
     self with Cloaths and other Necessaries; the Entrance of the Harbour
     is shut up by a Chain supported at certain Distances by three
     Stone-Pillars; so that only one large Ship can pass at a time, tho'
     the Haven will contain about Five hundred. And hither are brought all
     sorts of Commodities from all Parts of the known World.

     'The Cathedral Church, call'd _Notre Dame la Majeure_, whereof S.
     _Lazarus_ is Patron, is very Solemn. It was formerly a Temple
     dedicated to _Venus_, or to _Diana_ of _Ephesus_. Its Form is
     Irregular; but it was not thought proper to add or diminish any
     thing. There remain several large Columns, on which stood the Idol.
     The Treasure of this Church is very Rich. Here you see the Head of S.
     _Lazarus_, that of S. _Connat_, a Foot of S. _Victor_, and many other
     Relicks. Near the Cathedral, is a Chappel built upon the Spot where
     (the _Marseillians_ tell you) S. _Mary Magdalen_ preached the Gospel
     to the Idolaters, as they came out of the Temple.

     '_Notre Dame des Acoules_ is also a fine large Church, which was
     formerly a Temple sacred to the Goddess _Pallas_. In that of S.
     _Martin_, which is Collegiate and Parochial, is preserv'd a Silver
     Image of the blessed Virgin, five Foot and half high, the Crown and
     Ornaments whereof are very rich. The Church of S. _Saviour_, now
     belonging to a Nunnery, was anciently a Temple of _Apollo_. All these
     Places are so many Proofs of the Antiquity of _Marseilles_, as well
     as two other Temples near the Port, with two Towers, _viz._ that of
     S. _John_, which is a Commandry of the Knights of _Malta_, and that
     of S. _Nicolas_.

     'The Abby of S. _Victor_, of the Order of S. _Benedict_, is situate
     at the Foot of the Citadel. It resembles a Castle, being encompass'd
     with Walls, and set off with Towers. At the Front of the Church are
     these Words address'd to S. _Victor_,

         _Massiliam ver� Victor civesque tuere._

     'In a Chappel on one side of the Epistle, you see the Head of that
     Saint, in a Shrine of Silver guilt, finely wrought, which was given
     by Pope _Urban_ V. whose Tomb is on one side of the Choir; there are
     many other Relicks in this Church. You then descend a large
     Stair-Case into the Church under Ground, where the Chappels visited
     by the Curious, are full of Holy Bodies. There they shew you the Tomb
     of S. _Eusebius_, and those of forty five Virgins who disfigur'd
     themselves to terrifie the Vandals who put them to Death. Here also
     you see St. _Andrew_'s Cross entire, the Branches whereof are seven
     Foot long and eight Inches Diameter. In one of these subterraneous
     Chappels is a little Grotto, wherein S. _Mary Magdalen_ (they tell
     you,) upon her Landing at _Marseilles_ began to do Pennance. They
     add, that she Inhabited it six or Seven Years: Her Statue likewise is
     represented, lying at the entrance of this Grotto. There is also a
     rich Chappel of our Lady, wherein no Women are permitted to enter.
     This Order was made, upon the Vulgar Notion, of a Queen's being
     struck Blind, who had the Temerity to venture into it.

     'In _Marseilles_ you observe likewise the Monasteries and Churches of
     the _Carthusians_, the Monks of St. _Anthony_, the _Trinitarians_,
     _Jacobins_, _Augustins_, Barefooted _Augustins_, _Carmelites_,
     Barefooted _Carmelites_, _Cordeliers_, _Observantins_, _Servites_,
     _Minims_, _Capuchins_, _Recollects_, _de la Mercy_, _Feuillans_,
     _Jesuites_, Fathers of the _Oratory_, and of the _Mission_. There are
     also _Benedictine_ Nuns, _Dominicans_, Nuns of S. _Clare_,
     _Capuchins_, _Carmelites_, _Bernardines_, _Urselins_, Nuns of the
     Visitation of Mercy, and of the good Shepherd or Repentance; and a
     Commandry of _Malta_.

     'The Citadel of _Marseilles_ is near the Port, extending its
     Fortifications to the Entrance of the same; and yet it commands the
     Town. The Key which lines this side of the Harbour, from Fort S.
     _Nicolas_ to the Arsenal, is about fifteen hundred Paces long, and is
     adorned with handsome Ware-Houses and Dwelling-Houses: Here is the
     great Hospital for Sick Slaves, which was formerly the Arsenal before
     the New one was built. Six large Pavilions, as many main Houses, and
     a great square Place big enough to build several Galleys at a time
     in, form the Design of it. In this Place are two large Basons, as
     long and as deep as a Galley, in each of which, when a Galley is
     ready to launch, they open a small Sluice which kept up the Sea

     'This great Building makes one entire Front of the Port, three
     hundred Paces in Length; the Harbour of _Marseilles_, is thirteen
     hundred Paces long, and the Circumference about three Thousand four
     hundred and fifty Paces. The Streets of the old Town are long, but
     narrow; and those of the New are spacious, and well Built. The chief,
     is that they call _le Cours_, which is near forty Paces broad, in the
     middle of which is a Walk, planted with four Rows of young Elms,
     which, with the Keys, are the Places of publick Resort.

     'The Town-House which they call _La Loge_, is situate upon the Key
     over against the Galleys. Below is a large Hall, which serves the
     Merchants and Sea-faring Men for an Exchange; and above Stairs the
     Consuls, Town-Councellors, and others concerned in the Civil
     Administration have their Meeting. The most valuable Piece in this
     Building, is the City Arms in the Front, Carved by the famous

     '_Marseilles_ seems still to retain somewhat of the ancient
     Government, of its four Courts, being divided into four Quarters,
     viz. S. _John_, _Cavaillon_, _Corps de ville_ and _Blancaire_; each
     of which hath its Governors and other Officers. The _Porte Royalle_
     is well Adorned, having on one side the Figure of S. _Lazarus_, and
     on the other, that of S. _Victor_. And in the middle is a Busto of
     _Lewis_ XIV. with this Inscription over it, _Sub cujus imperio summa

     'The Town is encompass'd by good Walls, and a Tetragon which commands
     a Part of it, is the best of the two Citadels, and within Cannon Shot
     of a Fort call'd _Notre Dame de la Garde_, whither the Inhabitants
     frequently go to pay their private Devotion, and from whence they
     discover Ships at Sea at a great Distance. This Fort is built on the
     top of a Mountain, upon the Ruins of an ancient Temple of _Venus_,
     called _Ephesium_.

The Country about this City is low and open for two Miles, agreeably
adorn'd with Villas, Vineyards, and Gardens of Fig-Trees, and
Orange-Trees, with plenty of Water from a good Spring, which being divided
into several Branches serves to furnish the City.

As to the Inhabitants, they are for the most part Poor and uncleanly, and
chiefly Eaters of Fruit, Herbs, and Roots with such like meagre Fare, nor
do they take any Pains to clean the Streets where the meaner Sort have
their Habitation. Their Bread is very coarse and high priz'd; and perhaps
what has principally contributed to the Progress of the Plague among them,
was the great Numbers of those which Lodged together in the same House, as
I shall explain hereafter; when I have examin'd the State of _London_,
when it suffer'd by the Plague in the Year 1665.

_London_, at the time of the Plague, 1665 was, perhaps, as much crouded
with People as I suppose _Marseilles_ to have been when the Plague begun;
the Streets of _London_ were, in the time of the Pestilence, very narrow,
and, as I am inform'd, unpaved for the most part; the Houses by continu'd
Jetts one Story above another, made them almost meet at the Garrets, so
that the Air within the Streets was pent up, and had not a due Freedom of
Passage, to purifie it self as it ought; the Food of the People was then
much less invigorating than in these Days; Foreign Drugs were but little
in Use, and even _Canary_ Wine was the highest Cordial the People would
venture upon; for Brandy, some Spices, and hot spirituous Liquors were
then not in Fashion; and at that time Sea-Coal was hardly in Use, but
their firing was of Wood; and, for the most part, Chestnut, which was then
the chief Furniture of the Woods about _London_, and in such Quantity,
that the greatest Efforts were made by the Proprietors, to prevent the
Importation of _Newcastle_-Coal, which they represented as an unwholsome
Firing, but, I suppose, principally, because it would hinder the Sale of
their Wood; for the generality of Men were (I imagine) as they are now,
more for their own Interest than for the common Good.

The Year 1665 was the last that we can say the Plague raged in _London_,
which might happen from the Destruction of the City by Fire, the following
Year 1666, and besides the Destroying the Eggs, or Seeds, of those
poisonous Animals, that were then in the stagnating Air, might likewise
purifie that Air in such a Manner, as to make it unfit for the Nurishment
of others of the same Kind, which were swimming or driving in the
Circumambient Air: And again, the Care that was taken to enlarge the
Streets at their Rebuilding, and the keeping them clean after they were
rebuilt, might greatly contribute to preserve the Town from Pestilence
ever since.

But it was not only in the Year 1665 that the Plague raged in _London_, we
have Accounts in the Bills of Mortality, of that dreadful Distemper in the
Years 1592, 1603, 1625, 1630 and 1636, in which Years we may observe how
many died Weekly of the Plague, and Remark how much more that Distemper
raged in the hot Months, than in the others, and serve at the same time as
a Memorandum to the Curious.

A _TABLE_, Shewing how many Died Weekly, as well of all Diseases, as of
     the Plague, in the Years 1592, 1603, 1625, 1630, 1636; and the Year

_Buried of all Diseases in the Year 1592._

                                        _Total_   _Pla._
                           March 17       230       3
                           March 24       351      31
                           March 31       219      29
                           April 7        307      27
                           April 14       203      33
                           April 21       290      37
                           April 28       310      41
                           May 5          350      29
                           May 12         339      38
                           May 19         300      42
                           May 26         450      58
                           June 2         410      62
                           June 9         441      81
                           June 16        399      99
                           June 23        401     108
                           June 30        850     118
                           July 7        1440     927
                           July 14       1510     893
                           July 21       1491     258
                           July 28       1507     852
                           August 4      1503     983
                           August 11     1550     797
                           August 18     1532     651
                           August 25     1508     449
                           Septemb. 1    1490     507
                           Septemb. 8    1210     563
                           Septem. 15     621     451
                           Septem. 22     629     349
                           Septem. 29     450     330
                           October 6      408     327
                           October 13     522     323
                           October 20     330     308
                           October 27     320     302
                           Novemb. 3      310     301
                           Novem. 10      309     209
                           Novem. 17      301     107
                           Novem. 24      321      93
                           Decemb. 1      349      94
                           Decemb. 8      331      86
                           Decem. 15      329      71
                           Decem. 22      386      39

  _The Total of all that have been buried is,_  25886
  _Whereof of the Plague,_                      11503

_Buried of all Diseases in the Year 1603._

                       _Total_    _Pla._
         March    17     108        3
                  24      60        2
                  31      78        6
         April     7      66        4
                  14      79        4
                  21      98        8
                  28     109       10
         May       5      90       11
                  12     112       18
                  19     122       22
                  26     122       32
         June      2     114       30
                   9     131       43
                  15     144       59
                  23     182       72
                  30     267      158
         July      7     445      263
                  14     612      424

         _The Out Parishes this Week were joined with the City._

                  21    1186      917
                  28    1728     1396
         August    4    2256     1922
                  11    2077     1745
                  18    3054     2713
                  25    2853     2539
         Septemb.  1    3385     3035
                   8    3078     2724
                  15    3129     2818
                  22    2456     2195
                  29    1961     1732
         October   6    1831     1641
                  13    1312     1149
                  20     766      642
                  27     625      508
         Novemb.   3     737      594
                  10     545      442
                  17     384      251
                  24     198      105
         Decemb.   1     223      102
                   8     163       55
                  15     200       96
                  22     168       74

  _The Total this Year is,_     37294
  _Whereof of the Plague,_      30561

_Buried of all Diseases in the Year 1625._

                 _Total_      _Pla._
  March     17       262           4
            24       226           8
            31       243          11
  April      7       239          10
            14       256          24
            21       230          25
            28       305          26
  May        5       292          30
            12       232          45
            19       379          71
            26       401          78
  June       2       395          69
             9       434          91
            16       510         161
            23       640         239
            30       942         390
  July       7      1222         593
            14      1781        1004
            21      2850        1819
            28      3583        2471
  August     4      4517        3659
            11      4855        4115
            18      5205        4463
            25      4841        4218
  September  1      3897        3344
             8      3157        2550
            15      2148        1612
            22      1994        1551
            29      1236         852
  October    6       833         538
            13       815         511
            20       651         331
            27       375         134
  November   3       357          89
            10       319          92
            17       274          48
            24       231          27
  December   1       190          15
             8       181          15
            15       168           6
            22       157           1

  _The Total this Year is,_    51758
  _Whereof of the Plague,_     35403

_Buried of all Diseases in the Year 1630._

                     _Total_   _Pla._

  June      24           205     19
  July       1           209     25
             8           217     43
            15           250     50
            22           229     40
            29           279     77
  August     5           250     56
            12           246     65
            19           269     54
            26           270     67
  September  2           230     66
             9           259     63
            16           264     68
            23           274     57
            30           269     56
  October    7           236     66
            14           261     73
            21           248     60
            28           214     34
  November   4           242     29
            11           215     29
            18           200     18
            25           226      7
  December   2           221     20
             9           198     19
            16           212      5

  Buried in the 97 Parishes within the Walls,  2696
  Whereof of the Plague,                        190

  Buried in the 16 Parishes without the Walls, 4813
  Whereof of the Plague,                        603

  Buried in the 9 Out-Parishes in _Middlesex_
    and _Surrey_ and at the _Pest-house_,      3045
  Whereof of the Plague,                        524

  Buried in _Westminster_,                      566
  Whereof of the Plague,                         31

  _The Total of all the Burials this time,_   10545
  _Whereof of the Plague,_                     1317

_Buried of all Diseases in the Year 1636._

                                      _Total_   _Pla._

                    April     7         119       2
                             14         205       4

     _This Week these Parishes were added_: _St._ Margaret Westminster,
     Lambeth _Parish_, _St._ Mary Newington, Redriff _Parish_, _St._ Mary
     Islington, Stepney _and_ Hackney _Parishes_.

                             21         285      14
                             28         259      17
                    May       5         251      10
                             12         308      55
                             19         299      35
                             26         330      62
                    June      2         339      77
                              9         345      87
                             16         381     103
                             23         304     179
                             30         352     104
                    July      7         215      81
                             14         372     104
                             21         365     120
                             28         423     151
                    August    4         491     206
                             11         538     283
                             18         638     321
                             25         787     429
                    Septemb.  1        10_1     638
                              8        1069     650
                             15        1306     865
                             22        1229     775
                             29        1403     928
                    October   6        1405     921
                             13        1302     792
                             20        1002     555
                             27         900     458
                    November  3        1300     838
                             10        1104     715
                             17         950     573
                             24         857     476
                    December  1         614     321
                              8         459     167
                             15         385      85

  _The Total of the Burials this Year, is_    23359
  _Whereof of the Plague,_                    10400

_Buried of all Diseases in the Year 1664/5._

                     _Total_    _Pla._

  Decemb.      27        291
  January       3        349
               10        394
               17        415
               24        474
               31        409
  February      7        393
               14        461       1
               21        393
               28        396
  March         7        441
               14        433
               21        365
               28        353
  April         4        344
               11        382
               18        344
               25        390       2
  May           2        388
                9        347       9
               16        353       3
               23        385      14
               30        399      17
  June          6        405      43
               13        558     112
               20        611     168
               27        684     267
  July          4       1006     470
               11       1268     725
               18       1761    1089
               25       2785    1845
  August        1       3014    2010
                8       4030    2817
               15       5319    3880
               22       5568    4227
               29       7496    6102
  September     5       8252    6978
               12       7690    6544
               19       8297    7165
               26       6460    5533
  October       3
  November      7

We may observe from hence, that the Months _July_, _August_, _September_,
and _October_, the Plague was at the greatest height, and even in those
Months, all other Distempers had greater Power over Human Bodies than in
the others. When I consider this, I cannot help taking Notice, that in
those Months we have our chief Fruit Seasons, and when it happens that
there has been a Blight in the Spring, or the Summer has not given our
Fruit due Maturity, I suppose that the Habit of the Body is so disposed as
to receive Infection more readily, than in Years that either afford us
little, or else very Ripe Fruit.

Again, in those warm Months, I find that we have vast Varieties of the
smaller kinds of Insects floating in the Air, and it is a thing constant,
that every Insect from the greatest to the smallest has its proper _Nidus_
to hatch and perfect it self in, and is led thither by certain Effluvia
which arise from that Body which is in a right State for the preservation
of it. In the Blight of Trees we find, such Insects as are appointed to
destroy a Cherry Tree, will not injure a Tree of another Kind, and again,
unless the Leaves of some Trees are bruised by Hail, or otherwise
Distemper'd, no Insect will invade them; so in Animals it may be, that by
ill Diet the Habit of their Body may be so altered, that their very Breath
may entice those poisonous Insects to follow their way, 'till they can
lodge themselves in the Stomach of the Animal, and thereby occasion Death.
We may likewise suppose that where these Insects have met with their
appointed Nests, they will certainly lay their Eggs there, which the
Breath of the diseased Person will fling out in Parcels, as he has
occasion to Respire; so that the Infection may be communicated to a
stander-by, or else, through their extraordinary smallness, may be
convey'd by the Air to some Distance.

It is observable, that all Insects are so much quicker in passing through
their several Stages to the state of Perfection, as they are smaller, and
the smallest of them are more numerous in their Increase than the others.

Two Years ago when the Plague was at _Amiens_, I pass'd by that Place, and
then found the Contagion began to abate ('twas then about _October_, and
the Rains began to fall) the People told me they were advised to eat
Garlick every Morning to guard their Stomachs against Infection; but
whether it was the Garlick, or the sudden alteration of the Season that
was the occasion of the decrease of that Distemper, we shall examine in
another Place; but we may Note, That all the Ground about that City is a
Morass, so that there is no coming near it but by the Roads which are
Paved and mark'd out. This Marsh or Morass, as all others do in the Summer
Season, produce vast Numbers of Insects which are accounted unwholsome:
But as some are of Opinion, it is rather a Noxious Vapour which occasions
this Infectious Distemper, I shall mention my Opinion of such Vapours
before I conclude.

_In the_ Philosophical Transactions, No 8. _we have the following
     Observations of Insects which are the Destroyers of Plants._

Some Years since there was such a swarm of a certain sort of Insect in
_New-England_, that for the space of 200 Miles they poisoned and destroyed
all the Trees of the Country; there being found innumerable little Holes
in the Ground, out of which those Insects broke forth in the Form of
_Maggots_, which turn'd into _Flies_ that had a kind of Sting, which they
stuck into the Tree, and thereby envenom'd and killed it.

The like Plague is said to happen frequently in the Country of the
_Cossacks_ or _Ukrani_, where, in dry Summers, they are infested with
swarms of _Locusts_, driven thither by an _East_, or _South-East_ Wind,
that they darken the Air in the fairest Weather, and devour all the Corn
of that Country, laying their Eggs in Autumn, and then dying; but the
Eggs, of which every one layeth two or three Hundred, hatching the next
Spring, produce again such a number of _Locusts_, that then they do far
more mischief than before, unless Rains fall which kill both Eggs and
Insects, or unless a strong _North_ or _North-West_ Wind arise, which
drives them into the _Euxine_ Sea: And it is very natural to suppose, that
if the Winds have this Power over the larger sort of Insects; _i. e._ of
moving them from one Country to another, the smaller kinds, which are
lighter than the Air it self, may be interceptibly Convey'd as far as the
Winds can reach.

_Dr._ Wincler, _Chief Physician of the Prince_ Palatine, _gives us the
following Account of the_ Murrain _in_ Switzerland, _and the Method of its
Cure, in a Letter to Dr._ Slare, _F. R. S. Anno_ 1682.

On the Borders of _Italy_ a _Murrain_ infested the Cattle which spread
farther into _Switzerland_, the Territories of _Wirtemburg_, and over
other Provinces, and made great destruction among them. The Contagion
seem'd to propagate it self in the form of a _Blue Mist_, that fell upon
those Pastures where the Cattle Grazed, insomuch that Herds have returned
home Sick, being very dull, forbearing their Food, most of them would die
away in twenty four Hours. Upon dissections were discovered large and
corrupted Spleens, sphacelous and corroded Tongues, some had _Angina
Maligna's_. Those Persons that carelesly managed their Cattle without a
due respect to their own Health, were themselves Infected and Died away
like their Beasts.

Having had timely Notice of this _Lues_ from our Neighbours, we made such
Provision against the invading Disease, that very few of those who were
infected by the Murrain died. Some impute this Contagion to the Witchcraft
of three _Capuchins_ in _Switzerland_. But the more learned believe it to
proceed from some _noxious Exhalations_ thrown out of the Earth by three
distinct Earthquakes perceived here and in our Neighbourhood in the Space
of one Year.

_The Method of Cure for the Cattle._

As soon as ever there was any suspicion of the Contagion upon any one of
the Herd, the Tongue of that Beast was carefully examined, and in case
they found any Aptha or Blisters whether White, Yellow, or Black, then
they were obliged to rub, and scratch the Tongue with a Silver Instrument
(being about the breadth and thickness of a Six-pence, but indented on the
sides, and having a Hole in the middle whereby it is fastened to a Stick,
or Handle,) 'till it Bleed, then they must wipe away the Blood with new
unwashen Linnen. This done, a Lotion for the Tongue is used, made of
_Salt_ and good _Vinegar_.

The _Antidote_ for the diseased Cattle is thus described.

Take of _Soot_, _Gun-Powder_, _Brimstone_, _Salt_, equal Parts, and as
much Water as is necessary to wash it down, give a large Spoonful for a

_After which we have a further Account of the same Contagion by the same

----I lately received an Account of two ingenious Travellers, who assured
me the Contagion had reached their Quarters on the Borders of _Poland_,
having passed quite through _Germany_, and that the Method used in our
Relation preserved and cured their Cattle. They told me the Contagion was
observed to make its Progress Dayly, spreading near two _German_ Miles in
twenty four Hours. This they say was certainly observed by many curious
Persons, that it continually, without intermission, made progressive
Voyages, and suffered no neighbouring Parish to escape; so that it did not
at the same time infect Places at great distances. They added, that Cattle
secured at Rack and Manger, were equally infected with those in the Field.
It were worth the considering, whether this Infection is not carried on by
some volatile Insect, that is able to make only such short flights as may
amount to such Computations: For the account of the Ancients concerning
the grand _pestilential Contagions_, is very little satisfactory to this
Age, who derive it from a blind Putrefaction, from the incantations of ill
Men, or from the conjunction of inauspicious Planets.

The following Account we have from Dr. _Bernard Ramizzini_, concerning
     the Contagion among the Black Cattle about _Padua_, Translated from
     _Acta Erudit_.

In the Year 1712 a dreadful and violent Contagion seiz'd the _Black
Cattle_, which, like an increasing Fire, could neither be extinguish'd nor
stopt by any Human means.

This First was observ'd in _Agro Vincentino_, and Discover'd it self more
openly in the Country, spreading every way, even to the very Suburbs of
_Padua_, with a cruel Destruction of the Cows and Oxen. It was also in
_Germany_, in many Places; and is not yet wholly conquer'd.

Of this Distemper, Dr. _Ramazzini_ made a particular Dissertation; in
which he inquir'd into the Causes of the Distemper, and what Remedies
might be us'd, to put a stop to its violent Course.

It is evident, that this Distemper in Cows and Oxen was a true Fever, from
the coldness of the Cattle at first, which was soon succeeded by a violent
burning, with a quick Pulse. That this Fever was pestilential, its
concomitant Symptoms plainly show, as difficulty of breathing, a
Drowziness at the beginning; a continued Flux of a nauseous Matter from
the Nose and Mouth, fetid Dung, sometimes with Blood, Pustules breaking
out over the whole Body on the fifth or sixth Day, like the _Small-Pox_;
they generally dyed about the fifth or seventh Day.

The Author tells us, that out of a great Drove, such as the Merchants
bring yearly into _Italy_ out of _Dalmatia_ and the bordering Countries,
one Beast happen'd to straggle from the rest, and be left behind; which a
Cowherd brought to a Farm belonging to the Count _Borromeo_: This Beast
infected all the Cows and Oxen of the Place where he was taken in, with
the same Distemper he labour'd under; the Beast it self dying in a few
Days, as did all the rest, except one only, who had a Rowel put into his

'Tis no strange thing therefore, if from the Effluvia, proceeding from the
sick and dead Cattle, and from the Cow-Houses and Pastures where they were
fed, and perhaps from the Cloaths of the Cowherds themselves, this
Infection falling upon a proper Subject, should diffuse it self so
largely. When therefore this subtile _venomous Exhalation_ happens to meet
with any of the Cow-kind, joining it self with the serous Juices and
Animal Spirits, 'tis no wonder it should disorder the natural Consistence
of the Blood, and corrupt the Ferments of the Viscera; whence it follows,
that the natural Functions of the Viscera are vitiated, and the requisite
Secretions stopt. For Dr. _Ramazzini_ not only supposes, but asserts, that
a Poison of this kind, rather fixes and coagulates, than dissolves the
Blood: For beside the forementioned Symptoms accompanying the Disease,
the Eye it self is a Witness; since the dead Carcases being open'd while
they are yet hot, little or no Blood runs out; those Animals having
naturally a thick Blood, especially when the fever has continued so many
Days. And he adds, that whether this Plague came first from the Foreign
Beast, or any other way, it only had its Effect upon some Animal, in which
there was the morbid Seminary or Ground prepared for it.

In the dead Bodies of all the Cattle, it was particularly observ'd, that
in the Omasus, or Paunch, there was found a hard compact Body, firmly
adhering to the Coats of the Ventricle, of a large Bulk, and an
intolerable Smell: In other Parts, as in the Brain, Lungs, _&c._ were
several Hydatides, and large Bladders fill'd only with Wind, which being
open'd, gave a disagreeable Stink: there were also Ulcers at the Root of
the Tongue; and Bladders fill'd with a Serum on the sides of it. This hard
and compact Body, like Chalk, in the Omasus, the Author takes to be the
full Product of the contagious Miasma. He adds a Prognostick, believing
that from so many Attempts and Experiments, and the Method observ'd in the
Cure of this Venom, at last a true and specifick Remedy will be found out
to extirpate the poisonous Malignity wholly: He also expects some
mitigation of it, from the approaching Winter and North Winds. He does
not think this Contagion can affect Human Bodies, since even other
Species of ruminating Animals, symbolizing with the Cow-kind, are yet
untouch'd by it; nor was the Infection taken by the Air, after the dead
Bodies had been carefully Buryed.

As for the Cure of it: From the Chirurgical part, he commends _Bleeding_,
burning on both sides the Neck with a broad red-hot Iron, making Holes in
the Ears with a round Iron, and putting the Root Hellebore in the Hole, a
_Rowel_ or _Seton_ under the _Chin_, in the _Dew-laps_; he also orders the
_Tongue_ and _Palate_ to be often wash'd and rub'd with _Vinegar_ and

He recommends the Use of _Alexipharmicks_, and specifick Cordials; and
three Ounces of Jesuits Bark, infus'd in ten or twelve Pints of Cordial
Water or small Wine, to be given in four or five Doses; which is to be
done in the beginning of the Fever, when the Beast begins to be Sick. Or
else two Drams of _Sperma-C�ti_ dissolv'd in warm Wine. Again he
prescribes _Antimonium Diaphoreticum_. Against Worms breeding, an Infusion
of Quicksilver, or _Petroleum_ and Milk is to be given. And lastly, as to
the Food, he directs Drinks made with Barley or Wheat Flower or Bread,
like a _Ptisane_, fresh sweet Hay made in _May_ and macerated in fair
Water. In the mean time the Cattle must be kept in a warm Place, and
Cloath'd, daily shaking Fumigations in the Cow-Houses with Juniper
Berries, Galbanum, and the like. As to Prevention, he enjoyns Care in
cleaning the Stalls, and scraping the Crust off from the Wall; Care also
is to be taken of their Food, the Hay and Straw not spoil'd by Rain in the
Making; and he judges their Food ought to be but sparing: He likewise
recommends currying, with a Comb and Brush; with Setons under their Chin,
made with a hot Iron run through the Part, and kept open with a Rope put
through it.

After which we have the Receipt: Or the Ingredients of a Medicine for the
speedy Cure of that mortal Distemper amongst Cows; sent over from
_Holland_, where a like Distemper raged among the Black Cattel.

_Recipe Veronic�, Pulmonari�, Hyssopi, Scordii, ana M._ iv. _Rad.
Aristolohi� rotund�, Gentian�, Angelic�, Petasitidis, Tormentill�,
Carlin�, ana unc._ 12. _Bac. Lauri & Juniperi, ana unc._ 12. _Misc. fiat

Bleed the Cow, and give her three or 4 Mornings successively, an Ounce of
this Powder, with a Horn, in warm Beer.

If the Cow continues Distemper'd, after the Omission 2 or 3 Days, repeat
the Medicine for 3 or 4 Days again.

I cannot help taking Notice likewise of the raging Distemper which was
among the Cows about _London_, _Anno_ 1714. It was so Violent and
Infectious, that if _one_ had it, all others that came within Scent of
her, or even eat where she Grazed, were surely infected; it seized their
Heads, and was attended with running at the Nose, and a very nauseous
Breath, which killed them in three or four Days. The Herdsmen would not
allow it to be the _Murrain_, nor could give any Account from whence it
did proceed, or could find out any Remedy against it; they only tell us
the unusual dry Summer, and the continued _East_-Winds, were the occasion
of it. This Distemper had been for two or three Years before it came to
us, in _Lombardy_, _Holland_, and _Hambrough_, to the Loss almost of all
their Cattle. The States of _Holland_ caused a Medicine to be published
for the Good of those who had their Cattle thus Distemper'd; but having
been try'd here, 'twould not Cure one in seven, but rather increased the
Infection by keeping the distemper'd Cattle longer alive (by some Days)
than they would have been without it. 'Tis remarkable, that no Oxen had
this Distemper, but only _Milch-Cows_, which were more tender than the
_Males_. The Herdsmen to keep their Cattle from the Infection, let them
Blood in the Tail, and rubb'd their Noses and Chaps with _Tar_; and when
any happened to die of it, they were burnt, and buried deep under Ground.
It began at _Islington_, spreading it self over many Places in _Middlesex_
and in _Essex_, but did not reach so far _Westward_ from _London_ as
twenty Miles.

The most general Opinion concerning the Cause of this Distemper, was, that
the Cattle were first infected by drinking some unwholesome standing
Water, where 'tis probable some Poisonous Insects were lodged and bred;
the Summer having been extreamly dry, attended almost constantly with
_Easterly_ Winds, the Grass almost burnt up, and the Herbs of the Gardens
destroyed by Insects; but such as they were, (unfit for Table Use) were
given to the Cattle. There was likewise so great want of Water, that many
were forced to drive their Cows five or six Miles to it.

The Electuary publish'd upon this Occasion by the States of _Holland_, was
compos'd of most, if not all the Drugs used in the most serviceable
Medicines that were made use of against the Plague among Men; most of
which Ingredients we know to be mortal to Insects, as strong scented Roots
and Herbs; but above all, Aromatick Gums and Saps of Plants; as Rhue,
Garlick, Pitch, Tar, Frankincense and Olibanum. These Ingredients are much
used in _France_ and _Italy_ to prevent or destroy Infection, by burning
them and smoaking such Bodies, Letters, or any other things as are brought
from infected Places, after they have made _Quarantain_, and are not
suffered to come on Shore 'till they have undergone this Operation.

It is not against Experience, that Insects can live and encrease in Animal
Bodies: How often do we find Men, Women and Children troubled with Worms?
What Varieties of those Insects are often voided by them? And how should
that be, if they were not either suck'd into the Stomach with the Breath,
or taken into it with some unwholesome Food? For they cannot breed in such
Bodies from nothing, without either their Eggs or themselves are brought
thither by some Accident: For if they were the natural Produce of Animal
Bodies, they would then be alike common to all, which we know they are

I have been informed, that in the Year 1714, when this Mortality among the
Cows was at its height, that towards the End of the Summer, some Farmers
brought in fresh Cattel, and turning them into the same Fields, where many
Cows had died before, they took the Infection and died likewise; but the
following Spring those Fields were void of Infection, and the _Cows_ that
were put into them did very well, but what were then put into the
_Cow-Houses_, where the sick _Cows_ had been the Year before, were seiz'd
with the Distemper, and died; which seems to inform us, that it was the
Effect of _Insects_, which thro' the Warmth of those Stalls were preserv'd
from the Severity of the Winter's Frost; but such as were left in the open
Fields were destroy'd by the Cold. I have heard that a Woman about
_Camberwell_ cured Six in Seven of her _Cows_, by giving them once a Week
an Infusion of _Rhue_ and _Ale-wort_.

But it may be ask'd, why these infectious Distempers, subject to Men,
Cattle and Plants, are not universal? And why the Plague should not be as
well in _India_, _China_, the South Parts of _Africa_ and _America_, as in
these Parts of the World? (For I do not find it has ever been in those
Places.) This Query gives me a farther Opportunity to suggest, that
Insects are the Cause of it, and that they are brought with the Easterly
Winds. In the first place, so far as I can learn, there is not naturally
in _America_ any one Kind of Creature or Insect that is found in any other
Part of the World, and the Plants likewise are all different from those of
other Countries; as it is the same in _India_, _China_, &c. whose Products
are quite different from what we find elsewhere. Supposing then that these
pestiferous Insects are only the Produce of _Tartary_, let us consider to
what Parts of the World they may be carry'd from thence with the Easterly
Winds; and whether _India_, _China_, the South of _Africa_ and _America_,
are not beyond their Reach, or can reasonably be affected by them.

Whoever considers the Disposition of the Land and Water in the Globe, may
thus account for the Passage of these Insects, with an Easterly Wind from
_Tartary_, to all the Parts of _Europe_, _Asia-Minor_, _Palestine_,
_Barbary_, and other South Coasts of the _Mediterranean Sea_, whither,
'tis highly probable, they may come, without meeting any thing in their
Way to obstruct their Course.

The best Maps do not lay down any Mountains of Note between _Tartary_ and
the places which have been subject to the Plague: The _Alps_ run parallel
with the Winds coming from _Tartary_, and therefore does not any Way
hinder their Passage: The Mountains of _Dalmatia_ are not high enough to
prevent the Passage; or if they were, the _Caspian Sea_ is sufficiently
large to let them pass to the South Parts of _Europe_, the _Mediterranean
Sea_, and the North Coasts of _Africa_, even to their most Western Bounds.

Now it may be expected, perhaps, by some, that these Winds should yet
continue their Progress as far as _America_; but as yet, so far as I can
learn, these Land-Winds, when they have blown with the greatest Force, and
have been of the longest Continuance, have not reach'd farther than about
three hundred Leagues beyond the Western Coasts of _Europe_, which is a
Trifle in Comparison of the vast Ocean between us and _America_: Besides,
it is my Opinion, that the Winds which blow over so vast a Tract of Land,
as these _Tartarian_ Winds must do, that I suppose convey and support the
pestiferous Insects, are of so different a Nature from the Winds coming
from the Ocean, that 'tis likely those Creatures which would subsist in
the one, would be destroy'd by the other: So that if I am right in this
Conjecture, _America_ cannot be subject to the Plague.

_Mount-Atlas_, which is a vast Ridge of Mountains, running from the Ocean
almost as far as _Egypt_, and are back'd with the Desarts of _Lybia_, may
very likely obstruct the Passage of these Insects to the South of
_Africa_; and for that Reason, perhaps, secure that part of the World from
Plagues. So likewise _Mount-Caucasus_, or _Ararat_, which is one of the
highest Ridge of Mountains in the World, running from East to West, thro'
_Persia_ and _India_, may secure the South Parts of those Countries from
the Plague, by stopping the Passage of those infectious Creatures, if any
Winds from _Tartary_ should happen to blow them that Way: And as _China_
lies to the East of _Tartary_, so it must be Westerly Winds which must
infect that Country with the Plague, if it proceeds from what I imagine:
But we do not yet find that Westerly Winds are frequent in those Parts; or
if they are, we may be assur'd they cannot blow at the same time when the
Insects are hatch'd and carried the contrary Way by the Wind from
_Tartary_. We are inform'd, that upon the Coast of _China_, the Winds are
so regular, that from _October_ to _March_ they continually blow from the
North-East, and from that Month to _October_, the direct contrary Way.

And Plants are no less subject to be destroy'd by Insects, than Men and
Quadrupedes, is I have explain'd in the Chapter of Blights, in my _New
Improvements of Planting and Gardening_.

_Plants_ of all degrees are subject to Blights, which are so variously
communicated to them, that sometimes a whole Tree will perish by that
Distemper; now and then a few Leaves, or Blossoms only, and perhaps a
Branch or two, will be shrivel'd, or scorch'd by it, and the rest remain
green and flourishing. I have yet never observ'd this Disease to happen
among Plants, but upon the blowing of sharp and clear _Easterly_ Winds,
which are most frequent in _England_ about _March_; but sometimes happen
in other Months. It is very observable, that the _Caterpillars_ generally
attend these Winds, chiefly infecting some one sort of Tree more than
another, and even then not every where upon the kind of Tree they attack,
but some particular Branches only; from which Observations I think we may
draw the following Inferences, either that the Eggs of those Insects are
brought to us by the _Easterly_ Winds, or that the Temperature of the Air,
when the _Easterly_ Winds blow, is necessary to hatch those Creatures,
supposing their Eggs were already laid upon those infected Parts of the
Trees the preceding Year.

The Blights which are attended with large _Worms_ or _Caterpillars_, seem
to be rather hatch'd with the _East_ Wind, than that the Eggs of those
Creatures are brought along with it; but those Blights which produce only
those small Insects which occasion the curling of the Leaves of Trees, may
proceed from Swarms of them, either hatch'd or in the Egg, which are
brought with the Wind.

Some perhaps may object, that the _East_ Wind is too cold to hatch these
Creatures; how comes it then that we find them hatch'd when those Winds
reign? Or is it reasonable to conjecture that the same degree of Heat is
necessary to enliven an Insect as is required to hatch the Egg of a
Pullet? The Insects of _Norway_, _Iceland_, and such like cold Climes,
must certainly have less Heat to produce them, than Creatures of the same
Race must necessarily have in those Climates which lye nearer to the Sun.
Every Creature, without doubt, requires a different Period of Heat or Cold
to enliven it, and put it in Motion, which is prov'd by so many known
Instances, that I conceive there is no room for any dispute upon that

But there may yet be another Question, _viz._ Whether it is not the _East_
Wind of it self that blights, without the help of _Insects_? But that may
be easily resolved on my side; for that if it was the Wind alone that
blighted, then every Plant in its way must unavoidably be infected with
its Poison; whereas we find the contrary on a single Branch it may be, or
some other distinct Part of Plants.

And again, to shew how reasonably we may conjecture that 'tis _Insects_
which thus infect the Trees, let us only consider, that every _Insect_ has
its proper _Plant_, or Tribe of _Plants_, which it naturally requires for
its Nourishment, and will feed upon no other kind whatsoever: Therefore
'tis no wonder to see one particular sort of Tree blighted, when all
others escape; as for Example, that Wind which brings or hatches the
_Caterpillars_ upon the _Apple-Trees_, will not any way infect the _Pear_,
_Plumb_, or _Cherry_ with _Blights_, because, were the Shoals of _Insects_
natural to the _Apple_, to light only upon those other Trees mentioned,
they would then want their proper Matrix to hatch in; or if they were
hatch'd already, they would Perish for want of their natural Food; so that
'tis morally impossible that all sorts of Trees should be blighted at the
same time, unless the Eggs of every kind of _Insect_, natural to each
Tree, could be brought at one time with the Wind, or that an Easterly Wind
could contain in it at once, as many differing Periods of Cold or Heat, as
would be requir'd to hatch and maintain each differing kind of those

The common People in the Country seem to be of my Opinion, that Blights
are brought by the East Winds, which they are so well satisfied brings or
hatches the _Caterpillar_, that to prevent the too great Progress of
Blights, it is common for them when the East Winds blow, to provide large
Heaps of Weeds, Chaff, and other combustible Matter on the Windside of
their Orchards, and set them on Fire, that the Smoak may poison either the
_Insects_ or their Eggs, as they are pass'd along. By this Contrivance I
have often known large Orchards preserv'd, when the neighbouring Parts
have suffer'd to the Loss of all their Fruit.

And I have also seen these Fires made with good Success to destroy the
_Caterpillars_, even after they were hatch'd, and had began to devour the
Trees, by suffocating them, and forcing them to drop to the Ground, where
they have been swept up in large Quantities, and kill'd. I have heard it
affirm'd by a Gentleman of Reputation, that _Pepper-Dust_, being powder'd
upon the _Blossoms_ of any Tree, will preserve them from Blights, which
may be, because _Pepper_ is said to be present Death to every Creature but
to Mankind. Now altho' this last Secret is too costly for common Use, yet
it may be of Service in some particular Place for the Tryal of a new Tree,
where a Taste of the Fruit is desired, and besides it helps to inform us,
that Blights are occasion'd by Insects, or their Eggs, lodging upon a
Plant, and that _Pepper Dust_ will not suffer them either to live, or to
be hatch'd.

Another Remark (which to me is Demonstration) that Blights proceed from
_Insects_, or their Eggs (being brought with the Easterly Winds) was the
total Destruction of the _Turneps_, _Ann._ 1716, on the West Side of
_London_; about _October_ we had dry Easterly Winds for a Week or ten
Days, and several thousand Acres of _Turneps_, which were then well grown,
turn'd Yellow and decay'd, unless in such Places only as were shelter'd by
Hedges, Houses, or Trees, where they remain'd Green 'till the _Insects_,
which came with the Wind, in about a Week's Time, destroy'd those also.
Some Farmers imagin'd that the Birds which were there in great Flocks, had
eaten the Leaves of their _Turneps_, and contriv'd all Means possible to
destroy them, 'till I convinc'd them that the Birds were rather Friends
than Enemies and came there to feed upon the _Caterpillars_, which were in
such great Numbers, that each _Turnep-plant_ had not less than a Thousand
upon it; and that _Insects_ frequently pass in Clouds and numberless
Armies after this manner, is plain from several Instances, which have
happen'd in my Time, and one of them (I think in _June, Ann._ 1717)
passing over _London_ were suffocated (I suppose) with the Smoak of the
Sea-Coal, and drop'd down in the Streets, insomuch that a square Court
belonging to the _Royal Society_ was almost cover'd with them; these were
of the _Fly Kind_, and fully perfected.

It may be asked, perhaps, how these _Insects_ came to destroy the
_Turneps_ only, and not touch the other Greens of the Fields, as
_Cabbages_, _Carrots_, _Parsnips_, and the like? Every Herb has its
peculiar _Insect_, like the Trees I have mention'd: Nay more than this,
the _Insects_ which Nature hath design'd to prey upon the Flower of a
Plant, will not eat the Leaves, or any other Part of the same Plant. The
Leaves of Plants have their _Insects_ natural to them, the Bark and Wood
likewise have their respective Devourers; and those several _Insects_ have
other Kinds, which lay their Eggs, and feed upon them.

I could yet give a much larger Account of Animals and Plants, how they
have been particularly Infected, but I rather choose to refer my Reader to
the Chapter at large, of _Blights_ and _Plagues_, in my _New Improvements
of Planting and Gardening_, &c.

By the foregoing Accounts we may observe, that _Mankind_, _Quadrupedes_
and _Plants_ seem to be infected in the same manner, by unwholesome
_Insects_; only allowing this Difference, that the same _Insect_ which is
poisonous to Man, is not so to other Animals or Plants, and so on the
contrary; we observe likewise, that Pepper which is of Use to Mankind, is
poisonous to other Creatures, and tho' a Man cannot eat of the _Cicuta_,
or _Hemlock_, without prejudice, yet a _Cow_ and some other Animals will
eat it to their Advantage; and the _Manchanese_ Apple, which is deadly
Poison to almost every Creature, is eaten greedily by Goats, and which is
strange, the Milk of those Goats is wholesome to Mankind. Again, we may
remark that _Camphire_ which may be taken at the Mouth by the Human Race,
and is helpful in many Cases, will destroy _Insects_; for among the
Curious who have Cabinets of Rarities, it is a common Practice to lay it
in their Drawers and Cases, to destroy the smaller kind of _Insects_,
which would otherwise devour their Collections.

The Smoaking of Tobacco is helpful to some Constitutions, but was the pure
Leaf to be taken directly into the Stomach, it would Purge in a violent
Manner, and the Oil of it as I am told is a deadly Poison; however it is
to be remarked, that in the time of the last Plague in _London_, _Anno_
1665, that Distemper did not reach those who smoak'd Tobacco every Day,
but particularly it was judged the best to smoak in a Morning. We have an
Account of a famous Physician, who in the Pestilential time took every
Morning a Cordial to guard his Stomach, and after that a Pipe or two
before he went to visit his Patients; at the same time we are told, he had
an Issue in his Arm, by which, when it begun to smart, he knew he had
received some Infection, (as he says) and then had recourse to his Cordial
and his Pipe, by this means only he preserved himself, as several others
did at that time by the same Method. I suppose therefore, that the Smoak
of Tobacco is noxious to these Venomous _Insects_, which I believe to be
the Cause of the Plague, either by mixing it self with the Air and there
destroying them, or else by provoking the Stomach to discharge it self of
those Morbid Juices which would nourish and encourage them.

When I consider that the dead Bodies of the miserable People of
_Marseilles_ were found full of _Insects_, and that those Worms could be
no way so suddenly killed, as by putting Oil or Lemon Juice upon them, it
brings to my Mind several Tryals I have made upon _Insects_ of various
Kinds, in order to occasion their speedy Death. In these Experiments, I
found that most of the larger Kinds would live some Minutes in Spirit of
Wine and other spirituous Liquors, when they were forced into them, and
that Oil immediately suffocated them, from whence I suppose, the Air, or
Breath they draw, is exceeding fine and subtile, and that a thick Air
consists of too gross Parts for them to breath, and that since Oil
destroys the larger Kinds of them immediately, the Oleagenous Particles
evaporating from such Bodies as Oil, Pitch, Tar, _&c._ expanding
themselves, and mixing with the common Air, would render it too thick for
the smaller Kinds to subsist in.

We observe likewise that all _Aromatick Herbs_, &c. were found useful in
the time of the dreadful Pestilence in 1665, which helps to confirm what I
have just now related, for a single Leaf of Rosemary contains at least 500
little Bladders of Oily Juice, which by rubbing, break and afford that
grateful Smell we find in that Plant, but in that as in all other
_Aromatick Herbs_, was we to bruise the Leaves 'till all those Bladders
were broken, the recreating Smell would be lost, and we should find only
remaining an earthy, disagreeable Flavour, arising from the common
undigested Sap; so if we take the Leaves of Fifty several Kinds of
Aromatick Plants, and after bruising them, make up distinctly the bruis'd
Leaves of each into Balls, and dry them by the Sun, or otherwise, they
will all afford the same Smell; for the breaking of those Bladders, or
Blisters, which yield the different Smells (from the Essence they
severally contain) makes them lose all their Spirit or Essence.

In the Culture of these Aromatick Herbs, such as _Rosemary_, _Lavender_,
_Thyme_, &c. we may remark, that they are never destroy'd by any _Insect_,
which may still give us a further Proof of the Antipathy all _Insects_
have to them, for which Reason some People are used to smoak their Houses
with these Aromatick Herbs, but especially where the Chambers or Rooms are
small and close; and it has been proved, that the Burning of Aromatick
Gums and Woods, have likewise been useful in purifying the Air in a House,
and preventing the Spreading of Pestilential Distempers.

In 1665 it was observable, that in _Aldermanbury_, and other Places, where
there were large Ware-Houses of Aromatick Druggs, the Infection did not
reach; so that it seems where there is Quantity enough of such Woods or
Gums, as yield a strong Smell, we have no Occasion of burning them, the
bare Effluvia rising from a large Mass, having the same Effect as burning
a small Quantity. As every one of these Druggs, or Gums, is more pungent
or operative upon the Organs of Smelling, so we may be assured, the
Vapour proceeding from them fill a larger Space in the Air; but perhaps a
Tun Weight of the strongest Aromatick among them, in the Body or Mass,
will not purifie so much Air as half an Ounce of the same will do by
burning; for the Smoak of a few Grains of _Tobacco_, when the Air is
clear, will sensibly touch the Smell above forty Yards, tho' a Pound of
the Herb unburnt will not affect the Smell above a Foot.

These Observations may serve to inform us, that the burning of Aromaticks
may help to keep the Air in an healthful State; but as Men of Business
must often change their Station, and pass thro' different Degrees and
Tempers of Air, it is for that Reason, that Aromaticks, and strong
smelling Roots, Herbs, _&c._ are recommended to be taken into the Stomach.
The Cordial which we call _Plague-water_, compos'd of Aromatick Herbs, has
been used with Success, as has also been Conserves of _Rhue_, _&c._ and
the Use of _Garlick_ in the _Amiens_ Distemper, particularly, is
remarkable. To this I may likewise add a Relation I had lately from some
Men of Quality concerning a _Plague_, which some Years since destroy'd a
great part of the _French_ Army: It was observable, that at that time the
_Irish_ Regiments in that Service were preserv'd by rubbing their Bread
every Morning with _Garlick_, which undoubtedly must taint their Breath
for many Hours, and so regulate the Air about them, that the unwholesome
_Insects_ could not approach them.

Upon this Occasion, I cannot omit observing the extraordinary Remedy for
destroying the Insect call'd the _Wevil_ in Corn or Malt, as it was
communicated to me by the Learned Dr. _Bentley_, Master of Trinity
College, _Cambridge_; that worthy Gentleman tells me, that the Herb
_Parietaria_, or _Peletory of the Wall_, is a Sovereign Remedy against the
_Wevil_ in Corn or Malt; and according to the Information he has had, an
Handful of that Plant being laid here and there in a Granary infected by
those Insects, will infallibly destroy them in a Day or two; which
Discovery is so useful, that I think it ought to be made as publick as
possible, and in this place serves to confirm my Hypothesis, That the
Effluvia of some Plants are Destructive to Insects.

In the next place I come to consider, how much a certain Quantity of Air
is requisite to preserve a single Animal Body, and the Knowledge of that,
is what I account one of the chief Preservatives of Health. I have often
been concern'd to find a Family of six or seven pinn'd up in a Room, that
has not contain'd Air enough for the Maintenance of Health in one single
Person; but such is the Hardship of our Poor in many Places, and is
frequently the Occasion of their Death.

We may easily conceive how this happens, if we examine the Case of the
Diving Tub, how short a while a Man can live it, without a Supply of fresh
Air; the occasion of which is, that when he has drawn in with his Breath,
all the Grosser Parts from the Air enclos'd in the Tub, the rest grows hot
and suffocating, by being too much rarified.

From whence I suppose, a Room of Nine or Ten Foot Cube, will contain Air
enough to keep a single Man alive for one Day, but if two were to inhabit
that Space for the same time, each would receive but half his Nourishment,
and so both would be Sufferers; but a Room, perhaps, containing twice that
Space, might well enough serve five People for a Day, supposing that all
External Air was kept from Communication with such a Room, during the time
the People were in it; for, as I have observ'd, that Air has certain
Nourishing Qualities in it, for the Maintenance of Human Life; so when
those Nourishing Parts are imbibed, and drawn in by the Lungs, the Air is
return'd and flung out as invalid, and cannot be of Use a second Time to
the same Person; an Example of which, we find very curiously demonstrated
by Mr. _Newyentyte_; he tells us, that in making this Experiment, he
discover'd that the same Nourishing Quality in the Air, which is necessary
to maintain Human Life, is also necessary to maintain Flame, which he
proves thus:

A lighted Candle being set under a Bell, closely fix'd upon a Table, will
burn perhaps a Minute or two in Proportion to the Quantity of Air pent up
with the Candle in the Bell; but as soon as the Quality in that Air, which
is necessary to feed the Flame, is exhausted, the Candle goes out; this
has been often try'd with the same Success; and we find, that by letting
into the Bell some fresh Air, a little before the Candle should have gone
out, it will still continue burning: And then to shew that this Quality in
the Air is the same which feeds the Life in Humane Bodies, it was try'd,
whether the Air, returning from the Lungs, would not have the same Effect
upon the Candle, as the External Air had before, but it had not, the
Candle went out at its usual Time: Thus, it seems, when we suck in Air for
Breath, the Lungs takes what is necessary for the Nourishment of our
Bodies, and returns back the rest.

After this we may naturally conclude, that where the Rooms, or Houses are
small, there ought to be frequent Admissions of the External Air, but
especially where those Rooms or Houses are too much crouded with People;
and if it is supposed that the External Air is Infectious, the burning of
_Aromaticks_, _Gums_, or _Herbs_, upon the letting in of fresh Air, is

From the foregoing Observations we may learn, that all Pestilential
Distempers, whether in Animals or Plants, are occasion'd by poisonous
Insects convey'd from Place to Place by the Air, and that by uncleanly
Living and poor Diet, Humane and other Bodies are disposed to receive such
_Insects_ into the Stomach and most noble Parts; while, on the other Hand,
such Bodies as are in full Strength, and are well guarded with
Aromaticks, would resist and drive them away, but chiefly how necessary it
is to allow the Body a Freedom of Air, and how to correct it if it is

And I shall conclude with some Memorandums taken from the Papers of a
learned Gentleman, who in the time of the late Plague in _London_ was
curious enough to make his Remarks upon the Signs of that Distemper, and
the Method of its Cure.

He tells, the Plague proceeds first from a corrupted and unwholsome Air.

The Second, is putrified Humours, hot Blood, caused by breathing in such
corrupt Air; and if the Diet before were perverse, it fills the Body with
superfluous Humours.

Concerning the common Fear of Infection, which makes many rich Men, which
might and ought to maintain poor visited People; and some Physicians
likewise, whose Duty it is to administer Physick to them, flee away, so
that in time of great Infection we hear more cry out for want of Bread and
necessary means, than for anguish of the Disease.

Hence also came that inhumane Custom of shutting up of Houses that are
visited with Pestilence, dejecting their Spirits, and consequently making
way for the Disease, and taking Men from their Labour, which is a digester
of Humours, and a preserver of Health; and if the Disease be Infectious
(as in their Opinion it is) it is plain Murder, to shut Men up in an
infected and destroying Air.

But all Mens Bodies are not full of Humours; if they were, all would be

After this I find the following Directions to prevent Infection. _First_,
To avoid the Fear of it, and support the Spirits in the next place.
_Secondly_, To keep the Body soluble, and to use the juice of _Lemons_
often. _Thirdly_, he recommends a Diet of quick Digestion, and to eat and
drink moderately: He prescribes likewise the Smell of Aromaticks, such as
_Camphire_, _Styrax_, _Calamites_, Wood of _Aloes_, &c. and to be taken
inwardly, _Mithridate_, _Anjelica_, and _Petasetis_-Roots; and, in an
express Manner, he recommends Cleanliness, and the Choice of a clear Air.

After Infection he tells us the Signs are an extraordinary inward Heat, a
Difficulty of Breathing, a Pain and Heaviness in the Head, an Inclination
to Sleep, frequent Vomiting, immoderate Thirst, a Dryness on the Tongue
and Palate; but especially if we discover Risings or Swellings behind the
Ears, in the Groin, or other tender Parts of the Body; but this last,
where it happens, is of Advantage to the Patient; for he says, in such a
Case, the Plague is rarely Mortal, for then Nature has Power to dispel the
Venom, and drive it from the most noble Parts; and then he recommends
Bleeding; but if Spots appear upon the Body, he advises the Use of
_Emeticks_, and afterwards _Sudorificks_, which, by his Papers, we find he
gave with good Success, but he decries the Use of Opiates at the Beginning
of the Distemper.

He concludes with Directing of proper Cordials, to refresh and strengthen
the Patient, such as _Confect. Hyacint._, _Confect. Alchermes_, _Pulv.
Gasconi�_, _Bezoar Orient._ and such like.

But my Worthy Friend, Sir _John Colebatch_, who has in other Cases
declared himself for Publick Good, has, in this, likewise been Careful to
provide against the Infection, and especially recommends to his Friends,
to collect large Parcels of the Ripe _Ivy Berries_ which are known from
the others by their Blackness.

Thus have I given my Reader such a View of the _Plague_ in general, as may
point out to him its natural Cause, Progress of Infection, and the Methods
that have been used by the Learned, to prevent the spreading that Terrible


Transcriber's Notes:

Passages in italics are indicated by _underscore_.

Long "s" has been modernized.

Spelling and punctuation are presented as they appear in the original.

The original text contains decorative illustrations which are not noted
in this text version.

In the table on page 15 (_Buried of all Diseases in the Year 1636._), the
third digit next to September 1 is illegible and has been presented as "10_1."

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Plague at Marseilles Consider'd, by 
Richard Bradley


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