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Title: High Endeavours: Messages to Alaska

Author: Shoghi Effendi

Release Date: September 2006 [Ebook #19276]

Language: English

Character set encoding: US-ASCII


High Endeavours: Messages to Alaska

by Shoghi Effendi

Edition 1, (September 2006)

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   "I desire for you eternal success and prosperity and beg perfect..."
   (1) March 12, 1939
   (2) February 12th, 1940
   (3) February 13th, 1940
   (4) December 12th, 1942
   (5) July 24th, 1943
   (6) October 14, 1943
   (7) November 19th, 1945
   (8) December 17, 1951
   (9) February 3, 1952
   (10) February 9, 1953
   (11) March 24, 1953
   (12) March 30, 1953
   (13) August 5, 1953
   (14) August 5, 1953
   (15) November 23, 1953
   (16) March 18, 1954
   (17) April 23, 1954
   (18) January 28, 1955
   (19) March 1, 1955
   (20) May 7, 1955
   (21) July 1, 1955
   (22) August 26, 1955
   (23) September 16, 1955
   (24) December 7, 1955
   (25) December 25, 1955
   (26) February 2, 1956
   (27) May 3, 1956
   (28) May 14, 1956
   (29) May 23, 1956
   (30) June 22, 1956
   (31) July 24, 1956
   (32) August 1, 1956
   (33) September 16, 1956
   (34) October 22, 1956
   (35) December 20, 1956
   (36) April 12, 1957
   (37) April, 1957
   (38) May 16, 1957
   (39) May 20, 1957
   (40) May 28, 1957
   (41) June 4, 1957
   (42) June 30, 1957
   (43) July 6, 1957
   (44) July 12, 1957
   (45) July 14, 1957
   (46) July 19, 1957
   (47) August 8, 1957
   (48) August 15, 1957
   (49) August 17, 1957
   (50) August 18, 1957
   (51) September 8, 1957
   (52) September 9, 1957
   (53) September 18, 1957
   (54) October 20, 1957
   (55) October 27, 1957
   (56) July 30, 1946
   (57) March 15, 1947
   (58) May 16, 1947
   (59) November 14, 1947
   (60) March 18, 1952
   (61) September 17, 1952
   (62) March 29, 1953
   (63) December 7, 1953
   (64) December 13, 1953
   (65) December 18, 1953
   (66) January 9, 1954
   (67) February 20, 1954
   (68) April 12, 1954
   (69) May 7, 1954
   (70) May 14, 1954
   (71) July 20, 1954
   (72) December 23, 1954
   (73) February 20, 1955
   (74) August 26, 1955
   (75) November 11, 1956
   (76) January 24, 1957
   (77) April 20, 1957
   (78) To a Knight of Baha'u'llah arriving at Kodiak
   (79) To Knights of Baha'u'llah upon reaching Unalaska
   (80) To the pioneers who filled the post at Barrow
   (81) ALASKA--Important
   (82) ALASKA--Incorporation of L.S.A. and growth
   (83) ALASKA--Spirit of confidence
   (84) ALASKA--Unity of believers
   (87) CHRIST--Virgin Birth
   (88) FEAR--Overcoming fear
   (89) FOOD-Storage
   (90) GOD--Nature of our Knowledge
   (91) IMMORTALITY--Cause of Happiness
   (93) MANIFESTATIONS--Future Manifestations
   (94) PHOTOGRAPHS--of the Master
   (95) PRAYER
   (96) PRE-EXISTENCE--of Prophets
   (97) JOSEPH SMITH--Statements in Book of Mormon
   (98) SOUL--Origin
   (99) STUDY
   (100) TEACHINGS--Acceleration
   (101) TEACHING--Importance
   (102) TEACHING--Participation of Children
   (103) TEACHING--Remaining at Post
   (104) TEACHING--Teaching Relatives


"I desire for you eternal success and prosperity and beg perfect..."

To the Assemblies and Meetings of the believers of God and the
maidservants of the Merciful in the United States and Canada.

Upon them be Baha'u'llah El' Abha

He is God!

O ye blessed souls:

I desire for you eternal success and prosperity and beg perfect
confirmation for each one in the divine world. My hope for you is that
each one may shine forth like unto the morning star from the horizon of
the world and in this garden of God become a blessed tree, producing
everlasting fruits and results.

Therefore I direct you to that which is conducive to your heavenly
confirmation and illumination in the Kingdom of God!

It is this: Alaska is a vast country; although one of the maidservants of
the Merciful has hastened to those parts, serving as a librarian in the
Public Library, and according to her ability is not failing in teaching
the Cause, yet the call of the Kingdom of God is not yet raised through
that spacious territory.

His Holiness Christ says: Travel ye to the East and to the West of the
world and summon the people to the Kingdom of God. Hence the mercy of God
must encompass all humanity. Therefore do ye not think it permissible to
leave that region deprived of the breezes of the Morn of Guidance.
Consequently, strive as far as ye are able to send to those parts fluent
speakers, who are detached from aught else save God, attracted with the
fragrances of God, and sanctified and purified from all desires and
temptations. Their sustenance and food must consist of the teachings of
God. First they must themselves live in accordance with those principles,
then guide the people. Perchance, God willing, the lights of the most
great guidance may illumine that country and the breezes of the rose
garden of the love of God may perfume the nostrils of the inhabitants of
Alaska. Should ye become confirmed in thus rendering such a service, rest
ye assured that ye shall crown your heads with the diadem of everlasting
sovereignty and at the threshold of oneness you will become the favored
and accepted servants.


O Thou Incomparable God! O Thou Lord of the Kingdom! These souls are Thy
heavenly army. Assist them and with the cohorts of the Supreme Concourse,
make them victorious; so that each one of them may become like unto a
regiment and conquer these countries through the love of God and the
illumination of divine teachings.

O God! Be Thou their supporter and their helper, and in the wilderness,
the mountain, the valley, the forests, the prairies and the seas, be Thou
their confidant--so that they may cry out through the power of the Kingdom
and the breath of the Holy Spirit!

Verily Thou art the Powerful, the Mighty and the Omnipotent and Thou art
the Wise, the Hearing, and the Seeing.

--'Abdu'l-Baha (April 8, 1916)


Letters to Individuals, 1939-1943. These were written prior to the
formation of the first Local Spiritual Assembly and reflect the early
development of the Faith in Alaska.

(1) March 12, 1939

(1) March 12, 1939(1)

Dear Baha'i Friend,

The Guardian has received your most welcome and inspiring message of the
19th February, and is inexpressibly delighted to know that you have
spontaneously offered your services for pioneer teaching in Alaska.(2) He
can well imagine the feelings of immeasurable satisfaction and unbounded
gratitude with which both the N.S.A. and the National Teaching Committee
must have welcomed your determination to teach and establish the Faith in
that far-off and hitherto unexplored territory, and he wishes me to
express also his own appreciation and gratitude for this remarkable step
which you have, notwithstanding the well-nigh insuperable obstacles in
your way, been inspired to take to carry the Message to that distant land.
The spirit of heroic self-sacrifice, and of unflinching resolve that has
prompted you to undertake so noble and sacred a mission, and make such a
warm and immediate response to his recent teaching call addressed to the
American believers cannot but fill all hearts with admiration and praise,
and evoke the memory of those acts of unrivalled heroism, of selfless and
unstinted devotion that have characterized the lives of the immortal
heroes of the Apostolic age of our beloved Faith.

Though labouring in an age and under circumstances wholly different from
those in which those early pioneers of the Cause have been privileged to
labour, yet it is that selfsame spirit of entire self-forgetfulness, of
whole-hearted and unwavering loyalty, and of absolute consecration that is
now, in this Formative period, inspiring you, and all our dear American
Baha'i pioneers, to forsake their all and undergo such privations and
suffering in order to speed up and ensure the triumph of the Cause of God.

Rest assured that the Guardian will incessantly and most fervently
supplicate on your behalf, that the invisible hosts of the Kingdom may
continually reinforce and guide your efforts, and enable you to attain
this assuredly high and noble goal you have set yourself to attain in
service to Baha'u'llah and His Cause.

In the hope that this letter will find you well, happy and well on the way
of the realization of your plans, and with most cordial greetings,

Yours ever in His Service,
H. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and prized co-worker:

I am thrilled by the news you give me. How proud I feel of the spirit that
so powerfully animates you. My prayers will, I assure you, accompany you
on your great and historic adventure. Persevere no matter how great the
obstacles in your way. Future generations will glorify your deed and
emulate your example. The Concourse on high acclaims your resolve and will
richly bless your endeavours. Be happy and confident.

Your true brother,

(2) February 12th, 1940

(2) February 12th, 1940

Dear Baha'i Sister,

The Guardian has received your most welcome message of December 31st, and
feels truly delighted to know of your recent confirmation in the Faith,
and of the pioneer work you are now undertaking in Alaska,(3) in
collaboration with our beloved sister Miss Honor Kempton.

He is indeed grateful to you for having offered to teach and establish the
Cause in that far off land, and feels confident that through the promised
confirmations of Baha'u'llah and your own persistent efforts you will
eventually succeed in completely attaining your goal.

The various measures you have already taken with the view of giving
widespread publicity to the Teachings have been noted with deep interest
and appreciation by the Guardian who indeed trusts that they will result
in attracting to the Cause people of capacity and understanding.

He would urge you and also dear Miss Kempton to persevere, and through
your joint exertions endeavour to pave the way for the formation of a
local assembly in Alaska. Rest assured his prayers will be specially
offered on behalf of you both, that you may receive ever-increasing
strength, capacity and guidance to carry out your high teaching mission to
complete success.

With the renewed expression of his abiding gratitude for your devoted
services, and with loving greetings,

Yours very sincerely,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-worker:

Your letter cheered and heartened me in the conduct of my arduous duties
and responsibilities. I rejoice to learn of your high endeavours in that
distant field, and I will specially pray with increasing fervour for your
protection and success. How great your privilege, how laborious your task,
how noble your mission! Do not feel disheartened. Persevere and be
confident always.

Your true and grateful brother,

(3) February 13th, 1940

(3) February 13th, 1940

Dear Baha'i Sister,

The Guardian has received your most welcome communication of the 31st
December, and his heart was greatly cheered and refreshed by the perusal
of its contents, and at the evidences of the slow yet steady progress of
your teaching work in Alaska.

The very illuminating report you had given him covering the general social
and religious conditions prevailing in that land clearly reveals the
nature and extent of the obstacles which you have to face and surmount in
the prosecution of your teaching task. But surely for such valiant and
steadfast pioneers like you there is no difficulty, however seemingly
insurmountable, which cannot be effectively overcome, as Baha'u'llah is
assuredly guiding and reinforcing your labours through the unseen hosts of
His Kingdom.

The Guardian was particularly encouraged to know of the contact you have
established with the editor of the "Alaskan," and of his very generous
offer to publish in his paper various materials on the Teachings. His hope
is that this will prove a most effective medium for the spread of the
Cause, and will bring in a large number of earnest inquirers.

Also the Guardian cherishes very bright hopes regarding the bookshop which
you have opened in Anchorage, which he trusts will serve to attract
widespread attention to the Faith.

Renewing to you his abiding and heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable
teaching services, and assuring you again of his continued prayers for the
confirmation of your efforts, and also for your own welfare and protection
in these dark and gloomy days,

Yours in His Service,
H. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-worker:

Your most welcome report brought immense joy to my heart. With feelings of
increasing pride, admiration and gratitude I follow your activities and
pray continually for your success. Do not relax in your efforts. The
Concourse on high is watching over you and the Blessed Beauty will
reinforce and guide you.

Your true and grateful brother,

(4) December 12th, 1942

(4) December 12th, 1942

Dear Baha'i Sister,

Your letter of Aug. 5th has been received, and the Guardian was very
pleased to hear from you. He has instructed me to write and answer you on
his behalf, and also thank you for the photographs you enclosed.

He feels that this is a very important opportunity which you have now
obtained of teaching the Faith to the Eskimo people,(4) and he hopes your
efforts will be crowned with success.

He would not advise you to teach them Esperanto, as we have no way of
knowing whether it will ultimately be chosen as the auxiliary language of
the world. He thinks the most direct and quickest way of communicating
with them in a common tongue should be chosen; in other words either you
should learn their language or they yours, whichever will yield the
quickest results.

As they are a relatively uncivilized people, unused to the modern
cosmopolitan forms of life, and consequently not au courant with the
thoughts which to us have become mere commonplace, he would advise you to
approach them through love, friendliness, and association, until you are
in a position to enter into their confidence, and gradually teach them, in
a simple way, the great truths of our Faith.

To confirm them in the Faith should be your main objective, always bearing
in mind that faith and belief are different from learning and a full grasp
of the implications of such a vast Cause as ours.

You may be sure his loving prayers will be offered for the success of your
historic mission, and he will be interested to hear how you are

With Baha'i love,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Assuring you of my abiding gratitude and appreciation for the magnificent
services you are rendering, and for the laudable spirit you are
demonstrating in your historic activities and achievements in these days
of stress and peril, and assuring you also of my special and constant
prayers for the success of every effort you exert, and every step you take
in the path of service,

Your true and grateful brother,

(5) July 24th, 1943

(5) July 24th, 1943

Dear Baha'i Sister:

The Guardian was very happy to receive your letter of May 29th; and he has
instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

It is with great joy that he welcomes you into the Faith of Baha'u'llah,
and he hopes that you will be the means of attracting many other souls to
this glorious life-giving Message.

'Abdul-Baha was most anxious that the Eskimo people should be taught the
Message of this New Day, and it is a source of happiness to all Baha'is
that you, a member of that race, have arisen to spread these teachings.(5)
God has surely guided your steps and blessed your search for divine Truth.

If people only realized it, the inner life of the spirit is that which
counts, but they are so blinded by desires and so misled that they have
brought upon themselves all the suffering we see at present in the world.
The Baha'is seek to lead people back to a knowledge of their true selves
and the purpose for which they were created, and thus to their greatest
happiness and highest good.

You may be sure the Guardian will pray that you may render the Cause many
valuable services and become a gifted and confirmed Baha'i teacher.

With warm Baha'i love,
R. Rabbani

P.S. It will interest you to know that there are now Baha'is active in
Anchorage, Fairbanks, and the Eskimo village of Tuluksak, Alaska.

[From the Guardian:]

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your most welcome letter has rejoiced my heart. I extend to you a most
hearty welcome into the ranks of the followers of Baha'u'llah, and will
greatly value your support and cooperation. Your conversion to His Cause
is indeed a historic event, and will greatly rejoice the hearts of the
believers. I will pray for your success and spiritual advancement from the
depths of my heart. Rest assured and be confident.

Your true brother,

(6) October 14, 1943

(6) October 14, 1943

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter of July 9th has reached the Guardian safely, and he has
instructed me to answer it on his behalf.

He feels that the most important thing at the present time is, of course,
the establishment of the first Baha'i Spiritual Assembly of Alaska.

He hopes that, after the assembly is well established and has a sufficient
number to maintain its status, you will again be able to do pioneer
teaching work among the Eskimos.

Your talk on the Faith in the church of Tuluksak may, indeed, have reached
some of them, and left a seed of Truth in their minds.

As the Centenary Celebration of the Faith draws near the Guardian finds
himself busier than ever before and barely able to keep pace with his
work. However, his thoughts are often with the friends, and he is very
proud of their achievements.

He assures you of his deep appreciation of your devoted and
self-sacrificing services, and that his loving prayers will continue to be
offered on your behalf.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-worker:

I admire and feel proud of your historic achievements. I am deeply
grateful to you and will continue to pray from the depths of my heart for
your protection, happiness, and the speedy and full realization of every
hope you cherish in such an important sphere of Baha'i activity.

Your true and grateful brother,


Letters to Baha'i Institutions. These letters are presented
chronologically in their entirety. They trace the strengthening and
development of the institutions--National Spiritual Assembly, Local
Spiritual Assemblies, Committees and Conventions.

(7) November 19th, 1945

(7) November 19th, 1945

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Anchorage

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your letter of Aug. 6th brought great joy to the Guardian's heart. It has
taken it some time to reach him but he has instructed me to answer it at

He was particularly pleased to hear of the weekly radio broadcasts you are
giving, and feels that this cannot but have a marked effect on the
progress of the Cause in Alaska, both visibly and spiritually.

Although there are many souls ripe to receive the message, there are many
others who, though they are not able to recognize its import at present,
will take the seed into their hearts, and there it will ultimately
germinate. Radio reaches so many people and thus is of the utmost

It was very kind of you to think of sending gifts to the Guardian made by
Eskimos, and he will value them as tokens of your love and the handiwork
of a people whom he is most anxious should receive the Divine Message.

He hopes that your Assembly will endeavour to reach the Eskimos with the
Message; he fully realizes how difficult a task this is, but it is also
one of great importance. If but one of these souls should become truly
enkindled, he or she could then teach others in their own language and a
manner suited to their minds.

Assuring you all of the loving appreciation of your devoted services, and
his ardent prayers for the success of your labours.

Yours, with warm Baha'i love,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and prized co-workers:

It is always a joy to hear from you. I truly admire the spirit that
animates you, as well as your remarkable achievements in the service of
our beloved Faith. You truly deserve the praise of the Concourse on high.
Persevere in your noble and historic task, and rest assured that the
Beloved is well pleased with you.

Your true and grateful brother,

(8) December 17, 1951

(8) December 17, 1951

To the Baha'is who attended the Alaska Convention.

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your letter of December 3rd has reached the beloved Guardian; and he was
very pleased to receive the assurance of your determination to persevere
in the work of the Cause, and achieve all the goals set before the
American Baha'i Community.

He was also very happy indeed to know that all Alaskan Baha'is had been
present. He considers this a great achievement. When we consider that not
so many years ago, there was not a single Baha'i in Alaska, we can truly
say: "What hath God wrought!"--and with thankful hearts rededicate
ourselves to the work of His Faith.

With Baha'i love,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Assuring you of my deepest appreciation of the sentiments you have
expressed, and of my loving, my ardent and continued prayers for the
extension and consolidation of your highly meritorious activities,

Your true and grateful brother,

(9) February 3, 1952

(9) February 3, 1952

Baha'is of the Anchorage Recording District.

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Our beloved Guardian has received your letter of January 17th, enclosing
the loving contribution for the Shrine of the Bab from the Baha'is of the
Anchorage District; and has instructed me to answer on his behalf, and to
send you the attached receipt.

He very deeply appreciates your gift toward the completion of this most
holy enterprise, which is serving to draw the devoted believers in all
lands closer to the Center of their Faith.

Naturally he is most happy to hear of the growth of the Faith in your
land, and it cannot be otherwise when there is such firm resolve and
determination to serve, and such harmony among the devoted believers.

He assures you all of his loving prayers for you at the Holy Shrines.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved bless you and your fellow-workers in Anchorage, sustain
and protect you, reward you for your contribution and services to the
Faith, and aid you to enrich the splendid record of your achievements.

Your true and grateful brother,

(10) February 9, 1953

(10) February 9, 1953

The Baha'i Community of Anchorage.

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of January 7th, expressing appreciation of the action
of the beloved Guardian in arranging for Ruhiyyih _Kh_anum, accompanied by
the Vice-President of the International Council, Amelia Collins, to be
present at the All-America Teaching Conference and the dedication of the
Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kar in Chicago, has been received by him. He has asked
me to acknowledge receipt of your letter on his behalf.

The Guardian feels that the four forthcoming Conferences are the most
important gatherings ever held in the Faith to date.

The Conferences will bring together representatives of the entire Baha'i
World, representing twelve national communities, made up of numerous
racial and religious backgrounds.

The purpose of the Conferences will be the world-wide propagation of the
Faith. They will lay the foundations of the service of the Baha'is of the
world for the great ten year Crusade ahead--which, God willing, will be
consummated in the fulfillment of the prophecies of Daniel, and the
achievement of the initial goals set by 'Abdu'l-Baha in the Tablets of the
Divine Plan, whereby the world will be flooded with the Glory of the Lord.

The Guardian attaches great importance to the Conference to be held in
Wilmette, and he sincerely hopes as many of the believers as possible will

The Guardian will pray at the Shrines for the friends in Anchorage.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
Leroy Ioas
Assistant Secretary

(11) March 24, 1953

(11) March 24, 1953

To the Baha'is of Alaska

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Just a little note to assure you our beloved Guardian received your
Naw-Ruz greeting, which he appreciated very much.

Great things lie ahead of the Baha'is in Alaska, and he will pray that
they may attain their goals speedily and worthily.

With warm Baha'i love,
R. Rabbani

(12) March 30, 1953

(12) March 30, 1953

To the Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Anchorage Recording

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of January 23rd has been received by the Beloved
Guardian, and he has directed me to acknowledge it in his behalf.

The Guardian feels the Dedication of the Temple, and the Intercontinental
Teaching Conference to be held immediately thereafter, will mark a most
important historic milepost in the development of the Faith in America,
and the world. It will close the epoch of Temple Building, and open the 10
year period of World Crusade, during which time, the Faith will be
established over the face of the earth.

The Guardian is happy Ruhiyyih _Kh_anum and Vice-President Collins of the
International Baha'i Council can attend to represent him. He hopes as many
of the Friends as possible will be present.

With loving Baha'i greetings,
I am,
Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas, Asst. Secretary

(13) August 5, 1953

(13) August 5, 1953

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Anchorage

Dear Baha'i Friends:

The Beloved Guardian has asked me to write the Friends of Alaska on his
behalf, and explain to them that he is following very closely their
activities in Alaska.

He attaches the very greatest importance to the services which are being
rendered by the Baha'is in that land.

The future of Alaska is so important that he has set as one of the goals
of the Ten Year Crusade, the establishment of a National Spiritual
Assembly in Alaska, notwithstanding its present or future political
relationship with the United States.

This great gift which has come to Alaska likewise calls for great
sacrifice and service. The Guardian feels the Baha'is of Alaska fully
realize the heavy responsibilities devolving upon them and will arise with
a superhuman effort to spread the Faith throughout the length and breadth
of the country. He will welcome advice of the opening up of new cities and
centers throughout Alaska, which will lay the foundation stones on which
the future National Assembly can be built. The only way this can be done
is for the Friends to "scatter" as the Master foretold, and settle in new
cities, areas, etc.

A copy of this letter is being sent to the American National Spiritual
Assembly, so that they might assist the friends of Alaska to fulfill their
spiritual mission and help their country attain its spiritual destiny.

Please send a copy of this appeal of the Guardian to each Believer in

The Beloved Guardian sends his loving greetings to each and every one of
the Baha'is in Alaska. He assures you of his prayers at the Holy Shrine in
your behalf, that every obstacle may be removed from your paths, as you
prosecute this sacred mission.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas
Assistant Secretary

(14) August 5, 1953

(14) August 5, 1953

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Anchorage

Dear Baha'i Friends:

The beloved Guardian has asked me to write you on his behalf, concerning
settlement in Kotzebue, in the Arctic Circle.

He has learned that one of the Baha'is of Anchorage, or Alaska, has gone
or is going soon to Kotzebue, and he wishes full information in connection
therewith. He would like to know who the pioneer is, when he settled, or
if not settled, when he will do so.

The Guardian attaches the greatest importance to this project, and he asks
that your Assembly assist the pioneer in every way possible.

The Guardian asks that you give his love to the pioneer either in or
enroute to Kotzebue, and assure him, the Guardian will pray for him; that
the Divine Confirmations may be with him, that every obstacle may be
removed from his path, and that he will achieve new victories for our
Glorious Faith.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas
Assistant Secretary

(15) November 23, 1953

(15) November 23, 1953

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Anchorage

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your letter of September 3rd has been received by the beloved Guardian,
and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

The Baha'is of Alaska have always proved themselves full of initiative and
devotion; and he feels sure that they will successfully accomplish their
goal of having an independent National Assembly before the end of the ten

He feels that if Mrs. Wells can go to Kotzebue next Spring, it would be
excellent. The ideal of course is for the friends to obtain work before
they go to new places, if at all possible, and in this way not deplete
their resources or be a burden on the Fund.

The Guardian was also very happy to hear that the Caldwells are still in
the Aleutian chain, as he attaches the greatest importance to this very
difficult post. He urges your Assembly to give them all the encouragement
you can, and to impress upon them the importance of remaining there.

You may be sure he will pray for the progress of your work in the holy
Shrines; and no doubt the National Assembly will give you every assistance
it can. As you know, it has heavy demands made upon it at present, in
order to get the pioneers out to their posts; and the consolidation work
will undoubtedly be taken up later on.

With warmest Baha'i greetings to you all,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, aid you to promote
continually the vital interests of His Faith, and win great victories in
its service.

Your true brother,

(16) March 18, 1954

(16) March 18, 1954

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Anchorage

Dear Baha'i Friends:

The beloved Guardian is following very closely the activities in
connection with the Ten-Year Crusade throughout the entire Baha'i world.
He has been encouraged by the reports reaching him from all centers.

The Guardian is happy over the development of the Faith in Alaska.
Inasmuch as one of the very important goals of the Ten Year Crusade is the
establishment of a National Spiritual Assembly for Alaska, the Guardian is
hopeful that the friends will very seriously undertake the establishment
of the Faith in the important cities, and the development of as many
assemblies as possible. This can be accomplished best, of course, by
"scattering" from the larger communities, and in settling in new areas.

The beloved Guardian was greatly encouraged to learn through a letter from
Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell addressed to me, that at the Alaska State Convention
on December 6th, a fund was started for the Haziratu'l-Quds. The Guardian
attaches great importance to the development of the Haziratu'l-Quds even
before there are prospects for the establishment of the National Assembly.
The Guardian is arranging for a gift to this fund of $500 as his personal
contribution. It will be sent you by the Treasurer of the American N.S.A.
He hopes this will stimulate the friends to contribute to this important
fund, as time goes on.

The beloved Guardian sends his loving greetings to all the friends in

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas
International Baha'i Council

(17) April 23, 1954

(17) April 23, 1954

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Anchorage

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your letter of April 6th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he
has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

In regard to the matters you raised in it, he feels that the
Haziratu'l-Quds should be inside the city limits. Ten miles from the town
is too far out to be practical.(6)

The first thing is to acquire, if possible, either a building site or a
building; but pending the possibility of doing this, which no doubt will
involve considerable expenditure, he advises you to go on augmenting the
Haziratu'l-Quds Fund.

He would like you to please forward him a list of all the places where
there are Baha'is throughout Alaskan territory, specifying whether it is
an Assembly, a Group or an isolated Centre.

Although he attaches great importance to the opening of new Centres
throughout any territory, including, of course, Alaska, he wishes you to
give special attention to sending a pioneer to Point Barrow, beyond the
Arctic Circle. He feels that there is a great significance in having
believers serving so far north; and he hopes that one of the friends will
be able to secure some employment there and proceed to act as a pioneer in
this highly meritorious field.

All the news that you gave him was good news, and he appreciated it

You may be sure that his loving prayers will surround you and all the
friends, as they labour to carry the Faith throughout Alaskan territory,
and to hasten the day when it will have its own independent National
Spiritual Assembly.

With Baha'i love,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved bless your efforts, guide your steps, and enable you to
win great victories in the service of His Faith.

Your true brother,

(18) January 28, 1955

(18) January 28, 1955

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Anchorage Recording District

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter of January 19th, written on behalf of the Spiritual Assembly
of the Anchorage Recording District, has been received by the beloved
Guardian, and he has instructed me to send you this note in reply.

He was indeed happy to hear that the Anchorage Recording District Assembly
is now incorporated, thus broadening still further the foundations of the
Administrative Order of the Faith.

He would appreciate receiving a copy of your Certificate of Incorporation,
to be added to the many now on display in the Mansion of Bahji.

The devoted services of the dear friends there are deeply appreciated, and
he sends his loving greetings to you all.

With warm Baha'i love,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Assuring you of my loving prayers for the success of the efforts which you
and your fellow-workers are exerting for the promotion of our beloved

Your true brother,

(19) March 1, 1955

(19) March 1, 1955

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Anchorage

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter of June 25, 1954, with enclosure, has been received by the
beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He was indeed happy to learn that, through the dispersal of the friends in
Anchorage to three other cities, the goal set by the Alaska Teaching
Committee for the last year was achieved. This is indeed most encouraging

The rapid expansion of the Faith in Alaska has delighted the heart of the
Guardian. The way the believers have scattered in order to create new
Centers, shows their great devotion and courage.

He is now looking forward to the time when the friends there will have
their own Haziratu'l-Quds.

Please convey the loving greetings of the Guardian to all the Alaska
Baha'is; and assure them of his deep appreciation of their sacrificial
services, and their determination to broaden the basis of their Faith in
that country. All these efforts will hasten the day when Alaska will have
its own National Spiritual Assembly.

His prayers are ever with the friends as they pursue their noble task.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Assuring you of my loving prayers for the success of your deeply
appreciated endeavours for the promotion of our beloved Faith,

Your true brother,

(20) May 7, 1955

(20) May 7, 1955

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Anchorage Recording District

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter of April 6th with enclosures has been received by the beloved
Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

The contribution you enclosed from the Baha'is of Anchorage Recording
District is greatly appreciated. Receipt is enclosed herewith.

The Guardian greatly appreciated receiving the incorporation papers from
the Anchorage District Assembly. He feels the incorporation of this
Assembly an historical event. He likewise appreciates the map which you
sent showing the area involved in the recording district, as well as the
location of the Baha'i property. So far as the use of the land is
concerned, this is something which will have to be determined as time goes
on, and particularly when Alaska establishes their National Assembly.

The Guardian sincerely hopes all the friends in Alaska will redouble their
teaching efforts, so that the Faith may become firmly established. The
work of the Alaska Baha'is has so encouraged the Guardian that he has
announced the formation of the National Spiritual Assembly for Alaska in
1957. It is evident that intensive teaching work must be done between now
and that date, so that there will be a sufficient number of Assemblies and
a wide enough basis of the Faith throughout Alaska to build up a proper
foundation for this crowning institution.

The challenge has now come to the Alaska Baha'is. We all hope and pray
they will be assisted in their strenuous efforts.

The Guardian assures you of his prayers in your behalf. He sends you his
loving greetings.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas
Assistant Secretary

(21) July 1, 1955

(21) July 1, 1955

Northern Peoples Teaching Committee

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your letter of May 2nd with enclosures has been received by the beloved
Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He appreciates receiving the pamphlet and the photograph which you sent

He considers it would be a great service to the Faith if you can arrange
to have some of the literature translated into other of the more widely
used dialects, and especially Aleut. He also approves of your following
the idea of the book published in English entitled: "A Baha'i Child's Song
Book," where you feel that is desirable.

The Guardian greatly values the services of your Committee in their
devoted efforts to bring the Faith to the native people of Alaska, and
assures you of his prayers for the abundant success of your labours.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to enrich the
record of your splendid services to His Faith.

Your true brother,

(22) August 26, 1955

(22) August 26, 1955

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Anchorage

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letters of July 15 and 23, with enclosures, have been received by the
beloved Guardian; and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He regrets the delay in receiving your letter of the 15th, as it prevented
his sending a cabled message on the occasion of the dedication of the
Haziratu'l-Quds of Alaska.

He rejoices over this important step forward on the way to the formation
of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Alaska. He considers
the progress of the Faith in Alaska remarkable.

The Guardian urges the friends to exert even greater efforts, especially
in the teaching and enrollment of the Eskimos.

He remembers all the dear friends in Alaska in his loving prayers.

With loving Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved guide, aid and protect you in your high and historic
endeavours, assist you to extend rapidly the range of your meritorious
activities, and win memorable victories in the service of His Faith.

Your true brother,

(23) September 16, 1955

(23) September 16, 1955

Teaching Committee for Alaska

Dear Baha'i Brother:

The beloved Guardian has received your letter of August 17th, with the
sheet enclosed showing the names of those who attended the first All
Alaskan Summer Teaching Conference.

The progress of the work in Alaska is very gratifying to him. He would
like your Committee to assure those who attended this Teaching Conference
of his prayers for the success of their labours.

It is the Guardian's deep hope that, in countries where the friends may
teach freely, a mighty, sustained teaching effort may be exerted. If the
Faith progresses rapidly in such countries, this will in a measure
compensate for the setback it has suffered in Persia, because of the
recent terrible persecutions.

He attaches great importance to Alaska; and he hopes the friends there
will rise to great heights, in the days to come, in their teaching

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved bless your efforts, guide your steps, and aid you to
promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith.

Your true brother,

(24) December 7, 1955

(24) December 7, 1955

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Anchorage

Dear Baha'i Sister:

This is just a note to acknowledge, on behalf of the beloved Guardian,
receipt of your letter of October 9th, as well as the three photographs

He is happy that the Baha'is are so well installed in their new
Haziratu'l-Quds, and will pray for you all.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved bless you and your dear fellow-workers, and enable you to
lend a great impetus, in the coming months, to the onward march of the

Your true brother,

(25) December 25, 1955

(25) December 25, 1955

To the friends who were present at the Alaska State Convention.

Dear Baha'i Friends:

The beloved Guardian has received your letter, signed by all those who
were present at the Convention on December 4th; and this is just a note on
his behalf to urge you all to redouble your teaching efforts, so that
Alaska will have a firm foundation for its National Assembly.

With Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty bless your high endeavours, guide and sustain you, and
aid you to lend a great impetus to the onward march of the Faith in that
promising country.

Your true brother,

(26) February 2, 1956

(26) February 2, 1956

The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Anchorage Recording District.

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of January 9th has been received by the Beloved
Guardian, and he has directed me to acknowledge it on his behalf. The
contribution which you have sent to the International Fund is greatly
appreciated. Receipt is enclosed herein.

The Hosts of the Supreme Concourse are in marshall array, poised between
Earth and Heaven ready to rush to the assistance of those who arise to
Teach the Faith. If one seeks the confirmation of the Holy Spirit, they
can find it in rich abundance in the Teaching Field. The world is seeking
as never before, and if the Friends will arise with new determination,
fully consecrated to the noble task ahead of them victory after victory
will be won for the Glorious Faith of God.

The Guardian will pray for the quickening of the teaching work in Alaska.
A great upward surge is essential in that great country, as it is soon to
have its own National Assembly. May the Friends arise with resolve,
dedication and consecration. Then surely great results will be achieved.
The Guardian sends you his loving Greetings.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(27) May 3, 1956

(27) May 3, 1956

The Baha'i Community of Ketchikan, Alaska

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your letter of April 24th has been received, and the beloved Guardian was
delighted over the formation of your Assembly.

He compliments Mrs. Roberts on her youthful spirit, which has enabled her
at her age to recognize this glorious Faith, and arise to serve it.(7) She
must truly be an inspiration to other Alaskan Baha'is; and he was truly
happy to know that your Community is distinguished by having the first
Indian Alaskan(8) as one of its members. You seem to have made a "scoop"!

You may be sure he will pray for your progress and the unfoldment of the
work there, in the holy Shrines. He sends you all his loving greetings.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty bless your efforts, guide and sustain you always, and aid
you to win great victories in the service of His Faith.

Your true brother,

(28) May 14, 1956

(28) May 14, 1956

Anchorage Recording District

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of April 23rd was received by the Beloved Guardian, and
he has directed me to respond to it on his behalf. The contribution which
you have made to the International Fund is greatly appreciated. Receipt is
enclosed herein.

The spirit of the time is the teaching of the Faith in new areas,
particularly on the home front. The Guardian sincerely hopes you will be
most active in this field, so that many seeking the light of divine
guidance in your area, may be led to the Fountain of Immortality.

The Keynote of success in the teaching field is study of the Word, Prayer,
Meditation; and then action. Above all, perseverance in action. When these
steps are followed in the realm of self-sacrifice, success will be

The Guardian assures you of his prayers in your behalf. He sends his
loving greetings.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(29) May 23, 1956

(29) May 23, 1956

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Ketchikan

Dear Baha'i Brother:

The beloved Guardian has received your letter of May 15th, and has
instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

The news you conveyed of the enrollment of Miss Campbell(9) was most
welcome. The Guardian is very proud to have these Indian Baha'is in the
Faith, and hopes that they will make every effort to carry the Message of
Baha'u'llah to their people, remembering always the promises of the
beloved Master of how great the Indians would become when the illumination
of this Revelation reached them.

The Guardian is happy to see that the Assembly there is functioning so
well and achieving so much in the teaching field. He will pray for you

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved bless you and your dear co-workers, guide and sustain you
always, and aid you to promote the vital interests of His Faith.

Your true brother,

(30) June 22, 1956

(30) June 22, 1956

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Ketchikan

Dear Baha'i Brother:

Your loving letter of June 8th, on behalf of the Spiritual Assembly of the
Baha'is of Ketchikan, Alaska, came duly to hand; and the beloved Guardian
directed me to respond to it on his behalf. The contribution to the
International Fund is greatly appreciated. Receipt is enclosed herewith.

The Guardian is very appreciative of the excellent work being done by the
Baha'is of Alaska in preparing for their National Assembly. The pioneering
services are highly meritorious, and will be richly blessed by the ever
watchful Master. The friends should redouble their efforts during the
short remaining period, so there may be many more Baha'is in that
important area, when the National Assembly is formed.

The Guardian assures you, each and every one, of his prayers in your
behalf. He sends his loving greetings.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(31) July 24, 1956

(31) July 24, 1956

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Anchorage

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter of June 27th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he
has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

You must feel proud of the achievements in Anchorage, and in Alaska
generally. He himself is very happy over, and proud of, the work
accomplished there, particularly in recent years.

You should not worry about attacks on the Faith, as these in the end
cannot but result in the further growth of the Faith. You should face the
coming formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of Alaska with joy and
confidence, as it will rest on a firm and promising foundation.

He will remember all the members of the Spiritual Assembly in his prayers,
that their labours in the Cause of God may be richly blessed. He also
assures you of his prayers.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Spirit of Baha'u'llah, whose cause you and your fellow-workers
serve with such love, zeal and devotion, guide and sustain you, aid you to
lend, in the days to come, an unprecedented impetus to the spread of the
Faith, and the multiplication of its institutions, and win memorable

Your true brother,

(32) August 1, 1956

(32) August 1, 1956

Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Ketchikan

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of recent date, has been received by the Beloved
Guardian, and he has directed me to acknowledge it on his behalf.

The contribution which you have made to the International Fund is greatly
appreciated. Receipt is enclosed herewith.

The Beloved Guardian is most hopeful that the Friends on the "Home Front"
will arise with renewed effort, and win many seeking souls to the Faith.
He hopes you will be the means of bringing eternal life to many.

He assures you of his prayers in your behalf.

He sends you his loving Greetings.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(33) September 16, 1956

(33) September 16, 1956

Teaching Committee for Alaska

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter of August 8th, enclosing a list of the Baha'is who attended
the Fairbanks Conference conducted by the Alaska Teaching Committee, as
well as a program of the Conference, has been received by the beloved
Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He was especially pleased to see that a number of different localities
were represented at this gathering.

He hopes the spirit generated there will strengthen the believers in the
different areas and encourage them to carry forward the work with even
greater energy than before. There is much to be done before the rapidly
approaching historic election of their own National Spiritual Assembly.
The Guardian feels the members of the Teaching Committee and all the
friends are very conscious of this fact, and urges them to leave no stone
unturned to gain new believers, and also to do all in their power to
assist in the further consolidation of the Faith throughout that important

He appreciates the devoted efforts of each one of the friends, and assures
them all of his prayers.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved bless the splendid work now being achieved in Alaska,
guide the steps of the valiant friends laboring in that land, and enable
them to win memorable victories in the days to come.

Your true brother,

(34) October 22, 1956

(34) October 22, 1956

Baha'i Assembly of Ketchikan

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of September 30th has been received by the Beloved
Guardian, and he has directed me to acknowledge it on his behalf. The
contribution you have sent to the International Fund is greatly
appreciated. Receipt is enclosed.

Teaching is the keynote of spiritual success today. Those who arise and
teach will be guided and confirmed, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit will
be with them. The Guardian sincerely hopes you will join most actively in
this spiritual crusade, and win many souls to the Faith.

The Guardian rejoiced at the success of your teaching work, and is happy
that the Faith is spreading in that far off, but important city. He will
pray that you will reach your goal, so that you may then spread into new

He assures you of his prayers in your behalf. He sends you his loving

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(35) December 20, 1956

(35) December 20, 1956

To the Baha'is of Ketchikan

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of December 3rd was received by the Beloved Guardian.
He has directed me to acknowledge it on his behalf. The contribution which
you have made to the International Fund is greatly appreciated. Receipt is

The beloved Guardian is hopeful the friends will arise, each and every
one, with renewed vigor and spiritual power, to teach the Cause of God.
Everywhere the goals of the Ten Year Crusade are being won, with exception
of teaching on the Home Fronts. The Guardian hopes you will be most active
in this great spiritual upsurge in the teaching work, and win many seeking
souls to the Faith.

The Guardian was very happy to learn of the enrollment of another (the
third) Indian.(10) He welcomes these three into the Faith and sends them
his loving greetings. He hopes they will arise and teach their own people.
He will pray for them and for the success of their teaching work among
their people.

He assures you all of his prayers and for the success of your teaching

He sends his loving greetings.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(36) April 12, 1957

(36) April 12, 1957

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Will you please deliver to the Convenor of the Alaska Baha'i Convention
the enclosed envelope containing the Guardian's Message to the friends and
which is to be read to them at Convention.

To gain time this is being sent thru Rome and mailed by a Pilgrim.

With Ridvan greetings,
R. Rabbani

P.S.--The Guardian requests that you acknowledge receipt of this
communication by cable to him.

(37) April, 1957

(37) April, 1957

To: Delegates and Visitors assembled at the Convention of the Baha'is of

I welcome, with joy, pride and thankfulness, the convocation, on the
northern fringes of the Western Hemisphere, and in a region that must
needs play a prominent part in the shaping of the destinies of mankind, of
the first Alaskan Baha'i Convention. So auspicious an event constitutes an
important milestone in the progressive unfoldment of the Baha'i World
Spiritual Crusade, and represents the fruition of the valiant efforts
exerted, in the course of several decades, by the American Baha'i
Community, which has striven so steadfastly to ensure the emergence of
independent Baha'i Communities in that hemisphere.

So great a triumph, crowning so much patient and painstaking labour, won
at the hour when the Baha'i World Spiritual Crusade is entering the second
year of the third phase in its irresistible unfoldment, must be celebrated
through the initiation of a subsidiary Six-Year Plan on the part of the
newly-formed Alaskan National Spiritual Assembly, for the purpose of
speedily increasing the number of the followers of the Faith; of
multiplying its Centres; of adding to its existing Local Spiritual
Assemblies; of inaugurating a National Baha'i Fund; of establishing a
Summer School; of initiating local Baha'i endowments; of incorporating the
newly-emerged National Spiritual Assembly as well as all firmly grounded
local spiritual assemblies; of obtaining recognition for the Baha'i
Marriage Certificate, as well as the Holy Days on which work is forbidden;
of stimulating the conversion of both the Eskimos and American Indians,
and of purchasing a plot of land to serve as the site for the future
Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kar of Alaska.

I appeal to the members of the American National Spiritual Assembly to
persevere in their highly laudable endeavours on behalf of a Community so
small yet so valiant and promising, and to ensure by every means in their
power the steady development and consolidation of the institutions of an
Order to whose rise and establishment they have so conspicuously

May the process now set in motion gather momentum in the years lying
ahead, through a liberal effusion of the grace of Baha'u'llah, and may
those whose privilege it is to stimulate its development, be guided in
every step they take, and fulfill every desire they cherish for its
ultimate consummation.


(38) May 16, 1957

(38) May 16, 1957

To the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Alaska

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of May 5th has been received by the beloved Guardian,
and he has directed me to acknowledge it on his behalf.

The contribution made by your new Assembly to the International Fund is
greatly appreciated. Receipt is enclosed.

It is fitting that one of your first actions should be the dispatch of
this remittance, as it links your new spiritual body directly with the
work being done at the World Center of the Faith.

The Guardian is well pleased with the diligent services of all the Alaska
friends, reaching the present goal of a National Assembly. May the friends
now arise with renewed vigor, and with the new spirit released, win many
more souls to the Faith. More Baha'is, more Centres, more Assemblies is
the dominating spirit of service for the friends during the remainder of
the Ten Year Crusade.

The Guardian will pray for you, and for the success of your labours for
the Cause of God.

He sends his loving greetings.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(39) May 20, 1957

(39) May 20, 1957

The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Alaska

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Our beloved Guardian has instructed me to write you on his behalf and
inform you that the Hand of the Cause, Mr. Varga, will shortly be
forwarding to your assembly the equivalent of five hundred English Pounds,
as the Guardian's contribution to your newly established National Fund.

He hopes that, in the formulation of your plans, particular attention will
be given to the all-important teaching work, the foundation of all the
activities of the Faith and the most urgent task facing the friends in
this critical period the world is passing through.

You may be sure he will pray for your success.

With Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

(40) May 28, 1957

(40) May 28, 1957

The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Alaska

Dear Baha'i Sister:

The Beloved Guardian has instructed me to write your Assembly in
connection with the important goal of your six year plan, of purchasing or
acquiring the site for the future Baha'i Temple in Alaska.

No publicity of any type should be given this matter at this time, but the
Committee should proceed with its work quietly and wisely. They should
simply try to purchase a piece of land, without indicating its purpose. No
contact should be had with the Government.

If your Assembly is not incorporated, or your local Assembly, then the
land can be registered in the name of individuals appointed by the
National Assembly.

Before actual purchase is made, the Guardian would appreciate advice as to
the location, size of land, cost, etc. This you can send to him through

With loving Baha'i greetings,
I am,
Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(41) June 4, 1957

(41) June 4, 1957

The Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Ketchikan

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your loving letter of May 15th was received by the Beloved Guardian and he
has directed me to acknowledge it in his behalf.

The contribution made by the friends in Ketchikan to the International
Fund is greatly appreciated. Receipt is enclosed.

The establishment of the new National Spiritual Assembly in Alaska must be
a source of great gratification to those of you who have labored so long
and diligently in the establishment of the Faith in that very important
country. This great blessing likewise carries with it many serious
responsibilities. The greatest responsibility today is the diffusion of
the Divine Fragrances and the establishment of the Faith far and wide. The
Guardian hopes therefore that the Members of your Assembly will arise with
renewed vigor and not only spread the Faith more firmly in Ketchikan, but
will spread your energies to surrounding areas so that new lights of
Divine Guidance may be established in the various centers.

The Guardian assures you of his prayers in your behalf. He sends you his
loving greetings.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(42) June 30, 1957

(42) June 30, 1957

National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Alaska

Dear Baha'i Sister:

The beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer the letters received,
with enclosure, from the Assembly's Recording Secretary and from the
Secretary, and dated as follows: May 4, 7, 29 and June 11.

He is very happy to see the eagerness with which this new historic Body
has embarked upon its tasks, and he wishes you to know that he is
particularly pleased with the Alaska Community. He admires the lively
spirit animating it and which indeed has animated it for years--the spirit
of optimism and joyous service, and its determination and courage. He has
recently heard many fine things about the friends there and the work they
are doing from Mrs. Florence Mayberry, all of which have encouraged him to
cherish the very highest hopes for the future of the work in that vast

He hopes your Assembly will devote special, constant attention to
encouraging the friends in their teaching work, and facilitate their
tasks. As the new National Assemblies are being formed, he feels it
incumbent upon him to issue a word of warning to avoid rules and
regulations and tying the believers' work up in red tape.
Over-administration can be even worse for the Faith at this time than
under-administration. The believers are, for the most part, young in the
Cause, and if they make mistakes it is not half as important as if their
spirit is crushed by being told all the time--do this and don't do that!
The new National Body should be like a loving parent, watching over and
helping its children, and not like a stern judge, waiting for an
opportunity to display his judicial powers. The reason he points this out
to you is that constantly, for the past twenty years and more, he has been
pointing this out to the old and tried National Assemblies, and he does
not want the younger bodies to make the same mistakes. Individual cases
should be dealt with as they arise, according to the Teachings, of which
the believers have quite sufficient available to handle all of their
problems at this time, and no more additional rules and regulations need
be introduced.

The friends should be helped to overcome their problems, deepen in the
Faith, and increase their unity and their love for each other. In this way
you will find that your work goes ahead speedily, and that the National
Body is like the beating of a healthy heart in the midst of the Community,
pumping spiritual love, energy and encouragement out to all the members.

As regards the question you asked about a Summer School, there is no
reason why a property should either be rented or bought for this purpose.
You can arrange to hold a Summer School in any suitable place where the
friends can find accommodation, and a hall can be rented for its sessions.
This is what they have done in England for many years to great advantage.
It is a simple and economical way of holding the School. The primary
purpose of the School is to deepen the knowledge of the friends in the
Teachings, to enable them to consort, as Baha'is, with each other, and to
confirm any contacts who may have attended. The School may be held during
the winter season or any other time of the year.

As regards local endowments, these can be a piece of land, or a building
offered or purchased in any place in Alaska. However, as the friends have
six years in which to accomplish their Plan, and the most important work
of all is the teaching work, he would not advise that they begin by
spending their money on these projects, unless somebody has a piece of
land or a building which they wish to give. The site for the Temple is
much more important. It should be near the capital of Alaska within easy
distance, or preferably in it, so that the friends can gather there, when
the Temple is built for their services. If the twenty-acre National
Endowment is suitably close to the city, it can be used as the Temple
site, and another piece of land, smaller in area, and anywhere in Alaska,
be acquired as the National Endowment.

He is delighted to see that you are approaching your tasks with so much
enthusiasm, and awaits news of wonderful victories from that promising
northern territory.

He feels your Assembly should bear in mind, and call to the attention of
the friends, the importance of the Iron Curtain territories not yet open.
Whoever feels the urge to dedicate themselves to arising and going to one
of the satellites or republics of the Soviet Union, should be encouraged
to do so.

He hopes to receive much good news during the coming months of the
progress of the work there, and assures you all of his prayers for your

With loving greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-workers:

The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Alaska
signalizes the erection of yet another pillar designed to support, and
reinforce the foundation of the future Universal House of Justice, and
marks a milestone of far reaching significance in the history of the
evolution of the Faith of Baha'u'llah in the North American continent. I
rejoice at this remarkable evidence of the vitality of the Faith which
animates the members of the small yet highly promising community of His
followers in that far off northern region of the globe, a region destined
to play an important role in shaping the spiritual destinies of the great
Republic of the west of which it forms a part, and to contribute, in no
small measure, to the establishment of the institutions of His World Order
throughout the American continent.

The task now facing this highly promising, spiritually dynamic community,
at the hour of its emergence as an independent member of the embryonic
World Baha'i Commonwealth, is truly formidable; the responsibilities which
it valiantly shoulders, at this crucial hour in its evolution are sacred,
heavy, manifold and inescapable. The tests and trials which it must,
sooner or later, experience in the course of its unfoldment and
consolidation will severely challenge its spirit and resources. The path
which it must tread ere the full evidence of its latent capacities are
manifested will be long, tortuous and stony. The indomitable faith which
now so powerfully animates its members, however, will, beyond the shadow
of a doubt, enable them to overcome whatever obstacles may confront them
in the future, and ensure the ultimate attainment of their high destiny.

The Six Year Plan, to which this community is now committed, and which
should be regarded as the chief and immediate instrument designed to
ensure the triumphant conclusion of the initial stage in the unfoldment of
its destiny, must be energetically prosecuted however great the sacrifices
involved, and must receive the concentrated, the continuous and prayerful
consideration of its national elected representatives. All must
participate in furthering its interests and in ensuring its ultimate and
complete success.

Every effort must be exerted to increase steadily the number of avowed
adherents of the Faith in that Territory, to multiply its centres, to
consolidate its local Assemblies, to incorporate the firmly grounded
amongst them.

The establishment of Baha'i endowments and of a summer-school, and the
incorporation of the National Spiritual Assembly itself, must be
simultaneously and efficiently carried out. Steps must likewise be taken
to obtain recognition of the Baha'i Marriage Certificate and of the Baha'i
Holy Days from the civil authorities concerned. Nor must the vital
obligation of converting as speedily as possible, both the Eskimos and the
American Indians, who, as time passes, must assume a notable share in the
diffusion of the Faith and the establishment of its rising Order in these
regions, be, under any circumstances neglected; and last but not least,
the selection and purchase of a site for the Mother Temple of Alaska, in
the city of Anchorage or its suburbs, must be carefully considered and
suitable action taken at the earliest opportunity.

The endeavours which the highminded, youthful hearted, deeply consecrated
members of this community will exert must be such as to excite the
unqualified admiration of their fellow believers in Baha'i communities in
both Hemispheres. The sacrifices which must be made will, no doubt, if
they rise to this occasion, merit the applause of the Concourse on high
and draw forth a still fuller measure of the promised blessings of the
Author of the Divine Plan Himself.

That the members of this community may neither falter nor fail, that they
may set an example worthy of emulation of their fellow-workers in all
continents of the globe, that they may achieve such feats, in the course
of the attainment of their high objectives, as shall eclipse the past
achievements of their spiritual brethren in the North American continent
and throughout Latin America, is the object of my constant prayer for them
in the Holy Shrines as well as my heart's most cherished desire.


(43) July 6, 1957

(43) July 6, 1957

The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Ketchikan

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of June 7th was duly received by the beloved Guardian
and he has directed me to acknowledge it on his behalf. The contribution
which you have made to the International Fund is greatly appreciated.
Receipt is enclosed.

The Spirit of confirmation is descending in torrents on all those who
arise to teach in a devoted and consecrated manner. Never before have so
many victories been won in the teaching field as are being won all over
the Baha'i world at this time.

Alaska has developed very remarkably in the past years. With the
establishment of the new National Spiritual Assembly of Alaska in Ridvan
of this year, the Guardian is hopeful that the friends will arise with
renewed effort and spread the Faith far and wide. A new spirit has been
released due to the establishment of the National Assembly and the friends
should seize their opportunity while they still have the chance and win
many souls to the Faith.

The Guardian will pray for you and for the success of your work. He sends
his loving greetings.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(44) July 12, 1957

(44) July 12, 1957

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Anchorage Recording District

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your letter of May 29th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he
has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He is very happy to learn that your Assembly now has an endowment of its
own. This will give the Faith a greater prestige and standing there. The
spiritual vitality shown by the friends in Alaska pleases him greatly.

Please express his appreciation of their gift to the Faith to the donors
of this tract of land.(11)

He assures you of his prayers for you all, and for the rapid progress of
the work in that region, and throughout Alaska.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved bless your efforts, guide every step you take, and aid you
to promote the vital interests of His Faith.

Your true brother,

(45) July 14, 1957

(45) July 14, 1957

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Tanana Valley

Dear Baha'i Friends:

The beloved Guardian has received your letter of June 15th, in which you
quoted the cablegram sent by your Assembly to Iran; and has instructed me
to acknowledge it on his behalf, and to tell you he greatly appreciates
your prompt response to his request.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

(46) July 19, 1957

(46) July 19, 1957

Convention Secretary

First Annual Convention of the Baha'is of Alaska

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter of June 11th together with enclosures has been received by the
beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He
appreciates having the Minutes of this Convention.

The Guardian has high hopes for the rapid progress of the Faith in Alaska,
and feels confident that, as the believers arise to shoulder their new
responsibilities, adequate strength and guidance will be given them to
accomplish the tasks set before them.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty guide your steps in the path of service, and aid you to
further the vital interests of His Faith.

Your true brother,

(47) August 8, 1957

(47) August 8, 1957

National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Alaska

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your loving letter of July 6th was received by the beloved Guardian and he
has directed me to acknowledge it on his behalf.

The contribution made by your National Assembly to the International Fund
is greatly appreciated. Receipt is enclosed.

The Guardian feels that it is proper for your Assembly to make a
contribution to the International Fund because it links more closely the
activities of the National Assembly with the World Center of the Faith and
through you all the Baha'is in Alaska.

Alaska has won many great victories for the Faith in the past, but the
Guardian feels sure now that the National Assembly has been established,
the victories to be won in the future will be far more glorious and far
more effective for the spread of the Faith.

He will pray for you and for the success of your work. He sends each and
every one his loving greetings.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(48) August 15, 1957

(48) August 15, 1957

National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Alaska

Dear Baha'i Friends:

The beloved Guardian has instructed me to write you that he was very happy
to note from your recent letter the practical way the National Assembly
has gone about settling their goals for this year, and will pray for their

He deeply appreciates the gift Mrs. Huffman and her husband have made of
the Temple site for Alaska. This fulfills one of Alaska's important
goals--only a few months after the birth of the new National Spiritual

With loving Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

(49) August 17, 1957

(49) August 17, 1957

The Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Ketchikan

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of July 15th was duly received by the beloved Guardian,
and he has directed me to acknowledge it on his behalf. The contribution
you have made to the International Fund is greatly appreciated. Receipt is
enclosed herewith.

The Divine Confirmations are descending in torrents on those who arise to
teach. At this critical time in the history of the Faith, teaching is the
one Baha'i service that is Confirmed.

The Guardian hopes that you will therefore arise with renewed effort to
take your part in this great crusade now sweeping the world. America has
been called upon by the Master to play the preponderating role in this
great World Crusade which is moving forward with increasing momentum. Thus
more Baha'is must be confirmed in the United States, that America may
achieve its Spiritual Destiny.

The Guardian will pray for you and for the success of your teaching work.
He sends you his loving greetings.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(50) August 18, 1957

(50) August 18, 1957

National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Alaska

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your recent letters have been received and the change of the P.O.B. noted.

As regards the ring stone you kindly offered to send the Guardian: he
feels this should be kept in your own Archives with other historic

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and aid you to promote, at
all times the vital interests of His glorious Faith.

Your true brother,

(51) September 8, 1957

(51) September 8, 1957

Baha'i Community of Ketchikan, Alaska

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of August 15th was received by the beloved Guardian,
and he has directed me to acknowledge it on his behalf. The contribution
which you have made to the International Fund is greatly appreciated.
Receipt is enclosed.

Spiritual success can be won today, only by teaching the Faith of God. The
people are seeking, dying from spiritual thirst. The Baha'is must
disseminate the Water of Life freely, so seeking souls may find eternal

If the friends arise with consecration, devotion, and zeal--so the Holy
Spirit may descend through them, to those who are wandering the deserts of
material chaos--they will be surprised at the victories which will be won.

The Guardian hopes you will take a most active part in this quickening of
mankind. May the blessings of the Holy Spirit, and its confirming power be
with you at all times.

The Guardian will pray for you, and for the success of your work. He sends
his loving greetings.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(52) September 9, 1957

(52) September 9, 1957

National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Alaska

Dear Baha'i Friends:

The beloved Guardian is very anxious to secure information as to the
Indian tribes (native), which have been contacted by any of the believers
in your area; or of course if there are any believers from these Tribes,
that would be even more interesting.

Can you prepare a list showing the number of Tribes that have been
contacted, and of these Tribes, the number who have become believers. This
would be very interesting information.

Can you secure it at an early date and send it on to me for the beloved

With loving Baha'i greetings,
I am,
Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(53) September 18, 1957

(53) September 18, 1957

Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Fairbanks

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your letter of July 28th with enclosures has been received by the beloved
Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He greatly appreciates your prompt action in sending the cable to Iran.
The believers in Fairbanks are all remembered by him, and he prays for the
success of the teaching efforts of each one.

He also wishes to assure Kathryn and Marzieh Alio of his prayers for the
recovery of Mrs. Volz.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual

Your true brother,

(54) October 20, 1957

(54) October 20, 1957

National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Alaska

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your loving letter of October 4th and subsequent cablegram of October 12th
have been duly received and its contents presented to the beloved

He was pleased to learn the manner in which your Assembly and the Baha'is
are undertaking this all-important task of teaching the Indians, the
Eskimos and to the extent possible, the Aleuts.

The Master has promised that very great results would be achieved when
these people are given the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit,
and therefore he hopes the friends will be able to bring it to them in
increasing force and in increasing numbers.

The Guardian will pray for you and for the success of your work.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(55) October 27, 1957

(55) October 27, 1957

National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Alaska

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of October 1st was duly received by the beloved
Guardian and he has directed me to acknowledge it on his behalf.

The contribution which has been sent by your Assembly to the International
Fund is greatly appreciated. Receipt is enclosed.

The Guardian is happy that the friends in Alaska are arising with such
vigor and enthusiasm to serve the Cause of God. They have won outstanding
and historic victories for the Faith, but the thing that pleases him most
is that each victory that is won has been used as a stepping stone to
further service in the Cause of God. Thus the Cause is expanding very
rapidly both in the teaching and administrative fields. He hopes that your
Assembly will be guided and confirmed in the noble undertakings in which
you are engaged. But he likewise hopes that you will be able to stimulate
all the friends to intensive effort so that many seeking souls may find
eternal life at this particular time and that the Institutions of the
Faith may be firmly established in that promising Country. He will pray
for you and for the success of your work.

He sends you his loving greetings.

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas


Letters to Individuals, 1946-1957. These letters were addressed to many
individuals who continued to write directly to the Holy Land after the
formation of the institutions. The tone of the letters reflects personal
interests rather than institutional development.

(56) July 30, 1946

(56) July 30, 1946

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter dated July 17th has been received, and the beloved Guardian
has instructed me to answer it on his behalf.

He was very pleased to hear the Alaskan believers are so active, and that
you have witnessed with your own eyes such a wonderful development of the
Faith there these last few years, since you went there as a pioneer.

He was also delighted to hear Mr. Oliver is anxious to translate some of
the Writings into Eskimo; please assure him this would be rendering both
the Eskimos and the Cause a great service. If anything is printed in that
language the Guardian would like to receive copies for the libraries here.

He hopes through the "Arctic Trails Shopping Service" you will be able to
demonstrate the fairness, uprightness, and nobility of the adherents of
the Baha'i Faith to the people it deals with, as this will more than
anything else attract their attention to the Faith.

As to your own plans: if you are absolutely certain that your departure
from Alaska will not in any way affect the stability of the Cause there,
he approves of your suggestion that you go to Europe and assist the work
there. If, on your way, you could visit and do some teaching in England it
would help the British Baha'is very much, as they are embarking on a very
heavy teaching schedule. He will pray that your family there may become
attracted to the Faith.

Assuring you of his deep appreciation of your wonderful services and his
loving prayers.

Yours in the Faith,
R. Rabbani

P.S.--If Mr. Oliver would begin by translating even a small pamphlet into
Eskimo at once this would be a much appreciated service. Please send him
some printed copies as soon as available. Please assure this dear friend
that his service is highly meritorious.

[From the Guardian:]

Assuring you of my deepfelt and abiding gratitude for the splendid and
historic services you have rendered our beloved Faith and of my constant
prayers for the extension of your valued activities, and the realization
of every hope you cherish for the advancement of its institutions,

Your true and grateful brother,

(57) March 15, 1947

(57) March 15, 1947

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter of January 9th has been received and our beloved Guardian has
instructed me to answer it on his behalf.

He very much appreciated your desire to once again answer the call for
pioneers and go to Europe, and in principle he approves of your doing so.
However, Miss Kempton(13) has already left Alaska, and you say Miss
Dole(14) is contemplating doing so, and he is very concerned lest the work
in Alaska suffer and the number of resident believers in Anchorage fall to
below Assembly status. Alaska is one of the prizes of the first Seven Year
Plan, and must be guarded at all costs. If you find in the future, after
consultation with the National Teaching Committee, that you can be safely
spared from the work there, he approves of your going to Europe.

He cannot suggest to you what form of employment would be best for you,
but he will pray that you may be guided in this matter, and that your
Baha'i services be richly blessed.

With loving greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-worker:

I deeply appreciate the spirit that so powerfully animates you in the
service of our beloved Faith. You are a great asset to the Cause you serve
so devotedly. I will pray for the extension and consolidation of your
service from the depths of my heart. Persevere in your historic task, rest
assured, and be happy.

Your true and grateful brother,

(58) May 16, 1947

(58) May 16, 1947

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter, dated May 7th, has been received by our beloved Guardian, and
he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf.

He was very pleased to see with what determination and dedication you are
serving the Cause in Alaska. Now that two pioneers have gone forth from
there, your labour is all the more important, and he certainly hopes that,
through the medium of the Arctic Trails Shopping Service, the public
meetings being held weekly, and the devoted labours of all the dear
friends there, the Faith will rapidly reach and enlighten many new souls.

There is such a confusion in the world today, so much uncertainty, so much
materialism, that it is very hard to hold the attention of even the more
spiritually minded people. But we must persevere and do our best knowing
this is our duty and that conditions will eventually change completely and
follow Baha'u'llah's Pattern.

Please give his love to the Anchorage friends. You may be sure he will
pray for you all, and for the success of your work, in the Holy Shrines.

With warm Baha'i love,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Assuring you of my special and fervent prayers for your success, for the
steady extension of your valued activities, for the consolidation of the
historic work already achieved, and the realization of every hope you
cherish for the promotion of our beloved Faith,

Your true and grateful brother,

(59) November 14, 1947

(59) November 14, 1947

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter to our beloved Guardian dated October 31st has been received,
and, in spite of the fact that he is terribly busy, he has instructed me
to answer you on his behalf because he would not like in any way to ever
hurt the feelings of one of the friends. However, he suggests in the
future you refer such questions to the N.S.A. and ask them to put you in
touch with a Baha'i teacher who can correspond with you. He himself cannot
do this kind of work, because he is so overworked with the more urgent
administrative affairs of the Faith.

To answer you briefly what the original state of the universe was no one
as yet knows. But we believe God is a spiritual Being and did create it;
how we do not know. We will have experience of God's spirit through His
Prophets in the next world, but God is too great for us to know without
this Intermediary. The Prophets know God, but how is more than our human
minds can grasp. We believe we attain in the next world to seeing the
Prophets. There is certainly a future life. Heaven and hell are conditions
within our own beings.

He urges you to study carefully the Baha'i books, and he will pray for
your advancement and the success of your Baha'i activities.

With loving greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved bless your efforts, guide and sustain you in your
meritorious activities, in such a distant field, and enable you to win
great and memorable victories in the teaching field.

Your true and grateful brother,

(60) March 18, 1952

(60) March 18, 1952

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your most interesting gift has been received, through the kindness of
Leroy Ioas, and it is deeply appreciated. I thank you for the thought as
well as the gift.

These are busy days in Haifa with the many pilgrims who are coming and
going. The news of the rapid growth of the Faith in various lands is very
inspiring, and the pilgrims leave the Holy Land for their posts with a new
determination to play nobly their parts.

With warm Baha'i love,

P.S. I should also say the beloved Guardian appreciated very much the
Eskimo things.

(61) September 17, 1952

(61) September 17, 1952

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter of August 5th has been received by the beloved Guardian and he
has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

As the Guardian is very busy indeed these days, the answer will be brief.
Your plan to return to Alaska makes him very happy indeed. He attaches the
greatest importance to Alaska, and it will become increasingly important
in the future. Therefore, he urges you by all means to return to that
land, and there lend your valuable assistance in the service of

The Guardian assures you your dedication and service to the Faith are very
deeply appreciated.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved reward you bountifully for your splendid labours, guide
and sustain you always, and enable you to win great and memorable
victories in the days to come.

Your true brother,

(62) March 29, 1953

(62) March 29, 1953

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your loving letter of February 14th has been received by the beloved
Guardian, and he has asked me to acknowledge it on his behalf.

The contribution which you have made to the Shrine of the Bab is very
greatly appreciated. Receipt is enclosed herewith.

The work on the dome of the Shrine is going forward quite satisfactorily.
The brim of the dome has been finished. As additional units of the
building are completed, it adds to the stateliness of the entire
structure, and permits one to realize how beautiful it is going to be.

The Guardian very deeply appreciates the wonderful work you are doing in
connection with the spread of the Faith.

The Eskimo booklet which you submitted for his approval he feels should be
submitted to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United
States for their review. The reason for this is that they are closely in
touch with the teaching work, and therefore well qualified to decide just
what should and what should not be included in such a pamphlet.

He hopes you and Frances Wells will work very closely with the National
Spiritual Assembly in connection with this important service.

The Guardian is extremely anxious that the Eskimos be brought into the
Faith. He values very highly indeed the very wonderful services rendered
by Mrs. Wells. He feels that she has sacrificed very deeply in order to
carry the light of guidance to the seeking peoples of the world,
particularly in Alaska, and now with the Eskimos. You may be sure the
Guardian will pray for her spiritual success and her spiritual happiness.

The Guardian will likewise be very happy to pray for Mrs. Hadley Ferguson
of Fairbanks, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Greene, Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Pirkey, Mrs.
Perry Bane, and Dr. Saul Mackoff.

The Guardian has communicated with the National Spiritual Assembly with
regard to the efforts being made by yourself and Mrs. Wells as well as
others in connection with the introduction of the Faith amongst the
Eskimos, asking them to render every possible assistance to this most
important work. It is impossible to let you know how important the
Guardian feels the introduction of the Faith amongst the Eskimos is at
this particular time.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
Leroy Ioas
Assistant Secretary

P.S.--The draft of your pamphlet is being sent direct to the National
Spiritual Assembly.

(63) December 7, 1953

(63) December 7, 1953

All Pioneers:

Dearly Beloved Friends,

The beloved Guardian sends you his loving greetings, and he assures you of
his prayers in your behalf.

You will be most happy to know that at this time there is only one
country, Chagos Archipelago, which has not been assigned to a settler,
outside of the countries which are under Iron Curtain influence. More
pioneers are arriving at their posts daily, so that at the present time,
71 of the new countries of the Crusade have been opened to the Faith.

You are now the representative of the Faith in your area, and the beloved
Guardian feels assured that you will arise to the great opportunity that
has come to you, to become the one to quicken the souls in your virgin
territory and become the spiritual conqueror of that new land. The
Guardian realizes you will have many problems and difficulties, but he
urges you to persevere under all circumstances; not to become disheartened
in any way, but relying solely upon Baha'u'llah and His quickening Spirit,
arise at once to carry forward the teaching work.

The Guardian makes the following suggestions with regard to teaching in
virgin areas, at this critical time:

1. No publicity should be secured.

2. No articles should be placed in newspapers or magazines.

3. Do not contact Authorities or Political Leaders.

4. Do not discuss Government policies in any way.

5. No effort should be made toward a public proclamation of the Faith.

6. Proceed with great caution.

7. Be very wise in the manner in which the Teachings of the Faith are

8. Make friends, and when these friends gain confidence in you and you in
them, gradually confirm them in the Faith.

9. What is needed is a complete reliance upon Baha'u'llah; pure
consecration to the Faith, and then energetic but wise presentation of the
Divine teachings. Such selfless sacrificial devotion will attract the
divine confirmations, and gradually you will confirm souls who will join
you as strong supporters of the Faith in your area.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas
International Baha'i Council

(64) December 13, 1953

(64) December 13, 1953

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter of October 9th was duly received by the beloved Guardian, and
he has asked me to acknowledge it on his behalf.

He very deeply appreciates the contribution which you have made in behalf
of the Eskimos of Alaska. Receipt therefor is enclosed herewith. It is
fitting that the Eskimos of Alaska be associated with the work of the
Shrine of the Bab, and your having made this gift in their behalf is very
appropriate, especially as you are endeavoring to work with the Eskimos in
that country.

The Guardian feels that you should write to the American National
Spiritual Assembly in detail concerning the problem of Groups, Assemblies,
etc. outside of Fairbanks. Certainly some basis should be set up for the
establishment of such Groups and Assemblies, and he feels sure that within
the principles that have already been enunciated, the American National
Spiritual Assembly can properly handle the matter.

At his direction I am sending a copy of this letter to the National
Assembly, so that they will be informed of the matter when you write to

The Guardian greatly values your sacrificial and devoted services to the
Faith. He is praying in your behalf. He likewise will pray for the friends
in Alaska, and also for those who are being attracted to the Faith,
particularly Mr. English, who is half Eskimo.

The Guardian was deeply appreciative of the spirit which animated you in
preparing the tape recording of the Ridvan Feast held in the home of an
Eskimo family in Fairbanks.

With warm Baha'i greetings, I am

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas
Assistant Secretary

(65) December 18, 1953

(65) December 18, 1953

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving communication of December 5th has been received by the beloved
Guardian, and he has asked me to acknowledge it on his behalf.

The contribution which you have made to the Shrine of the Bab is greatly
appreciated. Receipt is enclosed herewith.

The beloved Guardian is very happy because of the response of the friends
throughout the world to the Ten Year Crusade. All of the virgin areas,
with the exception of the Iron Curtain countries, are settled or assigned
to pioneers. There are now over seventy of the virgin areas settled by
pioneers, which bring the number of countries within the pale of the Faith
to over two hundred.

The Guardian is now deeply concerned with the development of the Faith in
the homelands. If the Faith is not developed and spread in the homelands,
it will ultimately affect the success of the work in foreign lands. The
Guardian therefore hopes that the believers who have not been able to go
to foreign areas will, in accordance with the Master's instructions,
scatter to the goal cities in the homelands, and thus aid in the
establishment of Spiritual Assemblies.

What is needed to achieve success in the teaching field is a complete
dedication on the part of the individual, consecration to the glorious
task of spreading the Faith, and the living of the Baha'i life, because
that creates the magnet for the Holy Spirit, and it is the Holy Spirit
which quickens the new soul. Thus, the individual should be as a reed,
through which the Holy Spirit may flow, to give new life to the seeking

One should search out those who are receptive to the Faith, and then
concentrate on those persons in their teaching.

The Baha'is in Alaska have a special responsibility, and that is to spread
the Faith rapidly in that vast country. The success of the teaching work
done by the Baha'is of Alaska will determine how soon a National Spiritual
Assembly will be established in your country.

The beloved Guardian is praying for the success of your efforts. He sends
his loving greetings to you.

With warm Baha'i love,
Leroy Ioas
Assistant Secretary

(66) January 9, 1954

(66) January 9, 1954

Dear Baha'i Friends:

The beloved Guardian greatly appreciated the spirit of your loving letter
of December 28th, addressed to me, and has asked me to assure you of his
prayers in your behalf, for the success of the noble mission you have
undertaken. He will pray that the divine confirmations may be with you
always, so that many souls may find eternal life, in that far off land,
through your devoted and sacrificial efforts.

He was pleased with the establishment of the fund for the Hazira for
Alaska. It is his hope, the Friends will arise with renewed effort in the
Teaching Field, so many new centers and Assembies may be estabished, thus
enabling Alaska to achieve its supreme goal of the NSA early in the
Ten-Year Plan. Then the time will be ripe for the building of the Hazira,
for which the Friends are now contributing funds.

With loving Baha'i greetings, I am,

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(67) February 20, 1954

(67) February 20, 1954

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of February 8th has been received by the beloved
Guardian, and he has asked me to acknowledge it on his behalf. Your
contribution to the international interests of the Faith is greatly
appreciated by him. Receipt is enclosed herewith.

The Guardian is very happy with the development of the teaching work in
the virgin areas of the Ten-Year Crusade. Over 84 of the countries have
now been settled, bringing the number of countries within the pale of the
Faith to over 216.

The Guardian is hopeful that the friends at home will arise with the same
spirit of sacrifice and determination as the pioneers abroad, and teach
and spread the Faith.

More Baha'is, more Groups, more Assemblies, are the immediate goals before
the friends at home. He feels sure the friends will arise as never before,
and filled with the Holy Spirit, quicken the seeking souls, leading many
to the bourn of immortality.

Dedication to the heavenly task, complete consecration to the noble
mission, and living the life, are the requirements for success in the
teaching field.

The beloved Guardian greatly values the active services of you two devoted
workers in the Faith. As you know, the Guardian feels that the future of
Alaska is very important indeed, particularly the city of Anchorage. One
of the goals of the Ten Year Crusade is the establishment of a National
Assembly in Alaska. This great bounty carries with it great
responsibilities; and therefore the Guardian is hopeful that each and
every Baha'i in Alaska will redouble their efforts in order to spread the
Faith far and wide, and to bring many new souls into the Faith.

The Guardian feels sure that you two will render distinguished and
outstanding services in connection with the development of the Cause in
Alaska during the present Crusade. He assures you of his prayers in your
behalf, and sends you his loving greetings.

With warm Baha'i love,
Leroy Ioas

(68) April 12, 1954

(68) April 12, 1954

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of March 16th has been received through the courtesy of
Mrs. Tuttle.

We have prayed at the Shrines for the solution of your problems; that all
obstacles may be removed from your path, and that your true field of
Baha'i service may become clear and evident.

As a general principle, the Guardian has established the order of
importance in Baha'i service as follows: First, Pioneering in one of the
virgin areas of the Ten Year Crusade. Second, Pioneering in one of the
consolidation areas of the Ten Year Crusade. Third, Settlement and
Teaching in one of the goal cities of the home front campaign. This of
course would include developing the Faith in Communities where there is
already a Group or isolated Baha'is.

The Guardian feels that it is advisable for every individual, after his
own prayers and meditations and seeking of guidance, to consult with the
appropriate committee appointed by the National Assembly. They are in
touch with the ramifications of the Campaign, and are qualified to give
sound advice.

So far as your personal affairs are concerned, the Guardian assures you of
his prayers in your behalf, that they may be clarified for you. Of course
the question of love and marriage is something that can only be determined
by the individual.

So far as the publication of the pamphlet in Eskimo is concerned, it
probably would be advisable for you to write the National Assembly on this
important matter, asking them what the present status is, and if you can
assist in any way.

With loving Baha'i greetings, I am,

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(69) May 7, 1954

(69) May 7, 1954

Dear Baha'i Brother:

Your letter of April 21st has been received by the beloved Guardian, and
he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He appreciated your loving thought in sending him Ridvan Greetings from a
new Alaskan Center.(15)

He attaches the greatest importance to the spread of the Faith in that
territory, because, as you know, it is destined to have a National
Spiritual Assembly of its own ere the termination of the Ten Year Plan;
and the sooner the believers can open up new centers and establish new
Spiritual Assemblies, the sooner will the happy day come when Alaska will
be independent, and have its own national Baha'i Body.

He assures you he will certainly pray that your sacrifices and your
services may be richly rewarded.

He urges you to concentrate on attracting the natives as much as possible,
by that he means the Eskimos. These people have a right to hear of the
glorious message of Baha'u'llah, and he hopes you will be instrumental in
attracting many of them to the Faith.

With warmest Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual

Your true brother,

(70) May 14, 1954

(70) May 14, 1954

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your letter of March 19th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and
he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He is delighted to see that you are in one of the goal cities in Alaska,
and that you have been joined by Miss Meyer. He feels sure that this
nucleus will soon attract to itself sufficient new Baha'is to create a
Spiritual Assembly.(16)

He urges you to persevere, and assures you of his prayers for your

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

(71) July 20, 1954

(71) July 20, 1954

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter of June 5th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he
has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He will pray that your personal affairs may work out happily. He fully
approves of your going to Selewik, where you can be of greater service to
the Faith than in Fairbanks, where there are now a number of Baha'is,
until such time as you can arrange to carry the Teachings into the far

He assures you his loving prayers will always surround you in your devoted
efforts to serve the Faith so dear to your heart.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, remove all obstacles from
your path, and enable you to promote the vital interests of His Faith.

Your true brother,

(72) December 23, 1954

(72) December 23, 1954

Dear Baha'i Brother:

Your letter of December 15th has been received by the beloved Guardian;
and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He is happy to know that you are engaged in the service of the Faith, and
will pray that you may be strenghthened to perform befittingly your part,
and may be instrumental in guiding others to this great Cause.

He urges you to teach all you can, both in Anchorage, and, if possible, in
surrounding towns. As you know, Alaska is to establish its own National
Spiritual Assembly during the World Crusade; and the first step is the
formation of a sufficient number of Local Spiritual Assemblies.

In his visits to the Holy Shrines, he will remember all the members of
your family. He hopes your two dear children will become pure and noble
examples of the Baha'i life, and worthy instruments for the service of the

He will also remember in his supplications all the dear friends in that

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote
the vital interest of His Faith.

Your true brother,

(73) February 20, 1955

(73) February 20, 1955

Dear Baha'i Sister:

The beloved Guardian has received your letter of February 10th, and has
instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

In view of the fact that he hopes that in the not-too-distant future
Alaska will have its own Spiritual Assembly, he advises you to remain in
Alaska, and try to find employment in some place other than Anchorage,
where you can assist in establishing another Local Spiritual Assembly.
There must be a sufficient number of local Assemblies in Alaska in order
to form a broad basis for the National Body to be erected upon. He feels
that this would be the greatest service you could render at this time.

Assuring you of his appreciation of your devotion to the Faith, and of his
prayers for your success,

With loving greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual

Your true brother,

(74) August 26, 1955

(74) August 26, 1955

Dear Baha'i Sister:

The beloved Guardian has received your letter of July 15th, and has
instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He deeply appreciates your devotion and service to the Faith. You must not
become discouraged, but strive diligently to consolidate the Faith in that
important area. He feels the Haziratu'l-Quds itself will prove to be an
instrument to attract new souls to the Cause.

He assures you of his prayers for the success of your labours, and will
also pray for all the Baha'is in Anchorage.

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

Assuring you of my loving prayers for the realization of your heart's

Your true brother,

(75) November 11, 1956

(75) November 11, 1956

Dear Baha'i Brother:

Your loving letter of October 31st has been received by the Beloved
Guardian, and he has directed me to acknowledge it on his behalf. The
contribution which you have made to the International Fund is greatly
appreciated. Receipt is enclosed.

Alaska is a most important country, especially mentioned by 'Abdu'l-Baha
in the Tablets of the Divine Plan. The Friends there must arise with
renewed effort to spread the Glad Tidings and win souls to the Cause of
God. There should be many assemblies, groups and Isolated centers, for the
formation of the National Assembly, and its vigorous functioning.

The Guardian was happy to learn that Alaska is awake to the Faith, as
never before. It therefore remains to see what the Friends will do; for it
is now in their hands to raise the heights of their spiritual endeavors.

The Guardian assures you, and all the Friends in Alaska of his prayers in
their behalf; for the success of their work; and the confirmation of many
souls in the Kingdom of God.

He sends you his loving Greetings,

Faithfully yours,
Leroy Ioas

(76) January 24, 1957

(76) January 24, 1957

Dear Baha'i Friends:

The beloved Guardian has received your letter of January 3rd, and has
instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He was very happy to hear of the declaration of Miss Johnson,(17) and
particularly of the translation into Aleut of the excerpt from
Baha'u'llah's Writings. Likewise, he was very happy to know that you are
building a Baha'i Center,(18) which he will consider as an auxiliary to
the other goals the friends are winning all over the world.

Perhaps one should not approach the people in that country(19) on the
basis of religion, but rather through the social teachings of the Faith
and its Laws, and make them understand the need for World Order, rather
than giving them the religious aspect first, when they are so fanatically
attached to their church.

He will certainly pray that you may find receptive souls, and the slow
work of conversion be begun. No doubt once they embrace the Faith, they
will be very staunch.

Assuring you all of his loving prayers and his appreciation of your
persevering services,

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, aid you to extend the range
of your meritorious services to His Faith, and win memorable victories in
the days to come.

Your true brother,

(77) April 20, 1957

(77) April 20, 1957

Dear Baha'i Sister:

Your letter of April 5th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he
has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He feels that now that you have found the thing you were searching for
inwardly, and have this added joy in your life of our glorious Faith, you
should be kinder to your husband and more considerate than ever, and do
everything in your power to make him feel that this has not taken you away
from him, but only made your love for him and your desire to be a good
wife to him, greater. Whether he will ultimately be able to become a
Baha'i or not, is something that only time can tell; but there is no doubt
where your duty lies, and that is to make him appreciate the fact that
your new affiliation has not interfered in any way with his home life or
his marriage, but on the contrary, has strengthened both.

It is very difficult when one has found what one knows is the truth, to
sit by and see a dear and close relative completely blind to it. The
temptation is to try and "stir them up and make them see the light", but
this is often disastrous. Silence, love and forbearance will win greater
victories in such cases. However, your husband has no right to ask you to
give up being a Baha'i. That is going too far. Nobody should trespass on
the sacred bond every human being has a right to have with their Creator.

The Guardian assures you he will pray that you may be guided to do the
right thing at this difficult time, and that your husband's attitude may

With warm Baha'i greetings,
R. Rabbani

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, aid you to overcome your
difficulties, and enable you to promote effectively the vital interests of
His Faith.

Your true brother,


Telegrams to Pioneers.

(78) To a Knight of Baha'u'llah arriving at Kodiak

(78) To a Knight of Baha'u'llah arriving at Kodiak:

July 14, 1953


(79) To Knights of Baha'u'llah upon reaching Unalaska

(79) To Knights of Baha'u'llah upon reaching Unalaska:

August 14, 1953


(80) To the pioneers who filled the post at Barrow

(80) To the pioneers who filled the post at Barrow:

July 5, 1955



Statements on Various Subjects. These statements are extracted from
letters to individual believers. These extracts are not found elsewhere in
this compilation. They are from letters written by the Guardian's
secretary at his specific direction. The arrangement is according to
subject matter.

(81) ALASKA--Important

(81) ALASKA--Important

Your letter to our beloved Guardian was received, dated September 10th,
and he is very happy to welcome you into the service of this glorious
Faith, and especially to see that you are going to serve in Alaska, a
country to which he attaches great importance.

(82) ALASKA--Incorporation of L.S.A. and growth

(82) ALASKA--Incorporation of L.S.A. and growth

He was also delighted to hear of the incorporation of Anchorage. The Faith
is certainly going ahead by leaps and bounds in the "barren North"!

(83) ALASKA--Spirit of confidence

(83) ALASKA--Spirit of confidence

He was delighted with all the good news you conveyed of the progress of
the Cause in Alaska, the radio broadcasts, the new believers, and the
spirit of confidence and devotion which animates you all in serving our
precious Faith.

(84) ALASKA--Unity of believers

(84) ALASKA--Unity of believers

He was very happy to hear of the unity of the Alaskan Baha'is; they are a
Community particularly dear to his heart, and he hopes that in the years
to come the Cause will make remarkable progress in that land.



We do not believe in Anti-Christ in the sense the Christians do. Anyone
who violently and determinedly sought to oppose the Manifestation could be
called an "anti-Christ," such as the Vazir in the Bab's day, Haji Mirza



We do not believe that there was a bodily resurrection after the
crucifixion of Christ, but that there was a time after His ascension when
His disciples perceived spiritually His true greatness and realized He was
eternal in being. This is what has been reported symbolically in the New
Testament and been misunderstood. His eating with His disciples after
resurrection is the same thing.

(87) CHRIST--Virgin Birth

(87) CHRIST--Virgin Birth

What science calls a virgin birth we do not associate with that of Jesus
Christ, which we believe to have been a miracle and a sign of His
Prophethood. In this matter we are in entire agreement with the most
orthodox church views.

(88) FEAR--Overcoming fear

(88) FEAR--Overcoming fear

He will certainly pray that you may entirely over-come your fear-complex.
When you concentrate your thoughts on realizing that you now belong to
Baha'u'llah, are His servant whom He loves and will always help, if you
ask Him to, and that the great spiritual strength of the Cause of God is
behind you for you to draw upon, you will soon see your fears melting

(89) FOOD-Storage

(89) FOOD-Storage

With regard to the storing of food--this is something which the Spiritual
Assembly will have to determine, based on local conditions; and based on
discussions with Local Authorities. The Guardian feels it is not a subject
which can be generally legislated upon.

(90) GOD--Nature of our Knowledge

(90) GOD--Nature of our Knowledge

We find God only through the Intermediary of His Prophet. We see the
Perfection of God in His Prophets. Time and space are physical things;
God, the Creator, is not a "place" as we conceive of place in physical
terms. God is the Infinite Essence, the Creator. We cannot picture Him or
His state, but if we did, we would be His equals, not His creatures. God
is never flesh, but mirrored in the attributes of His Prophets we see His
Divine characteristics and perfections.

(91) IMMORTALITY--Cause of Happiness

(91) IMMORTALITY--Cause of Happiness

He will pray for the progress and happiness of the soul of your dear
daughter in the invisible, spiritual worlds. He feels your attitude in
this physical separation from her is exemplary, and is causing her great
happiness now.



He leaves such matters as investments, etc., to the discretion of
individuals who are free to consult experts and make their own decisions,
and he feels this applies also to the shares in the prospective oil land
which you asked his advice about.

(93) MANIFESTATIONS--Future Manifestations

(93) MANIFESTATIONS--Future Manifestations

The bud, the flower, the fruit are only symbols to convey to us the sense
of the progress being made by man in receiving ever fuller Revelations
from God. In spite of the vast spiritual significance of what Baha'u'llah
has brought to the world we humans have infinite progress to make in the
future. Future Prophets will bring us new laws suitable to our state of
development and continue to educate us on this planet, but they will be
under the shadow of Baha'u'llah for five thousand centuries.

(94) PHOTOGRAPHS--of the Master

(94) PHOTOGRAPHS--of the Master

There is no objection to your copying pictures of the Master for your
friends, but do not do it on a wholesale scale. He has always preferred
that the friends should have the Master's photo rather than his own.



We cannot know God directly, but only through His Prophets. We can pray to
Him, realizing that through His Prophets we know Him, or we can address
our prayer in thought to Baha'u'llah, not as God, but as the Door to our
knowing God.

(96) PRE-EXISTENCE--of Prophets

(96) PRE-EXISTENCE--of Prophets

The Prophets, unlike us, are pre-existent. The soul of Christ existed in
the spiritual world before His birth in this world. We cannot imagine what
that world is like, so words are inadequate to picture His state of being.

(97) JOSEPH SMITH--Statements in Book of Mormon

(97) JOSEPH SMITH--Statements in Book of Mormon

As there is nothing specific about Joseph Smith in the teachings, the
Guardian has no statement to make on his position or about the accuracy of
any statement in the Book of Mormon regarding American history or its
peoples. This is a matter for historians to pass upon.

(98) SOUL--Origin

(98) SOUL--Origin

The soul or spirit of the individual comes into being with the conception
of his physical body.

(99) STUDY

(99) STUDY

Shoghi Effendi advises you to study "Some Answered Questions" and the
"Dispensation of Baha'u'llah" which help you to grasp these questions.

(100) TEACHINGS--Acceleration

(100) TEACHINGS--Acceleration

The Guardian was very happy to learn that the teaching work in Alaska is
being accelerated. May the momentum being gained, not be lost, but on the
other hand intensified, so the forthcoming National Assembly may have a
wide and strong base.

The world is seeking for a solution for its increasing problems, and if
the friends arise with the dynamic spirit of the Faith, assured of final
victory, many seeking souls will enter the Faith, and find eternal life.

(101) TEACHING--Importance

(101) TEACHING--Importance

The more one observes the conditions of the world and the terrible
problems confronting humanity, the more deeply one realizes that the only
remedy is that which Baha'u'llah has brought, and yet, alas, the masses of
the people seem to not yet be aware that the way out of our problems can
only be a divine way, given by something far greater than human
understanding! However, many souls are seriously thinking and seeking, and
the Baha'is must try to bring the knowledge of the teachings to all, so
that those prepared to accept may not be denied the Message.

(102) TEACHING--Participation of Children

(102) TEACHING--Participation of Children

He is happy that the children are being attracted. They are the pillars of
the future, and should be trained and encouraged in every way, to learn
the details of the teachings, and how to teach others. For the true source
of existence is the diffusing of Glad Tidings.

(103) TEACHING--Remaining at Post

(103) TEACHING--Remaining at Post

He would certainly advise you to remain in Alaska and continue to teach
and give the small but devoted Community there your active support.

(104) TEACHING--Teaching Relatives

(104) TEACHING--Teaching Relatives

He would not advise you to in any way force the teachings on your husband,
but rather through prayer, love and example attract his heart to what he
will be forced to see has not only made you a happier person but a better
wife and mother than ever before. It is often most difficult to teach
those nearest to us, but the Guardian will earnestly pray that your
husband and children will join you in serving this wonderful Cause.



Letters addressed to individuals by letter number. Only letters presented
in their entirety are indicated.

1. Honor Kempton

2. Janet B. Whitenack (Stout)

3. Honor Kempton

4. Janet B. Whitenack (Stout)

5. Melba M. Call (King)

6. Janet B. Whitenack (Stout)

56. Honor Kempton

57. Betty Becker

58. Frances L. Wells

59. Melva Pippel

60. Margaret Pirkey

61. Frances L. Wells

62. Margaret Pirkey

63. Jenabe and Elaine Caldwell and family

64. Frances L. Wells

65. Robert E. ("Pat") and Georgine Moul

66. Jenabe and Elaine Caldwell and family

67. Verne and Janet Stout

68. Margaret Pirkey

69. Edgar Russell

70. Robert E. ("Pat") and Georgine Moul

71. Frances L. Wells

72. Howard J. Brown

73. Rose Perkal (Gates)

74. Mable Amidon

75. Vernon Huffman

76. Jenabe and Elaine Caldwell and family

77. Name withheld by request

78. Rose Perkal (Gates)

79. Jenabe and Elaine Caldwell and family

80. Margaret Pirkey and Frances L. Wells


    1 All of the messages in this book are numbered sequentially for the
      convenience of the reader and as an aid in indexing. The numbers
      appear before the date of each letter. The Editors.

    2 (Letter No. 1) Honor Kempton was the first Pioneer to Alaska under
      the first Seven Year Plan.

    3 (Letter No. 2) Janet Whitenack (Stout) was the first person to
      enroll in the Faith in Alaska during the first Seven Year Plan.

    4 (Letter No. 4) Janet Whitenack (Stout) had secured a school teaching
      position in the village of Tuluksak on the Kuskokwim River.

    5 (Letter No. 5) Melba Call (King) was the first Eskimo to become a
      Baha'i. While she was born and raised in Alaska, she was residing in
      New Mexico when she heard of the Faith and became a Baha'i.

    6 (Letter No. 17) Based on these directions from the Guardian, the
      first Haziratu'l-Quds was purchased inside the City limits at
      810-8th Avenue. At that time (1955) the population of Anchorage was
      less than 25,000 concentrated around what is now downtown Anchorage.
      Following the earthquake in 1964, it was necessary to abandon the
      original Haziratu'l-Quds. The property was sold for $20,000 and a
      diligent year-long effort was made to find a suitable replacement.
      Nothing appropriate could be found inside the city limits within the
      price range. Guidance was requested from the Universal House of
      Justice. In a letter dated May 11, 1965, they stated the following,
      "...we feel that it is more important that you should acquire a
      national Haziratu'l-Quds for Alaska without delay. Preferably is
      should be within the civic limits of Anchorage but if you cannot
      find a suitable building which can be purchased for the $20,000
      which you have available, you should look for a location in the
      immediate suburbs of Anchorage...."

    7 (Letter No. 27) Mrs. Sarah Mary ("Granny") Roberts was 87 years old
      when she became a Baha'i.

    8 (Letter No. 27) Joyce Anderson Combs was the first Tlingit Indian to
      become a Baha'i in Alaska. The first Alaskan Native to become a
      Baha'i while living in Alaska was Agnes Parent (Harrison).

    9 (Letter No. 29) Joyce Campbell (Baldwin).

   10 (Letter No. 35) Martha Brown (Reed).

   11 (Letter No. 44) Arthur and Wilma Gregory and Vern and Evelyn

   12 (Letter No. 50) This ringstone was given by the Greatest Holy Leaf
      to Mrs. Marie Lowell of Santa Barbara, California who gave it to
      Frances Wells. Mrs. Wells gave it to the Alaska National Archives.

   13 (Letter No. 57) Miss Honor Kempton served in Luxembourg after
      leaving Alaska.

   14 (Letter No. 57) Miss Dagmar Dole came to Alaska shortly after the
      first Local Spiritual Assembly was formed. She pioneered to Europe
      and is buried in Switzerland. The Guardian said she was a
      "distinguished consecrated pioneer."

   15 (Letter No. 69) Seward was opened by the pioneering of the Edgar
      Russell family.

   16 (Letter No. 70) This letter so encouraged the friends when it was
      re-read a year and a half later that it changed attitudes from one
      of discouragement to confidence and enthusiasm which resulted in the
      formation of the first Local Spiritual Assembly of Ketchikan the
      following Ridvan.

   17 (Letter No. 76) Janet Johnson (Smith) later became the Secretary of
      the Alaska National Spiritual Assembly.

   18 (Letter No. 76) The Baha'i Center at Unalaska was dedicated by
      Florence Mayberry at the first public meeting in February, 1958.

   19 (Letter No. 76) Aleutian Islands.



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