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Title: Enquire Within Upon Everything
The Great Victorian Domestic Standby
Author: Anonymous
Release Date: January 21, 2004 [eBook #10766]
[Most recently updated: February 25, 2021]
Language: English
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Produced by: Jon Ingram, Clytie Siddall and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team
Enquire Within
Upon Everything
the great Victorian-era domestic standby
with hyperlinked index
"Whether You Wish to Model a Flower in Wax;
to Study the Rules of
to Serve a Relish for Breakfast or Supper;
to Plan a Dinner
for a Large Party or a Small One;
to Cure a Headache;
to Make a Will;
Get Married;
to Bury a Relative;
Whatever You May Wish to Do, Make, or
to Enjoy,
Provided Your Desire has Relation to the Necessities of
Domestic Life,
I Hope You will not Fail to 'Enquire
Table of Contents /(Index)
- Adulterations of Food, Tests for
- Beverages, Preparation of, and Receipts for
- Bird-Keeping, Bee-Keeping, and Poultry-Keeping
- Carving, Arrangements of the Dinner-Table, etc.
- Children, Rearing and Management of
- Choice of Food, Marketing, etc.
- Confectionery: Cakes, Jellies, Sweetmeats
- Commercial and Monetary Hints, Maxims
- Correct Speaking, Hints on Writing
- Decoration, Painting, Staining, Gilding etc.
- Destruction of Vermin, Noxious Animals
- Dress, Choice, Arrangement, and Care of
- Dyeing, Scouring, Cleaning, Laundry Operations
- Emergencies and Accidents, Drowning, Fire, etc.
- Etiquette, Forms and Ceremonies of
- Food of Various Kinds, When in Season
- Fancy Needlework
- Fuel, Lighting, etc., Economy and Management of
- Furniture, Selection and Arrangement of
- Gardening Operations Throughout the Year
- Household Carpentry, Mending, Repairing
- Indoor Games and Amusements
- Ladies' Employments: Leather-Work, Diaphanie etc.
- Legal Information and Advice
- Medical and Surgical Advice
- Minor Complaints, Cough, Cramp etc.
- Miscellaneous Preparations: Ink, Gum, Cement, etc.
- Outdoor Sports and Pastimes, Lawn Tennis
- Poisoning, Treatment in Cases of
- Preparation of Food, Cooking Operations
- Preserving and Pickling, Hints on
- Modelling, Preparing Botanical Specimens, etc.
- Rules of Conduct: Counsels, Hints, Advice
- Sanitary Precautions and Regulations
- Sauces, Relishes, Zests, How to Prepare
- Tables of Percentages, Interest, Marketing, Wages
- Toilet Requisites, Receipts for, etc.
title |
price |
Daily Wants, Dictionary of |
7s. 6d. |
Useful Knowledge, Dictionary of |
10s. |
Medical and Surgical Knowledge, Dictionary of |
5s. |
Reason Why. Christian Denominations |
3s. 6d. |
Reason Why. Physical Geography and Geology |
3s. 6d. |
Reason Why. General Science |
2s. 6d. |
Reason Why. Natural History |
2s. 6d. |
Historical Reason Why. English History |
2s. 6d. |
Reason Why. Gardener's and Farmer's |
2s. 6d. |
Reason Why. Domestic Science for Housewives |
2s. 6d. |
Biblical Reason Why. Sacred History |
2s. 6d. |
Family Save-All; or, Secondary Cookery, etc. |
2s. 6d. |
Journey of Discovery, or, The Interview |
2s. 6d. |
Practical Housewife and Family Medical Guide |
2s. 6d. |
Notices to Correspondents |
2s. 6d. |
Corner Cupboard. A Family Repository |
2s. 6d. |
How a Penny Became a Thousand Pounds
Life Doubled by the Economy of Time
Either of these two Works separately |
2s. 6d.
1s. 6d. cloth |
Wonderful Things of All Nations, Two Series |
each 2s. 6d. |
The Historical Finger-Post |
2s. 6d. |
Contents / Index
title |
price |
History of Progress in Great Britain. Two Series |
each 6s. |
That's It; or, Plain Teaching. Cloth, gilt edges |
3s. 6d. |
Walks Abroad and Evenings at Home. Cloth, gilt edges |
3s. 6d. |
Elegant Work for Delicate Fingers |
1s. |
Philosophy and Mirth United by Pen and Pencil |
1s. |
Handy Book of Shopkeeping, or, Shopkeeper's Guide |
1s. |
Shilling Kitchiner, or, Oracle of Cookery for the Million |
1s. |
Contents / Index
If there be any among my Readers who, having turned over the pages of
"Enquire Within," have hastily pronounced them to be confused and
ill-arranged, let them at once refer to The Index, at page 389, and for ever hold their peace.
The Index is, to the vast congregation of useful hints and receipts that
fill the pages of this volume, what the Directory is to the great
aggregation of houses and people in London.
No one, being a stranger to London, would run about asking for "Mr.
Smith." But, remembering the Christian name and the profession of the
individual wanted, he would turn to the Directory, and trace him out.
Like a house, every paragraph in "Enquire Within" has its number,—and
the Index is the Directory which will explain what Facts, Hints, and
Instructions inhabit that number.
For, if it be not a misnomer, we are prompted to say that "Enquire
Within" is peopled with hundreds of ladies and gentlemen, who
have approved of the plan of the work, and contributed something to its
store of useful information. There they are, waiting to be questioned,
and ready to reply. Within each page some one lives to answer for the
correctness of the information imparted, just as certainly as where, in
the window of a dwelling, you see a paper directing you to "Enquire
Within," some one is there to answer you.
Housekeepers of experience live at Nos. 1, 30, 438, 1251 and 2091; old
Dr. Kitchiner lives at 44; Captain Crawley is to be found at 46 and
2568; the well-known Mrs. Warren lives at 1809; Miss Acton at 1310; Dr.
Franklin at 1398; Mrs. Hitching at 215; Mr. Banting at 1768; Dr. Wilson Philip at 1762; Mr. Withering at 2338; Mr. Mechi at 997; Dr. Stenhouse
at 1776; Dr. Erasmus Wilson at 1700; Dr. Southwood Smith at 1743; Dr.
Blair at 2180; M. Soyer at 1130; Dr. Babington at 2407; Miss Gifford at
2337; and Dr. Clark at 2384. In addition to these and many more, a
Doctor lives at 475; a Gardener at 249; a Schoolmaster at 161; a Butcher
at 27; a Dancing-Master at 139; an Artist at 2548; a Naturalist at 2330;
a Dyer at 2682; a Modeller at 2346; a Professed Cook at 1032; a
Philanthropist at 1368; a Lawyer at 1440; a Surgeon at 796; a Chess
Player at 71; a Whist Player, almost next door, at 73; a Chemist at 650;
a Brewer at 2267; a Lawn Tennis Player at 2765; a homœopathic
Practitioner at 925; a Wood-stainer at 1413; two Confectioners at 1628
and 2024; a Poultry-Keeper at 1642; a Meteorologist at 962; Philosophers
at 973 and 1783; a Practical Economist at 985; a Baker at 1002; a Master
of the Ceremonies at 1924 and 2613; a Bird Fancier at 2155: a
Washerwoman at 2729; an Analytical Chemist at 2747; an Accountant at
2769; and so on.
Well! there they live—always at home. Knock at their doors—Enquire
Within. No Fees to Pay!!
Much care has been taken in selecting the information that is given,
and, as is amply shown by the above list, so many kind and competent
friends have lent a hand in the production of this volume that is
impossible to turn to any page without at once being reminded of the
Generous Friend who abides there.
To some extent, though in a far less degree, assistance has been
rendered by the authors of many useful and popular works, for which due
acknowledgment must be made. Chief among these works are Dr. Kitchiner's
"Cooks' Oracle"; "The Cook," in Houlston and Sons' Industrial
Library; "The Shopkeeper's Guide;" "The Wife's Own Cookery," "The
Practical Housewife," and many of the volumes of the "Reason Why"
Lastly, as in everyday life it is found necessary at times to make a
thorough inspection of house and home, and to carry out requisite
repairs, alterations, and additions, this has been done in the recent
editions of "Enquire Within," to which some hundreds of paragraphs have
been added, while others have been remodelled and revised in accordance
with the progress of the times in which we live. Care, however, has been
taken to alter nothing that needed no alteration, so that, practically,
this Popular Favourite is still the old "Enquire Within;"
improved, it is true, but in no way so changed as to place it beyond the
recognition of those to whom it has been a Book Of Constant Reference
since its first appearance.
Contents / Index
to the Seventy-Fifth Edition
The unparalleled success achieved by "Enquire Within Upon Everything"
demands special mention from its Publishers at the present moment. Its
prominent characteristics—varied usefulness and cheapness—have won for
it universal esteem. There is scarcely a spot reached by English
civilization to which this book has not found its way, receiving
everywhere the most cordial welcome and winning the warmest praise.
Proof of this world-wide popularity is clearly shown by the record of
the number of copies sold, now amounting to the wonderful total of
One Million Copies
—a sale which the Publishers believe to be absolutely without
precedent among similar books of reference. This result has been
mainly brought about by the kindly interest shown in the book by many
friends, to whom the Publishers' most hearty thanks are tendered for
their generous support and recommendations.
The work of revision has been carried on from year to year with
watchfulness and care, and many Additions have been made, both modern
and interesting, including Homœopathy, Lawn Tennis, &c Enquirers on
the laws of Landlord and Tenant, Husband and Wife, Debtor and Creditor,
are supplied with the latest information. Diseases and their Remedies,
and Medicines, their Uses and Doses, have received special attention.
The Index has been considerably extended, and with the aid of this, and
the Summary of Contents, it is hoped that no Enquirer will fail to
receive complete and satisfactory replies.
The "Enquire Within" and "Reason Why" Series now comprises Twenty-seven
Volumes, containing upwards of Seven Thousand pages of closely printed
matter. They are entirely original in plan, and executed with the most
conscientious care. The Indexes have been prepared with great labour,
and alone occupy about 500 pages. A vast Fund of valuable Information,
embracing every Subject of Interest or Utility, is thus attainable, and
at a merely nominal Cost.
These Works are in such general demand, that the Sale has already
reached considerably upwards of
One-and-a-Half Million Volumes.
The attention of all parties interested in the dissemination of sound
Theoretical Instruction and Practical Knowledge is particularly directed
to the Twenty-seven Volumes in this Series of Popular and Valuable Books.
volume |
title |
details |
1-3 |
Daily Wants, the Dictionary of |
nearly 1,200 pages of Information upon all matters of Practical
and Domestic Utility. Above 118,000 copies have been sold. |
4-7 |
Useful Knowledge, the Dictionary of |
a Book
of Reference upon History, Geography, Science, Statistics, &c
A Companion Work to the Dictionary of Daily Wants. |
8 & 9 |
Medical and Surgical Knowledge, the Dictionary of |
a Complete Practical Guide on Health and
Disease, for Families, Emigrants, and Colonists. |
10 |
Enquire Within Upon Everything |
11 |
The Reason Why, Christian Denominations |
the Origin, History, and Tenets of the Christian Sects, with
the Reasons assigned by themselves for their Specialities of
Faith and forms of Worship. |
12 |
The Reason Why, Physical Geography and Geology |
containing upwards
of 1,200 Reasons, explanatory of the Physical Phenomena of Earth and
Sea, their Geological History, and the Geographical distribution of
Plants, Animals, and the Human Race. |
13 |
The Reason Why, Biblical and Sacred History |
a Family Guide to
Scripture Readings, and a Handbook for Biblical Students. |
14 |
The Reason Why, General Science |
giving Hundreds of Reasons for
things which, though generally received, are imperfectly understood.
This Volume has reached a sale of 53,000. |
15 |
The Reason Why, Historical |
designed to simplify the study of English History. |
16 |
The Reason Why, Natural History |
giving Reasons for very numerous
interesting Facts in connection with the Habits and Instincts of the
various Orders of the Animal Kingdom. |
17 |
The Reason Why, Gardening and Farming |
giving some Thousands of
Reasons for various Facts and Phenomena in reference to the Cultivation
and Tillage of the Soil. |
18 |
The Reason Why, Houswife's Science |
affording to the Manager of
Domestic Affairs intelligible Reasons for the various duties she has to
superintend or to perform. |
19 |
Journey of Discovery All Round Our House, or, The Interview |
copious Information upon Domestic Matters. |
20 |
The Practical Housewife and Family Medical Guide |
a Series of
Instructive Papers on Cookery, Food, Treatment of the Sick, &c, &c |
21 |
The Family Save-All |
a System of Secondary Cookery with Hints for
Economy in the use of Articles of Household Consumption. |
22 |
Notices to Correspondents |
a Work full of curious Information on
all Subjects, gathered from actual Answers to Correspondents of various
Magazines and Newspapers. |
23 |
The Corner Cupboard |
containing Domestic Information, Needlework
Designs, and Instructions for the Aquarium, &c |
24 |
Life Doubled by the Economy of Time and How a Penny Became a Thousand Pounds |
The first of these teaches the Value of Moments, and
shows how Life may be abridged by a careless indifference to trifles of
time; the second pursues a similar argument with reference to Money. |
25 & 26 |
Wonderful Things |
affording interesting descriptions of the
Wonders of all Nations, with Illustrations. |
27 |
The Historical Finger-Post |
giving briefly, but clearly, the
meaning and origin of hundreds of Terms, Phrases, Epithets, Cognomens,
Allusions, &c, in connection with History, Politics, Theology, Law,
Commerce, Literature, Army and Navy, Arts and Sciences, Geography,
Tradition, National, Social, and Personal Characteristics. &c |
Contents / Index
1. Choice of Articles of Food
Nothing is more important in the affairs of housekeeping than the choice
of wholesome food. Apropos to this is an amusing conundrum which is as
follows:—"A man went to market and bought two fish. When he
reached home he found they were the same as when he had bought them; yet
there were three! How was this?" The answer is—"He bought two
mackerel, and one smelt!" Those who envy him his bargain need not
care about the following rules; but to others they will be valuable:
Contents / Index
2. Mackerel
must be perfectly fresh, or it is a very indifferent fish; it will
neither bear carriage, nor being kept many hours out of the water. The
firmness of the flesh and the clearness of the eyes must be the criteria
of fresh mackerel, as they are of all other fish.
Contents / Index
3. Turbot, and all flat white fish
are rigid and firm when fresh; the under side should be of a rich
cream colour. When out of season, or too long kept, this becomes a
bluish white, and the flesh soft and flaccid. A clear bright eye in
any fish is also a mark of its being fresh and good.
Contents / Index
4. Cod
is known to be fresh by the rigidity of the muscles (or flesh), the
redness of the gills, and clearness of the eyes. Crimping much
improves this fish.
Contents / Index
5. Salmon
The flavour and excellence of this fish depend upon its freshness and
the shortness of time since it was caught; for no method can
completely preserve the delicate flavour that salmon has when just
taken out of the water. A great deal of what is brought to London has
been packed in ice, and comes from the Scotch and Irish rivers, and,
though perfectly fresh, is not quite equal to salmon from English
Contents / Index
6. Herrings
should be eaten when very fresh; and, like mackerel, will not remain
good many hours after they are caught. But they are excellent,
especially for breakfast relishes, either salted, split, dried, and
peppered, or pickled. Mackerel are very good when prepared in either
of these ways.
Contents / Index
7. Fresh-Water Fish
The remarks as to firmness and clear fresh eyes apply to this variety
of fish, of which there are carp, tench, pike, perch, &c
Contents / Index
8. Lobsters
recently caught, have always some remains of muscular action in the
claws, which may be excited by pressing the eyes with the finger; when
this cannot be produced, the lobster must have been too long kept.
When boiled, the tail preserves its elasticity if fresh, but loses it
as soon as it becomes stale. The heaviest lobsters are the best; when
light they are watery and poor. Hen lobsters may generally be known by
the spawn, or by the breadth of the "flap."
Contents / Index
9. Crab and Crayfish
must be chosen by observations similar to those given above in the
choice of lobsters. Crabs have an agreeable smell when fresh.
Contents / Index
10. Prawns and Shrimps
when fresh, are firm and crisp.
Contents / Index
11. Oysters
If fresh, the shell is firmly closed; when the shells of oysters are
open, they are dead, and unfit for food. The small-shelled oysters,
the Byfleet, Colchester, and Milford, are the finest in flavour.
Larger kinds, as the Torbay oysters, are generally considered only fit
for stewing and sauces, and as an addition to rump-steak puddings and
pies, though some persons prefer them to the smaller oysters, even
when not cooked. Of late years English oysters have become scarce and
dear; and in consequence the American Blue Point oysters find a ready
Contents / Index
12. Beef
The grain of ox beef, when good, is loose, the meat red, and the fat
inclining to yellow. Cow beef, on the contrary, has a closer grain and
whiter fat, but the meat is scarcely as red as that of ox beef.
Inferior beef, which is meat obtained from ill-fed animals, or from
those which had become too old for food, may be known by a hard,
skinny fat, a dark red lean, and, in old animals, a line of horny
texture running through the meat of the ribs. When meat rises up
quickly, after being pressed by the finger, it may be considered as
being the flesh of an animal which was in its prime; but when the dent
made by pressure returns slowly, or remains visible, the animal had
probably passed its prime, and the meat consequently must be of
inferior quality.
Contents / Index
13. Veal
should be delicately white, though it is often juicy and
well-flavoured when rather dark in colour. Butchers, it is said, bleed
calves purposely before killing them, with a view to make the flesh
white, but this also makes it dry and flavourless. On examining the
loin, if the fat enveloping the kidney be white and firm-looking, the
meat will probably be prime and recently killed. Veal will not keep so
long as an older meat, especially in hot or damp weather: when going,
the fat becomes soft and moist, the meat flabby and spotted, and
somewhat porous like sponge. Large, overgrown veal is inferior to
small, delicate, yet fat veal. The fillet of a cow-calf is known by
the udder attached to it, and by the softness of the skin; it is
preferable to the veal of a bull-calf.
Contents / Index
14. Mutton
The meat should be firm and close in grain, and red in colour, the fat
white and firm. Mutton is in its prime when the sheep is about five
years old, though it is often killed much younger. If too young, the
flesh feels tender when pinched; if too old, on being pinched it
wrinkles up, and so remains. In young mutton, the fat readily
separates; in old, it is held together by strings of skin. In sheep
diseased of the rot, the flesh is very pale-coloured, the fat
inclining to yellow; the meat appears loose from the bone, and, if
squeezed, drops of water ooze out from the grains; after cooking, the
meat drops clean away from the bones. Wether mutton is preferred to
that of the ewe; it may be known by the lump of fat on the inside of
the thigh.
Contents / Index
15. Lamb
This meat will not keep long after it is killed. The large vein in the
neck is bluish in colour when the fore quarter is fresh, green when it
is becoming stale. In the hind quarter, if not recently killed, the
fat of the kidney will have a slight smell, and the knuckle will have
lost its firmness.
Contents / Index
16. Pork
When good, the rind is thin, smooth, and cool to the touch; when
changing, from being too long killed, it becomes flaccid and clammy.
Enlarged glands, called kernels, in the fat, are marks of an ill-fed
or diseased pig.
Contents / Index
17. Bacon
should have a thin rind, and the fat should be firm, and tinged red by
the curing; the flesh should be of a clear red, without intermixture
of yellow, and it should firmly adhere to the bone. To judge the state
of a ham, plunge a knife into it to the bone; on drawing it back, if
particles of meat adhere to it, or if the smell is disagreeable, the
curing has not been effectual, and the ham is not good; it should, in
such a state, be immediately cooked. In buying a ham, a short thick
one is to be preferred to one long and thin. Of English hams,
Yorkshire, Westmoreland, and Hampshire are most esteemed; of foreign,
the Westphalian. The bacon and "sugar cured" hams now imported in
large quantities from Canada and the United States are both cheap and
Contents / Index
18. Venison
When good, the fat is clear, bright, and of considerable thickness. To
know when it is necessary to cook it, a knife must be plunged into the
haunch; and from the smell the cook must determine whether to dress it
at once, or to keep it a little longer.
Contents / Index
19. Turkey
In choosing poultry, the age of the bird is the chief point to be
attended to. An old turkey has rough and reddish legs; a young one
smooth and black. Fresh killed, the eyes are full and clear, and the
feet moist. When it has been kept too long, the parts about the vent
have a greenish appearance.
Contents / Index
20. Common Domestic Fowls
when young, have the legs and combs smooth; when old these parts are
rough, and on the breast long hairs are found when the feathers axe
plucked off: these hairs must be removed by singeing. Fowls and
chickens should be plump on the breast, fat on the back, and
Contents / Index
21. Geese
The bills and feet are red when old, yellow when young. Fresh killed,
the feet are pliable, but they get stiff when the birds are kept too
long. Geese are called green when they are only two or three months
Contents / Index
22. Ducks
Choose them with supple feet and hard plump breasts. Tame ducks have
yellow feet, wild ones red.
Contents / Index
23. Pigeons
are very indifferent food when they are kept too long. Suppleness of
the feet shows them to be young; the flesh is flaccid when they are
getting bad from keeping. Tame pigeons are larger than wild pigeons,
but not so large as the wood pigeon.
Contents / Index
24. Hares and Rabbits
when old, have the haunches thick, the ears dry and tough, and the
claws blunt and ragged. A young hare has claws smooth and sharp, ears
that easily tear, and a narrow cleft in the lip. A leveret is
distinguished from a hare by a knob or small bone near the foot.
Contents / Index
25. Partridges
when young, have yellowish legs and dark-coloured bills. Old
partridges are very indifferent eating.
Contents / Index
26. Woodcocks and Snipes
when old, have the feet thick and hard; when these are soft and
tender, they are both young and fresh killed. When their bills become
moist, and their throats muddy, they have been too long killed.
(See Food in Season, Pars. 30—42.)
Contents / Index
27. Names and Situations of the Various Joints
28. Meats
In different parts of the kingdom the method of cutting up carcases
varies. That which we describe below is the most general, and is known
as the English method.
i. Beef |
Fore-Quarter |
fore-rib |
(five ribs) |
middle rib |
(four ribs) |
chuck |
(three ribs) |
shoulder piece |
(top of fore leg) |
brisket |
(lower or belly part of the ribs) |
clod |
(fore shoulder blade) |
neck |
shin |
(below the shoulder) |
cheek |
Hind-Quarter |
Sirloin |
rump |
aitch-bone |
these are the three divisions of the upper part of the quarter |
buttock and mouse-buttock |
which divide the thigh |
veiny piece |
joining the buttock |
thick flank and thin flank |
(belly pieces) |
and leg |
The sirloin and rump of both sides form a baron. |
Beef is in season all the year; best in winter.
The Miser Fasts with Greedy Mind to Spare.
ii. Mutton |
shoulder |
breast |
(the belly) |
over which are the |
loin |
(chump, or tail end) |
loin |
(best end) |
neck |
(best end) |
neck |
(scrag end) |
leg |
haunch |
or leg and chump end of loin |
and head |
A chine |
is two necks |
a saddle |
two loins |
Mutton is best in winter, spring, and autumn.
iii. Lamb |
is cut into |
fore quarter |
hind quarter |
saddle |
loin |
neck |
breast |
leg |
and shoulder |
'Grass lamb' is in season from Easter to Michaelmas;
'House lamb' from Christmas to Lady-day.
iv. Pork |
is cut into |
leg |
hand or shoulder |
hind loin |
fore loin |
belly-part |
spare-rib, or neck |
and head |
Pork is in season nearly all the year round, but is better relished
in winter than in summer.
v. Veal |
is cut into |
neck |
(scrag end) |
neck |
(best end) |
loin |
(best end) |
loin |
(chump, or tail end) |
fillet |
(upper part of hind leg) |
hind knuckle |
which joins the fillet |
knuckle of fore leg |
blade |
(bone of shoulder) |
breast |
(best end) |
and breast |
(brisket end) |
Veal is always in season, but dear in winter and spring.
vi. Venison |
is cut into |
haunch |
neck |
shoulder |
and breast |
Doe venison is best in January, October, November, and December,
and buck venison in June, July, August, and September.
vii. Scottish mode of division.
According to the English method the carcase of beef is disposed of more
economically than upon the Scotch plan. The English plan affords better
steaks, and better joints for roasting; but the Scotch plan gives a
greater variety of pieces for boiling. The names of pieces in the Scotch
plan, not found in the English, are:
the hough |
or hind leg |
the nineholes |
or English buttock |
the large and small runner |
taken from the rib and chuck pieces of the English plan |
the shoulder-lyer |
the English shoulder, but cut differently |
the spare-rib or fore-sye |
the sticking piece, &c |
The Scotch also cut mutton differently.
viii. Ox-tail
is much esteemed for purposes of soup; so also is the Cheek. The
Tongue is highly esteemed. The Heart, stuffed with veal stuffing,
roasted, and served hot, with red currant jelly as an accompaniment,
is a palatable dish. When prepared in this manner it is sometimes
called Smithfield Hare, on account of its flavour being
something like that of roast hare.
ix. Calves' Heads
are very useful for various dishes; so also are their Knuckles, Feet,
Heart, &c
Contents / Index
29. Relative Economy of the Joints
i. The Round
is, in large families, one of the most profitable parts owing to its
comparative freedom from bone: it is usually boiled, and is generally
sold at the same price as the sirloin, and ribs. It is sometimes
divided downwards, close to the bone; one side being known as the
top side, and the other as the silver side. Either of
these parts is as good roasted as boiled.
ii. The Brisket
is always less in price than the roasting parts. It is not so
economical a part as the round, having more bone with it, and more
fat. Where there are children, very fat joints are not desirable,
being often disagreeable to them, and sometimes prejudicial,
especially if they have a dislike to fat. This joint also requires
more cooking than many others; that is to say, it requires a double
allowance of time to be given for simmering it; it will, when served,
be hard and scarcely digestible if no more time be allowed to simmer
it than that which is sufficient for other joints and meats. Joints
cooked in a boiler or saucepan, should always be simmered, that
is to say, boiled as slowly as possible. Meat boiled fast, or "at a
gallop," as the phrase goes, is always tough and tasteless. The
brisket is excellent when stewed; and when cooked fresh (i.e.,
unsalted) an excellent stock for soup may be extracted from it, and
yet the meat will serve as well for dinner.
iii. The Edge-bone, or Aitch-bone
is not considered to be a very economical joint, the bone being large
in proportion to the meat; but the greater part of it, at least, is as
good as that of any prime part. On account of the quantity of bone in
it, it is sold at a cheaper rate than the best joints. It may be
roasted or boiled.
iv. The Rump
is the part of which the butcher makes great profit, by selling it in
the form of steaks, but the whole of it may be purchased as a joint,
and at the price of other prime parts. It may be turned to good
account in producing many excellent dishes. If salted, it is simply
boiled; if used unsalted, it is generally stewed.
v. The Veiny Piece
is sold at a moderate price per pound; but, if hung for a day or two,
it is very good and very profitable. Where there are a number of
servants and children to have an early dinner, this part of beef will
be found desirable.
vi. The Leg and Shin
afford excellent stock for soup; and, if not reduced too much, the
meat taken from the bones may be served as a stew with vegetables; or
it may be seasoned, pounded with butter, and potted; or, chopped very
fine, and seasoned with herbs, and bound together by egg and bread
crumbs, it may be fried in balls, or in the form of large eggs, and
served with a gravy made with a few spoonfuls of the soup.
vii. Ox-cheek
makes excellent soup. The meat, when taken from the bones, may be
served as a stew.
viii. The Sirloin and the Ribs
are the roasting parts of beef, and these bear in all places the
highest price. The more profitable of these two joints at a family
table is the ribs. The bones, if removed from the beef before it is
roasted, are useful in making stock for soup. When boned, the meat of
the ribs is often rolled up on the shape of a small round or fillet,
tied with string, and roasted; and this is the best way of using it,
as it enables the carver to distribute equally the upper part of the
meat with the fatter parts, at the lower end of the bones.
Contents / Index
30. Food in Season
There is an old maxim, "A place for everything, and everything in its
place," To which may be added another, "A season for everything, and
everything in season."
[Fish, Poultry, &c, whose names are distinguished by Italics
in each month's "Food in Season," are to be had in the highest
perfection during the month.]
Contents / Index
31. In Season in January
i. Fish:
Barbel, brill, carp, cod, crabs, cray-fish, dabs, dace, eels,
flounders, haddocks, herrings, lampreys, ling, lobsters, mussels,
oysters, perch, pike, plaice, prawns, salmon-trout, shrimps, skate,
smelts, soles, sprats, sturgeon, tench, thornback, turbot,
ii. Meat:Beef, house-lamb, mutton, pork, veal, and doe venison.
iii. Poultry and Game:Capons, chickens, ducks, wild-ducks, fowls,
geese, grouse, hares, larks, moor-game, partridges, pheasants,
pigeons (tame), pullets, rabbits, snipes, turkeys (hen), widgeons,
iv. Vegetables:Beet, broccoli (white and purple), Brussels sprouts,
cabbage, cardoons, carrots, celery, chervil, colewort, cresses,
endive, garlic, herbs (dry), Jerusalem artichokes, kale (Scotch),
leeks, lettuces, mint (dry), mustard, onions, parsley, parsnips,
potatoes, rape, rosemary, sage, salsify, Savoy cabbages, scorzonera,
shalots, skirrets, sorrel, spinach (winter), tarragon, thyme, turnips.
v. Forced Vegetables:Asparagus, cucumbers, mushrooms, sea-kale.
vi. Fruit:Almonds.
Apples: Golden pippin, golden russet, Kentish pippin,
nonpareil, winter pearmain.
Pears: Bergamot d'Hollande, Bon Chrétien, Chaumontel,
Colmar, winter beurré.
Grapes: English and foreign.
filbert nuts.
Contents / Index
The Hypocrite Will Fast Seem More Holy.
32. In Season in February
i. Fish
Barbel, brill, carp, cockles, cod, crabs, cray-fish, dabs, dace, eels,
flounders, haddocks, herrings, lampreys, ling, lobsters, mussels,
oysters, perch, pike, plaice, prawns, salmon, shrimps, skate, smelts,
soles, sturgeon, tench, thornback, turbot, whiting.
ii. Meat
Beef, house-lamb, mutton, pork, veal.
iii. Poultry and Game
Capons, chickens, ducklings, geese, hares, partridges, pheasants,
pigeons (tame and wild), rabbits (tame), snipes, turkeys, turkey
poults, wild-ducks, woodcocks.
iv. Vegetables
Beet, broccoli (white and purple), Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cardoons,
carrots, celery, chervil, colewort, cresses, endive, garlic, herbs
(dry), Jerusalem artichokes, leeks, lettuces, mint (dry), mushrooms,
onions, parsnips, parsley, potatoes, radish, rape, rosemary, sage,
salsify, Savoys, scorzonera, shalots, skirrets, sorrel, spinach,
sprouts, tarragon, thyme, turnips, winter savoury.
v. Forced Vegetables
Asparagus, cucumbers, mushrooms, sea-kale, &c
vi. Fruit
Apples: Golden pippin, golden russet, Holland pippin, Kentish pippin,
nonpareil, Wheeler's russet, winter pearmain. Chestnuts, oranges.
Pears: Bergamot, winter Bon Chrétien, winter Russelet.
Contents / Index
33. In Season in March
i. Fish
Brill, carp, cockles, cod, conger-eels, crabs, dabs, dory, eels,
flounders, ling, lobsters, mackerel, mullets, mussels, oysters, perch,
pike, plaice, prawns, salmon, salmon-trout, shrimps, skate, smelts,
soles, sturgeon, turbot, tench, and whiting.
ii. Meat
Beef, house-lamb, mutton, pork, veal.
iii. Poultry and Game
Capons, chickens, ducklings, fowls, geese, grouse, leverets, pigeons,
rabbits, snipes, turkeys, woodcocks.
iv. Vegetables
Artichokes (Jerusalem), beet, broccoli (white and purple), Brussels
sprouts, cabbage, cardoons, carrots, celery, chervil, colewort,
cresses, endive, garlic, herbs (dry), kale (sea and Scotch), lettuces,
mint, mushrooms, mustard, onions, parsley, parsnips, potatoes, rape,
rosemary, sage, Savoys, shalots, sorrel, spinach, tarragon, thyme,
turnips, turnip-tops.
v. Forced Vegetables
Asparagus, French beans, cucumbers, and rhubarb.
vi. Fruit
Apples: Golden russet, Holland pippin, Kentish pippin, nonpareil,
Norfolk beefing, Wheeler's russet. Chestnuts, oranges. Pears:
Bergamot, Chaumontel, winter Bon Chrétien. Forced: Strawberries.
Contents / Index
34. In Season in April
i. Fish
Brill, carp, chub, cockles, cod, conger-eels, crabs, dabs,
dory, eels, floandeis, halibut, herrings, ling, lobsters,
mackerel, mullets, mussels, oysters, perch, pike, prawns,
plaice, salmon, shrimps, skate, smelts, soles, sturgeon,
tench, trout, turbot, whiting.
ii. Meat
Beef, grass-lamb, house-lamb, mutton, pork, veal.
iii. Poultry and Game
Chickens, ducklings, fowls, geese, leverets, pigeons, pullets,
rabbits, turkey poults, wood-pigeons.
iv. Vegetables
Asparagus, broccoli, chervil, colewort, cucumbers, endive, fennel,
herbs of all sorts, lettuce, onions, parsley, parsnips, peas,
radishes, sea-kale, sorrel, spinach, small salad, tarragon,
turnip-radishes, turnip-tops, and rhubarb.
vi. Fruit
Apples: Golden russet, nonpareil, Wheeler's russet. Nuts, oranges.
Pears: Bergamot, Bon Chrétien, Carmelite. Forced: Apricots,
cherries, strawberries.
Contents / Index
35. In Season in May
i. Fish
Brill, carp, chub, cod, conger-eels, crab, cray-fish, dabs,
dace, dory, eels, flounders, gurnets, haddock, halibut, herring, ling,
lobsters, mackerel, mullet, perch, pike, plaice, prawns,
salmon, shrimps, skate, smelts, soles, sturgeon, tench,
trout, turbot, whiting.
ii. Meat
Beef, grass-lamb, house-lamb, mutton, pork, veal.
iii. Poultry and Game
Chickens, ducklings, fowls, geese, leverets, pigeons, pullets,
rabbits; wood-pigeons.
iv. Vegetables
Angelica, artichokes, asparagus, balm, kidney-beans, cabbage, carrots,
cauliflowers, chervil, cucumbers, fennel, herbs of all sorts, lettuce,
mint, onions, parsley, peas, new potatoes, radishes, rhubarb, salad of
all sorts, sea-kale, sorrel, spinach, turnips.
vi. Fruit
Apples: Golden russet, winter russet. May-duke cherries; currants;
gooseberries; melons. Pears: L'amozette, winter-green. Forced:
Apricots, peaches, strawberries.
Contents / Index
36. In Season in June
i. Fish
Carp, cod, conger-eels, crabs, cray-fish, dabs, dace, dory,
eels, flounders, gurnets, haddocks, herrings, ling, lobsters,
mackerel, mullet, perch, pike, plaice, prawns, salmon,
salmon-trout, skate, smelts, soles, sturgeon, tench, trout,
turbot, whitebait, whiting.
ii. Meat
Beef, grass-lamb, house-lamb, mutton, pork, veal, buck venison.
iii. Poultry and Game
Chickens, ducklings, fowls, geese, leverets, pigeons, plovers,
pullets, rabbits, turkey poults, wheat-ears, wood-pigeons.
iv. Vegetables
Angelica, artichokes, asparagus, beans (French, kidney, and Windsor),
white beet, cabbage, carrots, cauliflowers, chervil, cucumbers,
endive, herbs of all sorts, leeks, lettuce, onions, peas, potatoes,
radishes, salad of all sorts, spinach, turnips, vegetable marrow.
v. For Drying
Burnet, mint, tarragon, lemon thyme.
vi. Fruit
Apples: Quarrenden, stone pippin, golden russet. Apricots. Cherries:
May-duke, bigaroon, white-heart. Currants; gooseberries; melons.
Pears: Winter-green. Strawberries. Forced: Grapes, nectarines,
peaches, pines.
Contents / Index
37. In Season in July
i. Fish
Barbel, brill, carp, cod, conger-eels, crabs, cray-fish, dabs,
dace, dory, eels, flounders, gurnets, haddocks, herrings, ling,
lobsters, mackerel, mullet, perch, pike, plaice,
prawns, salmon, skate, soles, tench, thornback, trout.
ii. Meat
Beef, grass-lamb, mutton, veal, buck venison.
iii. Poultry and Game
Chickens, ducks, fowls, green geese, leverets, pigeons,
plovers, rabbits, turkey poults, wheat-ears, wild pigeons, wild
iv. Vegetables
Artichokes, asparagus, balm, beans (French, kidney, scarlet, and
Windsor), carrots, cauliflowers, celery, chervil, cucumbers, endive,
herbs of all sorts, lettuces, mushrooms, peas, potatoes, radishes,
salads of all sorts, salsify, scorzonera, sorrel, spinach, turnips.
v. For Drying
Knotted marjoram, mushrooms, winter savoury.
vi. For Pickling
French beans, red cabbage, cauliflowers, garlic, gherkins,
nasturtiums, onions.
vii. Fruit
Apples: Codlin, jennetting, Margaret, summer pearmain, summer pippin,
quarrenden. Apricots, cherries (black-heart), currants, plums,
greengages, gooseberries, melons, nectarines, peaches. Pears:
Catherine, green-chisel, jargonelle. Pineapples, raspberries,
Contents / Index
38. In Season in August
i. Fish
Barbel, brill, carp, cod, conger-eels, crabs, cray-fish, dabs,
dace, eels, flounders, gurnets, haddocks, herrings, lobsters,
mackerel, mullet, oysters, perch, pike, plaice,
prawns, salmon, skate, tench, thornback, turbot, whiting.
ii. Meat
Beef, grass-lamb, mutton, veal, buck venison.
iii. Poultry and Game
Chickens, ducks, fowls, green geese, grouse (from 12th),
leverets, pigeons, plovers, rabbits, turkeys, turkey poults,
wheat-ears, wild ducks, wild pigeons, wild rabbits.
iv. Vegetables
Artichokes, beans (French, kidney, scarlet and Windsor), white beet,
carrots, cauliflowers, celery, cucumbers, endive, pot-herbs of all
sorts, leeks, lettuces, mushrooms, onions, peas, potatoes, radishes,
salad of all sorts, salsify, scorzonera, shalots, spinach, turnips.
v. For Drying
Basil, sage, thyme.
vi. For Pickling
Red cabbage, capsicums, chilies, tomatoes, walnuts.
vii. Fruit
Apples: Codlin, summer pearmain, summer pippin. Cherries, currants,
figs, filberts, gooseberries, grapes, melons, mulberries, nectarines,
peaches. Pears: Jargonelle, summer, Bon Chrétien, Windsor. Plums,
greengages, raspberries, Alpine strawberries.
Contents / Index
Without Economy None can be Rich.
39. In Season in September
i. Fish
Barbel, brill, carp, cockles, cod, conger-eels, crab, dace,
eels, flounders, gurnets, haddocks, hake, herrings, lobsters, mullet,
mussels, oysters, perch, pike, plaice, prawns, shrimps, soles,
tench, thornback, turbot, whiting.
ii. Meat
Beef, mutton, pork, veal, buck venison.
iii. Poultry and Game
Chickens, ducks, fowls, green geese, grouse, hares, larks,
leverets, partridges, pigeons, plovers, rabbits, teal, turkeys,
turkey poults, wheat-ears, wild ducks, wild pigeons, wild
iv. Vegetables
Artichokes, Jerusalem artichokes, beans (French and scarlet),
cabbages, carrots, cauliflowers, celery, cucumbers, endive, herbs of
all sorts, leeks, lettuces, mushrooms, onions, parsnips, peas,
potatoes, radishes, salad of all sorts, shalots, turnips.
v. Fruit
Apples: Golden nob, pearmain, golden rennet. Cherries (Morella),
damsons, figs, filberts. Grapes: Muscadine, Frontignac, red and black
Hamburgh, Malmsey. Hazel nuts, walnuts, medlars, peaches. Pears:
Bergamot, brown beurré. Pineapples, plums, quinces, strawberries,
Contents / Index
40. In Season in October
i. Fish
Barbel, brill, turbot, carp, cockles, cod, conger-eels, crabs,
dace, dory, eels, gudgeon, haddocks, hake, halibut,
herrings, lobsters, mussels, oysters, perch, pike, prawns,
salmon-trout, shrimps, smelts, soles, tench, thornback, whiting.
ii. Meat
Beef, mutton, pork, veal, doe venison.
iii. Poultry and Game
Chickens, dotterel, ducks, fowls, green geese, grouse, hares, larks,
moor-game, partridges, pheasants, pigeons, rabbits, snipes,
teal, turkey, wheat-ears, widgeon, wild ducks, wild pigeons, wild
rabbits, woodcocks.
iv. Vegetables
Artichokes, Jerusalem artichokes, broccoli, cabbages, cauliflowers,
celery, coleworts, endive, herbs of all sorts, leeks, onions,
parsnips, peas, potatoes, radishes, salad, Savoys, scorzonera,
skirrets, shalots, spinach (winter), tomatoes, truffles, turnips.
v. Fruit
Apples: Pearmain, golden pippin, golden rennet, royal russet. Black
and white bullace, damsons, late figs, almonds, filberts, hazel nuts,
walnuts, filberts. Grapes, medlars. Peaches: Old Newington, October.
Pears: Bergamot, beurré, Chaumontel, Bon Chrétien, swan's-egg.
Quinces, services, walnuts.
Contents / Index
41. In Season in November
i. Fish
Barbel, brill, turbot, carp, cockles, cod, crabs, dace, dory,
eels, gudgeons, gurnets, haddocks, hake, halibut, herrings,
ling, lobsters, mussels, oysters, perch, pike, plaice, prawns,
salmon, shrimps, skate, smelts, soles, sprats, tench, thornback,
turbot, whiting.
ii. Meat
Beef, house-lamb, mutton, pork, veal, doe venison.
iii. Poultry and Game
Chickens, dotterel, ducks, fowls, geese, grouse, hares, larks,
partridges, pheasants, pigeons, rabbits, snipes, teal, turkey,
wheat-ears, widgeon, wild ducks, wood-cocks.
iv. Vegetables
Jerusalem artichokes, beet root, borecole, broccoli, cabbages,
cardoons, carrots, celery, chervil, coleworts, endive, herbs of all
sorts, leeks, lettuces, onions, parsnips, potatoes, salad, Savoys,
scorzonera, skirrets, shalots, spinach, tomatoes, turnips.
vi. Fruit
Almonds. Apples: Holland pippin, golden pippin, Kentish pippin,
nonpareil, winter pearmain, Wheeler's russets. Bullace, chestnuts,
hazel nuts, walnuts, filberts, grapes, medlars. Pears: Bergamot,
Chaumontel, Bon Chrétien.
Contents / Index
With Economy, Few Need be Poor.
42. In Season in December
i. Fish
Barbel, brill, turbot, carp, cockles, cod, crabs, dab,
dory, eels, gudgeon, gurnets, haddocks, bake, halibut,
herrings, ling, lobsters, mackerel, mussels, oysters, perch,
pike, plaice, ruffe, salmon, shrimps, skate, smelts, soles,
sprats, sturgeon, tench, whitings.
ii. Meat
Beef, house-lamb, mutton, pork, veal, doe venison.
iii. Poultry and Game
Capons, chickens, ducks, fowls, geese, grouse, guinea-fowl, hares,
larks, partridges, pea-fowl, pheasants, pigeons, rabbits, snipes,
teal, turkeys, wheat-ears, widgeon, wild ducks, woodcocks.
iv. Vegetables
Jerusalem artichokes, beet root, borecole, white and purple broccoli,
cabbages, cardoons, carrots, celery, endive, herbs of all sorts,
leeks, lettuces, onions, parsnips, potatoes, salad, Savoys,
scorzonera, skirrets, shalots, spinach, truffles, turnips,
forced asparagus.
v. Fruit
Almonds. Apples: Golden pippin, nonpareil, winter pearmain, golden
russet. Chestnuts, hazel nuts, walnuts, filberts, Almeria grapes,
medlars, oranges. Pears: Bergamot, beurré d'hiver.
Contents / Index
43. Drying Herbs
Fresh herbs are preferable to dried ones, but as they cannot always be
obtained, it is most important to dry herbs at the proper seasons:
Basil |
is in a fit state for drying about the middle of August |
Burnet |
in June, July, and August |
Chervil |
in May, June, and July |
Elder Flowers |
in May, June, and July |
Knotted Marjoram |
during July |
Lemon Thyme |
end of July and through August |
Mint |
end of June and July |
Orange Flowers |
May, June, and July |
Parsley |
May, June, and July |
Sage |
August and September |
Summer Savoury |
end of July and August |
Tarragon |
June, July, and August |
Thyme |
end of July and August |
Winter Savoury |
end of July and August |
These herbs always at hand will be a great aid to the cook. Herbs should
be gathered on a dry day; they should be immediately well cleansed, and
dried by the heat of a stove or Dutch oven. The leaves should then be
picked off, pounded and sifted, put into stoppered bottles, labelled,
and put away for use. Those who are unable or may not care to take the
trouble to dry herbs, can obtain them prepared for use in bottles at the
Contents / Index
Do Good to your Enemy, that he may become Your Friend.
44. Dr. Kitchiner's Rules for Marketing
The best rule for marketing is to pay ready money for everything,
and to deal with the most respectable tradesmen in your
neighbourhood. If you leave it to their integrity to supply you with a
good article at the fair market price, you will be supplied with
better provisions, and at as reasonable a rate as those
bargain-hunters who trot "around, around, around about" a
market till they are trapped to buy some unchewable old
poultry, tough tup-mutton, stringy cow-beef, or
stale fish, at a very little less than the price of prime and
proper food. With savings like these they toddle home in
triumph, cackling all the way, like a goose that has got ankle-deep
into good luck. All the skill of the most accomplished cook will avail
nothing unless she is furnished with prime provisions. The best way to
procure these is to deal with shops of established character: you may
appear to pay, perhaps, ten per cent. more than you would were
you to deal with those who pretend to sell cheap, but you would be
much more than in that proportion better served.
Every trade has its
tricks and deceptions; those who follow them can deceive you if they
please, and they are too apt to do so if you provoke the exercise of
their over-reaching talent. Challenge them to a game at "Catch who
can," by entirely relying on your own judgment, and you will soon
find nothing but very long experience can make you equal to the combat
of marketing to the utmost advantage. If you think a tradesman has
imposed upon you, never use a second word, if the first will not do,
nor drop the least hint of an imposition; the only method to induce
him to make an abatement is the hope of future favours; pay the
demand, and deal with the gentleman no more; but do not let him see
that you are displeased, or as soon as you are out of sight your
reputation will suffer as much as your pocket has. Before you go to
market, look over your larder, and consider well what things are
wanting—especially on a Saturday. No well-regulated family can suffer
a disorderly caterer to be jumping in and out to make purchases on a
Sunday morning. You will be enabled to manage much better if you will
make out a bill of fare for the week on the Saturday before; for
example, for a family of half a dozen:
Sunday |
Roast beef and pudding. |
Monday |
Fowl, what was left of pudding fried, or warmed in the Dutch oven. |
Tuesday |
Calf's head, apple pie. |
Wednesday |
Leg of mutton. |
Thursday |
Ditto broiled or hashed, and pancakes. |
Friday |
Fish, pudding. |
Saturday |
Fish, or eggs and bacon. |
It is an excellent plan to have certain things on certain days. When
your butcher or poulterer knows what you will want, he has a better
chance of doing his best for you; and never think of ordering beef for
roasting except for Sunday. When you order meat, poultry, or fish,
tell the tradesman when you intend to dress it: he will then have it
in his power to serve you with provision that will do him credit,
which the finest meat, &c, in the world will never do, unless it has
been kept a proper time to be ripe and tender.
(Kitchiner's Cook's Oracle 56th Thousand. 5s. Houlston & Sons.)
Contents / Index
45. The Family Circle
Under this title a group of acquaintances in London once instituted
and carried out a series of friendly parties. The following form of
invitation, and the rules of the "Family Circle," will be found
interesting, probably useful:
Will you do me the favour of meeting here, as a guest, on ——
next, at seven precisely, a few friends who have kindly joined in an
attempt to commence occasional pleasant and social parties, of which
the spirit and intent will be better understood by the perusal of
the few annexed remarks and rules from
Yours sincerely, ——
"They manage it better in France," is a remark to be often applied
with reference to social life in England, and the writer fancies
that the prevalence here of a few bad customs, easily changed,
causes the disadvantageous difference between ourselves and our more
courteous and agreeable neighbours.
Worldly appearance; the phantom leading many to suppose that
wealth is the standard of worth—in the minds of friends, a notion
equally degrading to both parties.
Overdress; causing unnecessary expense and waste of time.
Expensive entertainments, as regards refreshments.
Late hours.
The following brief rules are suggested, in a hope to show the way
to a more constant, easy, and friendly intercourse amongst friends,
the writer feeling convinced that society is equally beneficial and
requisite—in fact, that mankind in seclusion, like the sword in the
scabbard, often loses polish, and gradually rusts.
- That meetings be held in rotation at each member's house,
for the enjoyment of conversation; music, grave and gay; dancing,
gay only; and card-playing at limited stakes.
- That such meetings commence at seven and end about or after
twelve, and that members and guests be requested to remember that
punctuality has been called the politeness of kings.
- That as gentlemen are allowed for the whole season to
appear, like the raven, in one suit, ladies are to have the like
privilege; and that no lady be allowed to quiz or notice the habits
of another lady; and that demi-toilette in dress be considered the
better taste in the family circle; not that the writer wishes to
raise or lower the proper standard of ladies' dress, which ought to
be neither too high nor too low, but at a happy medium.
- That any lady infringing the last rule be liable to reproof
by the oldest lady present at the meeting, if the oldest lady, like
the oldest inhabitant, can be discovered.
- That every member or guest, be requested to bring with them
their own vocal, instrumental, or dance music, and take it away with
them, if possible, to avoid loss and confusion.
- That no member or guest, able to sing, play, or dance,
refuse, unless excused by medical certificate; and that no cold or
sore throat be allowed to last more than a week.
- That as every member or guest known to be able to sing,
play, or dance, is bound to do so if requested, the performer
(especially if timid) is to be kindly criticized and encouraged; it
being a fact well known, that the greatest masters of an art are
always the most lenient critics, from their deep knowledge of the
feeling, intelligence, and perseverance required to at all approach
- That gentlemen present do pay every attention to ladies,
especially visitors; but such attention is to be general, and not
particular—for instance, no gentleman is to dance more than three
times with one lady during the evening, except in the case of
lovers, privileged to do odd things during their temporary lunacy,
and also married couples, who are expected to dance together at
least once during the evening, and oftener if they please.
- That to avoid unnecessary expense, the refreshments be
limited to cold meat, sandwiches, bread, cheese, butter, vegetables,
fruits, tea, coffee, negus, punch, malt liquors, &c, &c
- That all personal or face-to-face laudatory speeches
(commonly called toasts, or, as may be, roasts) be for the future
forbidden, without permission or inquiry, for reasons
following:—That as the family circle includes bachelors and
spinsters, and he, she, or they may be secretly engaged, it will be
therefore cruel to excite hopes that may be disappointed; and that
as some well-informed Benedick of long experience may after supper
advise the bachelor to find the way to woman's heart—vice
versa, some deep-feeling wife or widow, by "pity moven," may,
perhaps, after supper advise the spinster the other way, which, in
public, is an impropriety manifestly to be avoided.
- (suggested by a lady). That any lady, after supper,
may (if she please) ask any gentleman apparently diffident, or
requiring encouragement, to dance with her, and that no gentleman
can of course refuse so kind a request.
- That no gentleman be expected to escort any lady home on
foot beyond a distance of three miles, unless the gentleman be
positive and the lady agreeable.
Rule the Last: That as the foregoing remarks and rules are intended,
in perfect good faith and spirit, to be considered general and not
personal, no umbrage is to be taken, and the reader is to bear in
mind the common and homely saying,—
"Always at trifles scorn to take offence,
It shows great pride and very little sense."
P.S.—To save trouble to both parties, this invitation be deemed
accepted, without the necessity to reply, unless refused within
twenty-four hours.
Contents / Index
As a Man Lives, so shall he Die.
46. Evening Pastimes
Among the innocent recreations of the fireside, there are few more
commendable and practicable than those afforded by what are severally
termed Anagrams, Arithmorems, Single and Double Acrostics, Buried
Cities, &c, Charades, Conundrums, Cryptographs, Enigmas, Logogriphs,
Puzzles, Rebuses, Riddles, Transpositions, &c Of these there are such
a variety, that they are suited to every capacity; and they present
this additional attraction, that ingenuity may be exercised in the
invention of them, as well as in their solution. Many persons
who have become noted for their literary compositions may date the
origin of their success to the time when they attempted the
composition of a trifling enigma or charade.
Contents / Index
47. Acrostics
The acrostic is a short poem in which the first letters of each line,
read collectively, form a name, word, or sentence. The word comes from
the Greek akros, extreme, and stichos, order or line.
The acrostic was formerly in vogue for valentine and love verses. When
employed as a riddle it is called a Rebus, which see.
Contents / Index
48. Acrostics (Double)
This very fashionable riddle is a double Rebus, the initial and final
letters of a word or words selected making two names or two words. The
usual plan is to first suggest the foundation words, and then to
describe the separate words, whose initials and finals furnish the
answer to the question. Thus:
A Party to charm the young and erratic—
But likely to frighten the old and rheumatic.
- The carriage in which the fair visitants came:
- A very old tribe with a very old name;
- A brave Prince of Wales free from scandal or shame.
The answer is Picnic.
1. |
P |
Phaeton |
N |
2. |
I |
Iceni |
I |
3. |
C |
Caradoc |
C |
Sometimes the Double Acrostic is in prose, as in this brief example:
A Briton supports his wig, his grand-mother, his comfort, and his
The answer is, Beef—Beer:
Bob, Eve, Ease, Fair.
Contents / Index
49. Acrostics (Triple)
are formed on the same plan, three names being indicated by the
initial, central, and final letters of the selected words.
Contents / Index
50. Anagrams
are formed by the transposition of the letters of words or sentences,
or names of persons, so as to produce a word, sentence, or verse, of
pertinent or of widely different meaning. They are very difficult to
discover, but are exceedingly striking when good. The following are
some of the most remarkable:
Words |
Transpositions |
Astronomers |
No more stars |
Catalogues |
Got as a clue |
Elegant |
Neat leg |
Impatient |
Tim in a pet |
Immediately |
I met my Delia |
Masquerade |
Queer as mad |
Matrimony |
Into my arm |
Melodrama |
Made moral |
Midshipman |
Mind his map |
Old England |
Golden land |
Parishioners |
I hire parsons |
Parliament |
Partial men |
Penitentiary |
Nay I repeat it |
Presbyterian |
Best in prayer |
Radical Reform |
Rare mad frolic |
Revolution |
To love ruin |
Sir Robert Peel |
Terrible poser |
Sweetheart |
There we sat |
Telegraphs |
Great help |
Contents / Index
51. Arithmorems
This class of riddle is of recent introduction. The Arithmorem is made
by substituting figures in a part of the word indicated, for Roman
numerals. The nature of the riddle—from the Greek arithmos,
number, and the Latin remanere, back again—will be easily seen
from the following example, which is a double Arithmorem:
H |
51 |
and |
a tub |
—— |
a fine large fish |
A |
100 |
and |
gore |
—— |
a sprightly movement in music |
R |
5 |
and |
be |
—— |
a part of speech |
U |
551 |
and |
as and |
—— |
a Spanish province |
To |
201 |
and |
ran |
—— |
a stupefying drug |
R |
102 |
and |
nt |
—— |
an acid |
OU |
250 |
and |
pap |
—— |
a Mexican town |
The answer is Havanna—Tobacco.
Halibut, Allegro, Verb, Andalusia,
Narcotic, Nitric, Acapulco.
Contents / Index
52. Charades
are compositions, poetical or otherwise, founded upon words, each
syllable of which constitutes a noun, the whole of each word
constituting another noun of a somewhat different meaning from those
supplied by its separate syllables. Words which fully answer these
conditions are the best for the purposes of charades; though many
other words are employed. In writing, the first syllable is termed
"My first," the second syllable "My second," and the
complete word "My whole." The following is an example of a
Poetical Charade:
The breath of the morning is sweet;
The earth is bespangled with flowers,
And buds in a countless array
Have ope'd at the touch of the showers.
The birds, whose glad voices are ever
A music delightful to hear,
Seem to welcome the joy of the morning,
As the hour of the bridal draws near.
What is that which now steals on my first,
Like a sound from the dreamland of love,
And seems wand'ring the valleys among,
That they may the nuptials approve?
'Tis a sound which my second explains,
And it comes from a sacred abode,
And it merrily trills as the villagers throng
To greet the fair bride on her road.
How meek is her dress, how befitting a bride
So beautiful, spotless, and pure!
When she weareth my second, oh, long may it be
Ere her heart shall a sorrow endure.
See the glittering gem that shines forth from her hair—
'Tis my whole, which a good father gave;
Twas worn by her mother with honour before—
But she sleeps in peace in her grave.
Twas her earnest request, as she bade them adieu,
That when her dear daughter the altar drew near,
She should wear the same gem that her mother had worn
When she as a bride full of promise stood there.
The answer is Ear-ring. The bells ring, the sound steals
upon the ear, and the bride wears an ear ring. Charades
may be sentimental or humorous, in poetry or prose; they may also be
acted, in which manner they afford considerable amusement.
Contents / Index
53. Charades (Acted)
A drawing room with folded doors is the best for the purpose. Various
household appliances are employed to fit up something like a stage,
and to supply the fitting scenes. Characters dressed in costumes made
up of handkerchiefs, coats, shawls, table-covers, &c, come on and
perform an extempore play, founded upon the parts of a word, and its
whole, as indicated already. For instance, the events
explained in the poem given might be acted—glasses might be
rung for bells—something might be said in the course of the dialogues
about the sound of the bells being delightful to the ear; there
might be a dance of the villagers, in which a ring might be
formed; a wedding might be performed, and so on: but for acting
charades there are many better words, because Ear-ring
could with difficulty be represented without at once betraying
the meaning. There is a little work entitled "Philosophy and Mirth
united by Pen and Pencil," and another work, "Our Charades; and How we
Played Them,"1 by Jean Francis, which supply a large number of
these Charades. But the following is the most extensive list of words
ever published upon which Charades may be founded:
Footnote 1: "Philosophy and Mirth, united by Pen and Pencil," One
"Our Charades; and How we played Them," by Jean Francis, One Shilling.
Both published by Houlston and Sons, Paternoster Square, London, EC.
Contents / Index
A Fool's Bolt Is Soon Shot.
54. Words which may be converted into Acting or Written Charades
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
Aid-less |
Ba-boon |
Cab-in |
Dark-some |
Ear-ring |
False-hood |
Gain-say |
Had-dock |
Ill-nature |
Jac(k)o-bite |
Air-pump |
Back-bite |
Can-did |
Day-break |
Earth-quake |
Fan-atic |
Gang-way |
Hail-stone |
Ill-usage |
Joy-ful |
Ale-house |
Back-slide |
Can-ton |
Death-watch |
Ear-wig |
Fare-well |
Glow-worm |
Hail-storm |
In-action |
Joy-less |
Ann-ounce |
Bag-gage |
Care-ful |
Dog-ma |
Far-thing |
Glut-ton |
Half-penny |
In-born |
Justice-ship |
Arch-angel |
Bag-pipe |
Car-pet |
Don-key |
K |
Fear-less |
God-child |
Ham-let |
In-crease |
Arm-let |
Bag-dad |
Car-rot |
Drink-able |
Key-stone |
Fee-ling |
God-daughter |
Ham-mock |
In-justice |
L |
Art-less |
Bail-able |
Cart-ridge |
Drug-get |
Kid-nap |
Field-farm |
God-father |
Hand-cuff |
Ink-ling |
Lace-man |
Ass-ail |
Bale-ful |
Chair-man |
Duck-ling |
King-craft |
Fire-lock |
God-like |
Hang-man |
In-land |
Lady-bird |
Band-age |
Chamber-maid |
King-fisher |
Fire-man |
God-mother |
Hap-pen |
In-mate |
Lady-ship |
M |
Band-box |
Cheer-ful |
N |
Kins-man |
Fire-pan |
God-son |
Hard-ship |
In-no-cent |
Lamp-black |
Ma-caw |
Bane-ful |
Cheer-less |
Name-sake |
Kit-ten |
Fire-ship |
Gold-finch |
Hard-ware |
In-sane |
Land-lady |
Mad-cap |
Bar-bed |
Christ-mas |
Nan-keen |
Knight-hood |
Fire-work |
Gold-smith |
Harts-horn |
In-spirit |
Land-lord |
Mad-house |
Bar-gain |
Church-yard |
Nap-kin |
Know-ledge |
Fir-kin |
Goose-berry |
Head-land |
In-tent |
Land-mark |
Mad-man |
Bar-rack |
Clans-men |
Neck-cloth |
Fish-hook |
Grand-father |
Hard-ship |
Inter-meddle |
Land-scape |
Mag-pie |
Bar-row |
Clerk-ship |
Neck-lace |
O |
Flag-rant |
Grate-ful |
Hard-ware |
Inter-sect |
Land-tax |
Main-mast |
Bat-ten |
Cob-web |
Nest-ling |
Oak-apple |
Flip-pant |
Grave-stone |
Harts-horn |
Inter-view |
Lap-dog |
Main-sail |
Beard-less |
Cock-pit |
News-paper |
Oat-cake |
Flood-gate |
Green-finch |
Head-land |
In-valid |
Lap-pet |
Main-spring |
Bid-den |
Cod-ling |
Nick-name |
Oat-meal |
Fond-ling |
Grey-hound |
Head-less |
In-vent |
Laud-able |
Mam-moth |
Bird-lime |
Coin-age |
Night-cap |
Off-end |
Foot-ball |
Grim-ace |
Head-long |
In-vest |
Law-giver |
Man-age |
Birth-right |
Con-fined |
Night-gown |
Oil-man |
Foot-man |
Grind-stone |
Head-stone |
In-ward |
Law-suit |
Man-date |
Black-guard |
Con-firm |
Night-mare |
O-men |
Foot-pad |
Ground-plot |
Head-strong |
Ire-ful |
Lay-man |
Marks-man |
Blame-less |
Con-form |
Night-watch |
On-set |
Foot-step |
Ground-sell |
Hear-say |
Iron-mould |
Leap-frog |
Mar-row |
Block-head |
Con-tent |
Nine-fold |
O-pen |
Foot-stool |
Guard-ship |
Heart-less |
I-sing-lass |
Leap-year |
Mass-acre |
Boat-man |
Con-test |
Noon-tide |
O-pinion |
For-age |
Gun-powder |
Heart-sick |
Lee-ward |
Match-less |
Boot-jack |
Con-tract |
North-star |
Our-selves |
For-bear |
Heart-string |
P |
Life-guard |
May-game |
Book-worm |
Con-verse |
North-ward |
Out-act |
For-bid |
Q |
Hedge-hog |
Pack-age |
Like-wise |
Meat-man |
Bound-less |
Cork-screw |
Not-able |
Out-bid |
Found-ling |
Quad-rant |
Heir-less |
Pack-cloth |
Live-long |
Mis-chance |
Bow-ling |
Count-less |
Not-ice |
Out-brave |
Fox-glove |
Quench-less |
Heir-loom |
Pad-dock |
Load-stone |
Mis-chief |
Brace-let |
Court-ship |
No-where |
Out-brazen |
Free-hold |
Quick-lime |
Hell-hound |
Pad-lock |
Log-book |
Mis-count |
Brain-less |
Crab-bed |
Nut-gall |
Out-cast |
Free-stone |
Quick-sand |
Hell-kite |
Pain-ful |
Log-wood |
Mis-deed |
Break-fast |
Cross-bow |
Nut-meg |
Out-cry |
Fret-work |
Quick-set |
Hence-forth |
Pain-less |
Loop-hole |
Mis-judge |
Breath-less |
Cur-tail |
Out-do |
Fri-day |
Quick-silver |
Hen-roost |
Pal-ace |
Lord-ship |
Mis-quote |
Brick-bat |
Cur-tail |
R |
Out-grow |
Friend-ship |
Herb-age |
Pal-ate |
Love-sick |
Monks-hood |
Brick-dust |
Rain-bow |
Out-law |
Frost-bite |
S |
Herds-man |
Pal-let |
Low-land |
Moon-beam |
Bride-cake |
T |
Ram-part |
Out-line |
Fur-long |
Safe-guard |
Her-self |
Pan-cake |
Luck-less |
Moon-light |
Bride-groom |
Tar-get |
Ran-sack |
Out-live |
Sal-low |
Hid-den |
Pan-tiler |
Luke-warm |
Muf-fin |
Broad-cloth |
Tar-tar |
Rap-a-city |
Out-march |
U |
Sand-stone |
High-land |
Pa-pa |
Broad-side |
Taw-dry |
Rasp-berry |
Out-rage |
Up-braid |
Sat-in |
High-way |
Pa-pal |
V |
W |
Broad-sword |
Tax-able |
Rattle-snake |
Out-ride |
Up-hill |
Sat-ire |
Hind-most |
Par-able |
Vain-glory |
Wag-on |
Brow-beat |
Tea-cup |
Red-breast |
Out-run |
Up-hold |
Sauce-box |
Hoar-frost |
Pa-rent |
Van-guard |
Wag-tail |
Brown-stone |
Teem-ful |
Red-den |
Out-sail |
Up-land |
Sauce-pan |
Hob-goblin |
Pa-ring |
Vault-age |
Wain-scot |
Bug-bear |
Teem-less |
Rid-dance |
Out-sell |
Up-ride |
Saw-dust |
Hogs-head |
Par-snip |
Waist-coat |
Bull-dog |
Tell-tale |
Ring-leader |
Out-shine |
Up-right |
Saw-pit |
Home-bred |
Par-son |
Y |
Wake-ful |
Bump-kin |
Ten-able |
Ring-let |
Out-side |
Up-roar |
Scare-crow |
Honey-bag |
Par-took |
Year-ling |
Wal-nut |
Buoy-ant |
Ten-a-city |
Ring-tail |
Out-sit |
Up-shot |
Scarf-skin |
Honey-comb |
Part-ridge |
Youth-ful |
Wan-ton |
But-ton |
Ten-ant |
Ring-worm |
Out-sleep |
Up-start |
Scar-let |
Honey-moon |
Pass-able |
Ward-mate |
Ten-dance |
Rolling-pin |
Out-spread |
Up-ward |
School-fellow |
Honey-suckle |
Pass-over |
S continued |
Ward-robe |
O continued |
Ten-don |
Rose-water |
Out-stare |
Use-less |
School-master |
Hood-wink |
Pas-time |
Ship-wreck |
Ward-ship |
Over-plus |
Ten-dril |
Rot-ten |
Out-stretch |
School-mistress |
Horse-back |
Patch-work |
Shirt-less |
Ware-house |
Over-poise |
Ten-or |
Round-about |
Out-talk |
P continued |
Scot-free |
Horse-shoe |
Pa-tent |
Shoe-string |
War-fare |
Over-power |
Thank-ful |
Round-house |
Out-vie |
Port-hole |
Screech-owl |
Host-age |
Path-way |
Shoe-waker |
War-like |
Over-press |
Thank-less |
Run-a-gate |
Out-ward |
Post-age |
Scul-lion |
Hot-bed |
Pat-ten |
Shop-board |
War-rant |
Over-rack |
Them-selves |
Rush-light |
Out-weigh |
Post-chaise |
Sea-born |
Hot-house |
Peace-able |
Shop-keeper |
Wash-ball |
Over-rate |
Thence-forth |
Out-wit |
Post-date |
Sea-calf |
Hot-spur |
Pea-cock |
Shop-man |
Waste-ful |
Over-reach |
There-after |
W continued |
Out-work |
Post-house |
Sea-coal |
Hounds-ditch |
Pear-led |
Shore-less |
Watch-ful |
Over-right |
There-at |
Whit-low |
Out-worn |
Post-man |
Sea-faring |
Hour-glass |
Peer-age |
Short-hand |
Watch-man |
Over-ripen |
There-by |
Whit-sun-tide |
Over-act |
Post-office |
Sea-girt |
House-hold |
Peer-less |
Short-lived |
Watch-word |
Over-roast |
There-fore |
Who-ever |
Over-awe |
Pot-ash |
Sea-gull |
House-maid |
Pen-knife |
Short-sighted |
Water-course |
Over-rule |
There-from |
Whole-sale |
Over-bear |
Pot-hook |
Sea-maid |
House-wife |
Pen-man |
Shot-free |
Water-fall |
Over-run |
There-in |
Whole-some |
Over-board |
Pound-age |
Sea-man |
Hum-drum |
Pen-man-ship |
Shoulder-belt |
Water-fowl |
Over-see |
There-on |
Wild-fire |
Over-boil |
Prim-rose |
Seam-less |
Hump-back |
Penny-worth |
Shrove-tide |
Water-man |
Over-seer |
There-to |
Wil-low |
Over-burden |
Prior-ship |
Seam-stress |
Hurri-cane |
Per-jury |
Side-board |
Water-mark |
Over-set |
There-with |
Wind-lass |
Over-cast |
Prop-a-gate |
Sea-nymph |
Pert-in-a-city |
Side-long |
Water-mill |
Over-shade |
Thick-set |
Wind-mill |
Over-charge |
Punch-bowl |
Sea-piece |
S continued |
Pick-lock |
Side-saddle |
Water-work |
Over-shadow |
Thought-ful |
Wind-pipe |
Over-cloud |
Sea-port |
Sod-den |
Pick-pocket |
Side-ways |
Way-lay |
Over-shoe |
Thought-less |
Win-now |
Over-come |
S continued |
Sea-sick |
Sol-ace |
Pie-bald |
Sight-less |
Way-ward |
Over-shoot |
Thread-bare |
Win-some |
Over-court |
Star-board |
Sea-son |
So-lo |
Pike-staff |
Silk-weaver |
Weather-cock |
Over-sight |
Three-fold |
Wise-acre |
Over-do |
Star-gazer |
Sea-ward |
Sol-vent |
Pill-age |
Silk-worm |
Weather-glass |
Over-size |
Three-score |
Wit-less |
Over-due |
Star-less |
Second-hand |
Some-body |
Pin-cushion |
Silver-smith |
Weather-wise |
Over-sleep |
Thresh-old |
Wolf-dog |
Over-eye |
Star-light |
Seed-cake |
Some-how |
Pine-apple |
Sin-less |
Web-bed |
Over-spread |
Through-out |
Wood-cock |
Over-feed |
Star-like |
Seed-ling |
Some-time |
Pip-kin |
Six-fold |
Web-foot |
Over-stock |
Thunder-bolt |
Wood-land |
Over-flow |
Star-ling |
Seed-pearl |
Some-what |
Pitch-fork |
Skim-milk |
Wed-lock |
Over-strain |
Thunder-struck |
Wood-lark |
Over-grown |
States-man |
Seed-time |
Some-where |
Pit-men |
Skip-jack |
Week-day |
Over-sway |
Till-age |
Wood-man |
Over-head |
Stead-fast |
Seers-man |
Song-stress |
Plain-tiff |
Sky-lark |
Wel-come |
Over-swell |
Tip-pet |
Wood-note |
Over-hear |
Steel-yard |
Sex-tile |
Son-net |
Play-fellow |
Sky-light |
Wel-fare |
Over-take |
Tip-staff |
Wood-nymph |
Over-heard |
Steer-age |
Sex-ton |
Southern-wood |
Play-house |
Slap-dash |
Well-born |
Over-throw |
Tire-some |
Work-house |
Over-joy |
Step-dame |
Shame-less |
Span-king |
Play-mate |
Sleeve-less |
Well-bred |
Over-took |
Title-page |
Work-man |
Over-lade |
Step-daughter |
Sham-rock |
Spare-rib |
Play-wright |
Slip-board |
Wheel-wright |
Over-value |
Toad-stool |
Work-shop |
Over-lay |
Step-father |
Shape-less |
Spar-row |
Plough-man |
Slip-shod |
Where-at |
Over-work |
Toil-some |
Worm-wood |
Over-leap |
Step-mother |
Sharp-set |
Speak-able |
Plough-share |
Slip-slop |
Where-by |
Ox-gall |
Tom-boy |
Wrath-ful |
Over-load |
Steward-ship |
Sheep-cot |
Speech-less |
Pole-cat |
Slope-wise |
Whet-stone |
Ox-lip |
Tooth-ache |
Wrath-less |
Over-look |
Stiff-neck |
Sheep-shearing |
Spite-ful |
Pol-lute |
Slow-worm |
Whip-cord |
Top-knot |
Wrist-band |
Over-mast |
Still-born |
Sheep-walk |
Sports-man |
Pop-gun |
Snip-pet |
Whip-hand |
S cont. |
Top-most |
Writ-ten |
Over-match |
Stock-jobber |
Sheet-anchor |
Spot-less |
Pop-in-jay |
Snip-snap |
Whirl-pool |
Stow-age |
Top-sail |
Over-pass |
Stone-fruit |
Shell-fish |
Spring-halt |
Port-age |
Snow-ball |
Whirl-wind |
Strata-gem |
Touch-stone |
S cont. |
Over-pay |
Store-fruit |
Shift-less |
Spruce-beer |
Port-hole |
Snow-drop |
White-wash |
Straw-berry |
Touch-wood |
Stream-let |
Over-peer |
Store-house |
Ship-board |
Stair-case |
Post-age |
Snuff-box |
Sun-dry |
Towns-man |
Strip-ling |
Sup-position |
seven |
Sweet-william |
Sun-flower |
Toy-shop |
Sum-mary |
T cont. |
Sup-press |
T cont. |
Sweet-willow |
Sun-less |
Track-less |
Summer-house |
Trod-den |
Swans-down |
Twelfth-night |
Swine-herd |
Sup-plant |
Trap-door |
Summer-set |
Turn-pike |
Sweep-stake |
Twelfth-tide |
Swords-man |
Sup-pliant |
Tre-foil |
Sun-beam |
Turn-spit |
Sweet-bread |
Two-fold |
Sup-port |
Trip-let |
Sun-burnt |
Turn-stile |
Sweet-briar |
Two-pence |
Sup-port-able |
Trip-thong |
Sun-day |
Tutor-age |
Sweet-heart |
Contents / Index
A Liar Should Have a Good Memory.
55. Chronograms or Chrono-graphs
are riddles in which the letters of the Roman notation in a sentence
or series of words are so arranged as to make up a date. The following
is a good example:
My Day Closed Is In Immortality.
The initials MDCIII. give 1603, the year of Queen Elizabeth's death.
Sometimes the Chronogram is employed to express a date on coins or
medals; but oftener it is simply used as a riddle:
A poet who in
blindness wrote; another lived in Charles's reign; a third called the
father of English verse; a Spanish dramatist; the scolding wife of
Socrates; and the Prince of Latin poets,—their initials give the year
of the Great Plague—MDCLXV.—1665: Milton, Dryden, Chaucer,
Lope-de-Vega, Xantippe, Virgil.
The word comes from Chronos,
time, and gramma, a letter.
Contents / Index
Begin Well and End Better.
56. Conundrums
These are simple catches, in which the sense is playfully cheated, and
are generally founded upon words capable of double meaning. The
following are examples:
Where did Charles the First's executioner dine, and what did he
He took a chop at the King's Head.
When is a plant to be dreaded more than a mad dog?
When it's madder.
What is majesty stripped of its externals?
It is a jest.
[The m and the y, externals, are taken away.]
Why is hot bread like a caterpillar?
Because it's the grub that makes the butter fly.
Why did the accession of Victoria throw a greater damp over England
than the death of King William?
Because the King was missed (mist) while the Queen was
reigning (raining).
Why should a gouty man make his will?
To have his legatees (leg at ease).
Why are bankrupts more to be pitied than idiots?
Because bankrupts are broken, while idiots are only cracked.
Why is the treadmill like a true convert?
Because it's turning is the result of conviction.
When may a nobleman's property be said to be all feathers?
When his estates are all entails (hen-tails).
Contents / Index
Every Man Knows Where His Own Shoe Pinches.
57. Cryptography, or secret writing
from the Greek cryptos, a secret, and graphein, to
write—has been largely employed in state despatches, commercial
correspondence, love epistles, and riddles. The telegraphic codes
employed in the transmission of news by electric wire, partakes
somewhat of the cryptographic character, the writer employing certain
words or figures, the key to which is in the possession of his
correspondent. The single-word despatch sent by Napier to the
Government of India, was a sort of cryptographic
conundrum—Peccavi, I have sinned (Scinde); and in the agony
column of the Times there commonly appear paragraphs which look
puzzling enough until we discover the key-letter or figure. Various
and singular have been the devices adopted—as, for instance, the
writing in the perforations of a card especially prepared, so as only
to allow the real words of the message to be separated from the mass
of writing by means of a duplicate card with similar perforations; the
old Greek mode of writing on the edges of a strip of paper wound round
a stick in a certain direction, and the substitution of figures or
signs for letters or words. Where one letter is always made to stand
for another, the secret of a cryptograph is soon discovered, but when,
as in the following example, the same letter does not invariably
correspond to the letter for which it is a substitute, the difficulty
of deciphering the cryptograph is manifestly increased:
Ohs ya h sych, oayarsa rr loucys syms
Osrh srore rrhmu h smsmsmah emshyr snms.
The translation of this can be made only by the possessor of the key.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
h u s h m o n e y b y c h a r l e s h r o s s e s q
"Hush Money, by Charles H. Ross, Esq."—twenty-six letters which, when
applied to the cryptograph, will give a couplet from Parnell's
"Far in a wild, unknown to public view,
From youth to age a reverend hermit grew."
The employment of figures and signs for letters is the most usual form
of the cryptograph. From the following jumble we get a portion of
Hamlet's address to the Ghost:

it is easy to write and not very hard to read the entire speech. The
whole theory of the cryptogram is that each correspondent possesses
the key to the secret. To confound an outside inquirer the key is
often varied. A good plan is to take a line from any ordinary book and
substitute the first twenty-six of its letters for those of the
alphabet. In your next cryptogram you take the letters from another
page or another book. It is not necessary to give an example. Enough
will be seen from what we have written to instruct an intelligent
Contents / Index
58. Decapitations and Curtailments
are riddles somewhat of the nature of the Logogriph, which see.
In the first, the omission of the successive initials produces new
words, as—Prelate, Relate, Elate, Late, Ate. In the curtailment the
last letter of the word is taken away with a similar result,
as—Patent, Paten, Pate, Pat, Pa. Of like kind are the riddles known
as variations, mutilations, reverses, and counterchanges. A good
example of the last-named is this:
Charge, Chester, Charge: on, Stanley, on!
Were the last words of Marmion.
Had I but been in Stanley's place,
When Marmion urged him to the chase,
A tear might come on every face."
The answer is onion—On, I, on.
Contents / Index
Mock Not a Cobbler for His Black Thumb.
59. Enigmas
are compositions of a different character, based upon ideas,
rather than upon words, and frequently constructed so as to mislead,
and to surprise when the solution is made known. Enigmas may be
founded upon simple catches, like Conundrums, in which form they are
usually called Riddles, such as:
"Though you set me on foot,
I shall be on my head."
The answer is, A nail in a shoe. The celebrated Enigma on the
letter H, by Miss Catherine Fanshawe, but usually attributed to Lord
Byron, commencing:
"'Twas whispered in heaven, 'twas muttered in hell,
And echo caught faintly the sound as it fell;"
and given elsewhere in this volume (See par. 215, page 77), is
an admirable specimen of what may be rendered in the form of an Enigma.
Contents / Index
60. Hidden Words.
A riddle in which names of towns, persons, rivers, &c, are hidden or
arranged, without transposition, in the midst of sentences which
convey no suggestion of their presence. In the following sentence, for
instance, there are hidden six Christian names:—Here is hid a name
the people of Pisa acknowledge: work at each word, for there are worse
things than to give the last shilling for bottled wine.—The names are
Ida, Isaac, Kate, Seth, Ethel, Edwin. Great varieties of riddles,
known as Buried Cities, Hidden Towns, &c, are formed on this
principle, the words being sometimes placed so as to read backwards,
or from right to left. The example given will, however, sufficiently
explain the mode of operation.
Contents / Index
61. Lipogram
from leipein, to leave out, and gramma, a letter—is a
riddle in which a name or sentence is written without its vowels, as:
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Whnhnorslst ts—rlftd,
Dths bt—sr rtrt fm nfmy.
"When honour's lost 'tis a relief to die,
Death's but a sure retreat from infamy."
This riddle sometimes appears as a proverb.
"Fear's the white feather all cowards wear."
——s' th wht fthr ll cwrds——
Contents / Index
62. Logogriph
This is a riddle (logos, a word, and griphos, a riddle)
in which a word is made to undergo several changes. These changes are
brought about by the addition, subtraction, omission, or substitution
of a letter or letters. The following, by the late Lord Macaulay, is
an excellent example:
"Cut off my head, how singular I act:
Cut off my tail, and plural I appear.
Cut off my head and tail—most curious fact,
Although my middle's left, there's nothing there!
What is my head cut off?—a sounding sea!
What is my tail cut off?—a flowing river!
Amid their mingling deaths I fearless play
Parent of softest sounds, though mute for ever!
The answer is cod. Cut off its head and it is od (odd,
singular); its tail, and it is Co., plural, for company; head and tail,
and it is o, nothing. Its head is a sounding C (sea), its tail a flowing
D (river Dee), and amid their depths the cod may fearless play, parent
of softest sounds yet mute for ever.
Contents / Index
63. Metagram
a riddle in which the change of the initial letter produces a series
of words of different meanings; from meta, implying change, and
gramma, a letter. Thus:
I cover your head; change my head, and I set you to sleep; change it
again and again, and with every change comes a new idea.—Cap, Nap,
Gap, Sap, Hap, Map, Lap, Pap, Rap, Tap. This kind of riddle is also
known as word-capping.
Contents / Index
Gunpowder Made By a Monk at Cologne A.D.1330.
64. Palindrome
from the Greek palin-dromos, running back again. This is a
word, sentence, or verse that reads the same both forwards and
backwards—as, madam, level, reviver; live on no evil; love your
treasure and treasure your love; you provoked Harry before Harry
provoked you; servants respect masters when masters respect servants.
Numerous examples of Palindrome or reciprocal word-twisting exist in
Latin and French; but in English it is difficult to get a sentence
which will be exactly the same when read either way. The best example
is the sentence which, referring to the first banishment of the Great
Napoleon, makes him say, as to his power to conquer Europe:
"Able was I ere I saw Elba."
Contents / Index
65. Puzzles
vary much. One of the simplest that we know is this:
Take away half of thirteen and let eight remain.
Write XIII on a slate, or on a piece of paper—rub out the lower
half of the figures, and VIII will remain.
Upon the principle of the square-words, riddlers form Diagonals,
Diamonds, Pyramids, Crosses, Stars, &c These specimens will show
their peculiarities:
Contents / Index
66. Oblique Puzzle.
Malice, eight, a polemical meeting, a Scottish river, what I write
with, a decided negative, the capital of Ireland. The initials
downward name a celebrated musician.
(solution in p.67 below.)
Contents / Index
67. Diagonal Puzzle
A direction, a singer, a little bird, a lady's ring, a sharp shaver.
Read from left to right and right to left, the centrals show two
famous novelists.
The following are answers to these two puzzles, and afford good
examples of their construction to any one who wishes to try his hand
at their manufacture.

Contents / Index
68. Diamond Puzzle
The head of a mouse, what the mouse lives in, the county of calves,
the city of porcelain, a German town, a Transatlantic stream, a
royal county, a Yorkshire borough, Eve's temptation, our poor
relation, myself. Centrals down and across, show a wide, wide, long
The construction of the Diamond Puzzle is exhibited in the following
diagram, which is, at the same time, the answer to it.

Contents / Index
69. Rebuses
are a class of Enigma generally formed by the first, sometimes the
first and last, letters of words, or of transpositions of letters, or
additions to words. Dr. Johnson, however, represents Rebus to be a
word represented by a picture. And putting the Doctor's definition and
our own explanation together, the reader may glean a good conception
of the nature of the Rebus of which the following is an example:
The father of the Grecian Jove;
A little boy who's blind;
The foremost land in all the world;
The mother of mankind;
A poet whose love-sonnets are
Still very much admired;—
The initial letters will declare
A blessing to the tired.
Answer—Saturn; Love; England; Eve;
Plutarch. The initials form sleep.
The excellent little work mentioned in para. 53, entitled "Philosophy
and Mirth united by Pen and Pencil," has this novelty, that many of
the Enigmas are accompanied by enigmatical pictures, so that the eye
is puzzled as well as the ear.
Contents / Index
Glass First Brought to England A.D. 668.
70. Square Words
A comparatively modern sort of riddle, in which the letters of each
word selected reads both across and down. With four letters the
making of the riddle is easy, but with five or six the difficulty
increases. We give an example of each.
- Inside, a thought, a liquid gem, a timid creature.
- To run out, odour, to boil, to loosen, unseen essence.
- Compensations, a court favourite, to assist, to bite slightly,
Spanish money, sarcasms.

With seven or eight letters the riddle becomes exceedingly difficult,
especially if the selected words are of like character and syllables.
Contents / Index
71. Chess, Laws of.
The rules given below are those which are now universally accepted by
English players.
- The board is to be so placed as to leave a white square at the
right hand of the player.
- Any mistake in placing the board or the men may be rectified
before the fourth move is completed, but not after.
- The players draw lots for the first move, and take the move
[When odds are given, the player giving them moves first. White
generally moves first; therefore, if black win the move, the board
is turned. It is usual to play with the white and black men
- The piece touched must be moved. When the fingers of the player
have once left the man, it cannot be again removed from the square
it occupies.
[Except the move be illegal, when the opponent can insist on the
piece being moved in the proper manner, or for the opposing King to
be moved.]
- In touching a piece simply to adjust it, the player must notify
to his adversary that such is his intention.
[It is usual, in such a case, to say J'adoube (I adjust); but
he may not touch a piece with the intention of moving it, and then,
when he discover his mistake, say, J'adoube. The phrase is
simply intended to be used when a piece is displaced or overturned
by accident.]
- If a player take one of his own men by mistake, or touch a wrong
man, or one of his opponent's men, or make an illegal move, his
adversary may compel him to take the man, make the right move, move
his King, or replace the piece, and make a legal move.
- A pawn may be played either one or two squares at a time when
first moved.
[In the latter case it is liable to be taken en passant, with
a pawn that could have taken it had it been played only one square.]
- A player cannot castle under any of the following
- If he has moved either King or Rook.
- If the
King be in check.
- If there be any piece between the King and the
- If the King, in moving, pass over any square commanded by
any one of his adversary's forces.
[You cannot castle to get out of check.]
- If a player give a check without crying "check," the adversary
need not take notice of the check. But if two moves only are made
before the discovery of the mistake, the pieces may be replaced, and
the game properly played.
- If a player say check without actually attacking the King, and
his adversary move his King or take the piece, the latter may elect
either to let the move stand or have the pieces replaced and another
move made.
- If, at the end of a game, the players remain, one with a
superior to an inferior force, or even if they have equal forces,
the defending player may call upon his adversary to mate in fifty
moves on each side, or draw the game.
[If one player persist in giving perpetual check, or repeating the
same move, his opponent may count the moves for the draw; in which
case touching a piece if reckoned a move.]
- Stalemate, or perpetual check is a drawn game.
- Directly a pawn reaches its eighth square it must be exchanged
for a piece.
[It is usual to change the pawn for a Queen, but it may be replaced
by a Rook, Bishop, or Knight, without reference to the pieces
already on the board. In practice it would be changed for a Queen or
a Knight, seeing that the Queen's moves include those of the Rook
and Bishop. Thus you may have two or more Queens, three or more
Rooks, Bishops, or Knights on the board at the end of the game.]
- Should any dispute arise, the question must be submitted to a
bystander, whose decision is to be considered final.
For information as to the best modes of play, the Openings and Endings
of Games, &c, read The Book of Chess, by G.H. Selkirk,
published by Messrs. Houlston and Sons.
Contents / Index
72. Draughts, Rules of the Game.
The accepted laws for regulating the game are as follows:
- The board is to be so placed as to have the white or black double
corners at the right hand of the player.
- The first move is taken by chance or agreement, and in all the
subsequent games of the same sitting, the first move is taken
alternately. Black generally moves first.
Any action which prevents your adversary from having a full
view of the board is not allowed, and if persisted in, loses the
game to the offending player.
The man touched must be moved, but the men may be properly
adjusted during any part of the game. After they are so placed, if
either player, when it is his turn to play, touch a man, he must
move it. If a man be so moved as to be visible on the angle
separating the squares, the player so touching the man must move it
to the square indicated.
[By this it is meant that a player may not move first to one square
and then to another. Once moved on to a square, the man must remain
- It is optional with the player either to allow his opponent to
stand the huff, or to compel him to take the offered piece.
["Standing the huff" is when a player refuses to take an offered
piece, but either intentionally or accidentally makes another move.
His adversary then removes the man that should have taken the piece,
and makes his own move—huff and move, as it is called.]
Ten minutes is the longest time allowed to consider a move,
which if not made within that time, forfeits the game.
It is compulsory upon the player to take all the pieces he can
legally take by the same series of moves. On making a King, however,
the latter remains on his square till a move has been made on the
other side.
All disputes are to be decided by the majority of the
bystanders present, or by an umpire.
No player may leave the room without the consent of his
adversary, or he forfeits the game.
A false move must be remedied as soon as it is discovered, or the
maker of such move loses the game.
When only a small number of men remain toward the end of the
game, the possessor of the lesser number may call on his opponent to
win in at least fifty moves, or declare the game drawn. With two
Kings to one, the game must be won in at most twenty moves on each
The player who refuses to abide by the rules loses the game. In
the losing game a player must take all the men he can by his move.
Contents / Index
73. Whist
Great silence and attention should be observed by the players. Four
persons cut for partners; the two highest are against the two
lowest. The partners sit opposite to each other, and he who cuts the
lowest card is entitled to the deal. The ace is the lowest in
Shuffling—-Each person has a right to shuffle the cards before
the deal; but it is usual for the elder hand only; and the dealer
Cutting.—The pack is then cut by the right hand adversary; and
the dealer distributes the cards, one by one, to each of the
players, beginning with the player on his left, until he comes to
the last card, which he turns up for trump, and leaves on the table
till the first trick be played.
First Play.—The elder hand, the player on the left of the
dealer, plays first. The winner of the trick plays again; and so on,
till all the cards are played out.
Mistakes.—No intimations, or signs are permitted between the
partners. The mistake of one party is the profit of the adversary.
Collecting Tricks.—The tricks belonging to each player should be
turned and collected by one of the partners only. All above six
tricks reckon towards game.
Honours.—The ace, king, queen, and knave of trumps are called
honours; and when either of the partners hold three separately, or
between them, they count two points towards the game; and in case
they have four honours, they count four points.
Game.—Long Whist game consists of ten points, Short Whist
of five points.
Contents / Index
74. Terms used in Whist.
Finessing, is the attempt to gain an advantage; thus:—If
you have the best and third best card of the suit led you put on the
third best, and run the risk of your adversary having the second
best; if he has it not, which is two to one against him, you are
then certain of gaining a trick.
Forcing, is playing the suit of which your partner or
adversary has not any, and which in order to win he must trump.
Long Trump, the one or more trumps in your hand when all
the rest are out.
Loose Card, a card of no value, and the most proper to
throw away.
Points,—Ten make the game; as many as are gained by
tricks or honours, so many points are set up to the score of the
Quarte, four successive cards in suit.
Quarte Major, a sequence of ace, king, queen, and knave.
Quinte, five successive cards in suit.
Quinte Major, is a sequence of ace, king, queen, knave,
and ten.
See-saw, is when each partner trumps a suit, and when they
play those suits to each other for that purpose.
Score, is the number of points set up. The following is a
good method of scoring with coins or counters:

For Short Whist there are regular markers.
Slam, is when either side win every trick.
Tenance, is possessing the first last and third best
cards, and being the player; you consequently catch the adversary
when that suit is played: as, for instance, in case you have ace and
queen of any suit, and your adversary leads that suit, you must win
two tricks, by having the best and third best of the suit played,
and being the last player.
Tierce, three successive cards in suit.
xv. Tierce Major, a sequence of ace, king, and queen.
Contents / Index
Children and Chickens Must Always be Picking.
75. Maxims for Whist.
Lead from your strong suit, be cautious how you change suits, and
keep a commanding card to bring it in again.
Lead through the strong suit and up to the weak; but not in
trumps; unless very strong in them.
Lead the highest of a sequence; but if you have a quarte or
cinque to a king, lead the lowest.
Lead through an honour, particularly if the game is against you.
Lead your best trump, if the adversaries be eight, and you have
no honour; but not if you have four trumps, unless you have a
Lead a trump if you have four or five, or a strong hand; but not
if weak.
Having ace, king, and two or three small cards, lead ace and
king if weak in trumps, but a small one if strong in them.
If you have the last trump, with some winning cards, and one
losing card only, lead the losing card.
Return your partner's lead, not the adversaries'; and if you
hold only three originally, play the best; but you need not return
it immediately, when you win with a king, queen, or knave, and have
only small ones, or when you hold a good sequence, a strong suit, or
five trumps.
Do not lead from ace queen, or ace knave.
Do not—as a rule—lead an ace, unless you have a king.
Do not lead a thirteenth card, unless trumps be out.
Do not trump a thirteenth card, unless you be last player, or
want the lead.
Keep a small card to return your partner's lead.
Be cautious in trumping a card when strong in trumps,
particularly if you have a strong suit.
Having only a few small trumps, make them when you can.
If your partner refuse to trump a suit, of which he knows you
have not the best, lead your best trump.
When you hold all the remaining trumps, play one, and then
try to put the lead in your partner's hand.
Remember how many of each suit are out, and what is the best
card left in each hand.
Never force your partner if you are weak in trumps, unless you
have a renounce, or want the odd trick.
When playing for the odd trick, be cautious of trumping out,
especially if your partner be likely to trump a suit. Make all the
tricks you can early, and avoid finessing.
If you take a trick, and have a sequence, win it with the
Contents / Index
There are None So Wicked as Represented.
76. Laws of Whist
as accepted at the best Clubs.
The deal is determined by cutting-in. Cutting-in and cutting-out
must be by pairs.
[Less than three cards, above or below, is not a cut. Ace is lowest.
Ties cut again. Lowest deals. Each player may shuffle, the dealer
last. The right-hand adversary cuts to dealer.]
iIf a card be exposed, a fresh deal may be demanded.
Dealer must not look at bottom card; and the trump-card must be
left, face upwards, on the table till the first trick be turned, or
opponents may call a fresh deal.
Too many or too few cards is a misdeal—an exposed or face card.
In either case, a fresh deal may be demanded.
[In cases of a misdeal, the deal passes to the next player.]
After the first round has been played, no fresh deal can be
[If the first player hold fewer than thirteen cards, the other hands
being right, the deal stands.]
If two cards be dealt to the same player, the dealer may rectify
his error before dealing another card.
[The dealer must not touch the cards after they have left his hands;
but he may count those remaining in the pack if he suspect a
misdeal, or he may ask the players to count their cards. One partner
may not deal for another without the consent of opponents.]
If the trump-card be not taken into the dealer's hand at the
expiration of the first round, it may be treated as an exposed card,
and called.
[After this, no one has a right to ask what was the trump-card, but
he may ask "What are Trumps?"]
If the third hand play before the second, the fourth has a
right to play before his partner; or if the fourth hand play before
the second or third, the cards so played must stand, and the second
be compelled to win the trick if he can.
If a player lead out of his turn, or otherwise expose a card,
that card may be called, if the playing of it does not cause
a revoke.
[Calling a card is the insisting of its being played when the suit
comes round, or when it may be played.]
If a player trump by mistake, he may recall his card, and play to
the suit, if the card be not covered; but he may be compelled to
play the highest or lowest of the suit led, and to play the exposed
trump when it is called by his adversaries.
If, before a trick be turned, a player discover that he has not
followed suit, he may recall his card; but the card played in error
can be called when the suit is played.
Before a trick is turned, the player who made it may see the
preceding trick.
[Only one trick is to be shown; not more, as is sometimes
erroneously believed.]
Before he plays, a player may require his partner to "draw his
card," or he may have each card in the trick claimed before the
trick be turned.
When a player does not follow suit his partner is allowed to
ask him whether he has any card of the suit led.
The penalty for a revoke—either by wrongfully trumping the suit
led, or by playing a card of another suit—is the loss of three
tricks; but no revoke can be claimed till the cards are abandoned,
and the trick turned.
[Revokes forfeit three tricks from the hand or score: or opponents
may add three to their score; partner may ask and correct a trick if
not turned; the revoking side cannot score out in that deal.]
No revoke can be claimed after the tricks are gathered up, or
after the cards are cut for the next deal.
[The wilful mixing up of the cards in such case loses the game.]
The proof of a revoke lies with the claimants, who may examine
each trick on the completion of the round.
If a revoke occur on both sides, there must be a new deal.
Honours cannot be counted unless they are claimed previous to
the next deal.
[No omission to score honours can be rectified after the cards are
packed; but an overscore, if proved, must be deducted.]
Honours can only be called at eight points (in Long Whist), and
at nine they do not count.
[In some Clubs, eight, with the deal, cannot call against nine.]
Contents / Index
77. Short Whist
is the above game cut in half. Honours are not called at any
part of the game; but, as in Long Whist, they are counted by their
holders and scored—except at the score of four. All the maxims and
Rules belonging to the parent game apply to Short Whist.
Contents / Index
78. Points at Short Whist.
The Game consists of Five Points. One for a Single—5 to 3 or 4; Two
for a Double—5 to 1 or 2; Three for a Triple—5 to love. A
Rubber—two Games successively won, or the two best Games out of
three—counts for Two Points. Thus, if the first Game be won by 5 to
4, the Points are 1 to love; the second Game won by the opposite side
by 5 to 1, the Points are then 1 to 2; the third Game won by the side
which won the first, by 5 to love. The Points are then 6 to 2—a
balance of 4. This is arrived at thus: the Single in the first Game,
1; the Triple in the third Game, 3; the Rubber (two Games of three),
2; together, 6. From this deduct 2, for the Double gained by the
opponents in the second Game, which leaves 4, as above. Short Whist is
usually played for points—say, a shilling, or a penny, for each
point; two for the Game, and two for the Rubber.
Contents / Index
None are so Good as they Should Be.
79. Advice to all Players.
Count, and arrange your cards into suits; but do not always place
your trumps in one particular part of your hand, or your opponents
will discover how many you have.
Attend to the game, and play as though your hand consisted of
twenty-six instead of thirteen cards.
In the second round of a suit, win the trick when you can, and
lead out for your partner's high cards as soon as possible.
Touch only the card you intend to play.
Retain a high trump as long as you can, to bring back your strong
With a weak hand, always try to secure the seventh or odd trick
to save the game.
Attend to the score, and play as if the whole fortune of the
game depended on yourself.
Remember the number of trumps out at every stage of the game.
Note, also, the fall of every court-card in the other suits, so that
you are never in doubt as to the card that will win the trick.
Hold the turn-up as long as you can, as by that means you keep
your adversaries from knowing your strength in trumps.
Do not force your partner unnecessarily, as by that means you
sometimes become his adversary instead of his friend.
When in doubt, play a trump. Play the game in its integrity, and
recollect that Whist is full of inferences as well as facts.
Contents / Index
80. Cribbage
The game of Cribbage differs from all other games by its immense
variety of chances. It is played with the full pack of cards, often by
four persons, but it is a better game for two. There are also
different modes of playing—with five, six, or eight cards; but the
best games use those with five or six cards.
Contents / Index
Night is not Dark to the Good.
81. Terms Used in Cribbage
Crib.—The crib is composed of the cards thrown out by
each player, and the dealer is entitled to score whatever points are
made by them.
Pairs are two similar cards, as two aces or two kings.
Whether in hand or play they reckon for two points.
Pairs-Royal are three similar cards, and reckon for six
points, whether in hand or play.
Double Pairs-Royal are four similar cards and reckon for
twelve points, whether in hand or play. The points gained by pairs,
pairs-royal, and double pairs-royal, in playing, are thus
effected:—Your adversary having played a seven and you another,
constitutes a pair, and entitles you to score two points; your
antagonist then playing a third seven, makes a pair-royal, and he
marks six; and your playing a fourth is a double pair-royal, and
entitles you to twelve points.
Fifteens.—Every fifteen reckons for two points, whether
in hand or play. In hand they are formed either by two cards—as a
five and any tenth card, a six and a nine, a seven and an eight, or
by three cards, as a two, a five, and an eight, two sixes and a
three. If in play, such cards as together make fifteen are played,
the player whose card completes that number, scores two points.
Sequences are three or four more successive cards, and
reckon for an equal number of points, either in hand or play. In
playing a sequence, it is of no consequence which card is thrown
down first; as thus:—your adversary playing an ace, you a five, he
a three, you a two, then he a four—he counts five for the sequence.
Flush.—When, the cards are all of one suit, they reckon
for as many points as there are cards. For a flush in the crib, the
turned-up card must be of the same suit as those put out.
Nob.—The knave of the suit turned up reckons for one
point; if a knave be turned up, the dealer marks two.
End Hole.—The point scored by the last player, if he
make under thirty-one; if he make thirty-one exactly, he marks two.
Last.—Three points taken at the commencement of the game
of five-card cribbage by the non-dealer.
Contents / Index
Nor is Day Bright to the Wicked.
82. The Accepted Laws of Cribbage.
The players cut for deal. The ace is lowest in cutting. In case
of a tie, they cut again. The holder of the lowest card deals.
Not fewer than four cards is a cut; nor must the non-dealer
touch the pack after he has cut it.
Too many or too few cards dealt constitutes a misdeal, the
penalty for which is the taking of two points by the non-dealer.
A faced card, or a card exposed during the act of dealing
necessitates a new deal, without penalty.
The dealer shuffles the cards and the non-dealer cuts them for
the "start."
If the non-dealer touch the cards (except to cut them for the
turn-up) after they have been cut for the start, he forfeits two
In cutting for the start, not fewer than three cards must be
lifted from the pack or left on the table.
The non-dealer throws out for the crib before the dealer. A
card once laid out cannot be recalled, nor must either party touch
the crib till the hand is played out. Either player confusing the
crib cards with his hand, is liable to a penalty of three points.
[In three and four-hand cribbage the left-hand player throws out
first for the crib, then the next; the dealer last. The usual and
best way is for the non-dealer to throw his crib over to the
dealer's side of the board; on these two cards the dealer places his
own, and hands the pack over to be cut. The pack is then at the
right side of the board for the next deal.]
The player who takes more points than those to which he is
entitled, either in play or in reckoning hand or crib, is liable to
be "pegged;" that is, to be put back as many points as he has
over-scored, and have the points added to his opponent's side.
[In pegging you must not remove your opponent's front peg
till you have given him another. In order "to take him down,'' you
remove your own back peg and place it where his front peg
ought to be, you then take his wrongly placed peg and put
it in front of your own front, as many holes as he has
forfeited by wrongly scoring.]
No penalty attaches to the taking of too few points in play,
hand, or crib.
When a player has once taken his hand or crib, he cannot amend
his score.
When a knave is turned up, "two for his heels" must be scored
before the dealer's own card be played, or they cannot be taken.
A player cannot demand the assistance of his adversary in
reckoning hand and crib.
A player may not, except to "peg him," touch his adversary's
pegs, under a penalty of two points. If the foremost peg has been
displaced by accident, it must be placed in the hole behind the peg
standing on the board.
The peg once holed cannot be removed by either player till
another point or points be gained.
The player who scores a game as won when, in fact, it is not
won, loses it.
A lurch—scoring the whole sixty-one before your
adversary has scored thirty-one—is equivalent to a double game, if
agreed to previous to the commencement of the game.
A card that may be legally played cannot be withdrawn after
it has been once thrown face upwards on the table.
If a player neglect to score his hand, crib, or any point or
points of the game, he cannot score them after the cards are packed
or the next card played.
The player who throws up his cards and refuses to score,
forfeits the game.
If a player neglect to play when he can play a card within the
prescribed thirty-one, he forfeits two holes.
Each player's hand and crib must be plainly thrown down on the
table and not mixed with the pack, under penalty of the forfeiture
of the game.
The player who refuses to abide by the rules, loses the game.
Bystanders must not interfere unless requested to decide any
disputed point.
Contents / Index
83. Five-Card Cribbage.
In this the sixty-one points or holes on the cribbage-board mark the
game. The player cutting the lowest card deals; after which, each
player lays out two of the five cards for the crib, which belongs to
the dealer. The adversary cuts the remainder of the pack, and the
dealer turns up and lays upon the crib the uppermost card, the
turn-up. If it be a knave, he marks two points. The card turned up is
reckoned by both in counting their hands or crib. After laying out,
the eldest hand plays a card, which the other should endeavour to
pair, or find one, the pips of which, reckoned with the first, will
make fifteen; then the non-dealer plays another card, and so on
alternately, until the pips on the cards played make thirty-one, or
the nearest possible number under that.
Contents / Index
84. Counting for Game in Cribbage.
When he whose turn it is to play cannot produce a card that makes
thirty-one, or comes under that number, he says, "Go," and his
antagonist scores one, or plays any card or cards he may have that
will make thirty-one, or under. If he can make exactly thirty-one, he
takes two points; if not, one. Such cards as remain after this are not
played, but each player then counts and scores his hand, the
non-dealer first. The dealer then marks the points for his hand, and
also for his crib, each reckoning the cards every way they can
possibly be varied, and always including the turned-up card.
cards |
points |
For every fifteen |
2 |
Pair, or two of a sort |
2 |
Pair-royal, or three of a sort |
6 |
Double pair-royal, or four ditto |
12 |
Knave of the turned-up suit |
1 |
Sequences and flushes |
whatever their number. |
Contents / Index
85. Examples of Hands in Cribbage
cards |
count |
Two sevens, two eights, and a nine |
24 |
Two eights, a seven, and two nines |
20 |
Two nines, a six, seven, and eight |
16 |
Two sixes, two fives, and a four |
24 |
Two sixes, two fours, and a five |
24 |
Two fives, two fours, and a six |
24 |
Two threes, two twos, and an ace |
16 |
Two aces, two twos, and a three |
16 |
Three fives and a tenth card |
14 |
Three fours and a seven |
12 |
Three twos and a nine |
8 |
Six, seven, eight, and two aces |
the ragged 13 |
6 + 1 and 8 |
15-2 |
6 + 1 and 8 |
16-4 |
6 + 1 + 1 + 7 |
15-6 |
7 + 8 |
15-8 |
the pair of aces
and the sequence 5 |
13 |
Three sixes and a nine |
12 |
Three sevens and an eight |
12 |
Three eights and a seven |
12 |
Three nines and a six |
12 |
Three threes and a nine |
12 |
Three sixes and a three |
12 |
Three sevens and an ace |
12 |
Two tens (pair) and two fives |
12 |
Two tenth cards (not a pair)
and two fives |
10 |
Two nines and two sixes |
12 |
Two eights and two sevens |
12 |
Two sixes and two threes |
8 |
Two fives, a four, and a six |
12 |
Two fours, a five, and a six |
12 |
Two sixes, a four, and a five |
12 |
Two threes and two nines |
8 |
Two nines, a seven, and an eight |
10 |
Two eights, a seven, and a nine |
12 |
Two sevens, an eight, and a nine |
12 |
Two sixes, a seven, and an eight |
10 |
Two sixes, a three, and a nine |
8 |
A seven, eight, nine, ten, and knave |
7 |
A six, seven, eight, nine, and ten |
9 |
A six, seven, eight, and nine |
8 |
A six, five, and two sevens |
8 |
Any double sequence of three cards
and a pair
(as knave, queen,
two kings). |
6 |
Any sequence of three cards and a
fifteen |
5 |
Any sequence of four cards and a
(as seven, eight, nine and ten) |
6 |
Any sequence of six cards |
6 |
Any sequence of four cards and a flush |
8 |
Any flush of four cards and a fifteen |
6 |
Any flush of four cards and a pair |
6 |
The highest number that can be counted from five cards is 29—made
from four fives and a knave; that is, three fives and a knave of the
suit turned up, and a five on the pack—for the combinations of the
four fives, 16; for the double pair-royal, 12; his nob, 1-29.
Contents / Index
Rustle is not Industry.
86. Maxims for laying out the Crib Cards.
In laying out cards for the crib, the player should consider not only
his own hand, but also to whom the crib belongs, as well as the state
of the game; for what might be right in one situation would be wrong
in another. Possessing a pair-royal, it is generally advisable to lay
out the other cards for crib, unless it belongs to the adversary.
Avoid giving him two fives, a deuce and a trois, five and six, seven
and eight, five and any other tenth card. When he does not thereby
materially injure his hand, the player should for his own crib lay out
close cards, in hope of making a sequence; or two of a suit, in
expectation of a flush; or cards that of themselves reckoned with
others will count fifteen. When the antagonist be nearly up, and it
may be expedient to keep such cards as may prevent him from gaining at
play. The rule is to baulk your adversary's crib by laying out cards
not likely to prove of advantage to him, and to lay out favourably for
your own crib. This applies to a stage of the game when it may be of
consequence to keep in hand cards likely to tell in play, or when the
non-dealer would be either out by his hand, or has reason for thinking
the crib of little moment. A king and a nine is the best baulk, as
none can form a sequence beyond it; king or queen, with an ace, six,
seven, eight, or nine, are good ones to put out. Low cards are
generally the most likely to gain at play; the flushes and sequences,
particularly if the latter be also flushes, are eligible hands, as
thereby the player will often be enabled either to assist his own
crib, or baulk that of the opponent; a knave should never be put out
for his crib, if it can be retained in hand.
Contents / Index
87. Three or Four-Hand Cribbage
differs little from the preceding. They put out but one card each to
the crib, and when thirty-one, or the nearest to that has been made,
the next eldest hand leads, and the players go on again in rotation,
with the remaining cards, till all are played out, before they proceed
to show hands and crib. For three-handed cribbage triangular boards
are used.
Contents / Index
88. Three-Hand Cribbage
is sometimes played, wherein one person sits out, not each game, but
each deal in rotation. In this the first dealer generally wins.
Contents / Index
89. Six-Card Cribbage
The two players commence on an equality, without scoring any points
for the last, retain four cards in hand, and throw out two for crib.
At this game it is of advantage to the last player to keep as close as
possible, in hope of coming in for fifteen, a sequence, or pair,
besides the end hole, or thirty-one. The first dealer is thought to
have some trifling advantage, and each player may, on the average,
expect to make twenty-five points in every two deals. The first
non-dealer is considered to have the preference, when he gains ten or
more the first hand, the dealer not making more than his average
Contents / Index
90. Eight-Card Cribbage
is sometimes played. Six are retained in hand, and the game is
conducted on the same plan as before.
Contents / Index
91. All Fours
is usually played by two persons; not unfrequently by four. Its name
is derived from the four chances, called high, low, Jack, game,
each making a point. It is played with a complete pack of cards, six
of which are to be dealt to each player, three at a time; and the next
card, the thirteenth, is turned up for the trump by the dealer, who,
if it prove a knave, scores one point. The highest card cut deals
first. The cards rank the same as at whist—the first to score ten
points, wins.
Contents / Index
92. Laws of All-Fours
A new deal can be demanded for an exposed card, too few or too
many cards dealt; in the latter case, a new deal is optional,
provided it be done before a card has been played, but not after, to
draw from the opposing hand the extra card.
iNo person can beg more than once in each hand, except by mutual
Each player must trump or follow suit on penalty of the
adversary scoring one point.
If either player score wrongly it must be taken down, and the
adversary either scores four points or one, as may have previously
been agreed.
When a trump is played, it is allowable to ask your adversary if
it be either high or low.
One card may count all-fours; for example, the eldest hand holds
the knave and stands his game, the dealer has neither trump, ten,
ace, nor court-card; it will follow that the knave will be both
high, low, Jack, and game, as explained by:
Contents / Index
93. Terms used in All-Fours
- High.—For the highest trump
out, the holder scores one point.
Low.—For the lowest trump out, the original holder
scores one point, even if it be taken by the adversary.
Jack.—For the knave of trumps the holder scores one. If
it be won by the adversary, the winner scores the point.
Game.—The greatest number that, in the tricks gained,
are shown by either player, reckoning:
Four |
for an ace |
Three |
for a king |
Two |
for a queen |
One |
for a knave |
Ten |
for a ten |
The other cards do not count: thus it may happen that a deal may
be played without having any to reckon for game.
Begging is when the eldest hand, disliking his cards, uses
his privilege, and says, "I beg;" in which case the dealer
either suffers his adversary to score one point, saying, "Take
one," or gives each player three cards more from the pack, and
then turns up the next card, the seventh for trumps. If, however,
the trump turned up to be of the same suit as the first, the dealer
must go on, giving each three cards more, and turning up the
seventh, until a change of suit for trumps shall take place.
Contents / Index
94. Maxims for All-Fours
Make your knave as soon as you can.
Secure your tens by playing any small cards, by which you may
throw the lead into you adversary's hand.
Win your adversary's best cards when you can, either by
trumping or with superior cards.
If, being eldest hand, you hold either ace, king, or queen of
trumps, without the knave or ten, play them immediately, as, by this
means, you may chance to win the knave or ten.
Contents / Index
95. Loo
This game is played both Limited and Unlimited Loo; it is
played two ways, both with five and three cards. Several may play,
but five or seven make the better game.
Contents / Index
96. Three-Card Loo
This game is played by any number of persons,
from three, but five or seven make the best game.
The cards are cut for deal, the holder of the lowest card being
dealer; after which the deal goes round, from left to right. In case
of a tie, the players cut again. Ace is lowest, and the court-cards
and tens are reckoned of the same value,—namely, ten.
The left-hand adversary shuffles or makes the pack, and the
player to the right of the dealer cuts previous to the deal.
The cards take their usual value, ace highest; then king, queen,
knave, ten, and so on, down to deuce. The dealer then gives three
cards, one at a time, face downwards, to each player; and also
dealing an extra hand, or "miss," which may be thrown on the table
either as the first or last card of each round.
A card too many or too few is a misdeal.
The stakes being settled beforehand, the dealer puts into the
pool his three halfpence, pence, or sixpences, and the game
The first player on the left of the dealer looks at his hand,
and declares whether he will play or take the miss. If he decide to
play, he says, "I play," or "I take the miss;" but he may elect to
do neither; in which case he places his cards on the pack, and has
nothing further to do with that round. The next player looks at his
hand, and says whether he will play or not; and so on, till the turn
comes to the dealer, who, if only one player stand the chance of the
loo, may either play or give up the stakes.
In the first round it is usual either to deal a single;
that is, a round without a miss, when all the players must
play; or each player puts into the pool a sum equal to that staked
by the dealer in which latter case a miss is dealt.
Contents / Index
Never Open the Door to a Little Vice.
97. Laws of Loo.
For a misdeal the dealer is looed.
For playing out of turn or looking at the miss without taking
it, the player is looed.
If the first player possess two or three trumps, he must play
the highest, or be looed.
With ace of trumps only, the first player must lead it, or be
The player who looks at his own cards, or the miss out of his
turn, is looed.
The player who looks at his neighbour's hand, either during the
play or when they lie on the table, is looed.
The player who informs another what cards he possesses, or
gives any intimation that he knows such or such cards to be in the
hand or the miss, is looed.
The player who throws up his cards after the leading card is
played, is looed.
Each player who follows the elder hand must head the trick if he
can, or be looed.
Each player must follow suit if he can, or be looed.
The player who is looed pays into the pool the sum agreed.
Contents / Index
98. Mode of Play
When it is seen how many players stand in the round, the elder
hand plays a card—his highest trump if he has two or more; if not,
any card he chooses. The next plays, and, if he can, follows suit or
heads the trick with a trump. If he can do neither, he throws away
any card.
And so the round goes on; the highest card of the suit, or the
highest trump, winning the trick. The winner of the trick then leads
another card.
The game consists of three tricks, and the pool is divided
equally among the players possessing them. Thus, if there be three
pence, shillings, or half-crowns, in the pool, the tricks are a
penny, sixpence, or half-a-crown each. The three tricks may of
course be won by a single player, or they may be divided between two
or three. Each player who fails to win a trick is looed, and pays
into the next pool the amount determined on as the loo.
When played for a determinate stake, as a penny for the deal and
three pence for the loo, the game is called Limited Loo. When
each player is looed for the sum in the pool, it is Unlimited
Caution is necessary in playing this game to win. As a
general rule, the first player should not take the miss, as the
dealer's stake is necessarily to be added to the loo. Nor the miss
be taken after two players have "struck in" (declared to play), for
the chances are that they possess good leading cards.
Contents / Index
99. Club Law
Another way of playing Loo is for all the parties to play
whenever a club is turned up as trumps. It is merely another mode of
increasing the pool.
Contents / Index
100. Five-Card Loo.
In principle it is the same as the other game Loo, only instead
of three, the dealer (having paid his own stake into the pool) gives
five cards to each player, one by one, face downwards.
After five cards have been dealt to each player, another is
turned up for trump; the knave of clubs generally, or sometimes the
knave of the trump suit, as agreed upon, is the highest card, and is
styled Pam; the ace of trumps is next in value, and the rest on
succession, as at Whist. Each player can change all or any of the
five cards dealt, or throw up his hand, and escape being looed.
Those who play their cards, either with or without changing, and do
not gain a trick, are looed. This is also the case with all who have
stood the game, when a flush or flushes occur; and each, except a
player holding pam, of an inferior flush, must pay a stake, to be
given to him who sweeps the board, or divided among the winners at
the ensuing deal, according to the tricks made. For instance, if
every one at dealing stakes half-a-crown, the tricks are entitled to
sixpence a-piece, and whoever is looed must put down half-a-crown,
exclusive of the deal; sometimes it is settled that each person
looed shall pay a sum equal to what happens to be on the table at
the time. Five cards of a suit, or four with pam, make a flush which
sweeps the board, and yields only to a superior flush, or the elder
hand. When the ace of trumps is led, it is usual to say, "Pam be
civil;" the holder of which last-mentioned card must then let
the ace pass.
Any player with five cards of a suit (a flush) looes all the
players who stand in the game.
The rules in this game are the same as in Three Card Loo.
Contents / Index
101. Put
The game of Put is played with an entire pack of cards, generally by
two, but sometimes by four persons. At Put the cards have a value
distinct from that in other games. The best card in the pack is a
trois, or three; the next a deuce, or two; then the ace,
king, queen, knave, ten in rotation. The dealer distributes three
cards to each player, by one at a time; whoever cuts the lowest card
has the deal, and five points make the game, except when both parties
say, "I put"—for then the score is at an end, and the contest
is determined in favour of the player who may win two tricks out of
three. When it happens that each player has won a trick, and the third
is a tie—that is, covered by a card of equal value—the whole goes
for nothing, and the game must begin anew.
Contents / Index
102. Two-Handed Put
The eldest hand plays a card; and whether the adversary pass it, win
it, or tie it, has a right to say, "I put," or place his cards
on the pack. If you accept the first and your opponent decline the
challenge, you score one; if you prefer the latter, your adversary
gains a point; but if, before he play, your opponent says, "I
put," and you do not choose to see him, he is entitled to add one
to his score. It is sometimes good play to say, "I put," before
you play a card: this depends on the nature of your hand.
Contents / Index
103. Four-Handed Put.
Each party has a partner, and when three cards are dealt to each, one
of the players gives his partner his best card, and throws the other
two face downwards on the table: the dealer is at liberty to do the
same to his partner, and vice versa. The two who have received
their partners' cards play the game, previously discarding their worst
card for the one received from their partners. The game then proceeds
as at two-handed Put.
Contents / Index
104. Laws of Put
When the dealer accidentally discovers any of his adversary's
cards, the adversary may demand a new deal.
When the dealer discovers any of his own cards in dealing, he
must abide by the deal.
When a faced card is discovered during the deal, the cards must
be reshuffled, and dealt again.
If the dealer give his adversary more cards than are necessary,
the adversary may call a fresh deal, or suffer the dealer to draw
the extra cards from his hand.
If the dealer give himself more cards than are his due, the
adversary may add a point to his game, and call a fresh deal, or
draw the extra cards from the dealer's hand.
No bystander must interfere, under penalty of paying the stakes.
Either party saying, "I put"—that is, "I play"—cannot
retract, but must abide the event of the game, or pay the stakes.
Contents / Index
Knowledge Makes Humble.
105. Speculation
is a lively round game, at which several may play, with a complete
pack of cards, bearing the same value as at whist. A pool is made with
fish or counters, on which such a value is fixed as the company may
agree. The highest trump in each deal wins the pool; and should it
happen that not one trump be dealt, then the company pool again, and
the event is decided by the succeeding deal. After determining the
deal, &c, the dealer pools six fish, and every other player four;
then three cards are given to each, by one at a time, and another
turned up for trump. The cards are not to be looked at, except in this
manner: The eldest hand shows the uppermost card, which, if a trump,
the company may speculate on, or bid for—the highest bidder buying
and paying for it, provided the price offered be approved of by the
seller. After this is settled, if the first card does not prove a
trump, then the next eldest is to show the uppermost card, and so
on—the company speculating as they please, till all are discovered,
when the possessor of the highest trump, whether by purchase or
otherwise, gains the pool. To play at speculation well, recollection
is requisite of what superior cards of that particular suit have
appeared in the preceding deals, and calculation of the probability of
the trump offered proving the highest in the deal then undetermined.
Contents / Index
106. Connexions
Three or four persons may play at this game. If the former number, ten
cards each are to be given; but if the latter, only eight are dealt,
which bear the same value as at whist, except that diamonds are always
trumps. The connexions are formed as follows:
By the two black aces.
The ace of spades and king of hearts.
The ace of clubs and king of hearts.
Contents / Index
107. For the First Connexion
2s. are drawn from the pool; for the second, 1s.; for the third, and
by the winner of the majority in tricks, 6d. each is taken. These sums
are supposing gold staked: when only silver is pooled, then pence are
drawn. A trump played in any round where there is a connexion wins the
trick, otherwise it is gained by the player of the first card of
connexions; and, after a connexion, any following player may trump
without incurring a revoke: and also, whatever suit may be led, the
person holding a card of connexion is at liberty to play the same; but
the others must, if possible, follow suit, unless one of them can
answer the connexion, which should be done in preference. No money can
be drawn till the hands are finished; then the possessors of the
connexions are to take first, according to precedence, and those
having the majority of tricks take last.
Contents / Index
108. Matrimony
This game is played with an entire pack of cards, by any number of
persons from five to fourteen. It consists of five chances, usually
marked on a board, or sheet of paper, as follows:
The Ace of Diamonds turned up. |
King and Knave |
King and Queen. |
The Highest. |
Matrimony is generally played with counters, and the dealer puts what
he pleases on each or any chance, the other players depositing each
the same quantity, less one—that is, when the dealer stakes twelve,
the rest of the company lay down eleven each. After this, two cards
are dealt round to every one, beginning on the left; then to each
person one other card, which is turned up, and he who so happens to
get the ace of diamonds sweeps all.
If it be not turned up, then each
player shows his hand; and any of them having matrimony, intrigue,
&c, takes the counters on that point; and when two or more people
happen to have a similar combination, the oldest hand has the
preference; and, should any chance not be gained, it stands over to
the next deal.—Observe: The ace of diamonds turned up takes
the whole pool, but when in hand ranks only as any other ace; and if
not turned up, nor any ace in hand, then the king, or next superior
card, wins the chance styled best.
Contents / Index
Ignorance Makes Proud.
109. Pope Joan.
A game somewhat similar to Matrimony. It is played by any number, with
an ordinary pack of cards, and a marking or pool board, to be had of
most fancy stationers. The eight of diamonds must first be taken from
the pack. After settling the deal, shuffling, &c, the dealer dresses
the board. This he does by putting the counters into its several
compartments—one counter or other stake to Ace, one each to King,
Queen, Knave, and Game; two to Matrimony, two to Intrigue, and six to
the nine of diamonds, styled the Pope. This dressing is, in some
companies, at the individual expense of the dealer, though, the
players usually contribute two stakes each towards the pool.
The cards
are then dealt round equally to every player, one turned up for trump,
and about six or eight left in the stock to form stops. For example,
if the ten of spades be turned up, the nine becomes a stop. The four
kings, and the seven of diamonds, are always fixed stops, and the
dealer is the only person permitted, in the course of the game, to
refer occasionally to the stock for information what other cards are
stops in their respective deals. If either ace, king, queen, or knave
happen to be the turned-up-trump, the dealer may take whatever is
deposited on that head; but when Pope be turned up, the dealer is
entitled both to that and the game, besides a stake for every card
dealt to each player.
Unless the game be determined by Pope being
turned up, the eldest hand begins by playing out as many cards as
possible; first the stops, then Pope, if he have it, and afterwards
the lowest card of his longest suit—particularly an ace, for that
never can be led through. The other players follow, when they can, in
sequence of the same suit, till a stop occurs. The player having the
stop becomes eldest hand, and leads accordingly; and so on, until some
player parts with all his cards, by which he wins the pool (game), and
becomes entitled besides to a stake for every card not played by the
others, except from any one holding Pope, which excuses him from
If Pope has been played, then the player having held it is not
excused. King and Queen form what is called matrimony; queen and
knave, when in the same hand, make intrigue; but neither these nor
ace, king, queen, knave, or pope, entitle the holder to the stakes
deposited thereon, unless played out; and no claim can be allowed
after the board be dressed for the succeeding deal. In all such cases
the stakes remain for future determination. Pope Joan needs only a
little attention to recollect what stops have been made in the course
of the play. For instance, if a player begin by laying down the eight
of clubs, then the seven in another hand forms a stop, whenever that
suit be led from any lower card; or the holder, when eldest, may
safely lay it down, in order to clear his hand.
Contents / Index
Knowledge Talks Lowly.
110. Cassino
The game of cassino is played with an entire pack of cards, generally
by four persons, but sometimes by three, and often by two.
Contents / Index
111. Terms used in Cassino
Great Cassino, the ten of diamonds, which reckons for two
Little Cassino, the two of spades, which reckons for one
The Cards is when you have a greater share than your
adversary, and reckons for three points.
The Spades is when you have the majority of that suit,
and reckons for one point.
The Aces: each of which reckons for one point.
Lurched is when your adversary has won the game before
you have gained six points.
In some deals at this game it may so happen that neither party win
anything, as the points are not set up according to the tricks, &c,
obtained, but the smaller number is constantly subtracted from the
larger, both in cards and points; and if they both prove equal, the
game commences again, and the deal goes on in rotation. When three
persons play at this game, the two lowest add their points together,
and subtract from the highest; but when their two numbers together
either amount to or exceed the highest, then neither party scores.
Contents / Index
112. Laws of Cassino.
The deal and partners are determined by cutting, as at whist, and
the dealer gives four cards, one at a time, to each player, and
either regularly as he deals, or by one, two, three, or four at a
time, lays four more, face upwards, upon the board, and, after the
first cards are played, four others are dealt to each person, until
the pack be concluded; but it is only in the first deal that any
cards are to be turned up.
The deal is not lost when a card is faced by the dealer, unless
in the first round, before any of the four cards are turned up upon
the table; but if a card happen to be faced in the pack, before any
of the said four be turned up, then the deal begins again.
Any person playing with less than four cards must abide by the
loss; and should a card be found under the table, the player whose
number is deficient takes the same.
Each person plays one card at a time, with which he may not only
take at once every card of the same denomination upon the table, but
likewise all that will combine therewith; as, for instance, a ten
takes not only every ten, but also nine and ace, eight and deuce,
seven and three, six and four, or two fives; and if he clear the
board before the conclusion of the game, he is to score a point; and
whenever any player cannot pair or combine, then he is to put down a
The tricks are not to be counted before all the cards are played;
nor may any trick but that last won be looked at, as every mistake
must be challenged immediately.
After all the pack is dealt out, the player who obtains the last
trick sweeps all the cards then remaining unmatched upon the table
and wins the game.
Contents / Index
113. Vingt-un
Description of the Game.—The game of Vingt-un, or twenty-one,
may be played by two or more persons; and, as the deal is
advantageous, and often continues long with the same person, it is
usual to determine it at the commencement by turning up the first ace,
or knave.
Contents / Index
114. Method of Playing Vingt-un
The cards must all be dealt out in succession, unless a natural
Vingt-un occur, and in the meantime the pone, or youngest hand, should
collect those that have been played, and shuffle them together, ready
for the dealer, against the period when he shall have distributed the
whole pack. The dealer first gives two cards, one at a time, to each
player, including himself; then he asks each player in rotation,
beginning with the eldest hand on the left, whether he stands or
chooses another card. If he need another card, it must be given from
off the top of the pack, and afterwards another, or more, if desired,
till the points of the additional card or cards, added to those dealt,
exceed or make twenty-one exactly, or such a number less than
twenty-one as the player thinks fit to stand upon.
When the points on
the player's cards exceed twenty-one, he throws the cards on the
table, face downwards, and pays the stake. The dealer is, in turn,
entitled to draw additional cards; and, on taking a Vingt-un, receives
double stakes from all who stand the game, except such other players,
likewise having twenty-one, between whom it is thereby a drawn game.
When any adversary has a Vingt-un, and the dealer not, then the
opponent so having twenty-one, wins double stakes from him. In other
cases, except a natural Vingt-un happen, the dealer pays single stakes
to all whose numbers under twenty-one are higher than his own, and
receives from those who have lower numbers; but nothing is paid or
received by such players as have similar numbers to the dealer. When
the dealer draws more than twenty-one, he pays to all who have not
thrown up. In some companies ties pays the dealer.
Contents / Index
Ignorance Talks Loud.
115. Natural Vingt-un
Twenty-one, when dealt in a player's first two cards, is styled a
Natural. It should be declared at once, and entitles the
holder to double stakes from the dealer, and to the deal, except it be
agreed to pass the deal round. If the dealer turns up a natural he
takes double stakes from all the players and retains the deal. If
there be more than one natural, all after the first receive single
stakes only. Aces count either eleven or one; court cards, ten; the
rest according to their points.
Contents / Index
116. The Odds of natural Vingt-un
depend upon the average number of cards likely to come under or exceed
twenty-one; for example, if those in hand make fourteen exactly, it is
seven to six that the one next drawn does not make the number of
points above twenty-one; but if the points be fifteen, it is seven to
six against that hand; yet it would not, therefore, always be prudent
to stand at fifteen, for as the ace may be calculated both ways, it is
rather above an even bet that the adversary's first two cards amount
to more than fourteen. A natural Vingt-un may be expected once in
seven coups when two, and twice in seven when four, people play, and
so on, according to the number of players.
Contents / Index
117. Quadrille
This game, formerly very popular, has been superseded by Whist.
Quadrille, the game referred to by Pope in his "Rape of the Lock," is
now obsolete.
Contents / Index
118. Ecarté
This game, which has lately revived in popularity, is played by two
persons with a pack of cards from which the twos, threes, fours,
fives, and sixes have been discarded. In the clubs it is usual to play
with two packs, used alternately. The players cut for deal, the
highest card deals. The pack is shuffled and the non-dealer cuts. The
dealer then from the united pack gives five cards to each, beginning
with his adversary, by twos and threes, or threes and twos; and always
dealing in the same way throughout the game. The eleventh card is
turned up for trump. If the turn-up be a king, the dealer marks one
point; five points being game. The non-dealer looks at his cards, and
if he be dissatisfied with them, he may propose—that is, change any
or all of them for others from the stock, or remainder of the pack on
the table. Should he propose, he says, "I propose," or "cards," and it
is in the option of the dealer to give or refuse cards. When he
decides to give, he says, "I accept," or "How many?" Should he refuse
to change he says, "I decline," or "Play." The dealer may, if he
accept the proposal, change any or all the cards in his own hand.
Sometimes a second discard is allowed, but that must be by previous
agreement. Of course the non-dealer may play without discarding, in
which case the dealer must play his own hand without changing any of
his cards. When the hands are arranged the non-dealer plays a card,
which is won or lost by the playing of a superior card of the suit
led. The second must follow suit, or win the trick if he can;
otherwise he may throw any card he chooses. The order in value of the
cards is—king, queen, knave, ace, ten, nine, eight, seven. The winner
of the trick leads for the next trick, and so on, till the five cards
on each side are played. The winner of three tricks scores one point;
if he win the whole five tricks—the rôle—he scores two
points; if he hold the king, he names it before playing his first
card—"I mark king." Should the non-dealer play without proposing, and
fail to make three tricks, his adversary marks two points; should the
dealer refuse to accept and fail to win three tricks, his opponent
scores two. The game is five up; that is, the player who first marks
five points, wins. The score is marked by two cards, a three and a
two, or by counters. The deal is taken alternately; but when the play
is for rubbers it is usual to cut for deal at the end of each rubber.
Contents / Index
Knowledge is Modest, Cautious, and Pure.
119. Rules of Ecarté
Each player has right to shuffle the cards above the table.
The cut must not be fewer than two cards off the pack, and at
least two cards must be left on the table.
When more than one card is exposed in cutting, there must be a
new deal.
The highest ecarté card cut secures the deal, which holds good
even though the pack be imperfect.
The dealer must give five cards to each by three and two, or by
two and three, at a time, which plan must not be changed, during the
An incorrect deal, playing out of turn, or a faced card,
necessitates a new deal.
The eleventh card must be turned up for trumps; and the
remaining cards placed, face downwards, on the table.
The king turned up must be marked by the dealer before the
trump of the next deal is turned up.
A king of trumps held in hand must be announced and marked
before the player lays down his first card, or he loses his right to
mark it. If played in the first trick, it must be announced before
it is played to.
A proposal or acceptance cannot be retracted or altered.
Before taking cards, the player must place his discarded cards,
face downwards, on the table, and neither look at or touch them till
the round be over.
The player holding king marks one point; making three tricks,
one point; five tricks, two points.
The non-dealer playing without proposing and failing to win
the point, gives two tricks to his opponent.
The dealer who refuses the first proposal and fails to win the
point (three tricks), gives his opponent two points.
An admitted overscore or underscore may be amended without
penalty before the cards are dealt for the following round.
Contents / Index
120. Euchre
which is founded on Ecarté, and is the national game of the United
States, is played with a pack of cards from which the twos, threes,
fours, fives, and sixes have been withdrawn. In the Euchre pack the
cards rank as at Whist, with this exception—the knave of trumps,
called the Right Bower, and the other knave of the same colour, known
as the Left Bower take precedence over the rest of the trumps. Thus,
when hearts are trumps, the cards rank thus:—Knave of hearts, knave
of diamonds, ace, king, queen, ten, nine, eight, and seven of hearts.
When diamonds are trumps, the knave is right bower, and the knave of
hearts left bower; and in like manner the knaves of spades and clubs
become right and left bower, when the black suits are trumps.—In
Four-handed Euchre, two play against two, and the tricks taken by both
partners count for points.
Contents / Index
Ignorance Boastful, Conceited, and Sure.
121. Rules for Euchre
The players cut for deal; the higher card cut dealing.
The cards are dealt by twos and threes, each player having five.
The eleventh card is turned up for trumps.
Five points constitute game.
The player winning three or four tricks marks one point; winning
five tricks, two points.
When the first player considers his hand strong enough to score,
he can order it up—that is, he can oblige the dealer to discard one
of his cards and take up the trump in its stead.
When the first player does not find his hand strong enough, he
may pass—" I pass;" with the view of changing the suit.
In case of the first player "ordering it up," the game begins
by his playing a card, to which the dealer must follow suit or
trump, or throw away. The winner of the trick then leads: and so on
till all the five cards in each hand are played.
If the player order up the trump and fail to make three tricks,
he is euchred, and his opponent marks two points.
If the player, not being strong enough, passes, the dealer can
say, "I play," and take the trump into his own hand; but, as before,
if he fail to score, he is euchred.
If both players pass, the first has the privilege of altering
the trump, and the dealer is compelled to play. Should the first
player fail to score, he is euchred.
If he pass for the second time, the dealer can alter the trump,
with the same penalty if he fail to score.
When trumps are led and you cannot follow suit, you must play
the left bower if you have it, to win the trick.
The score is marked as in Ecarté, by each side with a two and three.
Contents / Index
122. Bézique
This fashionable game is played with two packs of cards, from which
the twos, threes, fours, fives, and sixes, have been discarded. The
sixty-four cards of both packs, shuffled well together, are then dealt
out, eight to each player, by threes, twos, and threes; the
seventeenth turned up for trump, and the rest left, face downwards, on
the table. If the trump card be a seven, the dealer scores ten points.
An incorrect deal or an exposed card necessitates a new deal, which
passes to the other player. A trump card takes any card of another
suit. Except trumping, the higher card, whether of the same suit or
not, takes the trick—the ace ranking highest, the ten next, and then
the king, queen, knave, nine, &c When two cards of equal value are
played, the first wins.
Some players require the winning card to be
of the same suit as that led, unless trumped. After each trick is
taken, an additional card is drawn by each player from the top of the
pack—the taker of the last trick drawing first, and so on till all
the pack is exhausted, including the trump card. Players are not
obliged to follow suit or trump until all the cards have been drawn
from the pack. Tricks are of no value, except for the aces and tens
they may contain. Tricks should not be looked at till the end of the
deal, except by mutual consent. When a player plays without drawing,
he must draw two cards next time, and his opponent scores ten. When a
player draws out of turn, his opponent scores ten, if he has not drawn
a card himself. When a player draws two cards instead of one, his
opponent may decide which card is to be returned to the pack—it
should not be placed at the top, but towards the middle of the pack. A
player discovering his opponent holding more than eight cards, while
he only holds eight, adds 100 to his score. Should both have more than
their proper number there is no penalty, but each must play without
Contents / Index
Be Not the First by Whom the New is Tried.
123. Mode of Playing
Immediately after taking a trick, and then only, a player can
make a Declaration; but he must do so before drawing another card.
Only one Declaration can be made after each trick.
If, in making a declaration, a player put down a wrong card or
cards, either in addition to or in the place of any card or cards of
that declaration, he is not allowed to score until he has taken
another trick. Moreover, he must resume the cards, subject to their
being called for as "faced" cards.
The seven of trumps may be exchanged for the trump card, and
for this exchange ten is scored. This exchange is made immediately
after he has taken a trick, but he may make a declaration at the
same time, the card exchanged not being used in such declaration.
Whenever the seven of trumps is played, except in the last eight
tricks, the player scores ten for it, no matter whether he wins the
trick or not.
When all the cards are drawn from the pack, the players take up
their eight cards. No more declarations can he made, and the play
proceeds as at Whist, the ten ranking higher than the king, and the
ace highest.
In the last eight tricks the player is obliged to follow suit,
and he must win the trick if possible, either by playing a higher
card, or, if he has not a card of the same suit, by playing a trump.
A player who revokes in the last eight tricks, or omits to take
when he can, forfeits the eight tricks to his opponent.
The last trick is the thirty-second, for which the winner
scores ten. The game may be varied by making the last trick the
twenty-fourth—the next before the last eight tricks. It is an
unimportant point, but one that should be agreed upon before the
game is commenced.
After the last eight tricks are played, each player examines his
cards, and for each ace and ten that he holds he scores ten.
The non-dealer scores aces and tens first; and in case of a tie,
the player scoring the highest number of points, less the aces and
tens in the last deal, wins the game. If still a tie, the taker of
the last trick wins.
All cards played in error are liable to be called for as "faced"
cards at any period of the game, except during the last eight
In counting forfeits a player may either add the points to his
own score or deduct them from the score of his opponent.
Contents / Index
124. Terms used in Bezique.
A Declaration is the exhibition on the table of any cards
or combination of, cards, as follows:
Bezique is the queen of spades and knave of diamonds, for
which the holder scores 40 points. A variation provides that when
the trump is either spades or diamonds, Bezique may be queen of
clubs and knave of hearts. Bézique having been declared, may be
again used to form Double Bezique—two queens of spades and two
knaves of diamonds. All four cards must be visible on the table
together—500 points.
Sequence is ace, ten, king, queen, and knave of
trumps—250 points.
Royal Marriage is the king and queen of trumps—40
Common Marriage is the king and queen of any suit,
except trumps—20 points.
Four aces are the aces of any suits —100 points.
Four kings are the kings of any suits—80 points.
Four Queens are the queens of any suits—60 points.
Four knaves are the knaves of any suits—40 points.
Contents / Index
Nor Yet the Last to Cast the Old Aside.
125. Marriages, Sequences, &c
The cards forming the declarations are placed on the table to
show that they are properly scored, and the cards may thence be
played into tricks as if in your hand.
Kings and queens once married cannot be re-married, but can be
used, while they remain on the table, to make up four kings, four
queens, or a sequence.
The king and queen used in a sequence cannot afterwards be
declared as a royal marriage.
If four knaves have been declared, the knave of diamonds may be
used again for a bézique, or to complete a sequence.
If four aces have been declared, the ace of trumps may he again
used to perfect a sequence.
If the queen of spades has been married, she may he again used
to form a bézique, and vice versâ, and again for four queens.
Playing the seven of trumps—except in last eight tricks—10;
exchanging the seven of trumps for the trump card—10; the last
trick—10; each ace and ten in the tricks—at the end of each
The game is 1,000, 2,000, or 4,000 up. Markers are sold with
the cards.
Contents / Index
126. Forfeits at Bezique
The following are Forfeits:
i. |
For drawing out of turn |
10 |
ii. |
For playing out of turn |
10 |
iii. |
For playing without drawing |
10 |
iv. |
For overdrawing |
100 |
v. |
For a revoke in the last eight tricks |
all the eight tricks. |
Contents / Index
127. Cautions in Bezique.
In playing Bézique, it is best to keep your tens till you can make
them count; to retain your sequence cards as long as possible; to
watch your opponent's play; to declare a royal marriage previous to
declaring a sequence or double bezique; to make sure of the last trick
but one in order to prevent your opponent from declaring; to declare
as soon as you have an opportunity.
Contents / Index
128. Three-Handed Bezique
The above rules hold good in the case of three-handed
games—treble bézique counting 1,500. An extra pack of cards is
required for the third other player; so that, in the case of three,
the trump card is the twenty-fifth.
The game is always played from left to right, the first player
on the left of the dealer commencing. Three-handed bézique is
sometimes played with two packs of cards, suppressing an eight, thus
rendering them divisible by three.
Contents / Index
129. Four-Handed Bezique.
Four-handed Bezique may be played by partners decided either by
choice or cutting. Partners sit opposite each other, one collecting
the tricks of both, and the other keeping the score, or each may
keep his own score, which is preferable.
A player may make a declaration immediately after his partner
has taken a trick, and may inquire of his partner if he has anything
to declare, before drawing.
Declarations must be made by each player separately, as in
two-handed bézique.
The above descriptions will serve to sufficiently acquaint the
reader with the rules and modes of play adopted in this excellent
game. Bézique is said to be of Swedish origin, and to have been
introduced to English players through the medium of some Indian
officers who had learned it of a Scandinavian comrade. Variations in
the play occur in different companies. These, however, having been
indicated above, need not be more particularly noted.
Contents / Index
130. Napoleon
This popular game is played by four, five, or six persons with a full
pack of cards, which take the same value as in Whist. The object of
the game is to make tricks, which are paid to or received from the
dealer at a fixed rate, a penny or more a trick, as previously
arranged. The deal being decided in the usual way, the pack is cut and
five cards are dealt one at a time to each player, beginning at the
left. After every round the deal passes. Each player looks at his
cards, the one to the left of the dealer being the first to declare.
When he thinks he can make two or three tricks he says, "I go two," or
"I go three." The next may perhaps think he can make four tricks; and
if the fourth believes he can do better he declares Napoleon, and
undertakes to win the whole five tricks. The players declare or pass
in the order in which they sit; and a declaration once made cannot be
The game then, proceeds. The first card played is the trump
suit; and to win the trick, a higher card than that led in each suit
must be played. The winner of the first trick leads for the second,
and so on till each of the five tricks are played out. Each player
must follow suit, but he is not bound to head the trick or to trump.
Each card as played remains face upwards on the table. Supposing the
stake to be a penny a trick, the declarer, if he win all the tricks he
declared, receives from each of his adversaries a penny for each of
the declared tricks; but if he fail to win the required number, he
pays to each of them a penny a trick. For Napoleon he receives double
stakes from each player; but failing to win the five tricks, he pays
them single stakes. The game, though simple, requires good judgment
and memory to play it well. In some companies it is varied by the
introduction of a Wellington, which is a superior call after the
Napoleon, and takes triple stakes; or a Sedan, in which the player
undertakes to lose all his tricks. This declaration takes precedence
of all the others. Each player may Pass, or decline to make a
declaration; and when all the players pass, the deal is void.
Occasionally a pool or kitty is made by each dealer paying a half
stake; or the players may purchase new cards from the pack. In either
case, the pool is taken by the winner of the first Napoleon, or
divided according to arrangement at the close of the play. The best
play in Napoleon is not to win tricks, but to co-operate in defeating
the declaring hand.
Contents / Index
131. Picquet
A game for two players, once very fashionable in France and of some
repute in England; but now quite obsolete. Like Quadrille, it is
encumbered with a vast number of rules and maxims, technical terms and
calculations; all too long and tiresome for modern card-players.
Contents / Index
132. Poker, or Draw Poker
a gambling game common in the United States. An elaboration of the old
English game of Brag, which, like Blind Hookey and Baccarat, is purely
one of chance, generally played by two or three sharpers opposed to
three or four greenhorns. And, for these reasons, is unworthy a place
in this volume.
Contents / Index
133. Lansquenet
This is a game for a large company, much played in France, where it is
the custom to mix three, four, or more packs of cards together. In
England it is played with one pack, after the following plan:—The
dealer, who has rather an advantage, begins by shuffling the cards,
and having them cut by any of the party. He then deals two cards on
his left hand, turning them up; then one for himself, and a fourth,
which he places in the middle of the table for the company, called the
rejouissance. Upon this card any or all of the company, except
the dealer, may stake their counter or money, either a limited or
unlimited sum, as may be agreed on, which the dealer is obliged to
answer, by staking a sum equal to the whole put upon it by different
players. He continues dealing, and turning the cards upwards, one by
one, till two of a sort appear: for instance, two aces, two deuces,
&c, which, in order to separate, and that no person may mistake for
single cards, he places on each side of his own card; and as often as
two, three, or the fourth card of a sort comes up, he always places
them, as before, on each side of his own.
Any single card the company
have a right to take and put their money upon, unless the dealer's own
card happens to be double, which often occurs by this card being the
same as one of the two cards which the dealer first of all dealt out
on his left-hand. Thus he continues dealing till he brings either
their cards, or his own. As long as his own card remains undrawn he
wins; and whichever card comes up first, loses. If he draw or deal out
the two cards on his left, which are called the hand-cards, before his
own, he is entitled to deal again; the advantage of which is no other
than being exempted from losing when he draws a similar card to his
own, immediately after he has turned up one for himself. This game is
often played more simply without the rejouissance card, giving
every person round the table a card to put his money on. Sometimes it
is played by dealing only two cards, one for the dealer, and another
for the company. —Generally Lansquenet is played with counters
instead of money. With counters at (say) a penny a dozen, it is a
lively and amusing game.
Contents / Index
A Lady in America Made a Quilt in 55,555 Pieces.
134. Quinze or Fifteen
is played by two persons. The cards are shuffled by both players, and
when they have cut for deal (which falls to the lot of him who cuts
the lowest), the dealer has the liberty to shuffle them again. When
this is done, the adversary cuts them; after which, the dealer gives
one card to his opponent, and one to himself. Should the dealer's
adversary not approve of his card, he is entitled to have as many
cards given to him, one after the other, as will make fifteen, or come
nearest to that number; which are usually given from the top of the,
pack: for example—if he should have a deuce, and draw a five, which
amounts to seven, he must continue going on, in expectation of coming
nearer to fifteen. If he draw an eight, which will make just fifteen,
he, as being eldest hand, is sure of winning the game. But if he
overdraw himself, and make more than fifteen, he loses, unless the
dealer should happen to do the same; which circumstance constitutes a
drawn game; and the stakes are consequently doubled. In this manner
they persevere, until one of them has won the game, by standing and
being nearest to fifteen. At the end of each game the cards are packed
and shuffled, and the players again cut for deal. The advantage is
invariably or the side of the elder hand.
Contents / Index
135. Solitaire
This is a game for one person, played on a board pierced with
thirty-seven holes, in each one of which is placed a marble or peg.
The art or motive of the game is to remove one marble and then to
shift the rest about, so as to bring the last marble to the hole
whence the first was removed. One marble or man takes any other over
which it can leap into a vacant hole beyond; or any number of men in
succession, so long as there is a hole into which it can go. An
example of a game played will better explain the method, than any
amount of verbal instruction.
Remove the marble from the centre hole; then bring the marble from 1
in the upper limb of the diagram, to the centre, jumping over and
taking the piece between. By following the direction of the figures,
it will be found that the last place arrived at will be the centre
from which you started. With practice and patience the Solitaire
player will be able to start from and return to any hole on the board.

Many variations of the game will suggest themselves as you proceed;
but the above will suffice to show the plan and system of Solitaire.
Contents / Index
136. Backgammon
A game of mingled chance and skill, played on a board marked with
points, and generally to be found inside the box draughtboard. The
board has twenty-four points, coloured alternately red and blue; the
implements of play are fifteen draught-men on each side, and the
movements of the men are determined by the throw of two dice; each
player being provided with a dice box and dies. It is an elaborate
game to explain on paper, and would occupy too much space to be given
in detail in this work. Those, however, who desire to be fully
informed as to its various intricacies, may consult "Bohn's Handbook
of Games," or the cheaper and more concise treatise by Captain Crawley.
Contents / Index
137. Dominoes
This game is played by two or four persons, with twenty-eight pieces
of oblong ivory, plain at the back, but on the face divided by a black
line in the middle, and indented with spots, from one to a double-six,
which pieces are a double-blank, ace-black, double-ace, deuce-blank,
deuce-ace, double-deuce, trois-blank, trois-ace, trois-deuce,
double-trois, four-blank, four-ace, four-deuce, four-trois,
double-four, five-blank, five-ace, five-deuce, five-trois, five-four,
double-five, six-blank, six-ace, six-deuce, six-trois, six-four,
six-five, and double-six. Sometimes a double set is played with, of
which double-nine is the highest.
Contents / Index
138. Method of Play
At the commencement of the game the dominoes are well mixed together,
with their faces upon the table. Each player draws one, and if four
play, those who choose the two highest are partners against these who
take the two lowest. Drawing the latter also serves to determine who
is to lay down the first piece—a great advantage. Afterwards each
player takes seven pieces at random. The eldest hand having laid down
one, the next must pair him at either end of the piece he may choose,
according to the number of pips, or the blank in the compartment of
the piece; but whenever any one cannot match the part, either of the
domino last put down, or of that unpaired at the other end of the row,
then he says, "Go;" and the next is at liberty to play. Thus
they play alternately, either until one party has played all his
pieces, and thereby won the game, or till the game be blocked;
that is, when neither party can play, by matching the pieces where
unpaired at either end; then that player wins who has the smallest
number of pips on the pieces remaining in his hand. It is to the
advantage of every player to dispossess himself as early as possible
of the heavy pieces, such as a double-six, five, four, &c Sometimes,
when two persons play, they take each only three or five pieces, and
agree to play or draw, i.e., when one cannot come in, or
pair the pieces upon the board at the end unmatched, he draws from the
pieces in stock till he finds one to suit. There are various other
ways of playing dominoes, but they are all dependent on the matching
of the pips.
Contents / Index
139. Quadrilles
The First Set:
Figure |
Name |
Actions |
Repeat |
First Figure |
Le Pantalon |
Right and left. Balancez to partners;
turn partners. Ladies' chain. Half promenade; half right and left. |
four times |
Second Figure |
L'Été |
Leading lady and opposite gentleman advance
and retire; chassez to right and left; cross over to each other's
places; chassez to right and left. Balancez and turn partners. |
four times |
or |
Double L'Été |
Both couples advance and retire at the same
time; cross over; advance and retire again; cross to places.
Balancez and turn partners. |
four times |
Third Figure |
La Poule |
Leading lady and opposite gentleman cross
over, giving right hands; recross, giving left hands, and fall in a
line. Set four in a line; half promenade. Advance two, and retire
(twice). Advance four, and retire; half right and left. |
four times |
Fourth Figure |
Trenise |
The first couple advance and retire
twice, the lady remaining on the opposite side; the two ladies go
round the first gentleman, who advances up the centre; balancez and
turn hands. |
four times |
Fifth Figure |
La Pastorale |
The leading couple advance twice,
leaving the lady opposite the second time. The three advance and
retire twice. The leading gentleman advance and set. Hands four half
round; half right and left1. |
four times |
Sixth Figure |
Galop Finale |
Top and bottom couples galopade quite
round each other. Advance and retire; four advance again, and change
the gentlemen. Ladies' chain. Advance and retire four, and regain
your partners in your places. The fourth time all galopade for an
unlimited period. |
four times |
or |
All galopade or promenade, eight bars. Advance four en
galopade oblique, and retire, then half promenade, eight bars.
Advance four, retire, and return to places with the half promenade,
eight bars. Ladies' chain, eight bars. Repeated by the side couples,
then by the top and bottom, and lastly by the side couples,
finishing with grand promenade. |
In different companies the Quadrille varies slightly. For instance,
in the last figure, sometimes called Flirtation, the four couples
set in a circle, the gentlemen turn their partners, the ladies
advance to the centre and retire, the gentlemen advance and retire;
the gentlemen turn the ladies to the left and promenade: the whole
figure being repeated four times.
Footnote 1: This or the Trenise must be omitted.
return to footnote mark
Contents / Index
140. Lancers
La Rose.—First gentleman and opposite lady advance and
set—turn with both hands, retiring to places—return, leading
outside—set and turn at corners.
La Lodoiska.—First couple advance twice, leaving the
lady in the centre—set in the centre—turn to places—all advance
in two lines—all turn partners.
La Dorset.—First lady advance and stop, then the
opposite gentleman—both retire, turning round—ladies' hands across
half round, and turn the opposite gentlemen with left hands—repeat
back to places, and turn partners with left hands.
L'Étoile.—First couple set to couple at right—set to
couple at left—change places with partners, and set, and pirouette
to places—right and left with opposite couple,
Les Lanciers.—The grand chain. The first couple advance
and turn facing the top; then the couple at right advance behind the
top couple; then the couple at left and the opposite couple do the
same, forming two lines. All change places with partners and back
again. The ladies turn in a line on the right, the gentlemen in a
line on the left. Each couple meet up the centre. Set in two lines,
the ladies in one line, the gentlemen in the other. Turn partners to
places. Finish with the grand chain.
Contents / Index
141. The Caledonians
Figure |
Actions |
Repeat |
First Figure |
The first and opposite couples hands across round
the centre and back to places—set and turn partners. Ladies' chain.
Half promenade—half right and left. |
by the side couples |
Second Figure |
The first gentleman advance and retire twice. All
set at corners, each lady passing into the next lady's place on the
right. Promenade by all. |
by the other couples |
Third Figure |
The first lady and opposite gentleman advance and
retire, bending to each other. First lady and opposite gentleman
pass round each other to places. First couple cross over, having
hold of hands, while the opposite couple cross on the outside of
them—the same reversed. All set at corners, turn, and resume
partners. All advance and retire twice, in a circle with hands
joined—turn partners. |
Fourth Figure |
The first lady and opposite gentleman advance and
stop; then their partners advance; turn partners to places. The four
ladies move to right, each taking the next lady's place, and
stop—the four gentlemen move to left, each taking the next
gentleman's place, and stop—the ladies repeat the same to the
right—then the gentlemen to the left. All join hands and promenade
round to places, and turn partners. |
by the other couples |
Fifth Figure |
The first couple promenade or waltz round inside
the figure. The four ladies advance, join hands round, and
retire—then the gentlemen perform the same—all set and turn
partners. Chain figure of eight half round, and set. All promenade
to places and turn partners. All change sides, join right hands at
corners, and set—back again to places. Finish with grand
promenade. |
These three are the most admired of the quadrilles: the First Set
invariably takes precedence of every other dance.
Contents / Index
Coffee was First Brought to England in 1641.
142. Spanish Dance
Danced in a circle or a line by sixteen or twenty couples. The couples
stand as for a Country Dance, except that the first gentleman must
stand on the ladies' side, and the first lady on the gentlemen's side.
First gentleman and second lady balancez to each other, while first
lady and second gentleman do the same, and change places. First
gentleman and partner balancez, while second gentleman and partner do
the same, and change places. First gentleman and second lady balancez,
while first lady and second gentleman do the same, and change places.
First gentleman and second lady balancez to partners, and change
places with them. All four join hands in the centre, and then change
places, in the same order as the foregoing figure, four times. All
four poussette, leaving the second lady and gentleman at the top, the
same as in a Country Dance. The first lady and gentleman then go
through the same figure with the third lady and gentleman, and so
proceed to the end of the dance. This figure is sometimes danced in
eight bars time, which not only hurries and inconveniences the
dancers, but also ill accords with the music.
Contents / Index
143. Waltz Cotillon.
Places the same as quadrille. First couple waltz round inside; first
and second ladies advance twice and cross over, turning twice; first
and second gentlemen do the same; third and fourth couples the same;
first and second couples waltz to places, third and fourth do the
same; all waltz to partners, and turn half round with both hands,
meeting the next lady; perform this figure until in four places; form
two side lines, all advance twice and cross over, turning twice; the
same, returning; all waltz round; the whole repeated four times.
Contents / Index
144. La Galopade
is an extremely graceful and spirited dance, in a continual chassez.
An unlimited number may join; it is danced in couples, as waltzing.
Contents / Index
145. The Galopade Quadrilles.
1st. |
Galopade. |
2nd. |
Right and left, sides the same. |
3rd. |
Set and turn, hands all eight. |
4th. |
Galopade. |
5th. |
Ladies' chain, sides the same. |
6th. |
Set and turn partners all eight. |
7th. |
Galopade. |
8th. |
Tirois, sides the same. |
9th. |
Set and turn partners all eight. |
10th. |
Galopade. |
11th |
Top lady and bottom gentleman advance and retire, the other six do the same. |
12th. |
Set and turn partners all eight. |
13th. |
Galopade. |
14th. |
Four ladies advance and retire, gentlemen the same. |
15th. |
Double ladies' chain. |
16th. |
Set and turn partners all eight. |
17th. |
Galopade. |
18th. |
Poussette, sides the same. |
19th. |
Set and turn. |
20th. |
Galopade waltz. |
Contents / Index
146. The Mazurka.
This dance is of Polish origin—first introduced into England by the
Duke of Devonshire, on his return from Russia. It consists of twelve
movements; and the first eight bars are played (as in quadrilles)
before the first movement commences.
Contents / Index
147. The Redowa Waltz
is composed of: three parts, distinct from each other. 1st, The
Pursuit. 2nd, The waltz called Redowa. 3rd, The waltz a Deux Temps,
executed to a peculiar measure, and which, by a change of the rhythm,
assumes a new character. The middle of the floor must he reserved for
the dancers who execute the promenade, called the pursuit, while those
who dance the waltz turn in a circle about the room. The position of
the gentleman is the same as for the waltz. The gentleman sets out
with the left foot, and the lady with the right. In the pursuit the
position is different, the gentleman and his partner face, and take
each other by the hand. They advance or fall back at pleasure, and
balance in advance and backwards. To advance, the step of the pursuit
is made by a glissade forward, without springing, coupé with
the hind foot, and jeté on it. You recommence with the other
foot, and so on throughout. The retiring step is made by a sliding
step of the foot backwards, without spring, jeté with the front
foot, and coupé with the one behind. It is necessary to advance
well upon the sliding step, and to spring lightly in the two others,
sur place, balancing equally in the pas de poursuite,
which is executed alternately by the left in advance, and the right
backwards. The lady should follow all the movements of her partner,
falling back when he advances, and advancing when he falls back. Bring
the shoulders a little forward at each sliding step, for they should
always follow the movement of the leg as it advances or retreats; but
this should not be too marked. When the gentleman is about to waltz,
he should take the lady's waist, as in the ordinary waltz. The step of
the Redowa, in turning, may be thus described. For the
gentleman—jete of the left foot, passing before the lady.
Glissade of the right foot behind to the fourth position
aside—the left foot is brought to the third position behind—then the
pas de basque is executed by the right foot, bringing it
forward, and you recommence with the left. The pas de basque
should be made in three very equal beats, as in the Mazurka. The lady
performs the same steps as the gentleman, beginning by the pas de
basque with the right foot. To waltz à deux temps to the measure
of the Redowa, we should make each step upon each beat of the bar, and
find ourselves at every two bars, the gentleman with his left foot
forwards, and the lady with her right, that is to say, we should make
one whole and one half step to every bar. The music is rather slower
than for the ordinary waltz.
Contents / Index
Phosphorus was Discovered in 1677.
148. Valse Cellarius
The gentleman takes the lady's left hand with his right, moving one
bar to the left by glissade, and two hops on his left foot,
while the lady does the same to the right, on her right foot; at the
second bar they repeat the same with the other foot—this is repeated
for sixteen bars; they then waltz sixteen bars, glissade and
two hops, taking care to occupy the time of two bars to get quite
round. The gentleman now takes both hands of the lady, and makes the
grand square—moving three bars to his left—at the fourth bar making
two beats while turning the angle; his right foot is now moved forward
to the other angle three bars—at the fourth, beat again while turning
the angle; the same repeated for sixteen bars—the lady having her
right foot forward when the gentleman has his left toot forward; the
waltz is again repeated; after which several other steps are
introduced, but which must needs be seen to be understood.
Contents / Index
149. Circular Waltz.
The dancers form a circle, then promenade during the introduction—all
waltz sixteen bars—set, holding partner's right hand, and turn—waltz
thirty-two bars—rest, and turn partners slowly—face partner and
chassez to the right and left—pirouette lady twice with the right
hand, all waltz sixteen bars—set and turn—all form a circle, still
retaining the lady by the right hand, and move round to the left,
sixteen bars—waltz for finale.
Contents / Index
150. Polka Waltzes
The couples take hold of hands as in the usual waltz.
First Waltz.
The gentleman hops the left foot well forward, then hack; and
glissades half round. He then hops the right foot forward and
back, and glissades the other half round. The lady performs the
same steps, beginning with the right foot.
Second. The
gentleman, hopping, strikes the left heel three times against the
right heel, and then jumps half round on the left foot; he then
strikes the right heel three times against the left, and jumps on the
right foot, completing the circle. The lady does the same steps with
reverse feet.
Third. The gentleman raises up the left foot,
steps it lightly on the ground forward, then strikes the right heel
smartly twice, and glissades half round. The same is then done
with the other foot. The lady begins with the right foot.
Contents / Index
151. Valse a Deux Temps.
This waltz contains, like the common waltz, three times, but
differently divided. The first time consists of a gliding step; the
second a chassez, including two times in one. A chassez is performed
by bringing one leg near the other, then moving it forward, backward,
right, left, and round. The gentleman begins by sliding to the left
with his left foot, then performing a chassez towards the left with
his right foot without turning at all during the first two times. He
then slides backwards with his right leg, turning half round; after
which he puts his left leg behind, to perform a chassez forward,
turning then half round for the second time. The lady waltzes in the
same manner, except that the first time she slides to the right with
the right foot, and also performs the chassez on the right, and
continues the same as the gentleman, except that she slides backwards
with her right foot when the gentleman slides with his left foot to
the left; and when the gentleman slides with his right foot backwards,
she slides with the left foot to the left. To perform this waltz
gracefully, care must be taken to avoid jumping, but merely to slide,
and keep the knees slightly bent.
Contents / Index
Average Weight of Man's Brain, 3-1/2lbs, Woman's 2lbs. 11oz.
152. Circassian Circle
The company is arranged in couples round the room—the ladies being
placed on the right of the gentlemen,—after which, the first and
second couples lead off the dance.
Figure. Eight and left, set
and turn partners—ladies' chain, waltz.
At the conclusion, the first
couple with fourth, and the second with the third couple, recommence
the figure,—and so on until they go completely round the circle, when
the dance is concluded.
Contents / Index
153. Polka
In the polka there an but two principal steps, all others belong to
fancy dances, and much mischief and inconvenience is likely to arise
from their improper introduction into the ball-room.
First step. |
The gentleman raises the left foot slightly
behind the right, the right foot is then hopped with, and the left
brought forward with a glissade. The lady commences with the right,
jumps on the left, and glissades with the right. The gentleman
during his step has hold of the lady's left hand with his right. |
Second step. |
The gentleman lightly hops the left foot forward
on the heel, then hops on the toe, bringing the left foot slightly
behind the right. He then glissades with the left foot forward; the
same is then done, commencing with the right foot. The lady dances
the same step, only beginning with the right foot. |
There are a variety of other steps of a fancy character, but they can
only be understood with the aid of a master, and even when well
studied, must be introduced with care. The polka should be danced with
grace and elegance, eschewing all outré and ungainly steps and
gestures, taking care that the leg is not lifted too high, and that
the dance is not commenced in too abrupt a manner. Any number of
couples may stand up, and it is the privilege of the gentleman to form
what figure he pleases, and vary it as often as his fancy and taste
may dictate.
First Figure. |
Four or eight bars are devoted to setting
forwards and backwards, turning from and towards your partner,
making a slight hop at the commencement of each set, and holding
your partner's left hand; you then perform the same step (forwards)
all round the room. |
Second Figure. |
The gentleman faces his partner, and does the
same step backwards all round the room, the lady following with the
opposite foot, and doing the step forwards. |
Third Figure. |
The same as the second figure, only reversed,
the lady stepping backwards, and the gentleman forwards, always
going the same way round the room. |
Fourth Figure. |
The same step as figures two and three, but
turning as in a waltz. |
Contents / Index
Man's Heart Beats 92,160 Times in a Day.
154. The Gorlitza
is similar to the polka, the figures being waltzed through.
Contents / Index
155. The Schottische
The gentleman holds the lady precisely as in the polka. Beginning with
the left foot, he slides it forward, then brings up the right foot to
the place of the left, slides the left foot forward, and springs or
hops on this foot. This movement is repeated to the right. He begins
with the right foot, slides it forward, brings up the left foot to the
place of the right foot, slides the right foot forward again, and hops
upon it. The gentleman springs twice on the left foot, turning half
round; twice on the right foot; twice encore on the left foot,
turning half round; and again twice on the right foot, turning half
round. Beginning again, he proceeds as before. The lady begins with
the right foot, and her step is the same in principle as the
gentleman's. Vary, by a reverse turn; or by going in a straight
line round the room. Double, if you like, each part, by giving four
bars to the first part, and four bars to the second part. The
time may be stated as precisely the same as in the polka; but
let it not be forgotten that La Schottische ought to be danced
much slower.
Contents / Index
156. Country Dances. Sir Roger de Coverley
First lady and bottom gentleman advance to centre, salute, and retire;
first gentleman and bottom lady, same. First lady and bottom
gentleman advance to centre, turn, and retire; first gentleman and
bottom lady the same. Ladies promenade, turning off to the right down
the room, and back to places, while gentlemen do the same, turning to
the left; top couple remain at bottom; repeat to the end of dance.
Contents / Index
157. La Polka Country Dances.
All form two lines, ladies on the right, gentlemen on the left.
Figure |
Top lady and second gentleman heel and toe (polka
step) across to each other's place—second lady and top gentleman
the same. Top lady and second gentleman retire back to
places—second lady and top gentleman the same. Two couples polka
step down the middle and back again—two first couples polka waltz.
First couple repeat with the third couple, then with fourth, and so
on to the end of dance. |
Contents / Index
158. The Highland Reel
This dance is performed by the company arranged in parties of three,
along the room in the following manner: a lady between two gentlemen,
in double rows. All advance and retire—each lady then performs the
reel with the gentleman on her right hand, and retires with the
opposite gentleman to places—hands three round and back again—all
six advance and retire— then lead through to the next trio, and
continue the figure to the end of the room. Adopt the Highland step,
and music of three-four time.
Contents / Index
159. Terms used to Describe the Movements of Dances.
Balancez |
Set to partners. |
Chaine Anglaise |
The top and bottom couples right and left. |
Chaine Anglaise double |
The right and left double. |
Chaine des Dames |
The ladies' chain. |
Chaine des Dames double |
The ladies' chain double, which is performed by all the ladies commencing at the same time. |
Chassez |
Move to the right and left. |
Chassez croisez |
Gentlemen change places with partners, and back again. |
Demie Chaine Anglaise |
The four opposite persons half right and left. |
Demie Promenade |
All eight half promenade. |
Dos-à-dos |
The two opposite persons pass round each other. |
Demie Moulinet |
The ladies all advance to the centre, giving hands, and return to places. |
La Grande Chaine |
All eight chassez quite round, giving alternately right and left hands to partners, beginning with the right. |
Le Grand Rond |
All join hands and advance and retire twice. |
Pas d'Allemande |
The gentlemen turn the partners under their arms. |
Traversez |
The two opposite persons change places. |
Vis-à-vis |
The opposite partner. |
Contents / Index
The Human Body has 240 Bones.
160. Scandal—Live it down.
Should envious tongues some malice frame,
To soil and tarnish your good name,
Live it down!
Grow not disheartened; 'tis the lot
Of all men, whether good or not:
Live it down!
Him not in answer, but be calm;
For silence yields a rapid balm:
Live it down!
Go not among your friends and say,
Evil hath fallen on my way:
Live it down!
Far better thus yourself alone
To suffer, than with friends bemoan
The trouble that is all your own:
Live it down!
What though men evil call your good!
So Christ Himself, misunderstood,
Was nailed unto a cross of wood!
And now shall you for lesser pain,
Your inmost soul for ever stain,
By rendering evil back again?
Live it down!
Contents / Index
161. Errors in Speaking
There are several kinds of errors in speaking. The most objectionable
of them are those in which words are employed that are unsuitable to
convey the meaning intended. Thus, a person wishing to express his
intention of going to a given place, says, "I propose going,"
when, in fact, he purposes going. The following affords an
amusing illustration of this class of error:—A venerable matron was
speaking of her son, who, she said, was quite stage-struck. "In fact,"
remarked the old lady, "he is going to a premature performance
this evening!" Considering that most amateur performances are
premature, it cannot be said that this word was altogether
misapplied; though, evidently, the maternal intention was to convey
quite another meaning.
Contents / Index
162. Other Errors
arise from the substitution of sounds similar to the words which
should be employed; that is, spurious words instead of genuine ones.
Thus, some people say "renumerative," when they mean "remunerative." A
nurse, recommending her mistress to have a perambulator for her
child, advised her to purchase a preamputator!
Contents / Index
163. Other Errors (2)
are occasioned by imperfect knowledge of the English grammar: thus,
many people say, "Between you and I," instead of "Between you and
me." And there are numerous other departures from the rules of
grammar, which will be pointed out hereafter.
Contents / Index
164. By the Misuse of the Adjective:
"What beautiful butter!" "What a nice landscape! "They
should say, "What a beautiful landscape!" "What nice
butter!" Again, errors are frequently occasioned by the following
Contents / Index
165. By the Mispronunciation of Words.
Many persons say pronounciation instead of
pronunciation; others say pro-nun'-she-a-shun, instead of
Contents / Index
166. By the Misdivision of Words and syllables.
This defect makes the words an ambassador sound like a
nam-bassador, or an adder like a nadder.
Contents / Index
167. By Imperfect Enunciation,
as when a person says hebben for heaven, ebber
for ever, jocholate for chocolate, &c
Contents / Index
168. By the Use of Provincialisms
or words retained from various dialects, of which we give the
following examples:
Contents / Index
169. Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, Suffolk, &c
Foyne, twoyne, for fine, twine; ineet for night;
a-mon for man; poo for pull.
Contents / Index
170. Cumberland, Scotland, &c
Cuil, bluid, for cool, blood; spwort, seworn, whoam, for
sport, scorn, home; a-theere for there;
e-reed, seeven, for red, seven; bleedin' for
bleeding; hawf for half; saumon for salmon.
Contents / Index
171. Devonshire, Cornwall, &c
F-vind for find; fet for fetch; wid for with; zee
for see; tudder for the other; drash, droo, for
thrash, and through; gewse for goose, &c
Contents / Index
172. Essex, London, &c
V-wiew for view; vent for went; vite for white;
ven for when; vot for what. Londoners are also prone to
say Toosday for Tuesday; noomerous for numerous;
noospaper for newspaper, &c
Contents / Index
The Musical Scale was Invented in 1022.
173. Hereford, &c
Clom for climb; hove for heave; puck for pick;
rep for reap; sled for sledge.
Contents / Index
174. Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Lancashire, &c
Housen for houses; a-ioyne for lane; mon for man;
thik for this; brig for bridge; thack, pick, for
thatch, pitch.
Contents / Index
175. Yorkshire, &c
Foyt for foot; foight for fight; o-noite, foil, coil,
hoil, for note, foal, coal, hole; loyne for lane;
o-nooin, gooise, fooil, tooil, for noon, goose, fool, tool;
spwort, scworn, whoam, for sport, scorn, home; g-yet for
Contents / Index
176. Examples of Provincial Dialects
The following will be found very amusing:
Contents / Index
177. The Cornish Schoolboy
An ould man found, one day, a young gentleman's portmantle, as he were
a going to es dennar; he took'd et en and gived et to es wife, and
said, "Mally, here's a roul of lither, look, see, I suppoase some poor
ould shoemaker or other have los'en; tak'en, and put'en a top of the
teaster of tha bed; he'll be glad to hab'en agin sum day, I dear say."
The ould man, Jan, that was es neame, went to es work as before.
Mally then opened the portmantle, and found en et three hunderd
pounds. Soon after thes, the ould man not being very well, Mally said,
"Jan, I'ave saaved away a little money, by the bye, and as thee
caan't read or write, thee shu'st go to scool" (he were then nigh
threescore and ten). He went but a very short time, and comed hoam one
day and said, "Mally, I waint go to scool no more, 'caase the childer
do be laffen at me: they can tell their letters, and I caan't tell my
A, B, C, and I wud rayther go to work agen." "Do as thee wool," ses
Mally. Jan had not been out many days, afore the young gentleman came
by that lost the portmantle, and said, "Well, my ould man, did'ee see
or hear tell o' sich a thing as a portmantle?" "Port-mantle, sar,
was't that un, sumthing like thickey?" (pointing to one behind es
saddle). "I vound one the t'other day zackly like that." "Where es,
et?" "Come along, I carr'd'en and gov'en to my ould 'ooman, Mally;
thee sha't av'en, nevr vear.—Mally, where es that roul of lither I
broft en tould thee to put en a top o' the teaster of the bed,
afore I go'd to scool?" "Drat thee emperance," said the young
gentleman; "thee art bewattled; that were afore I were born."
So he druv'd off, and left all the three hunderd pounds with Jan and
Contents / Index
178. Yorkshire
Men an' women is like so monny cards, played wi' be two oppoanents,
Time an' Eternity: Time gets a gam' noo an' then, and hez t' pleasure
o' keepin' his cards for a bit, bud Eternity's be far t'better hand,
an' proves, day be day, an' hoor be hoor, 'at he's winnin incalcalably
fast.—"Hoo sweet, hoo varry sweet is life!" as t' fiee said when he
wur stuck i' treacle!
Contents / Index
179. Effect of Provincialisms
Persons bred in these localities, and in Ireland and Scotland, retain
more or less of their provincialisms; and, therefore, when they move
into other districts, they become conspicuous for their peculiarities
of speech. Often they appear vulgar and uneducated, when they are not
so. It is, therefore, desirable for all persons to approach the
recognised standard of correctness as nearly as possible.
Contents / Index
180. Correction of Errors in Speaking
To correct these errors by a systematic course of study would involve
a closer application than most persons could afford, and require more
space than we can devote to the subject. We will therefore give
numerous Rules and Hints, in a concise and simple form, which will be
of great assistance to inquirers. These Rules and Hints will be
founded upon the authority of scholars, the usages of the bar, the
pulpit, and the senate, and the authority of societies formed for the
purpose of collecting and diffusing knowledge pertaining to the
language of this country.
Contents / Index
A Salmon has been Known to Produce 10,000,000 Eggs.
181. Rules and Hints for Correct Speaking.
Who and whom are used in relation to persons, and
which in relation to things. But it was once common to say,
"the man which." This should now be avoided. It is now usual
to say, "Our Father who art in heaven," instead of
"which art in heaven."
Whose is, however, sometimes applied to things as well as
to persons. We may therefore say, "The country whose
inhabitants are free." Grammarians differ in opinion upon this
subject, but general usage justifies the rule.
Thou is employed in solemn discourse, and you in common
language. Ye (plural) is also used in serious addresses, and
you in familiar language.
The uses of the word It are various, and very perplexing
to the uneducated. It is not only used to imply persons, but things,
and even, ideas, and therefore, in speaking or writing, its
assistance is constantly required. The perplexity respecting this
word arises from the fact that in using it in the construction of a
long sentence, sufficient care is not taken to ensure that when
it is employed it really points out or refers to the object
intended. For instance, "It was raining when John set out in his
cart to go to the market, and he was delayed so long that it was
over before he arrived." Now what is to be understood by this
sentence? Was the rain over? or the market? Either or both might be
inferred from the construction of the sentence, which, therefore,
should be written thus:— "It was raining when John set out in his
cart to go to the market, and he was delayed so long that the market
was over before he arrived."
Rule.—After writing a sentence always look through it,
and see that wherever the word It is employed, it refers to or
carries the mind back to the object which it is intended to point
The general distinction between This and That may
be thus defined: this denotes an object present or near, in
time or place, that something which is absent.
These refers, in the same manner, to present objects,
while those refers to things that are remote.
Who changes, under certain conditions, into whose
and whom. But that and which always remain the
That may be applied to nouns or subjects of all sorts; as,
the girl that went to school, the dog that bit me, the
ship that went to London, the opinion that he
The misuse of these pronouns gives rise to more errors in
speaking and writing than any other cause.
When you wish to distinguish between two or more persons, say,
"Which is the happy man?"—not who—"Which of
those ladies do you admire?"
Instead of "Who do you think him to be?"—say,
"Whom do you think him to be?"
Whom should I see?
To whom do you speak?
Who said so?
Who gave it to you?
Of whom did you procure them?
Who was he?
Who do men say that I am?
Whom do they represent me to be1?
In many instances in which who is used as an
interrogative, it does not become whom; as "Who do you
speak to?" "Who do you expect?" "Who is she married
to?" "Who is this reserved for?" "Who was it made by?" Such sentences are found in the writings of our best authors, and
it would be presumptuous to consider them as ungrammatical. If the
word whom should be preferred, then it would be best to say,
"For whom is this reserved?" &c
Instead of "After which hour," say "After that
Self should never be added to his, their, mine, or
Each is used to denote every individual of a number.
Every denotes all the individuals of a number.
Either and or denote an alternative: "I will take
either road, at your pleasure;" "I will take this or
Neither means not either; and nor means
not the other.
Either is sometimes used for each—"Two thieves
were crucified, on either side one."
"Let each esteem others as good as themselves," should
be, "Let each esteem others as good as himself."
"There are bodies each of which are so small,"
should be, "each of which is so small."
Do not use double superlatives, such as most straightest,
most highest, most finest.
The term worser has gone out of use; but lesser is
still retained.
The use of such words as chiefest, extremest, &c,
has become obsolete, because they do not give any superior force to
the meanings of the primary words, chief, extreme, &c
Such expressions as more impossible, more
indispensable, more universal, more
uncontrollable, more unlimited, &c, are objectionable,
as they really enfeeble the meaning which it is the object of the
speaker or writer to strengthen. For instance, impossible
gains no strength by rendering it more impossible. This class
of error is common with persons who say, "A great large
house," "A great big animal," "A little small foot,"
"A tiny little hand."
Here, there, and where, originally denoting
place, may now, by common consent, he used to denote other meanings;
such as, "There I agree with you," "Where we differ,"
"We find pain where we expected pleasure," "Here you
mistake me."
Hence, whence, and thence, denoting
departure, &c, may be used without the word from. The idea
of from is included in the word whence—therefore it
is unnecessary to say "From whence."
Hither, thither, and whither, denoting to a
place, have generally been superseded by here, there,
and where. But there is no good reason why they should not be
employed. If, however, they are used, it is unnecessary to add the
word to, because that is implied—"Whither are you
going?" "Where are you going?" Each of these sentences is
complete. To say, "Where are you going to?" is redundant.
Two negatives destroy each other, and produce an
affirmative. "Nor did he not observe them," conveys
the idea that he did observe them.
But negative assertions are allowable. "His manners are not
unpolite," which implies that his manners are, in some degree,
marked by politeness.
Instead of "I had rather walk," say "I would
rather walk."
Instead of "I had better go," say "It were better that I
should go."
Instead of "I doubt not but I shall be able to go," say
"I doubt not that I shall be able to go."
Instead of "Let you and I," say "Let you and me."
Instead of "I am not so tall as him," say "I am not so
tall as he."
When asked "Who is there?" do not answer "Me," but "I."
Instead of "For you and I," say "For you and me."
Instead of "Says I," say "I said."
Instead of "You are taller than me," say "You are taller
than I."
Instead of "I ain't," or "I arn't," say "I am
Instead of "Whether I be present or no," say "Whether I
be present or not."
For "Not that I know on," say "Not that I know."
Instead of "Was I to do so," say "Were I to do
Instead of "I would do the same if I was him," say "I
would do the same if I were he."
Instead of "I had as lief go myself," say "I would as
soon go myself," or "I would rather."
It is better to say "Bred and born," than "Born and bred."
It is better to say "Six weeks ago," than "Six weeks back."
It is better to say "Since which time," than "Since when."
It is better to say "I repeated it," than "I said so over
It is better to say "A physician," or "A surgeon," than "A
medical man."
Instead of "He was too young to have suffered much," say
"He was too young to suffer much."
Instead of "Less friends," say "Fewer friends." Less
refers to quantity.
Instead of "A quantity of people," say "A number of
Instead of "He and they we know," say "Him and them."
Instead of "As far as I can see," say "So far as I can
Instead of "If I am not mistaken," say "If I mistake
Instead of "You are mistaken," say "You mistake."
Instead of "What beautiful tea!" say "What good tea!"
Instead of "What a nice prospect!" say "What a
beautiful prospect!"
Instead of "A new pair of gloves," say "A pair of new
Instead of saying "He belongs to the house," say
"The house belongs to him."
Instead of saying "Not no such thing," say " Not any such
Instead of "I hope you'll think nothing on it," say "I
hope you'll think nothing of it."
Instead of "Restore it back to me," say "Restore it to
Instead of "I suspect the veracity of his story," say "I
doubt the truth of his story."
Instead of "I seldom or ever see him," say " I seldom see
Instead of "Rather warmish" or "A little warmish,"
say "Rather warm."
Instead of "I expected to have found him," say "I
expected to find him."
Instead of "Shay," say "Chaise."
Instead of "He is a very rising person," say "He is rising
Instead of "Who learns you music?" say "Who teaches you
Instead of "I never sing whenever I can help it,"
say "I never sing when I can help it."
Instead of "Before I do that I must first ask leave," say
"Before I do that I must ask leave."
Instead of "To get over the difficulty," say "To overcome
the difficulty."
The phrase "get over" is in many cases misapplied, as, to
"get over a person," to "get over a week," to "get over an
Instead of saying "The observation of the rule," say "The
observance of the rule."
Instead of "A man of eighty years of age," say "A man
eighty years old."
Instead of "Here lays his honoured head," say "Here lies
his honoured head."
Instead of "He died from negligence," say " He died
through neglect," or "in consequence of neglect."
Instead of "Apples are plenty," say "Apples are plentiful."
Instead of "The latter end of the year," say "The end, or
the close of the year."
Instead of "The then government," say "The government of
that age, or century, or year, or time."
Instead of "For ought I know," say "For aught I know."
Instead of "A couple of chairs," say "Two chairs."
Instead of "Two couples," say "Four persons."
But you may say "A married couple," or, "A married pair," or, "A
couple of fowls," &c, in any case where one of each sex is to be
Instead of "They are united together in the bonds of
matrimony," say "They are united in matrimony," or, "They are
Instead of "We travel slow," say "We travel slowly."
Instead of "He plunged down into the river," say "He
plunged into the river."
Instead of "He jumped from off of the scaffolding," say
"He jumped off from the scaffolding."
Instead of "He came the last of all," say "He came the
Instead of "universal," with reference to things that
have any limit, say "general;" "generally approved," instead of
"universally approved;" "generally beloved," instead of "universally
Instead of "They ruined one another," say "They ruined
each other."
Instead of "If in case I succeed," say "If I succeed."
Instead of "A large enough room," say "A room large
Instead of "This villa to let," say "This villa to be
Instead of "I am slight in comparison to you," say "I am
slight in comparison with you."
Instead of "I went for to see him," say "I went to see
Instead of "The cake is all eat up," say "The cake is
all eaten."
Instead of "It is bad at the best," say "It is very
Instead of "Handsome is as handsome does," say "Handsome
is who handsome does."
Instead of "As I take it," say "As I see," or, "As I
under stand it."
Instead of "The book fell on the floor," say "The book
fell to the floor."
Instead of "His opinions are approved of by all," say
"His opinions are approved by all."
Instead of "I will add one more argument," say "I will
add one argument more," or "another argument."
Instead of "Captain Reilly was killed by a bullet," say
"Captain Reilly was killed with a bullet."
Instead of "A sad curse is war," say "War is a sad curse."
Instead of "He stands six foot high," say "He measures
six feet," or "His height is six feet."
Instead of "I go every now and then," say "I go often,
or frequently."
Instead of "Who finds him in clothes," say "Who provides him
with clothes."
Say "The first two," and "the last two," instead of "the two
first," "the two last;" leave out all expletives, such as "of
all," "first of all," "last of all," "best of all," &c, &c
Instead of "His health was drank with enthusiasm," say
"His health was drunk enthusiastically."
Instead of "Except I am prevented," say "Unless I am
Instead of "In its primary sense," say "In its primitive
Instead of "It grieves me to see you," say "I am grieved
to see you."
Instead of "Give me them papers," say "Give me those
Instead of "Those papers I hold in my hand," say "These
papers I hold in my hand."
Instead of "I could scarcely imagine but what," say "I
could scarcely imagine but that."
Instead of "He was a man notorious for his benevolence,"
say "He was noted for his benevolence."
Instead of "She was a woman celebrated for her crimes,"
say "She was notorious on account of her crimes."
Instead of "What may your name be?" say "What is your name?"
Instead of "Bills are requested not to be stuck here," say
"Billstickers are requested not to stick bills here."
Instead of "By smoking it often becomes habitual," say
"By smoking often it becomes habitual."
Instead of "I lifted it up," say "I lifted it."
Instead of "It is equally of the same value," say "It is
of the same value," or "equal value."
Instead of "I knew it previous to your telling me," say
"I knew it previously to your telling me."
Instead of "You was out when I called," say "You were
out when I called."
Instead of "I thought I should have won this game," say
"I thought I should win this game."
Instead of "This much is certain," say "Thus much is
certain," or, "So much is certain."
Instead of "He went away as it may be yesterday week,"
say "He went away yesterday week."
Instead of "He came the Saturday as it may be before the
Monday," specify the Monday on which he came.
Instead of "Put your watch in your pocket," say "Put
your watch into your pocket."
Instead of "He has got riches," say "He has riches."
Instead of "Will you set down?" say "Will you sit down?"
Instead of "The hen is setting," say "The hen is
Instead of "It is raining very hard," say "It is
raining very fast."
Instead of "No thankee," say "No thank you."
Instead of "I cannot do it without farther means," say
"I cannot do it without further means."
Instead of "No sooner but," or "No other but,"
say "than."
Instead of "Nobody else but her," say "Nobody but her."
Instead of "He fell down from the balloon," say "He fell
from the balloon."
Instead of "He rose up from the ground," say "He rose
from the ground."
Instead of "These kind of oranges are not good,"
say "This kind of oranges is not good."
Instead of "Somehow or another," say "Somehow or other."
Instead of "Undeniable references required," say
"Unexceptionable references required."
Instead of "I cannot rise sufficient funds," say "I
cannot raise sufficient funds."
Instead of "I cannot raise so early in the morning," say
"I cannot rise so early in the morning."
Instead of "Well, I don't know," say "I don't know."
Instead of "Will I give you some more tea?" say "Shall I
give you some more tea?"
Instead of "Oh dear, what will I do?" say "Oh dear, what
shall I do?"
Instead of "I think indifferent of it," say "I think
indifferently of it."
Instead of "I will send it conformable to your orders,"
say "I will send it conformably to your orders."
Instead of "Give me a few broth," say "Give me some
Instead of "Her said it was hers," say "She said it was
Instead of "To be given away gratis," say "To be given
Instead of "Will you enter in?" say "Will you enter?"
Instead of "This three days or more," say "These three
days or more."
Instead of "He is a bad grammarian," say " He is not a
Instead of "We accuse him for," say "We accuse him of."
Instead of "We acquit him from," say "We acquit
him of."
Instead of "I am averse from that," say "I am averse to
Instead of "I confide on you," say "I confide in you."
Instead of "I differ with you," say "I differ from you."
Instead of "As soon as ever," say "As soon as."
Instead of "The very best" or "The very worst,"
say "The best or the worst."
Instead of "A winter's morning," say "A winter morning,"
or "A wintry morning."
Instead of "Fine morning, this morning," say "This is a
fine morning."
Instead of "How do you do?" say "How are you?"
Instead of "Not so well as I could wish," say "Not quite well."
Avoid such phrases as "No great shakes," "Nothing to boast of,"
"Down in my boots," "Suffering from the blues." All such sentences
indicate vulgarity.
Instead of "No one cannot prevail upon him," say "No one
can prevail upon him."
Instead of "No one hasn't called," say "No one has
Avoid such phrases as "If I was you," or even, "If I were you."
Better say, "I advise you how to act."
Instead of "You have a right to pay me," say "It is
right that you should pay me."
Instead of "I am going on a tour," say "I am about to
take a tour," or "going."
Instead of "I am going over the bridge," say "I am going
across the bridge."
Instead of "He is coming here," say "He is coming hither."
Instead of "He lives opposite the square," say "He lives
opposite to the square."
Instead of "He belongs to the Reform Club," say "He is a
member of the Reform Club."
Avoid such phrases as "I am up to you," "I'll be down upon
you," "Cut," or "Mizzle."
Instead of "I should just think I could," say "I think I
Instead of "There has been a good deal," say "There has
been much."
Instead of "Following up a principle," say "Guided by a
Instead of "Your obedient, humble servant," say "Your
obedient," or, "Your humble servant."
Instead of saying "The effort you are making for meeting
the bill," say "The effort you are making to meet the bill."
Instead of saying "It shall be submitted to
investigation and inquiry," say "It shall be submitted to
investigation," or "to inquiry."
Dispense with the phrase "Conceal from themselves the
fact;" it suggests a gross anomaly.
Never say "Pure and unadulterated," because the phrase
embodies a repetition.
Instead of saying "Adequate for," say "Adequate to."
Instead of saying "A surplus over and above," say "A
Instead of saying "A lasting and permanent peace," say
"A permanent peace."
Instead of saying "I left you behind at London," say "I
left you behind me at London."
Instead of saying "Has been followed by immediate
dismissal," say "Was followed by immediate dismissal."
Instead of saying "Charlotte was met with Thomas," say
"Charlotte was met by Thomas." But if Charlotte and Thomas were
walking together, "Charlotte and Thomas were met by," &c
Instead of "It is strange that no author should never
have written," say "It is strange that no author should ever have
Instead of "I won't never write," say "I will never write."
To say "Do not give him no more of your money,"
is equivalent to saying "Give him some of your money." Say "Do not
give him any of your money."
Instead of saying "They are not what nature designed
them," say "They are not what nature designed them to be."
Instead of "By this means," say "By these means."
Instead of saying "A beautiful seat and gardens," say "A
beautiful seat and its gardens."
Instead of "All that was wanting," say "All that was
Instead of saying "I had not the pleasure of hearing his
sentiments when I wrote that letter," say "I had not the pleasure of
having heard," &c
Instead of "The quality of the apples were good," say
"The quality of the apples was good."
Instead of "The want of learning, courage, and energy
are more visible," say "Is more visible."
Instead of "We are conversant about it," say "We are
conversant with it."
Instead of "We called at William," say "We called on
Instead of "We die for want," say "We die of want."
Instead of "He died by fever," say "He died of fever."
Instead of "I enjoy bad health," say "My health is not
Instead of "Either of the three," say "Any one of the
Instead of "Better nor that," say "Better than that."
Instead of "We often think on you," say "We often think
of you."
Instead of "Though he came, I did not see him," say "Though he
came, yet I did not see him."
Instead of "Mine is so good as yours," say "Mine is as
good as yours."
Instead of "He was remarkable handsome," say "He was remarkably
Instead of "Smoke ascends up the chimney,'I say "Smoke
ascends the chimney."
Instead of "You will some day be convinced," say "You
will one day be convinced."
Instead of saying "Because I don't choose to," say "Because I
would father not."
Instead of "Because why?" say "Why?"
Instead of "That there boy," say "That boy."
Instead of "Direct your letter to me," say "Address your letter
to me."
Instead of "The horse is not much worth," say "The horse
is not worth much."
Instead of "The subject-matter of debate," say "The subject of
Instead of saying "When he was come back," say "When he
had come back."
Instead of saying "His health has been shook," say "His
health has been shaken."
Instead of "It was spoke in my presence," say "It was
spoken in my presence."
Instead of "Very right," or "Very wrong," say
"Right," or "Wrong."
Instead of "The mortgager paid him the money," say "The
mortgagee paid him the money." The mortgagee lends; the mortgager
Instead of "This town is not as large as we thought,"
say "This town is not so large as we thought."
Instead of "I took you to be another person," say "I
mistook you for another person."
Instead of "On either side of the river," say "On each
side of the river."
Instead of "There's fifty," say "There are fifty."
Instead of "The best of the two," say "The better of the
Instead of "My clothes have become too small for me,"
say "I have grown too stout for my clothes."
Instead of "Is Lord Lytton in?" say "Is Lord Lytton within?"
Instead of "Two spoonsful of physic," say "Two spoonfuls
of physic."
Instead of "He must not do it." say "He need not do it."
Instead of "She said, says she," say "She said."
Avoid such phrases as "I said, says I," "Thinks I to myself,
thinks I," &c
Instead of "I don't think so," say "I think not."
Instead of "He was in eminent danger," say "He was in
imminent danger."
Instead of "The weather is hot," say "The weather is
very warm."
Instead of "I sweat," say "I perspire."
Instead of "I only want two shillings," say "I want only
two shillings."
Instead of "Whatsomever," always take care to say "Whatever,"
or "Whatsoever."
Avoid such exclamations as "God bless me!" "God deliver me!"
"By God!" "By Gor'!" "My Lor'!" "Upon my soul," &c, which are
vulgar on the one hand, and savour of impiety on the other, for:
"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."
Footnote 1: Persons who wish to become well acquainted with the
principles of English Grammar by an easy process, are recommended
to procure "The Useful Grammar," price 3d., published by Houlston and
return to footnote mark
Contents / Index
Some Female Spiders Produce 2,000 Eggs.
182. Pronunciation
Accent is a particular stress or force of the voice upon certain
syllables or words. This mark ' in printing denotes the syllable upon
which the stress or force of the voice should he placed.
Contents / Index
There are 9,000 Cells in a Square Foot of Honeycomb.
183. A Word may have more than One Accent.
Take as an instance aspiration. In uttering this word we give a marked
emphasis of the voice upon the first and third syllables, and
therefore those syllables are said to be accented. The first of these
accents is less distinguishable than the second, upon which we dwell
longer, therefore the second accent in point of order is called the
primary, or chief accent of the word.
Contents / Index
A Cow Consumes 100 lbs. of Green Food Daily.
184. When the full Accent falls on a Vowel
that vowel should have a long sound, as in vo'cal; but when
it, falls on or after a consonant, the preceding vowel has a short
sound, as in hab'it.
Contents / Index
2,300 Silkworms Produce 1lb of Silk.
185. To obtain a Good Knowledge of Pronunciation
it is advisable for the reader to listen to the examples given by good
speakers, and by educated persons. We learn the pronunciation of
words, to a great extent, by imitation, just as birds acquire
the notes of other birds which may be near them.
Contents / Index
A Queen Bee Produces 100,000 Eggs in a Season.
186. Double Meaning
But it will be very important to bear in mind that there are many
words having a double meaning or application, and that the difference
of meaning is indicated by the difference of the accent. Among these
words, nouns are distinguished from verbs by this means:
nouns are mostly accented on the first syllable, and
verbs on the last.
Contents / Index
A Cow Yields 168 lbs. of Butter per Annum.
187. Noun signifies Name
Nouns are the names of persons and things, as well as of things
not material and palpable, but of which we have a conception and
knowledge, such as courage, firmness, goodness,
strength; and verbs express actions, movements,
&c If the word used signifies that anything has been done, or is
being done, or is, or is to be done, then that word is a verb.
Contents / Index
It would Take 27,600 Spiders to Produce 1 lb. of Web
188. Examples of the above.
Thus when we say that anything is "an in'sult," that word is a
noun, and is accented on the first syllable; but when we say he
did it "to insultsult' another person," the word insult' implies
acting, and becomes a verb, and should be accented on the last
syllable. The effect is, that, in speaking, you should employ a
different pronunciation in the use of the same word, when uttering
such sentences as these:—"What an in'sult!" "Do you mean to insult'
me?" In the first sentence the stress of voice must be laid upon the
first syllable, in', and in the latter case upon the second
syllable, sult'.
Contents / Index
189. Meaning varied by Accentuation.
A list of nearly all the words that are liable to this variation is
given in the following page. It will be noticed that those in the
first column, having the accent on the first syllable, are mostly
nouns; and that those in the second column, which have the accent on
the second and final syllable, are mostly verbs:
noun |
verb |
noun |
verb |
noun |
verb |
abject |
abject |
contrast |
contrast |
inlay |
inlay |
absent |
absent |
converse |
converse |
inlay |
inlay |
abstract |
abstract |
convert |
convert |
object |
object |
accent |
accent |
convict |
convict |
outleap |
outleap |
afsix |
affix |
convoy |
convoy |
perfect |
perfect |
aspect |
aspect |
decrease |
decrease |
perfume |
perfume |
attribute |
attribute |
descant |
descant |
permit |
permit |
augment |
augment |
desert |
desert |
prefix |
prefix |
august |
august |
detail |
detail |
premise |
premise |
bombard |
bombard |
digest |
digest |
presage |
presage |
colleague |
colleague |
discord |
discord |
present |
present |
collect |
collect |
discount |
discount |
produce |
produce |
comment |
comment |
efflux |
efflux |
project |
project |
compact |
compact |
escort |
escort |
protest |
protest |
complot |
complot |
essay |
essay |
rebel |
rebel |
comport |
comport |
exile |
exile |
record |
record |
compound |
compound |
export |
export |
refuse |
refuse |
compresss |
compress |
extract |
extract |
retail |
retail |
concert |
concert |
ferment |
ferment |
subject |
subject |
concrete |
concrete |
forecast |
forecast |
supine |
supine |
conduct |
conduct |
foretaste |
foretaste |
survey |
survey |
confine |
confine |
frequent |
frequent |
torment |
torment |
conflict |
conflict |
impart |
impart |
traject |
traject |
conserve |
conserve |
import |
import |
transfer |
transfer |
consort |
consort |
impress |
impress |
transport |
transport |
contest |
contest |
imprint |
imprint |
undress |
undress |
context |
context |
incense |
incense |
upcast |
upcast |
contract |
contract |
increase |
increase |
upstart |
upstart |
Contents / Index
190. Exceptions
Cement is an Exception to the above rule, and should always be
accented on the last syllable. So also the word Consols.
Contents / Index
191. Hints to "Cockney Speakers."
The most objectionable error of the Cockney, that of substituting the
v for the w, and vice versâ, is, we believe,
pretty generally abandoned. Such sentences as "Are you going to Vest
Vickkam?" "This is wery good weal," &c, were too intolerable to be
retained. Moreover, there has been a very able schoolmaster at work
during the past forty years. This schoolmaster is no other than the
loquacious Mr. Punch, from whose works we quote a few admirable
Low Cockney.—"Seen that party lately?" "What! the party with the
wooden leg, as come with—" "No, no—not that party. The party, you
know, as—" "Oh! ah! I know the party you mean, now." "Well, a party
told me as he can't agree with that other party, and he says that if
another party can't be found to make it all square, he shall look
out for a party as will."—(And so on for half an hour.)
Police.—"Lor, Soosan, how's a feller to eat meat such weather
as this! Now, a bit o' pickled salmon and cowcumber, or a lobster
salid, might do."
Cockney Yachtsman.—(Example of affectation.) Scene: the
Regatta Ball.—"I say, Tom, what's that little craft with the black
velvet flying at the fore, close under the lee scuppers of the
man-of-war?" "Why, from her fore-and-aft rig, and the cut of her
mainsail, I should say she's down from the port of London; but I'll
signal the commodore to come and introduce us!"
Omnibus Driver.—Old acquaintance. "'Ave a drop, Bill?"
Driver. "Why, yer see, Jim, this 'ere young hoss has only
been in 'arness once afore, and he's such a beggar to bolt, ten to
one if I leave 'im he'll be a-runnin' hoff, and a smashin' into
suthun. Howsoever—here—(handing reins to a timid
passenger)—lay hold, sir, I'll Chance It!"
Costermonger (to extremely genteel person).—"I say,
guv'ner, give us a hist with this 'ere bilin' o' greens!' (A large
hamper of market stuff.)
Genteel Cockney (by the seaside).—Blanche. "How
grand, how solemn, dear Frederick, this is! I really think the ocean
is more beautiful under this aspect than under any other!"
Frederick.—"H'm—ah! Per-waps. By the way, Blanche, there's
a fella shwimping. S'pose we ask him if he can get us some pwawns
for breakfast to-mowaw mawning?"
Stuck-up Cockney.—(Small Swell enters a tailor's shop.)
"A—Brown, A—want some more coats!" Snip. "Yes, sir. Thank
you, sir. How many would you please to want?" Small Swell.
"A—let me see; A—ll have eight. A—no, I'll have nine; and look
here! A—shall want some trousers." Snip. "Yes, sir, thank
you, sir. How many would you like?" Small Swell.—"A— don't
know exactly. S'pose we say twenty-four pairs; and look here! Show
me some patterns that won't be worn by any snobs!"
Cockney Flunkey,—(Country Footman meekly inquires of
London Footman)—"Pray, sir, what do you think of our town? A
nice place, ain't it" London Footman (condescendingly).
"Vell, Joseph, I likes your town well enough. It's clean: your
streets are hairy; and you have lots of rewins.
But I don't like your champagne, it's all gewsberry!"
Cockney Cabby (with politeness). — "Beg pardon, sir;
please don't smoke in the keb. sir; ladies do complain o' the 'bacca
uncommon. Better let me smoke it for yer outside, sir!"
Military Cockney.—Lieutenant Blazer (of the
Plungers).—"Gwood wacious! Here's a howible go! The ifan [?word illegible] v's
going to gwow a moustache! Cornet Huffey
(whose face is whiskerless). "Yaw don't mean that! Wall! there's
only one alternative for us. We must shave!"
Juvenile Low Cockney.—"Jack; Whereabouts is Amstid-am?"
Jack. "Well, I can't say exackerley, but I know it's
somewhere near "Ampstid-'eath!"
Cockney Domestic.—Servant girl—" Well,
mam—Heverythink considered, I'm afraid you won't suit me. I've
always bin brought up genteel: and I couldn't go nowheres where
there ain't no footman kep'."
Another.—Lady. "Wish to leave! why, I thought,
Thompson, you were very comfortable with me!" Thompson (who is
extremely refined). "Ho yes, mum! I don't find no fault with
you, mum—nor yet with master—but the truth his, mum—the
hother servants is so orrid vulgar and hignorant, and speaks
so hungrammaticai, that I reely cannot live in the same 'ouse with
'em—and I should like to go this day month, if so be has it won't
illconvenience you!"
Cockney Waiter.—"'Am, sir? Yessir? Don't take anything with
your 'am, do you, sir?" Gentleman. "Yes, I do; I take the
letter H!"
Cockney Hairdresser.—"They say, sir, the cholera is in the
Hair, sir!" Gent (very uneasy). "Indeed! Ahem! Then I hope
you're very particular about the brushes you use."
Hairdresser. "Oh, I see you don't nunderstand me, sir; I
don't mean the 'air of the 'ed, but the hair hof the
Cockney Sweep (seated upon a donkey).—"Fitch us out
another penn'orth o' strawberry hice, with a dollop o' lemon water
in it."
Feminine Cookney (by the sea-side.)—"Oh, Harriet,
dear, put on your hat and let us thee the stheamboat come in. The
thea is tho rough!—and the people will be tho abthurdly thick!"
Contents / Index
Alum First Discovered A.D. 1300.
192. Correction
Londoners who desire to correct the defects of their utterance
cannot do better than to exercise themselves frequently upon those
words respecting which they have been in error.
Contents / Index
193. Hints for the Correction of the Irish Brogue
According to the directions given by Mr. B. H. Smart, an Irishman
wishing to throw off the brogue of his mother country should avoid
hurling out his words with a superfluous quantity of breath. It is not
broadher and widher that he should say, but the
d, and every other consonant, should be neatly delivered by the
tongue, with as little riot, clattering, or breathing as possible.
Next let him drop the roughness or rolling of the r in all
places but the beginning of syllables; he must not say stor-rum
and far-rum, but let the word be heard in one smooth syllable.
He should exercise himself until he can convert plaze into
please, planty into plenty, Jasus into
Jesus, and so on. He should modulate his sentences, so as to
avoid directing his accent all in one manner—from the acute to the
grave. Keeping his ear on the watch for good examples, and exercising
himself frequently upon them, he may become master of a greatly
improved utterance.
Contents / Index
Tea First Used In England A. D. 1698.
194. Hints for Correcting the Scotch Brogue.
The same authority remarks that as an Irishman uses the closing accent
of the voice too much, so a Scotchman has the contrary habit, and is
continually drawling his tones from the grave to the acute, with an
effect which, to southern ears, is suspensive in character. The smooth
guttural r is as little heard in Scotland as in Ireland, the
trilled r taking its place. The substitution of the former
instead of the latter must be a matter of practice. The peculiar sound
of the u, which in the north so of ten borders on the French
u, must be compared with the several sounds of the letter as
they are heard in the south; and the long quality which a Scotchman is
apt to give to the vowels that ought to be essentially short, must he
clipped. In fact, aural observation and lingual exercise are the only
sure means to the end; so that a Scotchman going to a well for a
bucket of water, and finding a countryman bathing therein, would not
exclaim, "Hey, Colin, dinna ye ken the water's for drink, and nae for
Contents / Index
195. Of Provincial Brogues
it is scarcely necessary to say much, as the foregoing advice applies
to them. One militiaman exclaimed to another, "Jim, you hain't in
step" "Bain't I?" exclaimed the other; "well, change yourn!" Whoever
desires knowledge must strive for it. It must not be dispensed with
after the fashion of Tummus and Jim, who held the following dialogue
upon a vital question:—Tummus. "I zay, Jim, be you a
purtectionist?" Jim. "E'as I be." Tummus. "Wall, I zay,
Jim, what be purtection?" Jim. " Loa'r, Tummus, doan't
'ee knaw? " Tummus. "Naw, I doan't." Jim. "Wall, I
doan't knaw as can tell 'ee, Tummus, vur I doan't exakerly knaw
Contents / Index
196. Rules of Pronunciation.
C before a, o, and u, and in some other situations,
is a close articulation, like k. Before e, i, and
y, c is precisely equivalent to s in same,
this; as in cedar, civil, cypress, capacity.
E final indicates that the preceding vowel is long; as in hate,
mete, sire, robe, lyre, abate, recede, invite, remote, intrude.
E final indicates that c preceding has the sound of
s; as in lace, lance; and that g preceding has
the sound of j, as in charge, page, challenge.
E final, in proper English words, never forms a syllable, and in
the most-used words, in the terminating unaccented syllable it is
silent. Thus, motive, genuine, examine, granite, are
pronounced motiv, genuin, examin, granit.
E final, in a few words of foreign origin, forms a syllable; as
syncope, simile.
E final is silent after l in the following
terminations,—ble, cle, dle, fle, gle, kle, ple, tle, zle;
as in able, manacle, cradle, ruffle, mangle, wrinkle, supple,
rattle, puzzle, which are pronounced a'bl, mana'cl, cra'dl,
ruf'fl man'gl, wrin'kl, sup'pl, puz'zl.
E is usually silent in the termination en; as in
token, broken; pronounced tokn, brokn.
ous, in the termination of adjectives and their derivatives,
is pronounced us; as in gracious, pious, pompously.
ce, ci, ti before a vowel, have the sound of sh; as in
cetaceous, gracious, motion, partial, ingratiate; pronounced
cetashus, grashus, moshun, parshal, ingrashiate.
si, after an accented vowel, is pronounced like zh; as in
Ephesian, confusion; pronounced Ephezhan, confuzhon
When ci or ti precede similar combinations, as in
pronunciation, negotiation, they
should be pronounced ze instead of she, to prevent a
repetition of the latter syllable; as pronunceashon instead of
gh, both in the middle and at the end of words ia silent; as in
caught, bought, fright, nigh, sigh; pronounced caut, baut,
frite, ni, si. In the following exceptions, however, gh
are pronounced as f:—cough, chough, clough, enough, laugh,
rough, slough, tough, trough.
When wh begins a word, the aspirate h precedes w
in pronunciation; as in what, whiff, whale; pronounced
hwat, hwiff, hwale, w having precisely the sound of
oo, French ou. In the following words w is
silent:—who, whom, whose, whoop, whole.
h after r has no sound or use; as in rheum,
rhyme; pronounced reum, ryme.
h should be sounded in the middle of words; as in
forehead, abhor, behold, exhaust,
inhabit, unhorse.
H should always be sounded except in the following
words:—heir, herb, honest, honour, hospital, hostler, hour, humour,
and humble, and all their derivatives,—such as humorously, derived
from humour.
k and g are silent before n; as know, gnaw;
pronounced no, naw.
w before r is silent; as in wring, wreath;
pronounced ring, reath.
b after m is silent; as in dumb, numb; pronounced
dum, num.
L before k is silent; as in balk, walk, talk;
pronounced bauk, wauk, tauk.
ph has the sound of f; as in philosophy;
pronounced filosofy.
ng has two sounds, one as in anger, the other as in
nafter m, and closing a syllable, is silent; as in
hymn, condemn.
pbefore s and t is mute; as in psalm,
pseudo, ptarmigan; pronounced sarm, sudo, tarmigan.
r has two sounds, one strong and vibrating, as at the
beginning of words and syllables, such as robber, reckon,
error; the other as at the terminations of words, or when
succeeded by a consonant, as farmer, morn.
Before the letter r, there is a slight sound of e
between the vowel and the consonant. Thus, bare, parent,
apparent, mere, mire, more, pure, pyre, are pronounced nearly
baer, paerent, appaerent, me-er,mier, moer,puer, pyer. This
pronunciation proceeds from the peculiar articulation of r,
and it occasions a slight change of the sound of a, which can
only be learned by the ear.
There are other rules of pronunciation affecting the
combinations of vowels, &c; but as they are more difficult to
describe, and as they do not relate to errors which are commonly
prevalent, we shall content ourselves with giving examples of them
in the following list of words. When, a syllable in any word in this
list is printed in bold, the accent or stress of voice should be
laid on that syllable.
Contents / Index
Auctions Commenced in Britain in A.D. 1779.
197. Proper Pronunciations of Words often Wrongly Pronounced.
Again |
usually pronounced a-gen, not as spelled. |
Alien |
á-li-en not ale-yen. |
Antipodes |
an-tip-o-dees. |
Apostle |
as a-pos'l, without the t. |
Arch- |
artch in compounds of our own language,
as in archbishop, archduke; but
ark in words derived from the Greek, as
archaic, ar-ka-ik; archaeology, ar-ke-ol-o-gy;
archangel, ark-ain-gel; archetype,
ar-ke-type; archiepiscopal, ar-ke-e-pis-co-pal;
archipelago, ar-ke-pel-a-go; ar-chives,
ar-kivz, &c |
Asia |
a-sha. |
Asparagus |
as spelled, not asparagrass. |
Aunt |
ant, not aunt. |
Awkward |
awk-wurd, not awk-urd. |
Bade |
bad |
Because |
be-cawz, not ba-cos |
Been |
bin |
Beloved |
as a verb, be-luvd; as an adjective,
be-luv-ed. Blessed, cursed, &c, are subject
to the same rule. |
Beneath |
with the th in breath, not with
the th in breathe. |
Bio'graphy |
as spelled, not beography. |
Buoy |
boy, not bwoy. |
Canal' |
as spelled, not ca-nel. |
Caprice |
capreece |
Catch |
as spelled, not ketch. |
Chaos |
ka-oss. |
Charlatan |
shar-latan. |
Chasm |
kazm |
Chasten |
chasn |
Chivalry |
shiv-alry. |
Chemistry |
kem'-is-tre, not kim-is-tre. |
Choir |
kwire |
Clerk |
klark |
Combat |
kum-bat. |
Conduit |
kun-dit. |
Corps |
kor: the plural corps is pronounced korz. |
Covetous |
cuv-e-tus, not cov-e-tus. |
Courteous |
curt-yus. |
Courtesy |
1. (politeness), cur-te-sey.
2. (a lowering of the body), curt-sey. |
Cresses |
as spelled, not cree-ses. |
Cu'riosity |
cu-re-os-e-ty, not curosity. |
Cushion |
coosh-un, not coosh-in. |
Daunt |
dawnt, not dant or darnt, as some
erroneously pronounce it. |
Design and Desist |
have the sound of s, not of z. |
Desire |
should have the sound of z. |
Despatch |
de-spatch, not dis-patch. |
Dew |
due, not doo. |
Diamond |
as spelled, not dimond. |
Diploma |
de-plo-ma, not dip-lo-ma. |
Diplomacy |
de-plo-ma-cy, not dip-lo-ma-cy. |
Direct |
de-reckt, not di-rect. |
Divers |
(several), di-verz; but diverse (different),
di-verse. |
Dome |
as spelled, not doom. |
Drought |
drowt, not drawt. |
Duke |
as spelled, not dook. |
Dynasty |
dyn-as-te, not dy-nas-ty. |
Edict |
e-dickt, not ed-ickt. |
E'en and e'er |
een and air. |
Egotism |
eg-o-tizm, not e-go-tism. |
Either |
e-ther or i-ther. |
Engine |
en-jin, not in-jin. |
Ensign |
en-sign; ensigncy, en-sin-se. |
Epistle |
without the t. |
Epitome |
e-pit-o-me |
Epoch |
e-pock, not ep-ock. |
Equinox |
e-qui-nox, not eck-wi-nox. |
Europe |
U-rope, not U-rup. Euro-pean
not Eu-ro-pean. |
Every |
ev-er-y, not ev-ry. |
Executor |
egz-ec-utor, not with the sound of x. |
Extraordinary |
as spelled, not ex-tror—di-ner-i, or ex-traordinary, nor extrornarey |
February |
as spelled, not Febuary. |
Finance |
fe-nance, not finance. |
Foundling |
as spelled, not fond-ling. |
Garden |
gar-dn, not gar-den, nor gard-ing. |
Gauntlet |
gawnt-let, not gant-let. |
Geography |
as spelled, not jography, or gehography. |
Geometry |
as spelled, not jom-etry. |
Haunt |
hawnt, not hant. |
Height |
hite, not highth. |
Heinous |
hay-nuss, not hee-nus. |
Highland |
hi-land, not hee-land. |
Horizon |
ho-ri-zn, not hor-i-zon. |
Housewife |
pronounced in the ordinary
way when it means the mistress of a
house who is a good manager, but huz-wif,
when it means a small case for needles. |
Hymeneal |
hy-men-e-al, not hy-menal. |
Instead |
in-sted, not instid. |
Isolate |
i-so-late; not iz-o-late, nor is-olate. |
Jalap |
jal-ap, not jolup. |
January |
as spelled, not Jenuary nor Janewary. |
Leave |
as spelled, not leaf. |
Legend |
lej-end, not le-gend. |
Lieutenant |
lef-ten-ant, not leu-ten-ant. |
Many |
men-ney, not man-ny. |
Marchioness |
mar-shun-ess, not as spelled. |
Massacre |
mas-sa-ker, not mas-sa-cre. |
Mattress |
as spelled, not mat-trass. |
Matron |
ma-trun, not mat-ron. |
Medicine |
med-e-cin, not med-cin. |
Minute |
1. (sixty seconds), min-it.
2. (small), mi-nute. |
Miscellany |
mis-cel-lany, not mis-cellany. |
Mischievous |
mis-chiv-us, not mis-cheev-us. |
Ne'er |
for never, nare. |
Neighbourhood |
nay-bur-hood, not nay-burwood. |
Nephew |
nev-u, not nefu. |
New |
nu, not noo. |
Notable |
(worthy of notice), no-tu-bl. |
Obilge |
as spelled, not obleege. |
Oblique |
ob-leek, not o-blike. |
Odorous |
o-der-us, not od-ur-us. |
Of |
ov, except when compounded with the
here, and where, which should be pronounced
here-of, there-of, and where-of. |
Off |
as spelt, not awf. |
Organization |
or-gan-i-za-shun, not or-ga-ne-za-shun. |
Ostrich |
os-tr'ch, not os-tridge. |
Pageant |
paj-ent, not pa-jant. |
Parent |
pare-ent, not par-ent. |
Partisan |
par-te-zan, not par-te-zan, nor
par—ti-zan. |
Patent |
pa-tent, not pat-ent. |
Physiognomy |
as fiz-i-ognomy, not phy-sionnomy. |
Pincers |
pin-cerz, not pinch-erz. |
Plaintiff |
as spelled, not plan-tiff. |
Pour |
pore, not so as to rhyme with our. |
Precedent |
(an example), pres-e-dent; pre-ce-dent
(going before in point of time,
previous, former), is the pronunciation
of the adjective. |
Prologue |
pro-log, not prol-og. |
Quadrille |
ka-dril, not quod-ril. |
Quay |
key, not as spelled. |
Radish |
as spelled, not red-ish. |
Raillery |
rail'-er-y, or ral-er y, not as spelled. |
Rather |
rar-ther, not ray-ther. |
Resort |
re-sort. |
Resound |
re-zound. |
Respite |
res-pit, not as spelled. |
Rout |
(a party; and to rout), should be pronounced
Route (a road), root. |
Saunter |
saun-ter, not sarn-ter or san-ter. |
Sausage |
saw-sage not sos-sidge, nor sassage. |
Schedule |
shed-ule, not shed-dle. |
Seamstress |
is pronounced seem-stress, but
semp-stress, as the word is now commonly
spelt, is pronounced sem-stress. |
Sewer |
soo-er or su-er, not shore, nor shure. |
Shire |
as spelled, when uttered as a single word, but shortened into shir in composition. |
Shone |
shon, not shun, nor as spelled. |
Soldier |
sole-jer. |
Solecism |
sol-e-cizm, not sole-cizm. |
Soot |
as spelled, not sut. |
Sovereign |
sov-er-in, not suv-er-in. |
Specious |
spe-shus, not spesh-us. |
Stomacher |
stum-a-cher. |
Stone |
(weight), as spelled, not stun. |
Synod |
sin-od, not sy-nod. |
Tenure |
ten-ure, not te-nure. |
Tenet |
ten-et, not te-net. |
Than |
as spelled, not thun. |
Tremor |
trem-ur, not tre-mor. |
Twelfth |
should have the th sounded. |
Umbrella |
as spelled, not um-ber-el-la. |
Vase |
vaiz or varz, not vawze. |
Was |
woz, not wuz. |
Weary |
weer-i, not wary. |
Were |
wer, not ware. |
Wont |
wunt, not as spelled. |
Wrath |
rawth, not rath: as an adjective it
is spelled wroth, and pronounced with
the vowel sound shorter, as wrath-ful,
&c |
Yacht |
yot, not yat. |
Yeast |
as spelled, not yest. |
Zenith |
zen-ith, not ze-nith. |
Zodiac |
zo-de-ak. |
Zoology |
should have both o's sounded,as
zo-ol-o-gy, not zoo-lo-gy. |
Note.—The tendency of all good elocutionists is to pronounce as
nearly in accordance with the spelling as possible.
ace |
not iss, as furnace, not furniss. |
age |
not idge, as cabbage, courage, postage, village. |
ain, ane |
not in, as certain, certane, not
certin. |
ate |
not it, as moderate, not moderit. |
ect |
not ec, as aspect, not aspec; subject,
not subjec. |
ed |
not id, or ud, as wicked, not wickid,
or wickud. |
el |
not l, model, not modl; novel,not novl. |
en |
not n, as sudden, not suddn.—Burden,
burthen, garden, lengthen, seven,
strengthen, often, and a few others,have
the e silent. |
ence |
not unce, as influence, not influ-unce. |
es |
not is, as pleases, not pleasis. |
ile |
should be pronounced il, as fertil, not
fertile, in all words except chamomile
(cam), exile, gentile, infantile, reconcile
and senile, which should be pronounce
ile. |
in |
not n, as Latin, not Latn. |
nd |
not n, as husband, not husban, thousand,
not thousan. |
ness |
not niss, as carefulness, not carefulniss.
ng |
not n, as singing, not singin; speaking,
not speakin. |
ngth |
not nth, as strength, not strenth. |
son |
the o should be silent; as in treason;
tre-zn, not tre-son. |
tal |
not tle, as capital, not capitle; metal,
not mettle; mortal, not mortle; periodical;
not periodicle. |
xt |
not x, as next, not nex. |
Contents / Index
Publication of Banns of Marriage Commenced A.D.1210.
198. Punctuation
Punctuation teaches the method of placing Points, in written
or printed matter, in such a manner as to indicate the pauses which
would be made by the author if he were communicating his thoughts
orally instead of by written signs.
Contents / Index
Silk First Brought From India A.D. 274.
199. Writing and Printing
are substitutes for oral communication; and correct punctuation is
essential to convey the meaning intended, and to give due force to
such passages as the author may wish to impress upon the mind of the
person to whom they are being communicated.
Contents / Index
Wines were First Made in Britain A.D. 276.
200. The Points are as follows:
comma |
, |
semi-colon |
; |
colon |
: |
Period, or Full Point |
. |
Apostrophe |
' |
Hyphen |
- |
Note of Interrogation |
? |
Note of Exclamation |
! |
Parenthesis |
( ) |
Asterisk, or Star |
* |
As these are all the points required in simple epistolary composition,
we will confine our explanations to the rules which should govern the
use of them.
Contents / Index
201. The Other Points
however, are:
the paragraph |
¶ |
the section |
§ |
the dagger |
† |
the double dagger |
‡ |
the parallel |
|| |
the bracket |
[ ] |
and some others.
These, however, are quite unnecessary, except for elaborate works, in
which they are chiefly used for notes or marginal references. The rule
— is sometimes used as a substitute for the bracket or parenthesis.
Contents / Index
202. Pauses
The comma |
, |
denotes the shortest pause |
the semi-colon |
; |
a little longer pause than the comma |
the colon |
: |
a little longer pause than the semicolon |
The period |
. |
or full point, the longest pause. |
Contents / Index
203. The Relative Duration
of these pauses is described as:
Comma |
while you count |
One |
Semicolon |
while you count |
Two |
Colon |
while you count |
Three |
Period |
while you count |
Four |
This, however, is not an infallible rule, because the duration of the
pauses should be regulated by the degree of rapidity with which the
matter is being read. In slow reading the duration of the pauses
should be increased.
Contents / Index
204. The Other Points
are rather indications of expression, and of meaning and connection,
than of pauses, and therefore we will notice them separately.
Contents / Index
205. Misplacing
of even so slight a point, or pause, as the comma, will often alter
the meaning of a sentence. The contract made for lighting the town of
Liverpool, during the year 1819, was thrown void by the misplacing of
a comma in the advertisements, thus:
"The lamps at present are about 4,050, and have in general two
spouts each, composed of not less than twenty threads of cotton."
The contractor would have proceeded to furnish each lamp with the said
twenty threads, but this being but half the usual quantity, the
commissioners discovered that the difference arose from the comma
following instead of preceding the word each. The parties
agreed to annul the contract, and a new one was ordered.
Contents / Index
206. Without Punctuation
The Following Sentence shows how difficult it is to read without the
aid of the points used as pauses:
Death waits not for storm nor sunshine within a dwelling in one of
the upper streets respectable in appearance and furnished with such
conveniences as distinguish the habitations of those who rank among
the higher clashes of society a man of middle age lay on his last
bed momently awaiting the final summons all that the most skillful
medical attendance all that love warm as the glow that even an
angel's bosom could do had been done by day and night for many long
weeks had ministering spirits such as a devoted wife and loving
children are done all within their power to ward off the blow but
there he lay his raven hair smoothed off from his noble brow his
dark eyes lighted with unnatural brightness and contrasting strongly
with the pallid hue which marked him as an expectant of the dread
Contents / Index
Coals First Brought to London A.D. 1357.
207. With Punctuation
The same sentence, properly pointed, and with capital letters placed;
after full-points, according to the adopted rule, may be easily read
and understood:
Death waits not for storm nor sunshine. Within a dwelling in one of
the upper streets, respectable in appearance, and furnished with
such conveniences as distinguish the habitations of those who rank
among the higher classes of society, a man of middle age lay on his
last bed, momently awaiting the final summons. All that the most
skilful medical attendance—all that love, warm as the glow that
fires an angel's bosom, could do, had been done; by day and night,
for many long weeks, had ministering spirits, such as a devoted
wife; and loving children are, done all within their power to ward
off the blow. But there he lay, his raven hair smoothed off from his
noble brow, his dark eyes lighted with unnatural brightness, and
contrasting strongly with the pallid hue which marked him as an
expectant of the dread messenger.
Contents / Index
208. The Apostrophe '
is used to indicate the combining of two words in one,—as John's
book, instead of John, his book; or to show the omission of parts of
words, as Glo'ster, for Gloucester—tho' for though. These
abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible. Cobbett says the
apostrophe "ought to be called the mark of laziness and
vulgarity." The first use, however, of which we gave an example, is a
necessary and proper one.
Contents / Index
209. The Hyphen -
or conjoiner, is used to unite words which, though they are separate
and distinct, have so close a connection as almost to become one word,
as water-rat, wind-mill, &c. It is also used in writing and printing,
at the end of a line, to show where a word is divided and continued in
the next line. Look down the ends of the lines in this column [in the original printed text], and you
will notice the hyphen in several places.
Contents / Index
210. The Note of Interrogation ?
indicates that the sentence to which it is put asks a question; as,
"What is the meaning of that assertion? What am I to do?"
Contents / Index
211. The Note of Exclamation !
or of admiration, indicates surprise, pleasure, or sorrow; as "Oh! Ah! Goodness!
Beautiful! I am astonished! Woe is me!"
Sometimes, when an expression of strong surprise or pleasure is
intended, two notes of this character are employed, thus!!
Contents / Index
212. The Parenthesis ( )
is used to prevent confusion by the introduction to a sentence of a
passage not necessary to the sense thereof. "I am going to meet Mr.
Smith (though I am not an admirer of him) on Wednesday next." It is
better, however, as a rule, not to employ parenthetical sentences.
Contents / Index
213. The Asterisk *
or star, may be employed to refer from the text to a note of explanation at the
foot of a column, or at the end of a letter. [***] Three stars are
sometimes used to call particular attention to a paragraph.
Contents / Index
Paper Made of Cotton Rags A.D. 1000.
214. Hints upon Spelling
The following rules will be found of great assistance in writing,
because they relate to a class of words about the spelling of which
doubt and hesitation are frequently felt:
All words of one syllable ending in l, with a single vowel
before it, have double l at the close; as, mill,
All words of one syllable ending in l, with a double
vowel before it, have one l only at the close: as,
mail, sail.
Words of one syllable ending in l, when compounded,
retain but one l each; as, fulfil, skilful.
Words of more than one syllable ending in l have one
l only at the close; as, delightful, faithful;
except befall, downfall, recall, unwell,
All derivatives from words ending in l have one l
only; as, equality, from equal; fulness, from
full; except they end in er or ly; as,
mill, miller; full, fully.
All participles in ing from verbs ending in e lose
the e final; as have, having; amuse, amusing; unless
they come from verbs ending in double e, and then they
retain, both; as, see, seeing; agree, agreeing.
All adverbs in ly and nouns in ment retain the
e final of the primitives; as, brave, bravely; refine,
refinement; except acknowledgment, judgment, &c.
All derivatives from words ending in er retain the
e before the r; as, refer, reference; except
hindrance, from hinder; remembrance from remember;
disastrous from disaster; monstrous from monster;
wondrous from wonder; cumbrous from cumber, &c.
Compound words, if both end not in i, retain their
primitive parts entire; as, millstone, changeable, graceless;
except always, also, deplorable, although, almost, admirable,
All words of one syllable ending in a consonant, with a single
vowel before it, double that consonant in derivatives; as, sin,
sinner; ship, shipping; big, bigger; glad, gladder, &c.
Words of one syllable ending in a consonant, with a double vowel
before it, do not double the consonant in derivatives: as, sleep,
sleepy; troop, troopers.
All words of more than one syllable ending in a single
consonant, preceded by a single vowel, and accented on the last
syllable, double that consonant in derivatives; as, commit,
committee; compel, compelled; appal, appalling; distil,
Nouns of one syllable ending in y preceded by a
consonant, change y into ies in the plural; and verbs
ending in y, preceded by a consonant, change y into
ies in the third person singular of the present tense, and
into ied in the past tense and past participle, as, fly,
flies; I apply, he applies; we reply, we replied, or have
replied. If the y be preceded by a vowel, this rule is
not applicable; as key, keys; I play, he plays; we have
enjoyed ourselves.
Compound words whose primitives end in y change y
into i; as, beauty, Beautiful; lovely, loveliness.
Contents / Index
215. H or no H? That is the Question.
Few things point so directly to the want of cultivation as the
misuse of the letter H by persons in conversation. We hesitate to
assert that this common defect in speaking indicates the absence of
education—for, to our surprise, we have heard even educated
persons frequently commit this common, and vulgar error. Now, for the
purpose of assisting those who desire to improve their mode of
speaking, we intend to tell a little story about our next door
neighbour, Mrs. Alexander Hitching,—or, as she frequently styled
herself, with an air of conscious dignity, Mrs. Halexander 'Itching.
Her husband was a post-captain of some distinction, seldom at home,
and therefore Mrs. A. H. (or, as she rendered it, Mrs. H. I.) felt it
incumbent upon herself to represent her own dignity, and the dignity
of her husband also. Well, this Mrs. Hitching was a next-door
neighbour of ours—a most agreeable lady in many respects, middle
aged, good looking, uncommonly fond of talking, of active, almost of
fussy habits, very good tempered and good natured, but with a most
unpleasant habit of misusing the letter H to such a degree that our
sensitive nerves have often been shocked when in her society. But we
must beg the reader, if Mrs. H. should be an acquaintance of his, not
to breathe a word of our having written this account of her—or there
would be no limit to her "hindignation." And, as her family is
very numerous, it will be necessary to keep the matter as quiet as can
be, for it will scarcely be possible to mention the subject anywhere,
without "'orrifying" some of her relations, and instigating them to
make Mrs. H. become our "henemy," instead of remaining, as we
wish her to do, our intimate friend.
One morning, Mrs. H. called upon me, and asked me to take a walk,
saying that it was her hobject to look out for an 'ouse, as her
lease had nearly terminated; and as she had often heard her dear
'Itching say that he would like to settle in the neighbourhood of
'Ampstead 'Eath, she should like me to assist her by my judgment in
the choice of a residence.
"I shall he most happy to accompany you," I said.
"I knew you would," said she; "and I am sure a hour or two in
your society will give me pleasure. It's so long since we've 'ad a
gossip. Besides which, I want a change of hair."
I glanced at her peruke, and for a moment laboured under the idea
that she intended to call at her hairdresser's; but I soon
"I suppose we had better take the homnibus," she remarked,
"and we can get out at the foot of the 'ill."
I assented, and in a few minutes we were in the street, in the line
of the omnibus, and one of those vehicles soon appearing—
"Will you 'ail it?" inquired she.
So I hailed it at once, and we got in. Now Mrs. H. was so fond of
talking that the presence of strangers never restrained her—a fact
which I have often had occasion to regret. She was no sooner within
the omnibus than she began remarking upon hinconveaience of
such vehicles, because of their smallness, and the hinsolence
of many of the conductors. She thought that the proprietors ought
only to 'ire men upon whose civility they could depend. Then she
launched out into larger topics—said she thought that the
Hemperor of Haustria—(here I endeavoured to interrupt
her by asking whether she had any idea of the part of Hampstead she
would like; but she would complete her remarks by saying) —must be
as 'appy as the days are long, now that the Hempress had
presented him with a hare to the throne! (Some of the
passengers smiled, and turning round, looked out of the windows.)
I much wished for our arrival at the spot where we should alight,
for she commenced a story about an 'andsome young nephew of hers,
who was a distinguished hofficer of the harmy. This
was suggested to her, no doubt, by the presence in the omnibus of a
fine-looking young fellow with a moustache. She said that at present
her nephew was stationed in hireland; but he expected soon to
be hordered to South Hafrica.
The gentleman with the moustache seemed much amused, and smilingly
asked her whether her nephew was at all hambitious? I saw
that he (the gentleman with the moustache) was jesting, and I would
have given anything to have been released from the unpleasant
predicament I was in. But what was more annoyance when Mrs. H.
proceeded to say to this youth, whose face was radiant with humour,
that it was the 'ight of her nephew's hambition to serve his
country in the hour of need; and then she proceeded to ask
her fellow-traveller his opinion, of the hupshot of the
war—remarking that she 'oped it would soon be hover!
At this moment I felt so nervous that I pulled out my handkerchief,
and endeavoured to create a diversion by making a loud nasal noise,
and remarking that I thought the wind very cold, when an accident
happened which took us all by surprise: one of the large wheels of
the minibus dropped off, and all the passeigers were jostled down
into a corner but, fortunately without serious injury. Mrs. H.,
however, happening to be under three or four persons, raised a loud
cry for "'elp! 'elp!" She was speedily got out, when she assured us
that she was not 'urt; but she was in such a state of
hagitation that she wished to be taken to a chemist's shop,
to get some haromatic vinegar, or some Hoe de Cologne!
The chemist was exceedingly polite to her, for which she said she
could never express her hobligations—an assertion which
seemed to me to be literally true. It was some time before she
resumed her accustomed freedom of conversation; but as we ascended
the hill she explained to me that she should like to take the house
as tenant from 'ear to 'ear!—but she thought
landlords would hobject to such an agreement, as when they
got a good tenant they liked to 'old 'im as long as they could. She
expressed an opinion that 'Amstead must be very 'ealthy, because it
was so 'igh hup.
We soon reached the summit of the hill, and turned through a lane
which led towards the Heath, and in which villas and cottages were
smiling on each side. "Now, there's a helegant little place!"
she exclaimed, "just suited to my hideas—about height
rooms and a horiel hover the hentrance." But it
was not to let—so we passed on.
Presently, she saw something likely to suit her, and as there was a
bill in the window, "To be let—Enquire Within," she gave a loud
rat-a-tat-tat at the door.
The servant opened it.
"I see this 'ouse is to let."
"Yes, ma'am, it is; will you walk in?"
"'Ow many rooms are there?"
"Eleven, ma'am; but if you will step in, mistress will speak to
A very graceful lady made her appearance at the parlour door, and
invited us to step in. I felt exceedingly nervous, for I at once
perceived that the lady of the house spoke with that accuracy and
taste which is one of the best indications of refinement.
"The house is to let—and a very pleasant residence we have
found it."
"'Ave you hoccupied it long?"
"Our family has resided here for more than nine years."
"Then, I suppose, your lease 'as run hout!"
"No! we have it for five years longer: but my brother, who is a
clergyman, has been appointed to a living in Yorkshire, and for his
sake, and for the pleasure of his society, we desire to remove."
"Well—there's nothing like keeping families together for the sake
of 'appiness. Now there's my poor dear 'Itching" [There she paused,
as if somewhat affected, and some young ladies who were in the room
drew their heads together, and appeared to consult about their
needlework; but I saw, by dimples upon their cheeks, which they
could not conceal, that they were smiling], "'e's 'itherto been
hat 'ome so seldom, that I've 'ardly hever known what
'appiness his."
I somewhat abruptly broke in upon the conversation, by suggesting
that she had better look through the house, and inquire the
conditions of tenancy. We consequently went through the various
rooms, and in every one of them she had "an hobjection to
this," or "a 'atred for that," or would give "an 'int which might be
useful" to the lady when she removed. The young ladies were heard
tittering very much whenever Mrs. H. broke out, in a loud voice,
with her imperfect elocution, and I felt so much annoyed, that I
determined to cure her of her defective speaking.
In the evening, after returning home, we were sitting by the fire,
feeling comfortable and chatty, when I proposed to Mrs. Hitching the
following enigma from the pen of the late Henry Mayhew:
The Vide Vorld you may search, and my fellow not find;
I dwells in a Wacuum, deficient in Vind;
In the Wisage I'm seen—in the Woice I am heard,
And yet I'm inwisible, gives went to no Vurd.
I'm not much of a Vag, for I'm vanting in Vit;
But distinguished in Werse for the Wollums I've writ.
I'm the head of all Willains, yet far from the Vurst—
I'm the foremost in Wice, though in Wirtue the first.
I'm not used to Veapons, and ne'er goes to Vor;
Though in Walour inwincible—in Wictory sure;
The first of all Wiands and Wictuals is mine—
Rich in Wen'son and Weal, but deficient in Vine.
To Wanity given, I in Welwets abound;
But in Voman, in Vife, and in Vidow ain't found:
Yet conspicuous in Wirgins, and I'll tell you, between us,
To persons of taste I'm a bit of a Wenus;
Yet none take me for Veal—or for Voe in its stead,
For I ranks not among the sweet Voo'd, Vun, and Ved!
Before the recital of the enigma was half completed, Mrs. Hitching
laughed heartily—she saw, of course, the meaning of it—that it was a
play upon the Cockney error of using the V instead of the W, and the
latter instead of the V. Several times, as I proceeded, she exclaimed
"Hexcellent! hexcellent!" and when I had finished, she
remarked that is was very "hingenious," and enough to
"hopen the heyes" of the Cockneys to their stupid and
vulgar manner of speaking.
A more difficult and delicate task lay before me. I told her that as
she was so much pleased with the first enigma, I would submit another
by the same author. I felt very nervous, but determined to proceed:
I dwells in the Herth, and I breathes in the Hair;
If you searches the Hocean, you'll find that I'm there.
The first of all Hangels, in Holympus am Hi,
Yet I'm banished from 'Eaven, expelled from on 'Igh.
But though on this Horb I am destined to grovel,
I'm ne'er seen in an 'Ouse, in an 'Ut, nor an 'Ovel;
Not an 'Oss nor an 'Unter e'er bears me, alas!
But often I'm found on the top of a Hass.
I resides in a Hattic, and loves not to roam,
And yet I'm invariably absent from 'Ome.
Though 'ushed in the 'Urricane, of the Hatmosphere part,
I enters no 'Ed, I creeps into no 'Art.
Only look, and you'll see in the Heye I appear,
Only 'ark, and you'll 'ear me just breathe in the Hear;
Though in sex not an 'E, I am (strange paradox!)
Not a bit of an 'Eifer, but partly a Hox.
Of Heternity Hi'm the beginning! And, mark,
Though I goes not with Noah, I am first in the Hark.
I'm never in 'Ealth—have with Fysic no power;
I dies in a Month, but comes back In a Hour!
In re-citing the above I strongly emphasized the misplaced h's.
After a brief pause, Mrs. Hitchings exclaimed, "Very good; very
clever." I then determined to complete my task by repeating the
following enigma upon the same letter written by Miss Catherine
Fanshawe and often erroneously attributed to Byron:
'Twas whispered in heaven, 'twas muttered in hell,
And echo caught faintly the sound as it fell;
On the confines of earth 'twas permitted to rest,
And the depths of the ocean its presence confessed.
'Twill be found in the sphere when 'tis riven asunder,
Be seen in the lightning, and heard in the thunder.
'Twas allotted to man with his earliest breath,
Attends at his birth, and awaits him in death;
It presides o'er his happiness, honour, and health,
Is the prop of his house, and the end of his wealth.
In the heaps of the miser 'tis hoarded with care,
But is sure to be lost on his prodigal heir.
It begins every hope, every wish it must bound,
With the husbandman toils, with the monarch is crowned.
Without it the soldier and seaman may roam,
But woe to the wretch who expels it from home.
In the whispers of conscience its voice will be found,
Nor e'en in the whirlwind of passion be drowned.
'Twill not soften the heart, and though deaf to the ear,
'Twill make it acutely and instantly hear.
But in shade let it rest, like a delicate flower—
Oh, breathe on it softly—it dies in an hour.
She was much pleased, but seemed thoughtful, and once or twice in
conversation checked herself, and corrected herself in the
pronunciation of words that were difficult to her.
A few days afterwards., I called upon her, and upon being introduced
to the parlour to wait for her appearance, I saw lying upon her table
the following:
Memorandum on the Use of the Letter H.
Pronounce |
Herb |
'Erb |
Pronounce |
Heir |
'Eir |
Pronounce |
Honesty |
'Onesty |
Pronounce |
Honour |
Onour |
Pronounce |
Hospital |
Ospital |
Pronounce |
Hostler |
'Ostler |
Pronounce |
Hour |
'Our |
Pronounce |
Humour |
'Umour |
Pronounce |
Humble |
'Umble |
Pronounce |
Humility |
'Umility |
In all other cases the H is to be sounded when it begins a
Mem.—Be careful to sound the H slightly in such words
as where, when, what, why—don't say
were, wen, wat, wy.
I am happy to say that it is now a pleasure to hear Mrs. Hitching's
conversation. I only hope that others may improve as she has done.
Contents / Index
Glass Manufacturing in England A.D. 1457.
216. Conversation
There are many talkers, but few who know how to converse agreeably.
Speak distinctly, neither too rapidly nor too slowly. Accommodate the
pitch of your voice to the hearing of the person with whom you are
conversing. Never speak with your mouth full. Tell your jokes, and
laugh afterwards. Dispense with superfluous words—such as, "Well, I
should think," etc.
Contents / Index
Tabacco Brought to England from Virginia A.D. 1588.
217. The Woman who wishes her conversation to be agreeable
will avoid conceit or affectation, and laughter which is not natural
and spontaneous, Her language will be easy and unstudied, marked by a
graceful carelessness, which, at the same time, never oversteps the
limits of propriety. Her lips will readily yield to a pleasant smile;
she will not love to hear herself talk; her tones will bear the
impress of sincerity, and her eyes kindle with animation as she
speaks. The art of pleasing is, in truth, the very soul of good
breeding; for the precise object of the latter is to render us
agreeable to all with whom we associate—to make us, at the same time,
esteemed and loved.
Contents / Index
Telescopes Invented in Germany A.D. 1590.
218. Rudeness
We need scarcely advert to the rudeness of interrupting any one who is
speaking, or to the impropriety of pushing, to its full extent, a
discussion which has become unpleasant.
Contents / Index
219. Pedantry
Some Men have a Mania for Greek and Latin quotations: this is
peculiarly to be avoided. It is like pulling up the stones from a tomb
wherewith to kill the living. Nothing is more wearisome than pedantry.
Contents / Index
220. Proportion
If you feel your Intellectual Superiority to any one with whom you are
conversing, do not seek to bear him down: it would be an inglorious
triumph, and a breach of good manners. Beware, too, of speaking
lightly of subjects which bear a sacred character.
Contents / Index
221. Writing and Talking
It is a Common Idea that the art of writing and the art of
conversation are one; this is a great mistake. A man of genius may be
a very dull talker.
Contents / Index
222. Interesting Conversation
The two grand modes of making your conversation interesting, are to
enliven it by recitals calculated to affect and impress your hearers,
and to intersperse it with anecdotes and smart things. Count Antoine
Rivarol, who lived from 1757 to 1801, was a master in the latter mode.
Contents / Index
223. Composition
If you would write to any purpose, you must be perfectly free from
without, in the first place, and yet more free from within. Give
yourself the natural rein; think on no pattern, no patron, no paper,
no press, no public; think on nothing, but follow your own impulses.
Give yourself as you are, what you are, and how you see it. Everyman
sees with his own eyes, or does not see at all. This is
incontrovertibly true. Bring out what you have. If you have nothing,
be an honest beggar rather than a respectable thief. Great care and
attention should be devoted to epistolary correspondence, as nothing
exhibits want of taste and judgment so much as a slovenly letter.
Since the establishment of the penny postage it is recognised as a
rule that all letters should be prepaid; indeed, many persons make a
point of never taking in an unpaid letter. The following hints may be
worthy of attention:
Contents / Index
224. Stamps
Always put a Stamp on your envelope, at the top, in the right-hand
Contents / Index
225. Direction
Let the Direction be written very plain; this will save the postman
trouble, and facilitate business by preventing mistakes.
Contents / Index
226. Postal District
If the Address be in London add the letters of the postal district in
which it happens to be, for this also saves trouble in the General
Post Office. Thus in writing to the publishers of "Enquire Within,"
whose house of business is in the East Central (E.C.) postal district,
address your letter to Messrs. Houlston and Sons, Paternoster Square,
London, E.C.
Contents / Index
227. Heading
At the head of your Letter, in the right-hand corner, put your address
in full, with the day of the month underneath; do not omit this,
though you may be writing to your most intimate friend for the third
or even the fourth time in the course of a day.
Contents / Index
228. Subject
What you have to say in your Letter, say as plainly as possible, as if
you were speaking; this is the best rule. Do not revert three or four
times to one circumstance, but finish as you go on.
Contents / Index
229. Signature
Let your signature be written as plainly as possible (many mistakes
will be avoided, especially in writing to strangers), and without any
flourishes, as these do not add in any way to the harmony of your
letter. We have seen signatures that have been almost impossible to
decipher, being a mere mass of strokes, without any form to indicate
letters. This is done chiefly by the ignorant, and would lead one to
suppose that they were ashamed of signing what they had written.
Contents / Index
230. Crossing the Page
Do not cross your letters: surely paper is cheap enough now to admit
of using an extra half-sheet, in case of necessity.
Contents / Index
231. Return Envelope
If you write to a stranger for information, or on your own business,
be sure to send a stamped envelope with your address plainly written;
this will not fail to procure you an answer.
Contents / Index
232. Good Materials
If you are not a good writer it is advisable to use the best ink,
paper, and pens. For although they may not alter the character of your
handwriting, yet they will assist to make your writing look better.
Contents / Index
233. Clean and Neat
The paper on which you write should be clean, and neatly folded.
Contents / Index
234. Stains
There should not be stains on the envelope; if otherwise, it is only
an indication of your own slovenliness.
Contents / Index
235. Individual Respect
Care must be taken in giving titled persons, to whom you write, their
proper designations.
Contents / Index
236. Addresses of Letters.
As this branch of epistolary correspondence is one of the most
important, we subjoin a few additional hints which letter writers
generally would do well to attend to.
When writing several letters, place each in its envelope, and
address it as soon as it is written. Otherwise awkward mistakes may
occur, your correspondents receiving letters not intended for them.
If there be a town of the same name as that to which you are writing
existing in another county, specify the county which you mean or,
the address. Thus, Richmond, Yorkshire.
When the person to whom you are writing is visiting or residing
at the house of another person, it is considered vulgar to put "at
Mr. So-and-So's," but simply "Mr. So-and-So's," at being
It is more respectful to write the word "Esquire" in full. The
—— substituted for initials is vulgar, and pardonable only in
extreme cases; if the Christian name or initials of your
correspondent do not occur to you at the moment, endeavour to
ascertain them by inquiry.
When addressing a gentleman with the prefix "Mr.," the Christian
name or initials should always follow, being more polite, as well as
avoiding confusion where persons of the same surname may reside in
one house.
In addressing a letter to two or more unmarried ladies, write
"The Misses Johnson," and not "The Miss Johnsons;" and,
lastly, always write an address clearly and legibly, so that it may
not be delayed in delivery, nor be missent.
Contents / Index
237. Addresses of Persons of Rank and Distinction1
238. The Royal Family.
Superscription.—To the Queen's (King's) Most Excellent
Commencement.—Most Gracious Sovereign; May it please your
Conclusion.—I remain, with the profoundest veneration, Your
Majesty's most faithful subject and dutiful servant.
Contents / Index
239. Princes of the Blood Royal
The Sons and Daughters, Brothers and Sisters, Uncles and Aunts
of the Sovereign.—Sup.—To His (Her) Royal Highness the
Prince of Wales (Princess Beatrice).
Comm.—Your Royal Highness.
Con.—I remain, with the greatest respect (I have the honour to
be), your Royal Highness's most obedient servant.
Other branches of the Royal Family.—Sup.—To His Royal
Highness the Duke of Cambridge.
Comm.—Your Royal Highness.
Con.—I remain, with the greatest respect, your Royal
Highness's most humble and obedient servant.
Contents / Index
240. Nobility and Gentry.
Duke or Duchess.—Sup.—To His Grace the Duke (Her Grace
the Duchess) of Northumberland.
Comm.—My Lord Duke (Madam).
Con.—I have the honour to be, My Lord Duke (Madam),
Your Grace's most devoted and obedient servant.
Marquis or Marchioness.—Sup.—To the Most Honourable the
Marquis (Marchioness) of Salisbury.
Comm.—My Lord Marquis (Madam).
Con.—I have the honour to be, My Lord Marquis, Your Lordship's
(Madam, Your Ladyship's) most obedient and most humble servant.
Earl or Countess.—Sup.—To the Right Honourable the Earl
(Countess) of Aberdeen.
Comm.—My Lord (Madam).
Con.—I have the honour to be, My Lord, Your Lordship's
(Madam, Your Ladyship's) most obedient and very, humble
Viscount or Viscountess.—Sup.—To the Right Honourable
Lord Viscount (Lady Viscountess) Gough.
Comm. and Con. same as Earl's.
- Baron or Baroness.—Sup.—To the Right Honourable Lord
(Lady) Rowton.
Comm. and Con. same as Earl's.
Younger Sons of Earls, and all the Sons of Viscounts and
Barons.—Sup.—To the Honourable Arthur Hamilton Gordon.
Comm.—Honoured Sir.
Con.—I have the honour to be, Honoured Sir, Your most obedient
and very humble servant.
Baronet and His Wife.—Sup.—To Sir Stafford Northcote,
Bart. (Lady Northcote).
Comm.—Sir (Madam).
Con.—I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most humble and
obedient (Madam, Your Ladyship's most obedient and very humble)
Knight and his Wife.—Sup.—To Sir Francis Wyatt
Truscott (Lady Truscott).
Comm. and Con. as preceding.
Esquire.—This title is now accorded to every man of
position and respectability, but persons entitled to superior
consideration are distinguished by "&c., &c., &c.," added to their
The wives of Gentlemen, when several of the same name are married, are
distinguished by the Christian name of their husbands, as Mrs.
John Harvey, Mrs. William Temple.
Privy Councillors.—These have the title of Right
Honourable, which is prefixed to their name thus:
Sup.—To the Right Honourable William Ewart Gladstone, M. P.
Con.—I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient very
humble servant.
Footnote 1: Adapted from the "Dictionary of Daily Wants," published
by Houlston and Sons, Paternoster Square, E.C., in one volume, half
bound, at 7s. 6d., or in three separate volumes, cloth, each 2s. 6d.
return to footnote mark
Contents / Index
241. The Clergy
Archbishop.—Sup.—To His Grace the Archbishop of
Comm.—Your Grace.
Con.—I remain, Your Grace's most devoted obedient servant.
Bishop.—Sup.—To the Right Reverend the Bishop of
Comm.—Right Reverend Sir.
Con.—I remain, Right Reverend Sir, Your most obedient humble
Doctor of Divinity.—Sup.—To the Reverend James
William Vivian, D.D., or, To the Reverend Dr. Vivian.
Comm.—Reverend Sir.
Con.—I have the honour to be, Reverend Sir, Your most obedient
Dean.—Sup.—To the Very Reverend The Dean of St.
Paul's; or, To the Very Reverend Richard William Church, M.A., D.C.L.,
D.D., Dean of St. Paul's.
Comm.—Mr. Dean; or, Reverend Sir.
Con.—I have the honour to be, Mr. Dean (or Reverend Sir), Your
most obedient servant.
Archdeacon.—Sup.—To the Venerable Archdeacon
Hessey, D.C.L.
Comm.—Reverend Sir.
Con.—I have the honour to remain, Reverend Sir, Your most
obedient servant.
Clergymen.—Sup.—To the Reverend Thomas Dale.
Com. and Con. same as the preceding.
Clergymen with Titles.—When a Bishop or other Clergyman
possesses the title of Right Honourable or Honourable,
it is prefixed to his Clerical title, but Baronets and Knights have
their clerical title placed first, as in the following examples:
Sup.—To the Right Honourable and Rigt Reverend the Lord Bishop
of Bath and Wells.
Sup.—To the Honourable and Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of
Sup.—To the Right Honourable and Reverend Lord Wriothesley
Russell, M.A.
Sup.—To the Honourable and Reverend Baptist Wriothesley Noel,
Sup.—To the Reverend Sir Henry R. Dukinfield, Bart, M.A.
No clerical dignity confers a title or rank on the wife of the
dignitary, who is simply addressed Mistress, unless possessing
a title in her own right, or through her husband, independently of his
clerical rank.
Contents / Index
242. Judges &c.
Lord Chancellor. —Sup.—To the Right Honourable
Roundell Palmer, Lord Selborne, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain.
Master of the Rolls.—Sup.—To the Right Honourable
the Master of the Rolls.
Chief Justice.—Sup.—To the Right Honourable the
Lord Chief Justice; or, the Right Honourable Lord Coleridge, Lord
Chief Justice of England.
The Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas is addressed in the
same form, and are all styled My Lord.
Lords Justices of Appeal.—The Lords Justices of Appeal are
Knights, and should be addressed thus:
Sup.—To the Right Honourable Sir W. Milbourne James, Knt.
Judge of County Courts.—Sup.—To His Honour John
James Jeffreys, Judge of County Courts.
Contents / Index
A Dirty Grate Makes Dinner Late.
243. Officers of the Navy and Army.
Naval Officers.—Admirals have the rank of their flag added
to their own name and title thus:
Sup.—To the Honourable Sir Richard Saunders Dundas, Admiral of
the White.
If untitled, they are simply styled Sir.
Commodores are addressed in the same way as admirals.
Captains are addressed either to "Captain William Smith, R.N.;"
or if on service, "To William Smith, Esquire, Commander of H.M.S.—"
Lieutenants are addressed in the same way.
Military Officers.—All officers in the army above
Lieutenants, Cornets, and Ensigns, have their military rank prefixed
to their name and title.
Sup.—To General Sir Frederick Roberts.
Subalterns are addressed as Esquire, with the regiment
to which they belong, if on service.
Contents / Index
244. Municipal Officers.
Lord Mayor.—Sup.—To the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor
(The Lady Mayoress) of London, York, Dublin; The Lord Provost
(The Lady Provost) of Edinburgh.
Comm.—My Lord (Madam).
Con.—I have the honour to be, my Lord, Your Lordship's
(Madam, Your Ladyship's) most obedient humble servant.
The Mayors of all Corporations, with the Sheriffs, Aldermen, and
Recorder of London, are styled Right Worshipful; and the
Aldermen and Recorder of other Corporations, as well as Justices of
the Peace, Worshipful.
Contents / Index
245. Ambassadors
Ambassadors have Excellency prefixed to the other titles, and
their accredited rank added.
Sup.—To His Excellency Count Karolyi, Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary from H.I.M. (His Imperial Majesty) The Emperor of
Sup.—To His Excellency The Right Honourable Earl of Dufferin,
K.P., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., Her Britannic Majesty's Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Sublime Ottoman Porte.
Comm.—My Lord.
Con.—I have the honour to be, My Lord, Your Excellency's Most
humble obedient servant.
The wives of Ambassadors have also Excellency added to their other
Envoys and Chargés d'Affaires are generally styled Excellency, but by
courtesy only.
Consuls have only their accredited rank added to their names or
titles, if they have any.
Contents / Index
246. Addresses of Petitions
Queen in Council.—All applications to the Queen in Council,
the Houses of Lords and Commons, &c., are by Petition, as
follows, varying only the title:
To the Queen's most Excellent Majesty in Council, The humble
Petition of M.N., &c., showeth That your Petitioner.... Wherefore
Your Petitioner humbly prays that Your Majesty will be graciously
pleased to.... And Your Petitioner, as in duty bound, will ever
Lords and Commons.—To the Right Honourable the Lords
Spiritual and Temporal (To the Honourable the Commons) of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament assembled.
The humble Petitioner &c. And your Petitioner [or Petitioners] will
ever pray, &c.
Contents / Index
247. To those who Write for the Press
It would be a great service to editors and printers if all who write
for the press would observe the following rules. They are reasonable,
and correspondents will regard them as such:
write with black ink, on white paper, wide ruled.
Make the pages or folios small, one-fourth of a foolscap sheet
is large enough.
Leave the second page of each leaf blank; or, in other words,
write on one side of the paper only.
Give to the written page an ample margin all round; or
fold down the left hand side to the extent of one-fourth the width
of the entire paper so as to leave a broad margin on the left side
of the paper.
Number the pages; in the order of their succession.
Write in a plain, bold, legible hand, without regard to beauty
of appearance.
Use no abbreviations which are not to appear in print.
Punctuate the manuscript as it should be printed.
For italics underscore one line; for small capitals, two;
capitals, three.
Never interline without the caret (^) to show its place.
Take special pains with every letter in proper names.
Review every word, to be sure that none is illegible.
Put directions to the printer at the head of the first page.
Never write a private letter to the editor on the printer's
copy, but always on a separate sheet.
Contents / Index
248. Hints to those who have Pianofortes
Damp is very injurious to a pianoforte; it ought therefore to be
placed in a dry place, and not exposed to draughts.
Keep your piano free from dust, and do not allow needles, pins, or
bread to be placed upon it, especially if the key-board is exposed, as
such articles are apt to get inside and produce a jarring or whizzing
Do not load the top of a piano with books, music, &c., as the
tone is thereby deadened, and the disagreeable noise alluded to in the
last paragraph is often produced likewise.
Have your piano tuned about every two months; whether it is used
or not, the strain is always upon it, and if it is not kept up to
concert pitch it will not stand in tune when required, which it will
do if it be attended to regularly.
An upright instrument sounds better if placed about two inches from
the wall.
When not in use keep the piano locked.
To make the polish look nice, rub it with an old silk
handkerchief, being careful first of all to dust off any small
particles, which otherwise are apt to scratch the surface.
Should any of the notes keep down when struck, it is a sure sign
that there is damp somewhere, which has caused the small note upon
which the key works to swell.
Contents / Index
249. Gardening Operations for the Year
250. January.—Flowers of the Month.
Christmas Rose, Crocus, Winter Aconite, Alyssum, Primrose, Snowdrop.
Contents / Index
251. Gardening Operations
In-door preparations for future operations must be made, as in this
month there are only five hours a day available for out-door work,
unless the season be unusually mild. Mat over tulip beds, begin to
force roses. Place pots over seakale and surround them with manure,
litter, dried leaves, &c. Plant dried roots of border flowers in mild
weather. Take strawberries in pots into the greenhouse. Take cuttings
of chrysanthemums and strike them under glass. Prune and plant
gooseberry, currant, fruit, and deciduous trees and shrubs. Cucumbers
and melons to be sown in the hot-bed. Apply manures to the soil.
Contents / Index
252. February.—Flowers of the Month.
Snowdrop, Violet, Alyssum, Primrose.
Contents / Index
253. Gardening Operations
Transplant pinks, carnations, sweet-williams, candy-tuft, campanulas,
&c. Sow sweet and garden peas and lettuces, for succession of crops,
covering the ground with straw, &c. Sow also Savoys, leeks, and
cabbages. Prune and nail fruit trees, and towards the end of the month
plant stocks for next year's grafting; also cuttings of poplar, elder,
willow trees, for ornamental shrubbery. Sow fruit and forest tree
Contents / Index
254. March.—Flowers of the Month
Primrose, Narcissus, Hyacinth, Wallflower, Hepatica, Daisy,
Contents / Index
255. Gardening Operations
Seeds of "spring flowers" to be sown. Border flowers to be planted
out. Tender annuals to be potted out under glasses. Mushroom beds to
be made. Sow artichokes, Windsor beans, and cauliflowers for autumn;
lettuces and peas for succession of crops, onions, parsley, radishes,
Savoys, asparagus, red and white cabbages, and beet; turnips, early
brocoli, parsnips and carrots. Plant slips and parted roots of
perennial herbs. Graft trees and protect early blossoms. Force
rose-tree cuttings under glasses.
Contents / Index
256. April.—Flowers of the Month.
Cowslip, Anemone, Ranunculus, Tulip, Polyanthus, Auricula, Narcissus,
Jonquil, Wallflower, Lilac, Laburnum.
Contents / Index
257. Gardening Operations
Sow for succession peas, beans, and carrots; parsnips, celery, and
seakale. Sow more seeds of "spring flowers." Plant evergreens,
dahlias, chrysanthemums, and the like, also potatoes, slips of thyme,
parted roots, lettuces, cauliflowers, cabbages, onions. Lay down turf,
remove caterpillars. Sow and graft camelias, and propagate and graft
fruit and rose trees by all the various means in use. Sow cucumbers
and vegetable marrows for planting out. This is the most important
month in the year for gardeners.
Contents / Index
258. May.—Flowers of the Month
Hawthorn, Gentianella, Anemone, Ranunculus, Columbine, Honeysuckle,
Laburnum, Wistaria.
Contents / Index
259. Gardening Operations
Plant out your seedling flowers as they are ready, and sow again for
succession larkspur, mignonette, and other spring flowers. Pot out
tender annuals. Remove auriculas to a north-east aspect. Take up
bulbous roots as the leaves decay. Sow kidney beans, broccoli for
spring use, cape for autumn, cauliflowers for December; Indian corn,
cress, onions to plant out as bulbs next year, radishes, aromatic
herbs, turnips, cabbages, savoys, lettuces, &c. Plant celery,
lettuces, and annuals; thin spring crops; stick peas, &c. Earth up
potatoes, &c. Moisten mushroom beds.
Contents / Index
260. June.—Flowers of the Month
Water-lily, Honeysuckle, Sweet-william, Pinks, Syringa, Rhododendron,
Delphinium, Stock.
Contents / Index
261. Gardening Operations
Sow giant stocks to flower next spring. Take slips of myrtles to
strike, pipings of pinks, and make layers of carnation. Put down layers
and take cuttings of roses and evergreens. Plant annuals in borders,
and place auriculas in pots in shady places. Sow kidney beans,
pumpkins, cucumbers for pickling, and (late in the month) endive and
lettuces. Plant out cucumbers, marrows, leeks, celery, broccoli,
cauliflowers, savoys, and seedlings, and plants propagated by slips.
Earth up potatoes, &c. Cut herbs for drying when in flower.
Contents / Index
262. July.—Flowers of the Month
Rose, Carnation, Picotee, Asters, Balsams.
Contents / Index
263. Gardening Operations
Part auricula and polyanthus roots. Take up summer bulbs as they go
out of flower, and plant saffron crocus and autumn bulbs. Gather
seeds. Clip evergreen borders and edges, strike myrtle slips under
glasses. Net fruit trees. Finish budding by the end of the month. Head
down espaliers. Sow early dwarf cabbages to plant out in October for
spring; also endive, onions, kidney beans for late crop, and turnips.
Plant celery, endive, lettuces, cabbages, leeks, strawberries, and
cauliflowers. Tie up lettuces. Earth celery. Take up onions, &c., for
Contents / Index
264. August.—Flowers of the Month
Geranium, Verbena, Calceolaria, Hollyhock.
Contents / Index
265. Gardening Operations
Sow annuals to bloom indoors in winter, and pot all young stocks
raised in the greenhouse. Sow early red cabbages, cauliflowers for
spring and summer use, cos and cabbage lettuce for winter crop. Plant
out winter crops. Dry herbs and mushroom spawn. Plant out strawberry
roots, and net currant trees, to preserve the fruit through the
Contents / Index
266. September.—Flowers of the Month
Clematis, or Traveller's Joy, Jasmine, Passion Flower, Arbutus.
Contents / Index
267. Gardening Operations
Plant crocuses, scaly bulbs, and evergreen shrubs. Propagate by
layers and cuttings of all herbaceous plants, currant, gooseberry, and
other fruit trees. Plant out seedling pinks. Sow onions for spring
plantation, carrots, spinach, and Spanish radishes in warm spots.
Earth up celery. House potatoes and edible bulbs. Gather pickling
cucumbers. Make tulip and mushroom beds.
Contents / Index
268. October.—Flowers of the Month
Asters, Indian Pink, Chrysanthemum, Stock.
Contents / Index
269. Gardening Operations
Sow fruit stones for stocks for future grafting, also larkspurs and
the hardier annuals to stand the winter, and hyacinths and smooth
bulbs in pots and glasses. Plant young trees, cuttings of jasmine,
honeysuckle, and evergreens. Sow mignonette for pots in winter. Plant
cabbages, &c., for spring. Cut down asparagus, separate roots of
daisies, irises, &c. Trench, drain, and manure.
Contents / Index
270. November.—Flowers of the Month
Laurestinus, Michaelmas Daisy, Chrysanthemum.
Contents / Index
271. Gardening Operations
Sow sweet peas and garden peas for early flowers and crops. Take up
dahlia roots. Complete beds for asparagus and artichokes. Plant dried
roots of border flowers, daisies, &c. Take potted mignonette indoors.
Make new plantations of strawberries, though it is better to do this
in October. Sow peas, leeks, beans, and radishes. Plant rhubarb in
rows. Prune hardy trees, and plant stocks of fruit trees. Store
carrots, &c. Shelter from frost where it may be required. Plant shrubs
for forcing. Continue to trench and manure vacant ground.
Contents / Index
272. December.—Flowers of the Month
Cyclamen and Winter Aconite Holly berries are now available for floral
Contents / Index
273. Gardening Operations
Continue in open weather to prepare vacant ground for spring, and to
protect plants from frost. Cover bulbous roots with matting. Dress
flower borders. Prepare forcing ground for cucumbers, and force
asparagus and seakale. Plant gooseberry, currant, apple, and pear
trees. Roll grass-plats if the season be mild and not too wet. Prepare
poles, stakes, pea-sticks, &c., for spring.
Contents / Index
274. Kitchen Garden
This is one of the most important parts of general domestic economy,
whenever the situation of a house and the size of the garden will
permit the members of a family to avail themselves of the advantages
it offers. It is, indeed, much to be regretted that small plots of
ground, in the immediate vicinity of the metropolis more especially,
are too often converted into flower gardens and shrubberies, or used
as mere play-grounds for children, when they might more usefully be
employed in raising vegetables for the family. With a little care and
attention, a kitchen garden, though small, might be rendered not only
useful, but, in fact, as ornamental as a modern grass lawn; and the
same expense incurred to make the ground a laboratory of sweets, might
suffice to render it agreeable to the palate as well as to the
olfactory nerves, and that even without offending the most delicate
optics. It is only in accordance with our plan to give the hint and to
put before the reader such novel points as may facilitate the proposed
It is one objection to the formation of a kitchen garden
in front of the dwelling, or in sight of the drawing-room and parlour,
that its very nature makes it rather an eyesore than otherwise at all
seasons. This, however, may be readily got over by a little attention
to neatness and good order, for the vegetables themselves, if properly
attended to, may be made really ornamental; but then, in cutting the
plants for use, the business must be done neatly—all useless leaves
cleared from the ground, the roots no longer wanted taken up, and the
ravages of insects guarded against by sedulous extirpation. It will
also be found a great improvement, where space will admit of it, to
surround the larger plots of ground, in which the vegetables are
grown, with flower borders stocked with herbaceous plants and others,
such as annuals and bulbs in due order of succession, or with neat
espaliers, with fruit trees, or even gooseberry and currant bushes,
trained along them, instead of being suffered to grow in a state of
ragged wildness, as is too often the case.
Contents / Index
A Waiting Appetite Kindles Many a Spite.
275. Artificial Mushroom Beds
Mushrooms may be grown in pots, boxes, or hampers. Each box may be
about three feet long, one and a half broad, and seven inches in
depth. Let each box be half filled with manure in the form of fresh
horse-dung from the stables, the fresher the better, but if wet, it
should be allowed to dry for three or four days before it is put into
the boxes. When the manure has been placed in the box it should be
well beaten down. After the second or third day, if the manure has
begun to generate heat, break each brick of mushroom spawn (which may
be obtained from any seedsman) into pieces about three inches square,
then lay the pieces about four inches apart upon the surface of the
manure in the box; here they are to lie for six days, when it will
probably be found that the side of the spawn next to the manure has
begun to run in the manure below; then add one and a half inch more of
fresh manure on the top of the spawn in the box, and beat it down as
formerly. In the course of a fortnight, when you find that the spawn
has run through the manure, the box will be ready to receive the mould
on the top; this mould must be two and a half inches deep, well beaten
down, and the surface made quite even.
In the space of five or six
weeks the mushrooms will begin to come up; if the mould then seems
dry, give it a gentle watering with lukewarm water. The box will
continue to produce from six weeks to two months, if duly attended to
by giving a little water when dry, for the mushrooms need neither
light nor free air. If cut as button mushrooms each box
will yield from twenty-four to forty-eight pints, according to the
season and other circumstances. They may be kept in dry dark cellars,
or any other places where the frost will not reach them. By preparing
in succession of boxes, mushrooms may be had all the year
through.—They may be grown without the manure, and be of a finer
flavour. Take a little straw, and lay it carefully in the bottom of
the mushroom box, about an inch thick, or rather more. Then take some
of the spawn bricks and break them down—each brick into about ten
pieces, and lay the fragments on the straw, as close to each other as
they will lie. Cover them up with mould three and a half inches deep,
and well pressed down. When the surface appears dry give a little
tepid water, as directed for the mode of raising them described above,
but this method needs about double the quantity of water that the
former does, owing to having no moisture in the bottom, while the
other has the manure. The mushrooms will begin to start in a month or
five weeks, sometimes sooner, sometimes later, according to the heat
of the place where the boxes are situated.
Contents / Index
Some Hours We Should Find for the Pleasures of the Mind.
276. Dwarf Plants
The following method of producing miniature trees is taken from an
article on this subject in Gardening Illustrated.
"Take an
orange, and having cut a hole in the peel about the size of a
shilling, take out the juice and pulp. Fill the skin thus emptied with
some cocoa-nut fibre, fine moss, and charcoal, just stiffened with a
little loam, and then put an acorn or a date stone, or the seed or
kernel of any tree that it is proposed to obtain in a dwarfed form in
this mixture, just about the centre of the hollow orange peel. Place
the orange peel in a tumbler or vase in a window, and occasionally
moisten the contents with a little water through the hole in the peel,
and sprinkle the surface apparent through the hole with some fine
woodashes. In due time the tree will push up its stem through the
compost and the roots will push through the orange peel. The roots
must then be cut off flush with the peel, and this process must be
repeated at frequent intervals for about two years and a half. The
stem of the tree will attain the height of four or five inches and
then assume a stunted gnarled appearance, giving it the appearance of
an old tree. When the ends of the roots are cut for the last time, the
orange peel, which, curiously enough, does not rot, must be painted
black and varnished."
The writer of the article saw this process
carried out by a Chinaman that he had in his service, and the trees
thrived and presented a healthy appearance for eight years, when the
Chinaman left his employ and took the trees with him. He tried the
plan which has been described but failed, but he was successful with
an acorn and a datestone which were planted each in a thumb-pot in a
mixture of peat and loam. The dwarfing was effected by turning the
plants out of the pots at intervals of six weeks and pinching off the
ends of the roots that showed themselves behind the compost. This
shows that the production of dwarf plants is chiefly due to a constant
and systematic checking of the root growth.
Contents / Index
277. To Clear Rose Trees from Blight
Mix equal quantities of Sulphur and tobacco dust, and strew the
mixture over the trees of a morning when the dew is on them. The
insects will disappear in a few days. The trees should then be
syringed with a decoction of elder leaves.
Contents / Index
278. To prevent Mildew on all sorts of Trees
The best preventive against mildew is to keep the plant subject to it
occasionally syringed with a decoction of elder leaves, which will
prevent the fungus growing on them.
Contents / Index
279. Your Friend the Toad
Toads are among the best friends the gardener has; for they live
almost exclusively on the most destructive kinds of vermin. Unsightly,
therefore, though they may be, they should on all accounts be
encouraged; they should never be touched nor molested in any way; on
the contrary, places of shelter should be made for them, to which they
may retire from the burning heat of the sun. If you have none in your
garden, it will be quite worth your while to search for them in your
walks, and bring them home, taking care to handle them tenderly, for
although they have neither the will nor the power to injure you, a
very little rough treatment will injure them; no cucumber or melon
frame should be without one or two.
Contents / Index
280. Slugs and Snails
Slugs and snails are great enemies to every kind of garden plant, whether flower or
vegetable; they wander in the night to feed, and return at daylight to
their haunts. In order to catch them lay cabbage leaves about the
ground, especially on the beds which they frequent. Every morning
examine these leaves, and you will find a great many taking refuge
beneath, and these may be killed by sprinkling them with a little lime
or salt. These minerals are very annoying to snails and slugs; a pinch
of salt kills them, and they will not touch fresh lime. It is a common
practice to sprinkle lime over young crops, and along the edges of
beds, about rows of peas and beans, lettuces and other vegetables; but
when it has been on the ground some days, or has been moistened by
rain, it loses its strength.
Contents / Index
Let the Ticking Clock Guide the Boiling Crock.
281. Traps for Snails
Snails are particularly fond of bran; if a little is spread on the
ground, and covered over with a few cabbage-leaves or tiles, they will
congregate under them in great numbers, and by examining them every
morning, and destroying them, their numbers will be materially
Contents / Index
282. Grubs
Grubs on orchard trees, and gooseberry and currant bushes, will
sometimes be sufficiently numerous to spoil a crop; but if a bonfire
be made with dry sticks and weeds on the windward side of the orchard,
so that the smoke may blow among the trees, you will destroy
thousands; for the grubs have such an objection to smoke, that very
little of it makes them roll themselves up and fall off: they must be
swept up afterwards and destroyed.
Contents / Index
283. Caterpillars and Aphides
A garden syringe or engine, with a cap on the pipe full of very minute
holes, will wash away these disagreeable visitors very quickly. You
must bring the pipe close to the plant, and pump hard, so as to have
considerable force on, and the plant, however badly infested, will
soon be cleared, without receiving any injury. Afterwards rake the
earth under the trees, and kill the insects that have been dislodged,
or many will recover and climb up the stems of the plants. Aphides may
also be cleared by means of tobacco smoke, but after this has been
applied the plant should be well syringed.
Contents / Index
284. Butterflies and Moths
Butterflies and moths however pretty, are the worst enemies one can have in a garden; a
single insect of this kind may deposit eggs enough to overrun a tree
with caterpillars, therefore they should be destroyed at any cost of
Contents / Index
285. Birds
To prevent destruction of fruit buds by birds.—Just before the buds
are ready to burst, and again when they have begun to expand, give
them a plentiful dusting with chimney soot. The soot is unpalatable to
the birds, and they will attack no bush that is thus sprinkled. It in
no way injures the nascent blossom or leaf, and is washed off in due
course of time by the rain.
Contents / Index
286. Wasps
Wasps destroy a good deal of fruit, but every pair of wasps killed in
spring saves the trouble and annoyance of a swarm in autumn.
Contents / Index
287. Cure for Sting of Wasp or Bee
A little ammonia applied to the puncture will speedily relieve the
pain, and so will the juice of an onion obtained by cutting an onion
in half and rubbing the cut part over the part affected. It is
necessary, however, to be very careful in any attempt upon a wasp, for
its sting, like that of the bee, causes much pain and frequently
induces considerable swelling. In case of being stung, get the
blue-bag from the laundry, and rub it well into the wound as soon as
possible. Later in the season, it is customary to hang vessels of
beer, or water and sugar, in the fruit-trees, to entice them to drown
themselves. A wasp in a window may be killed almost instantaneously by
the application of a little sweet oil on the tip of a feather.
Contents / Index
288. To protect Dahlias from Earwigs
Dip a piece of wool or cotton in oil, and slightly tie it round the
stalk, about a foot from the earth. The stakes which you will put into
the ground to support your plants must also be surrounded by the oiled
cotton or wool, or the insects will climb up them to the blossoms and
tender tops of the stems. Insects may be prevented from climbing up
stakes, trees, &c., by encircling them with a broad ring of tar, which
may be renewed as often as may be necessary. Small pots inverted and
placed on the top of stakes form a useful trap for slugs, snails,
earwigs, &c., which crawl into them for shelter in the early morning,
and may thus be caught and destroyed. When it is sought to take
earwigs by this means, the bottom of each pot should be filled with a
wisp of hay or dried grass, or a little cotton wool.
Contents / Index
289. To free Plants from Leaf-Lice
The following is recommended as a cheap and easy mode of getting
rid of this pest:—Mix one ounce of flowers of sulphur with one bushel
of sawdust; scatter this over the plants infected with these insects:
they will soon be freed, though a second application may possibly be
Contents / Index
290. A Moral
I had a little spot of ground,
Where blade nor blossom grew,
Though the bright sunshine all around
Life-giving radiance threw.
I mourned to see a spot so bare
Of leaves of healthful green,
And thought of bowers, and blossoms fair,
I frequently had seen.
Some seeds of various kinds lay by—
I knew not what they were—
But, rudely turning o'er the soil,
I strewed them thickly there;
And day by day I watched them spring
From out the fertile earth,
And hoped for many a lovely thing
Of beauty and of worth.
But as I marked their leaves unfold
As weeds before my view,
And saw how stubbornly and bold
The thorns and nettles grew—
I sighed to think that I had done,
Unwittingly, a thing
That, where a beauteous bower should thrive,
But worthless weeds did spring.
And thus I mused; the things we do,
With little heed or ken,
May prove of worthless growth, and strew
With thorns the paths of men;
For little deeds, like little seeds,
May flowers prove, or noxious weeds!
Contents / Index
291. Taking a House
Before taking a house, be careful to calculate that the rent is not
too high in proportion to your means; for remember that the rent is a
claim that must be paid with but little delay, and that the landlord
has greater power over your property than any other creditor. It is
difficult to assign any fixed proportion between income and rental to
suit all cases, but a reasonable basis for the settlement of this
point may be found in the assertion that while not less than one-tenth
of a man's entire income need be set apart for rent, not more than a
sixth, or at the very utmost a fifth should be devoted to this
purpose, and this amount ought to include parochial rates and taxes.
Contents / Index
292. Having determined the Amount of Rent
Having determined the amount of rent
which you can afford to pay, be careful to select the best and most
convenient house which can be obtained for that sum. And in making
that selection let the following matters be carefully considered:
Contents / Index
293. First—Carefully regard the Healthfulness of the Situation
Find out the nature of the sub-soil on which the house stands—for
example, a gravel or chalk subsoil is better than a subsoil of clay,
because the former admits of a speedy escape of the surplus water in
time of heavy and continuous rain, while the latter does not. Avoid
the neighbourhood of graveyards, and of factories giving forth
unhealthy vapours. Avoid low and damp districts, the course of canals,
and localities of reservoirs of water, gas works, &c. Make inquiries
as to the drainage of the neighbourhood, and inspect the drainage and
water supply of the premises. A house standing on an incline is likely
to be better drained than one standing upon the summit of a hill, or
on a level below a hill. Endeavour to obtain a position where the
direct sunlight falls upon the house, for this is absolutely essential
to health; and give preference to a house the openings of which are
sheltered from the north and east winds.
Contents / Index
294. Second—Consider the Distance of the House
Consider the distance of the house
from your place of occupation: and also its relation to provision
markets, and shops in the neighbourhood.
Contents / Index
295. Examine the House in Detail
Having considered these material and leading features, examine the
house in detail, carefully looking into its state of repair; notice
the windows that are broken; whether the chimneys smoke; whether they
have been recently swept; whether the paper on the walls is damaged,
especially in the lower parts, and the corners, by the skirtings;
whether the locks, bolts, handles of doors, and window fastenings are
in proper condition; make a list of the fixtures; ascertain whether
all rates and taxes have been paid by the previous tenant, and whether
the person from whom you take the house is the original landlord, or
his agent or tenant. And do not commit yourself by the signing of any
agreement until you are satisfied upon all these points, and see
that all has been done which the landlord may have undertaken to do,
before you take possession of the house.
Contents / Index
A Blunt Knife Shows a Dull Wife.
296. If you are about to Furnish a House
If you are about to furnish a house,
buy merely enough to get along with at first, and add other things by
degrees. It is only by experience that you can tell what will be the
wants of your family. If you spend all your money, you will find you
have purchased many things you do not actually want, and have no means
left to get many things which you do want. If you have enough, and
more than enough, to get everything suitable to your situation, do not
think you must spend all, you may be able to lay out in furniture,
merely because you happen to have it. Begin humbly. As riches
increase, it is easy and pleasant to increase in comforts; but it is
always painful and inconvenient to decrease. Neatness, tastefulness,
and good sense may be shown in the management of a small household,
and the arrangement of a little furniture, as well as upon a larger
scale. The consideration which many purchase by living beyond their
income, and, of course, living upon others, is not worth the trouble
it costs. It does not, in fact, procure a man valuable friends, or
extensive influence.
Contents / Index
297. Carpets
In buying carpets, as in everything else, those of the best quality
are cheapest in the end. As it is extremely desirable that they should
look as clean as possible, avoid buying carpeting that has any white
in it. Even a very small portion of white interspersed through the
pattern will in a short time give a dirty appearance to the whole.
Contents / Index
298. A Carpet in which all the Colours are Light
A carpet in which all the colours are light
never has a clean, bright effect, from the want of dark tints to
contrast and set off the light ones.
Contents / Index
299. For a Similar Reason
carpets whose colours are all of what artists call middle tint
(neither dark nor light), cannot fail to look dull and dingy, even
when quite new.
Contents / Index
300. For a Carpet to be really Beautiful
and in good taste, there should be, as in a picture, a judicious
disposal of light and shadow, with a gradation of very bright and of
very dark tints; some almost white, and others almost or quite black.
Contents / Index
301. The Best Carpets
The most truly chaste, rich, and elegant carpets are those which are
of one colour only, the pattern, if pattern it may be called, being
formed by a judicious arrangement of every variety of shade of this
colour. For instance, a Brussels carpet entirely red; the pattern
formed by shades or tints varying from the deepest crimson (almost a
black), to the palest pink (almost a white). Also one of green only,
shaded from the darkest bottle-green, in some parts of the pattern, to
the lightest pea-green in others. Or one in which there is no colour
but brown, in all its various gradations, some of the shades being
nearly black, others of a light buff.
Contents / Index
302. The Curtains, Sofas, &c.
The curtains, sofas, &c.,
must be of corresponding colours, that the effect of the whole may be
satisfactory to the eye.
Contents / Index
303. Colours of Carpets.
Carpets of many gaudy colours are much less in demand than formerly.
Two or three colours only, with the dark and light shades of each,
make a very handsome carpet.
Contents / Index
304. Hearth-Rug
If you cannot obtain a Hearth-rug that exactly corresponds with the
carpet, get one entirely different; for a decided contrast looks
better than a bad match. The hearth-rug, however, should reflect the
colour or colours of the carpet if possible.
Contents / Index
305. Sheepskin Rugs
Large rugs of sheepskin, in white, crimson, or black, form comfortable
and effective hearth-rugs for a drawing-room or dining-room. In the
winter these may be removed and an ordinary woollen rug laid down as
long as fires are kept up.
Contents / Index
A Bad Broom Leaves a Dirty Room.
306. Wallpaper
In choosing paper for a room, avoid that which has a variety of
colours, or a large showy figure, as no furniture can appear to
advantage with such. Large figured papering makes a small room look
smaller, but, on the contrary, a paper covered with a small pattern
makes a room look larger, and a striped paper, the stripes running
from ceiling to floor, makes a low room look higher.
Contents / Index
307. Kitchen Floors
The best covering for a kitchen floor is a thick unfigured oil-cloth,
of one colour. Linoleum or kamptulicon is warmer to the feet than the
ordinary painted oilcloth.
Contents / Index
308. Family Tool Chests
Much inconvenience and considerable expense might be saved if it were
the general custom to keep in every house certain tools for the
purpose of performing at home what are called small jobs, instead of
being always obliged to send for a mechanic and pay him for executing
little things that, in most cases, could be sufficiently well done by
a man or boy belonging to the family, if the proper instruments were
at hand.
Contents / Index
309. The Cost
The cost
of these articles is very trifling, and the advantages of having them
always in the house are far beyond the expense.
Contents / Index
310. Example Contents
For instance, there should be an axe, a hatchet, a saw (a large wood
saw also, with a buck or stand, if wood is burned), a hammer, a
tack-hammer, a mallet, three or four gimlets and bradawls of different
sizes, two screw-drivers, a chisel, a small plane, one or two
jack-knives, a pair of large scissors or shears, and a carpet fork or
Contents / Index
311. Nails
Also an assortment of nails of various sizes, from large spikes down
to small tacks, not forgetting some large and small brass-headed nails.
Contents / Index
312. Screws
An assortment of screws, likewise, will be found very convenient, and
iron hooks of different sizes on which to hang things.
Contents / Index
313. Container
The nails and screws should be kept in a wooden box, made with
divisions to separate the various sorts and sizes, for it is very
troublesome to have them mixed.
Contents / Index
314. Maintain Supply
And let care be taken to keep up the supply, lest it should run out
unexpectedly, and the deficiency cause delay and inconvenience at a
time when some are wanted.
Contents / Index
315. Tool Closet
It is well to have somewhere, in the lower part of the house, a roomy
light closet, appropriated entirely to tools, and things of equal
utility, for executing promptly such little repairs as may be required
from time to time, without the delay or expense of procuring an
artisan. This closet should have at least one large shelf, and that
about three feet from the floor.
Contents / Index
316. Drawer
Beneath this shelf may be a deep drawer, divided into two
compartments. This drawer may contain cakes of glue, pieces of chalk,
and balls of twine of different size and quality.
Contents / Index
317. Shelves
There may be shelves at the sides of the closet for glue-pots,
paste-pots and brushes, pots for black, white, green, and red paint,
cans of oil and varnish, paint-brushes, &c.
Contents / Index
318. Hanging Tools
Against the wall, above the large shelf, let the tools be suspended,
or laid across nails or hooks of proper size to support them.
Contents / Index
319. More Effective.
This is much better than keeping them in a box, where they may be
injured by rubbing against each other, and the hand may be hurt in
feeling among them to find the thing that is wanted.
Contents / Index
320. Visible
But when hung up against the back wall of the closet, of course each
tool can be seen at a glance.
Contents / Index
321. Organization
There is an excellent and simple contrivance for designating the exact
places allotted to all these articles in a very complete tool closet.
Contents / Index
322. Outlined Tools
On the closet wall, directly under the large nails that support the
tools, is drawn with a small brush dipped in black paint or ink, a
representation in outline of the tool or instrument belonging to that
particular place.
Contents / Index
A Husband's Wrath Spoils the Best Broth.
323. Examples of Outlining
For instance, under each saw is sketched the outline of that saw,
under each gimlet a sketch of that gimlet, under the screw-drivers are
slight drawings of screw-drivers.
Contents / Index
324. Place Shown
So that when any tool that has been taken away for use is brought back
to the closet, the exact spot to which it belongs can be found in a
moment; and the confusion which is occasioned in putting tools away in
a box and looking for them again when they are wanted, is thus
Contents / Index
325. Wrapping Paper
Wrapping paper may be piled on the floor under the large shelf. It
can be bought at a low price by the ream, at the large paper
warehouses; and every house should keep a supply of it in several
varieties. For instance, coarse brown paper for common purposes, which
is strong, thick, and in large sheets, is useful for packing heavy
articles; and equally so for keeping silks, ribbons, blondes, &c., as
it preserves their colours.
Contents / Index
326. Printed Papers
Printed papers are unfit for wrapping anything, as the printing ink
rubs off on the articles enclosed in them, and also soils the gloves
of the person that carries the parcel.
Contents / Index
327. Waste Newspapers
Waste newspapers had best be used for lighting fires and singeing
poultry. If you have accumulated more than you can use, your butcher
or grocer will generally buy them of you if they are clean.
Contents / Index
328. Waste Paper
Waste paper that has been written on, cut into slips, and creased and
folded, makes very good allumettes or lamp-lighters. These matters may
appear of trifling importance, but order and regularity are necessary
to happiness.
Contents / Index
329. Beds for the Poor.
Beech-tree leaves are recommended for filling the beds of poor
persons. They should be gathered on a dry day in the autumn, and
perfectly dried. It is said that the smell of them is pleasant and
that they will not harbour vermin. They are also very springy.
Contents / Index
330. To Preserve Tables
A piece of oilcloth (about twenty inches long) is a useful appendage
to a common sitting-room. Kept in the closet, it can be available at
any time, in order to place upon it jars, lamps, &c., whose contents
are likely to soil your table during the process of emptying or
filling them. A wing and duster are harmonious accompaniments to the
Contents / Index
331. Protecting Gilt Frames
Gilt frames may be protected from flies and dust by pinning tarlatan
over them. Tarlatan fit for the purpose may be purchased at the
draper's. It is an excellent material for keeping dust from books,
vases, wool work, and every description of household ornament.
Contents / Index
332. Damp Walls
The following method is recommended to prevent the effect of damp
walls on paper in rooms:—Line the damp part of the wall with sheet
lead, rolled very thin, and fastened up with small copper nails. It
may be immediately covered with paper. The lead is not to be thicker
than that which is used to line tea-chests.
Contents / Index
333. Another Method
Another mode of preventing the ill effects of damp in walls on
wall-paper, is to cover the damp part with a varnish formed of naphtha
and shellac, in the proportion of 1/4 lb. of the latter to a quart of the
former. The smell of the mixture is unpleasant, but it wears off in a
short time, and the wall is covered with a hard coating utterly
impervious to damp, and to which the wall paper can be attached in the
usual way.
Contents / Index
334. No Wet Scouring In Winter
Bedrooms should not be scoured in the winter time, as colds and
sickness may be produced thereby. Dry scouring upon the French plan,
which consists of scrubbing the floors with dry brushes, may be
resorted to, and will be found more effective than can at first be
imagined. If a bedroom is wet scoured, a dry day should be chosen—the
windows should be opened, the linen removed, and a fire should be lit
when the operation is finished.
Contents / Index
A Wife's Art is Displayed in a Table Well Laid.
335. To Get Rid of a Bad Smell in a Room Newly Painted.
Place a vessel full of lighted charcoal in the middle of the room, and
throw on it two or three handfuls of juniper berries, shut the
windows, the chimney, and the door close; twenty-four hours
afterwards, the room may be opened, when it will be found that the
sickly, unwholesome smell will be entirely gone. The smoke of the
juniper berry possesses this advantage, that should anything be left
in the room, such as; tapestry, &c., none of it will be spoiled.
Contents / Index
336. Smell of Paint
To get rid of the smell of oil paint, let a pailful of water stand in
the room newly painted.
Contents / Index
337. Airing a Larder
If a larder, by its position, will not admit of opposite windows, a
current of air should be admitted by means of a flue from the outside.
Contents / Index
338. Keeping a Door Open
To keep a door open, place a brick covered neatly with a piece of
carpeting against it, when opened sufficiently.
Contents / Index
339. To Ascertain whether a Bed be Aired
Introduce a drinking glass between the sheets for a minute or two,
just when the warming-pan is taken out; if the bed be dry, there will
only be a slight cloudy appearance on the glass, but if not, the damp
of the bed will collect in and on the glass and assume the form of
drops—a warning of danger.
Contents / Index
340. To prevent the Smoking of a Lamp
Soak the wick in strong vinegar, and dry it well before you use it;
the flame will then burn clear and bright.
Contents / Index
341. Encrusted Tea-Kettles
Water of every kind, except rain water, will speedily cover the inside
of a tea-kettle with an unpleasant crust; this may easily be guarded
against by placing a clean oyster-shell or a piece of stone or marble
in the tea-kettle. The shell or stone will always keep the interior of
the kettle in good order, by attracting the particles of earth or of
Contents / Index
342. To Soften Hard Water
To soften hard water.
or purify river water, simply boil it, and then leave it exposed to
the atmosphere.
Contents / Index
343. Cabbage Water
Cabbage water
should be thrown away immediately it is done with, and the vessel
rinsed with clean water, or it will cause unpleasant smells.
Contents / Index
344. Disinfectants
A little charcoal mixed with clear water thrown into a sink will
disinfect and deodorize it. Chloride of lime and carbolic acid
considerably diluted, if applied in a liquid form, are good
disinfectants, and carbolic powder—a pink powder with a smell
resembling tar, and sold at about 2d. per lb.—is both useful and
effective. The air of a bedroom may be pleasantly sweetened by
throwing some ground coffee on a fire shovel previously heated.
Contents / Index
345. Chimney Smoking
Where a chimney smokes only when a fire is first lighted, it may be
guarded against by allowing the fire to kindle gradually, or by
heating the chimney by burning straw or paper in the grate previous to
laying in the fire.
Contents / Index
346. Ground Glass
The frosted appearance of ground glass may be very nearly imitated by
gently dabbing the glass over with a paint brush dipped in white paint
or any other oil colour. The paint should be thin, and but very little
colour taken up at one time on the end of the bristles. When applied
with a light and even touch the resemblance is considerable.
Contents / Index
347. Oiling Clocks
Family clocks ought only to be oiled with the very purest oil,
purified by a quart of lime water to a gallon of oil, in which it has
been well shaken, and suffered to stand for three or four days, when
it may be drawn off.
Contents / Index
348. Neat Mode of Soldering
Cut out a piece of tinfoil the size of the surfaces to be soldered.
Then dip a feather in a solution of sal ammoniac, and wet over the
surfaces of the metal, then place them in their proper position with
the tinfoil between. Put the metals thus arranged on a piece of iron
hot enough to melt the foil. When cold the surfaces will be found
firmly soldered together.
Contents / Index
Who Never Tries Cannot Win the Prize.
349. Maps and Charts
Maps, charts, or engravings may be effectually varnished by brushing a
very delicate coating of gutta-percha solution over their surface. It
is perfectly transparent, and is said to improve the appearance of
pictures. By coating both sides of important documents they can be
kept waterproof and preserved perfectly.
Contents / Index
350. Temperature of Furniture
Furniture made in the winter, and brought from a cold warehouse into a
warm apartment, is very liable to crack.
Contents / Index
351. Paper Fire-Screens
Paper fire-screens
should be sized and coated with transparent varnish, otherwise they
will soon become soiled and discoloured.
Contents / Index
352. Pastilles for Burning
Cascarilla bark, eight drachms; gum benzoin, four drachms; yellow
sanders, two drachms; styrax, two drachms; olibanum, two drachms;
charcoal, six ounces; nitre, one drachm and a half; mucilage of
tragacanth, sufficient quantity. Reduce the substances to a powder,
and form into a paste with the mucilage, and divide into small cones;
then put them into an oven, used quite dry.
Contents / Index
353. Breaking Glass
Easy method of breaking glass to any required Figure.—Make a small
notch by means of a file on the edge of a piece of glass, then make
the end of a tobacco-pipe, or of a rod of iron of the same size, red
hot in the fire, apply the hot iron to the notch, and draw it slowly
along the surface of the glass in any direction you please: a crack
will follow the direction of the iron.
Contents / Index
354. Bottling and Fining
Corks should be sound, clean, and sweet. Beer and porter should be
allowed to stand in the bottles a day or two before being corked. If
for speedy use, wiring is not necessary. Laying the bottles on their
sides will assist the ripening for use. Those that are to be kept
should be wired, and put to stand upright in sawdust. Wines should be
bottled in spring. If not fine enough, draw off a jugful and dissolve
isinglass in it, in the proportion of half an ounce to ten gallons,
and then pour back through the bung-hole. Let it stand a few weeks.
Tap the cask above the lees. When the isinglass is put into the cask,
stir it round with a stick, taking great care not to touch the lees at
the bottom. For white wine only, mix with the isinglass a quarter of a
pint of milk to each gallon of wine, some whites of eggs, beaten with
some of the wine. One white of an egg to four gallons makes a good
Contents / Index
355. To Sweeten Casks
Mix half a pint of vitriol with a quart of water, pour it into the
barrel, and roll it about; next day add one pound of chalk, and roll
again. Bung down for three or four days, then rinse well with hot
Contents / Index
356. Wrinkly Paintings
Oil paintings hung over the mantel-piece are liable to wrinkle with
the heat.
Contents / Index
357. To Loosen Glass Stoppers of Bottles
With a feather rub a drop or two of salad oil round the stopper, close
to the mouth of the bottle or decanter, which must then be placed
before the fire, at the distance of about eighteen inches; the heat
will cause the oil to insinuate itself between the stopper and the
neck. When the bottle has grown warm, gently strike the stopper on
one side, and then on the other, with any light wooden instrument;
then try it with the hand: if it will not yet move, place it again
before the fire, adding another drop of oil. After a while strike
again as before; and, by persevering in this process, however tightly
it may be fastened in, you will at length succeed in loosening it.
Contents / Index
358. The Best Oil for Lamps
The best oil for lamps,
whether animal, vegetable, or mineral, is that which is clear and
nearly colourless, like water.
Contents / Index
359. China or Wedgwood Teapots
China teapots are the safest, and, in many respects, the most
pleasant. Wedgwood ware is very apt, after a time, to acquire a
disagreeable taste.
Contents / Index
The Best Physicians are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merryman.
360. Care of Linen
When linen is well dried and laid by for use, nothing more is
necessary than to secure it from damp and insects. It may he kept free
from the latter by a judicious mixture of aromatic shrubs and flowers,
cut up and sewed in silken bags, which must be interspersed among the
drawers and shelves. The ingredients used may consist of lavender,
thyme, roses, cedar shavings, powdered sassafras, cassia, &c., into
which a few drops of otto of roses, or other strong-scented perfume
may be thrown.
Contents / Index
361. Repairing Linen
In all cases it will he found more consistent with economy to examine
and repair all washable articles, more especially linen, that may
stand in need of it, previous to sending them to the laundry. It will
also be prudent to have every article carefully numbered, and so
arranged, after washing, as to have their regular turn and term in
domestic use.
Contents / Index
362. Mending
When you make a new article always save the pieces until "mending
day," which may come sooner than expected. It will be well even to buy
a little extra quantity for repairs. Read over repeatedly the
"Domestic Hints" (pars. 1783-1807). These numerous paragraphs
contain most valuable suggestions, that will be constantly useful if
well remembered. They should be read frequently that their full value
may be secured. Let your servants also read them, for nothing more
conduces to good housekeeping than for the servant to understand the
"system" which her mistress approves of.
Contents / Index
363. Cleansing of Furniture
The cleaning of furniture forms an important part of domestic economy,
not only in regard to neatness, but also in point of expense.
Contents / Index
364. Method of Cleansing
The readiest mode indeed consists in good manual rubbing, or the
application of a little elbow-grease, as it is whimsically termed; but
our finest cabinet work requires something more, where brilliancy of
polish is of importance.
Contents / Index
365. Italian Varnish
The Italian cabinet-work in this respect excels that of any other
country. The workmen first saturate the surface with olive oil, and
then apply a solution of gum arabic dissolved in boiling alcohol.
This mode of varnishing is equally brilliant, if not superior, to that
employed by the French in their most elaborate works.
Contents / Index
366. Another Method
But another mode may be substituted, which has less the appearance of
a hard varnish, and may always be applied so as to restore the
pristine beauty of the furniture by a little manual labour. Heat a
gallon of water, in which dissolve one pound and a half of potash; and
a pound of virgin wax, boiling the whole for half an hour, then suffer
it to cool, when the wax will float on the surface. Put the wax into a
mortar, and triturate it with a marble pestle, adding soft water to it
until it forms a soft paste, which, laid neatly on furniture, or even
on paintings, and carefully rubbed when dry with a woollen rag, gives
a polish of great brilliancy, without the harshness of the drier
Contents / Index
367. Marble Chimney-Pieces
Marble chimney-pieces may also be rubbed with it, after cleaning the
marble with diluted muriatic acid, or warm soap and vinegar; but the
iron or brass work connected with them requires other processes.
Contents / Index
368. Polished Iron Work
Polished iron work
may be preserved from rust by an inexpensive mixture, consisting of
copal varnish intimately mixed with as much olive oil as will give it
a degree of greasiness, adding thereto nearly as much spirit of
turpentine as of varnish.
Contents / Index
369. Cast Iron Work
Cast iron work
is best preserved by the common method of rubbing with black-lead.
Contents / Index
370. Rust
If rust has made its appearance on grates or fire-irons, apply a
mixture of two parts of tripoli to one of sulphur, intimately mingled
on a marble slab, and laid on with a piece of soft leather. Or emery
and oil may be applied with excellent effect; not laid on in the usual
slovenly way, but with a spongy piece of fig wood fully saturated with
the mixture. This will not only clean but impart a polish to the metal
as well.
Contents / Index
371. Brass
Brass ornaments, when not gilt or lacquered, may be cleaned in the
same way, and a fine colour given to them, by two simple processes.
Contents / Index
372. First Brass Process
The first is to beat sal ammoniac into a fine powder, then to moisten
it with soft water, rubbing it on the ornaments, which must be heated
over charcoal, and rubbed dry with bran and whiting.
Contents / Index
373. Second Brass Process
The second is to wash the brasswork with roche alum boiled in strong
ley, in proportion of an ounce to a pint; when dry, rub it with fine
tripoli. Either of these processes will give to brass the brilliancy
of gold.
Contents / Index
374. Carpets
If the corner of a carpet becomes loose and prevents the door opening,
or trips every one up that enters the room, nail it down at once. A
dog's-eared carpet marks the sloven as well as the dog's-eared book.
An English gentleman, travelling some years ago in Ireland, took a
hammer and tacks with him, because he found dog's-eared carpets at all
the inns where he rested. At one of these inns he tacked down the
carpet, which, as usual, was loose near the door, and soon afterwards
rang for his dinner. While the carpet was loose the door could not be
opened without a hard push; so when the waiter came up, he just
unlatched the door, and then going back a couple of yards, he rushed
against it, as his habit was, with a sudden spring, to force it open.
But the wrinkles of the carpet were no longer there to stop it, and
not meeting with the expected resistance, the unfortunate waiter fell
full length into the room. It had never entered his head that so much
trouble might be saved by means of a hammer and half a dozen tacks,
until his fall taught him that makeshift is a very unprofitable kind
of shift. There are a good many houses in England where a similar
practical lesson might be of service.
Contents / Index
375. Cleaning Carpets
Take a pail of cold water, and add to it three gills of ox-gall. Rub
it into the carpet with a soft brush. It will raise a lather, which
must be washed off with clear cold water. Rub dry with a clean cloth.
Before nailing down a carpet after the floor has been washed, be
certain that the floor is quite dry, or the nails will rust and injure
the carpet. Fuller's earth is used for cleaning carpets, and weak
solutions of alum or soda are used for reviving the colours. The crumb
of a hot wheaten loaf rubbed over a carpet has been found effective.
Contents / Index
376. Carpet-Beating
Beat a carpet on the wrong side first; and then more gently on the
right side. Beware of using sticks with sharp points, which may tear
the carpet.
Contents / Index
377. Sweeping Carpets
Persons who are accustomed to use tea-leaves for sweeping their
carpets, and find that they leave stains, will do well to employ fresh
cut grass instead. It is better than tea-leaves for preventing dust,
and gives the carpets a very bright, fresh look.
Contents / Index
378. Making a Carpet Last Longer
A half-worn carpet may be made to last longer by ripping it apart, and
transposing the breadths.
Contents / Index
379. Sweeping a Stair-Carpet
A stair carpet should never be swept down with a long broom, but
always with a short-handled brush, a dust-pan being held closely under
each step of the stairs during the operation of sweeping.
Contents / Index
380. Cleaning Oilcloth
Oilcloth should never be scrubbed with a brush, but, after being first
swept, it should be cleansed by washing with a large soft cloth and
lukewarm or cold water. On no account use soap or hot water, as either
will injure the paint, and in time remove it.
Contents / Index
381. Cleaning Straw Matting
Straw matting may be cleaned with a large coarse cloth dipped in salt
and water, and then wiped dry. The salt prevents the matting from
turning yellow.
Contents / Index
Eat Not to Dulness — Drink Not To Elevation.
382. Method of Cleaning Paper-Hangings
Cut into eight half quarters a quartern loaf, two days old; it must be
neither newer nor staler. With one of these pieces, after having blown
off all the dust from the paper to be cleaned, by the means of a good
pair of bellows, begin at the top of the room, and, holding the crust
in the hand, wipe lightly downward with the crumb, about half a yard
at each stroke, till the upper part of the hangings is completely
cleaned all round. Then go round again, with the like sweeping stroke
downwards, always commencing each successive course a little higher
than the upper stroke had extended, till the bottom be finished. This
operation, if carefully performed, will frequently make very old paper
look almost equal to new. Great care must be taken not to rub the
paper hard, nor to attempt cleaning it the cross or horizontal way.
The surface of the bread, too, must be always cut away as soon as it
becomes dirty, and the pieces renewed as often as may be necessary.
Contents / Index
383. Cleaning Rosewood Furniture
Rosewood furniture should be rubbed gently every day with a clean soft
cloth to keep it in order.
Contents / Index
384. Cleaning Ottomans and Sofas
Ottomans and sofas, covered with cloth, damask, or chintz, will look
better for being cleaned occasionally with bran and flannel.
Contents / Index
385. Polishing Dining-Tables
Dining tables may be polished by rubbing them for some time with a
soft cloth and a little linseed oil.
Contents / Index
386. Mahogany
Mahogany frames of sofas, chairs, &c., should be first well dusted,
and then cleaned with a flannel dipped in sweet oil or linseed oil.
Contents / Index
387. To Clean Cane-bottom Chairs
Turn the chair bottom upwards, and with hot water and a sponge wash
the canework well, so that it may become completely soaked. Should it
be very dirty you must add soap. Let it dry in the open air, or in a
place where there is a thorough draught, and it will become as tight
and firm as when new, provided none of the strips are broken.
Contents / Index
388. Alabaster
Stains may be removed by washing with soap and water, then
whitewashing the stained part, letting it stand some hours, then
washing off the whitewash, and rubbing the stained part with a flannel
moistened with lukewarm soap and water.
Contents / Index
389. To Clean Marble
Take two parts of common soda, one part of pumice stone, and one part
of finely powdered chalk; sift it through a fine sieve, and mix it
with water. Rub the marble well all over with the mixture, and the
stains will be removed; then wash the marble with soap and water, and
it will be as clean as it was at first.
Contents / Index
390. Glass
Glass should be washed in cold water, which gives it a brighter and
clearer look than when cleansed with warm water; or, what is better,
wash in warm water and rinse in cold water.
Contents / Index
391. Using Charcoal (1)
Glass vessels, and other utensils, may be purified and cleaned by
rinsing them out with powdered charcoal.
Contents / Index
392. Bottles
There is no easier method of cleaning glass bottles than putting into
them fine coal-ashes, and well shaking, either with water or not, hot
or cold, according to the substance that fouls the bottle. Charcoal
left in a bottle or jar for a little time will take away disagreeable
Contents / Index
393. Cleaning Japanned Waiters, Urns, &c.
Rub on with a sponge a little white soap and some lukewarm water, and
wash the waiter or urn quite clean. Never use hot water, as it will
cause the japan to scale off. Having wiped it dry, sprinkle a little
flour over it; let it remain untouched for a short time, and then rub
it with a soft dry cloth, and finish with a silk handkerchief. White
heat marks on the waiters are difficult to remove; but rubbing them
with a flannel dipped in sweet oil, and afterwards in spirits of wine,
may be tried. Waiters of papier maché should be washed with a
sponge and cold water only, and dredged with flour while damp. After
the lapse of a few minutes the flour must be wiped off, and the
article polished with a silk handkerchief.
Contents / Index
Disease is Soon Shaken by Physic Soon Taken.
394. Papier Maché
Papier Maché articles of all kinds should be washed with a sponge and
cold water, without soap, dredged with flour while damp, and polished
with a flannel or a silk handkerchief.
Contents / Index
395. Brunswick Black for Varnishing Grates
Melt four pounds of common asphaltum, and add two pints of linseed
oil, and one gallon of oil of turpentine. This is usually put up in
stoneware bottles for sale, and is used with a paint brush. If too
thick, more turpentine may be added.
Contents / Index
396. Blacking for Stoves
may be made with half a pound of black-lead finely powdered, and (to
make it stick) mix with it the whites of three eggs well beaten; then
dilute it with sour beer or porter till it becomes as thin as
shoe-blacking; after stirring it, set it over hot coals to simmer for
twenty minutes; when cold it may be kept for use.
Contents / Index
397. To Clean Knives and Forks
Wash the blades in warm (but not hot) water, and afterwards rub them
lightly over with powdered rotten-stone mixed to a paste with a little
cold water; then polish them with a clean cloth.
Contents / Index
398. For Cleaning Painted Wainscot or Other Woodwork
For cleaning painted wainscot or other woodwork,
fuller's earth will be found cheap and useful: on wood not painted it
forms an excellent substitute for soap.
Contents / Index
399. To Scour Boards
Lime, one part; sand, three parts; soft soap, two parts. Lay a little
on the boards with the scrubbing brush, and rub thoroughly. Rinse with
clean water, and rub dry. This will keep the boards of a good colour,
and keep away vermin.
Contents / Index
400. Charcoal (2)
All sorts of glass vessels and other utensils may be purified from
long-retained smells of every kind, in the easiest and most perfect
manner, by rinsing them out well with charcoal powder, after the
grosser impurities have been scoured off with sand and potash. Rubbing
the teeth and washing out the mouth with fine charcoal powder, will
render the teeth beautifully white, and the breath perfectly sweet,
where an offensive breath has been owing to a scorbutic disposition of
the gums. Putrid water is immediately deprived of its bad smell by
charcoal. When meat, fish, &c., from intense heat, or long keeping,
are likely to pass into a state of corruption, a simple and pure mode
of keeping them sound and healthful is by putting a few pieces of
charcoal, each about the size of an egg, into the pot or saucepan
wherein the fish or flesh is to be boiled. Among others, an experiment
of this kind was tried upon a turbot, which appeared to be too far
gone to be eatable; the cook, as advised, put three or four pieces of
charcoal, each the size of an egg, under the strainer in the
fish-kettle; after boiling the proper time, the turbot came to the
table sweet and firm.
Contents / Index
401. To take Stains out of Mahogany Furniture
Stains and spots may be taken out of mahogany with a little aquafortis
or oxalic acid and water, rubbing the part with a cork dipped in the
liquid till the colour is restored. Then wash the wood well with
water, and dry and polish as usual.
Contents / Index
402. To take Ink-Stains out of Mahogany
Put a few drops of spirits of nitre in a teaspoonful of water; touch
the spot with a feather dipped in the mixture, and as soon as the ink
disappears, rub it over with a rag wetted in cold water, or there will
be a white mark, which will not be easily effaced.
Contents / Index
403. To remove Ink-Stains from Silver
Ink-stains on the tops and other portions of silver ink-stands may be
completely eradicated by making a little chloride of lime into a paste
with water, and rubbing it upon the stains. Chloride of lime has been
misnamed "The general bleacher," but it is a great enemy to all
metallic surfaces.
Contents / Index
Disease is the Punishment of Neglect.
404. To take Ink-Stains out of a Coloured Table-Cover
Dissolve a teaspoonful of oxalic acid in a teacup of hot water; rub
the stained part well with a flannel or linen rag dipped in the
Contents / Index
405. Ink Stains
Very frequently, when logwood has been used in manufacturing ink, a
reddish stain still remains, after the use of oxalic acid, as in the
former directions. To remove it, procure a solution of the chloride of
lime, and apply it in the same manner as directed for the oxalic acid.
Contents / Index
406. To take Ink out of Boards
Apply strong muriatic acid, or spirits of salts, with a piece of
cloth; afterwards wash well with water.
Contents / Index
407. Oil or Grease
Oil or grease
may be removed from a hearth by covering it immediately with hot
ashes, or with burning coals.
Contents / Index
408. Marble may be Cleaned
Marble may be cleaned
by mixing up a quantity of the strongest soap-lees with quick-lime, to
the consistence of milk, and laying it on the marble for twenty-four
hours; clean it afterwards with soap and water.
Contents / Index
409. Silver and Plated Ware
Silver and plated ware
should be washed with a sponge and warm soapsuds every day after
using, and wiped dry with a clean soft towel.
Contents / Index
410. Bronzed Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.
Bronzed chandeliers, lamps, &c.,
should be merely dusted with a feather-brush, or with a soft cloth, as
washing them will take off the bronzing.
Contents / Index
411. To clean Brass Ornaments
Wash the brasswork with roche alum boiled to a strong ley, in the
proportion of an ounce to a pint. When dry it must be rubbed with fine
Contents / Index
412. For Cleaning Brasses Belonging to Mahogany Furniture
For cleaning brasses belonging to mahogany furniture,
use either powdered whiting or scraped rotten-stone, mixed with sweet
oil and rubbed on with chamois leather.
Contents / Index
413. Brasses, Britannia Metal, Tins, Coppers, &c.
Brasses, Britannia metal, tins, coppers, &c.,
may be cleaned with a mixture of rotten-stone, soft soap, and oil of
turpentine, mixed to the consistency of stiff putty. The stone should
be powdered very fine and sifted. The articles should first be washed
with hot water, to remove grease; then a little of the above mixture,
mixed with water, should be rubbed over the metal; then rub off
briskly with dry, clean rag or leather, and a beautiful polish will be
Contents / Index
414. To preserve Steel Goods from Rust
After bright grates have been thoroughly cleaned, they should be
dusted over with unslacked lime, and thus left until wanted. Coils of
piano wires, thus sprinkled, will keep from rust for many years.
Table-knives which are not in constant use ought to be put in a case
in which sifted quicklime is placed, about eight inches deep. They
should be plunged to the top of the blades, but the lime should not
touch the handles.
Contents / Index
415. To keep Iron and Steel Goods from Rust
Dissolve half an ounce of camphor in one pound of hog's lard; take off
the scum: mix as much black lead as will give the mixture an iron
colour. Iron and steel goods, rubbed over with this mixture, and left
with it on twenty-four hours, and then dried with a linen cloth, will
keep clean for months. Valuable articles of cutlery should be wrapped
in zinc foil, or be kept in boxes lined with zinc. This is at once an
easy and most effective method.
Contents / Index
416. Iron Wipers
Old soft towels, or pieces of old sheets or tablecloths, make
excellent wipers for iron and steel goods.
Contents / Index
417. To Clean Looking-Glasses
First wash the glass all over with lukewarm soapsuds and a sponge.
When dry, rub it bright with a chamois leather on which a little
prepared chalk, finely powdered, has been sprinkled.
Contents / Index
Keep the Blood Pure and Spare the Leech.
418. To Clean Mirrors, &c.
If they should be hung so high that they cannot be conveniently
reached, have a pair of steps to stand upon; but mind that they stand
steady. Then take a piece of soft sponge, well washed, and cleaned
from everything gritty, dip it into water and squeeze it almost dry,
dip it into some spirit of wine, and then rub it over the glass. Next,
dust the glass over with some powder blue or whiting sifted through
muslin; wipe the powder lightly and quickly off again with a cloth;
then take a clean cloth, and rub the glass well once more, and finish
by rubbing it with a silk handkerchief. If the glass be very large,
clean one-half at a time, as otherwise the spirit of wine will dry
before it can be rubbed off. If the frames are not varnished, the
greatest care is necessary to keep them quite dry, so as not to touch
them with the sponge, as this will discolour or take off the gilding.
To clean the frames, take a little raw cotton in the state of wool,
and rub the frames with it; this will take off all the dust and dirt
without injuring the gilding. If the frames are well varnished, rub
them with spirit of wine, which will take out all spots, and give them
a fine polish. Varnished doors may be done in the same manner. Never
use any cloth to frames or drawings, or oil paintings,
when cleaning and dusting them.
Contents / Index
419. China and Glass
The best material for cleansing either porcelain or glass, is fuller's
earth: but it must be beaten into a fine powder, and carefully cleared
from all rough or hard particles, which might endanger the polish of
the surface.
Contents / Index
420. Porcelain
In cleaning porcelain, it must also be observed that some species
require more care and attention than others, as every person must have
observed that chinaware in common use frequently loses some of its
Contents / Index
421. Red Fading
he red, especially of vermilion, is the first to go, because that
colour, together with some others, is laid on by the Chinese after
Contents / Index
422. Modern Porcelain Fades Less
The modern Chinese porcelain is not, indeed, so susceptible of this
rubbing or wearing off, as vegetable reds are now used by them
instead of the mineral colour.
Contents / Index
423. Temperature with China and Glass
It ought to be taken for granted that all china or glass ware is well
tempered: yet a little careful attention may not be misplaced, even on
that point; for though ornamental china or glassware is not exposed to
the action of hot water in common domestic use, yet it may be
injudiciously immersed therein for the purpose of cleaning; and as
articles intended solely for ornament are not so highly annealed as
others, it will be proper never to apply water beyond a tepid
Contents / Index
424. Annealing Glass
An ingenious and simple mode of annealing glass has been some time in
use by chemists. It consists in immersing the vessel in cold water,
gradually heated to the boiling point, and suffered to remain till
cold, when it will be fit for use. Should the glass be exposed to a
higher temperature than that of boiling water, it will be necessary to
immerse it in oil.
Contents / Index
425. To take Marking-Ink out of Linen
Use a solution of cyanide of potassium applied with a camel-hair
brush. After the marking ink disappears, the linen should be well
washed in cold water.
Contents / Index
426. To take Stains of Wine out of Linen
Hold the articles in milk while it is boiling on the fire, and the
stains will soon disappear.
Contents / Index
427. Fruit Stains in Linen
To remove them, rub the part on each side with yellow soap, then tie
up a piece of pearlash in the cloth, &c., and soak well in hot water,
or boil; afterwards expose the stained part to the sun and air until
the stain is removed.
Contents / Index
428. Mildewed Linen
may be restored by soaping the spots while wet, covering them with
fine chalk scraped to powder, and rubbing it well in.
Contents / Index
429. To keep Moths, Beetles, &c., from Clothes
Put a piece of camphor in a linen bag, or some aromatic herbs, in the
drawers, among linen or woollen clothes, and no insects will come near
Contents / Index
Loose Habits Lead to Tight Bandages.
430. Moths
Clothes closets that have become infested with moths, should be well
rubbed with a strong decoction of tobacco, and repeatedly sprinkled
with spirits of camphor.
Contents / Index
431. To Remove Stains from Floors
For removing spots of grease from boards, take fuller's earth and
pearlash, of each a quarter of a pound, and boil in a quart of soft
water. While hot lay the mixture on the greased parts, allowing it to
remain on them from ten or twelve hours; after which it may be scoured
off with sand and water. A floor much spotted with grease should be
completely washed over with this mixture the day before it is scoured.
Fuller's earth and ox-gall, boiled together, form a very powerful
cleansing mixture for floors or carpets. Stains of ink are removed by
the application of strong vinegar, or salts of lemon.
Contents / Index
432. Scouring Drops for removing Grease
There are several preparations of this name; one of the best is made
as follows:—Camphine, or spirit of turpentine, three ounces: essence
of lemon, one ounce; mix and put up in a small phial for use when
Contents / Index
433. To take Grease out of Velvet or Cloth
Pour some turpentine over the part that is greasy; rub it till quite
dry with a piece of clean flannel; if the grease be not quite removed,
repeat the application, and when done, brush the part well, and hang
up the garment in the open air to take away the smell.
Contents / Index
434. Medicine Stains
Medicine stains
may be removed from silver spoons by rubbing them with a rag dipped in
sulphuric acid, and washing it off with soapsuds.
Contents / Index
435. To Extract Grease Spots from Books or Paper
Gently warm the greased or spotted part of the book or paper, and then
press upon it pieces of blotting-paper, one after another, so as to
absorb as much of the grease as possible. Have ready some fine clear
essential oil of turpentine heated almost to a boiling state, warm the
greased leaf a little, and then, with a soft clean brush, apply the
heated turpentine to both sides of the spotted part. By repeating this
application, the grease will be extracted. Lastly, with another brush
dipped in rectified spirit of wine, go over the place, and the grease
will no longer appear, neither will the paper be discoloured.
Contents / Index
436. Stains and Marks from Books.
A solution of oxalic acid, citric acid, or tartaric acid, is attended
with the least risk, and may be applied to paper and prints without
fear of damage. These acids, which take out writing ink, and do not
touch the printing, can be used for restoring books where the margins
have been written upon, without injuring the text.
Contents / Index
437. To take Writing Ink out of Paper
Solution of muriate of tin, two drachms; water, four drachms. To be
applied with a camel-hair brush. After the writing has disappeared,
the paper should be passed through water, and dried.
Contents / Index
438. A Hint on Household Management
Have you ever observed what a dislike servants have to anything cheap?
They hate saving their master's money. I tried this experiment with
great success the other day. Finding we consumed a vast deal of soap,
I sat down in my thinking chair, and took the soap question into
consideration, and I found reason to suspect we were using a very
expensive article, where a much cheaper one would serve the purpose
better. I ordered half a dozen pounds of both sorts, but took the
precaution of changing the papers on which the prices were marked
before giving them into the hands of Betty. "Well, Betty, which soap
do you find washes best?" "Oh, please sir, the dearest, in the blue
paper; it makes a lather as well again as the other." "Well, Betty,
you shall always have it then;" and thus the unsuspecting Betty saved
me some pounds a year, and washed the clothes better—Rev. Sydney
Contents / Index
Bottles of Brandy are Followed by Bottles of Physic.
439. Domestic Rules
Mrs Hamilton, in her "Cottagers of Glenburnie," gives three simple
rules for the regulation of domestic affairs, which deserve to be
remembered, and which would, if carried into practice, be the means of
saving time, labour, and patience, and of making every house a
"well-ordered" one. They are as follows:
Do everything in its proper time.
Keep everything to its proper use.
Put everything in its proper place.
Contents / Index
440. An Ever-dirty Hearth
An ever-dirty hearth,
and a grate always choked with cinders and ashes, are infallible
evidences of bad housekeeping.
Contents / Index
441. Economy
If you have a strip of land, do not throw away soapsuds. Soapsuds are
good manure for bushes and young plants.
Contents / Index
442. Washing Woollens
Woollen clothes should be washed in very hot suds, and not rinsed.
Lukewarm water shrinks them.
Contents / Index
443. Keeping Coffee and Tea
Do not let coffee and tea stand in tin.
Contents / Index
444. Freshness of Surfaces
Scald your wooden-ware often, and keep your tin-ware dry.
Contents / Index
445. Re-using Letters
Preserve the backs of old letters to write upon.
Contents / Index
446. Make Writing-Books
If you have children who are learning to write, buy coarse white paper
by the quantity, and make it up into writing-books. This does not
cost half so much as it does to buy them ready made at the stationer's.
Contents / Index
447. No Waste
See that nothing is thrown away which might have served to nourish
your own family or a poorer one.
Contents / Index
448. Bread
As far as possible, have pieces of bread eaten up before they become
hard: spread those that are not eaten, and let them dry, to be pounded
for puddings, or soaked for brewis.
Contents / Index
449. Brewis
Brewis is made of crusts and dry pieces of bread, soaked a good while
in hot milk, mashed up, and eaten with salt. Above all, do not let
crusts accumulate in such quantities that they cannot be used. With
proper care, there is no need of losing a particle of bread.
Contents / Index
450. Regular Mending
All the Mending in the house should be done once a week if possible.
Contents / Index
451. Never put out Sewing.
If it be not possible to do it in your own family, hire some one to
come to the house and work with them.
Contents / Index
452. White Spots on Furniture
A warming-pan full of coals, or a shovel of coals, held over varnished
furniture, will take out white spots. Care should be taken not to hold
the pan near enough to scorch; the place to which heat has thus been
applied, should be rubbed with a flannel while warm.
Contents / Index
453. Acid Fading
Sal-Volatile or hartshorn will restore colours taken out by acid. It
may be dropped upon any garment without doing harm.
Contents / Index
454. New Iron
New iron
should be very gradually heated at first. After it has become inured
to the heat, it is not as likely to crack.
Contents / Index
455. Before Using a Brass Kettle
Clean a brass kettle, before using it for cooking, with salt and
Contents / Index
456. Shaking Carpets
The oftener carpets are shaken the longer they wear; the dirt that
collects under them grinds out the threads.
Contents / Index
457. Saving Rags
All linen rags should be saved, for they are useful in sickness. If
they have become dirty and worn by cleaning silver, &c., wash them and
scrape them into lint.
Contents / Index
458. Softening Washing-Water
If you are troubled to get soft water for washing, fill a tub or
barrel half full of wood ashes, and fill it up with water, so that you
may have ley whenever you want it. A gallon of strong ley, put into a
great kettle of hard water, will make it as soft as rain water. Some
people use pearlash, or potash; but this costs something, and is very
apt to injure the texture of the cloth.
Contents / Index
459. Protecting Knife-Handles
Do not let knives be dropped into hot dish-water. It is a good plan to
have a large tin pot to wash them in, just high enough to wash the
blades without wetting the handles.
Contents / Index
460. Do It Well
It is better to accomplish perfectly a very small amount of work, than
to half do ten times as much.
Contents / Index
Be Temperate in All Things.
461. Polishing Knives with Charcoal
Charcoal Powder will be found a very good thing to give knives a
first-rate polish.
Contents / Index
462. Preventing Wear
A bonnet and trimmings may be worn a much longer time, if the dust be
brushed well off after walking.
Contents / Index
463. Good Examples
Much knowledge may be obtained by the good housewife observing how
things are managed in well-regulated families.
Contents / Index
464. Apple Pips
Apples intended for dumplings should not have the core taken out of
them, as the pips impart a delicious flavour to the dumpling.
Contents / Index
465. Rice Pudding
A rice pudding is excellent without either eggs or sugar, if baked
gently: it keeps better without eggs.
Contents / Index
466. "Wilful Waste makes Woeful Want."
Do not cook a fresh joint whilst any of the last remains uneaten
—hash it up, and with gravy and a little management, eke out another
day's dinner.
Contents / Index
467. Shanks of Mutton
The shanks of mutton make a good stock for nearly any kind of gravy,
and they are very cheap—a dozen may be had for a penny, enough to
make a quart of delicious soup.
Contents / Index
468. Lack of Fresh Air
Thick curtains, closely drawn around the bed, are very injurious,
because they not only confine the effluvia thrown off from our bodies
whilst in bed, but interrupt the current of pure air.
Contents / Index
469. Regular Accounting
Regularity in the payment of accounts is essential to housekeeping.
All tradesmen's bills should be paid weekly, for then any errors can
be detected whilst the transactions are fresh in the memory.
Contents / Index
470. Enough Talk
Allowing children to talk incessantly is a mistake. We do not mean to
say that they should be restricted from talking in proper seasons, but
they should be taught to know when it is proper for them to cease.
Contents / Index
471. Blacking for Leather Seats, &c.
Beat well the yolks of two eggs and the white of one: mix a
tablespoonful of gin and a teaspoonful of sugar, thicken it with ivory
black, add it to the eggs, and use as common blacking; the seats or
cushions being left a day or two to harden. This is good for dress
boots and shoes
Contents / Index
472. Black Reviver for Black Cloth
Bruised galls, one pound; logwood, two pounds; green vitriol, half a
pound; water, five quarts. Boil for two hours, and strain. Use to
restore the colour of black cloth.
Contents / Index
473. Enamel Paint
Special preparations of paint, styled "enamel," are now made, suitable
for both useful and decorative purposes—garden stands, indoor
furniture or ornaments, baths, &c. They are ready mixed in a variety
of shades, can be easily applied, and dry with a hard glossy surface.
Contents / Index
Keep the Head Cool and the Feet Warm.
474. Hints for Home Comfort
Eat slowly and you will not overeat.
Keeping the feet warm will prevent headaches.
Late at breakfast—hurried for dinner—cross at tea.
A short needle makes the most expedition in plain sewing.
Between husband and wife little attentions beget much love.
Always lay your table neatly, whether you have company or not.
Put your balls or reels of cotton into little bags, leaving the
ends out.
Whatever you may choose to give away, always be sure to
keep your temper.
Dirty windows speak to the passer-by of the negligence of the
In cold weather a leg of mutton improves by being hung three,
four, or five weeks.
When meat is hanging, change its position frequently, to equally
distribute the juices.
There is much more injury done by admitting visitors to
invalids than is generally supposed.
Matches, out of the reach of children, should be kept in every
bedroom. They are cheap enough.
Apple and suet dumplings are lighter when boiled in a net than
a cloth. Skim the pot well.
When sheets or chamber towels get thin in the middle, cut them
in two, sew the selvedges together, and hem the sides.
When you are particular in wishing to have precisely what you
want from a butcher, go and buy it yourself.
A flannel petticoat will wear as nearly as long again, if
turned hind part before, when the front begins to wear thin.
People in general are not aware how very essential to the
health of the inmates is the free admission of light into their
When you dry salt for the table, do not place it in the salt
cellars until it is cold, otherwise it will harden into a lump.
Never put away plate, knives and forks, &c., uncleaned, or great
inconvenience will arise when the articles are wanted.
Feather beds should be opened every third year, the ticking
well dusted, soaped, and waxed, the feathers dressed and returned.
Persons of defective sight, when threading a needle, should
hold it over something white, by which the sight will be assisted.
In mending sheets and shirts, put in pieces sufficiently
large, or in the first washing the thin parts give way, and the work
done is of no avail.
When reading by candle-light, place the candle behind you,
that the rays may pass over your shoulder on to the book. This will
relieve the eyes.
A wire fire-guard, for each fire-place in a house, costs
little, and greatly diminishes the risk to life and property. Fix
them before going to bed.
In winter, get the work forward by daylight, to prevent
running about at night with candles. Thus you escape grease spots,
and risks of fire.
Be at much pains to keep your children's feet dry and warm.
Don't bury their bodies in heavy flannels and wools, and leave their
arms and legs naked.
Apples and pears, cut into quarters and stripped of the
rind, baked with a little water and sugar, and eaten with boiled
rice, are capital food for children.
A leather strap, with a buckle to fasten, is much more
commodious than a cord for a box in general use for short distances;
cording and uncording is a tedious job.
After washing, overlook linen, and stitch on buttons, hooks and
eyes, &c.; for this purpose keep a "house-wife's friend," full of
miscellaneous threads, cottons, buttons: hooks, &c.
For ventilation open your windows both at top and bottom. The
fresh air rushed in one way, while the foul escapes the other. This
is letting in your friend and expelling your enemy.
There is not any real economy in purchasing cheap calico for
night-shirts. Cheap calico soon wears into holes, and becomes
discoloured in washing.
Sitting to sew by candle-light at a table with a dark cloth
on it is injurious to the eyesight. When no other remedy presents
itself, put a sheet of white paper before you.
Persons very commonly complain of indigestion; how can it be
wondered at, when they seem, by their habit of swallowing their food
wholesale, to forget for what purpose they are provided with teeth.
Never allow your servants to put wiped knives on your table,
for, generally speaking, you may see that that have been wiped with
a dirty cloth. If a knife is brightly cleaned, they are compelled to
use a clean cloth.
There is not anything gained in economy by having very young
and inexperienced servants at low wages; the cost of what they
break, waste, and destroy, is more than an equivalent for higher
wages, setting aside comfort and respectability.
No article in dress tarnishes so readily as black crape
trimmings, and few things injure it more than damp; therefore, to
preserve its beauty on bonnets, a lady in nice mourning should in
her evening walks, at all seasons of the year, take as her companion
an old parasol to shade her crape.
Contents / Index
Guard the Foot, and the Head will Seldom Harm.
475. Domestic Pharmacopœia
In compiling this part of our hints, we have endeavoured to supply
that kind of information which is so often wanted in the time of need,
and cannot be obtained when a medical man or a druggist is not near.
The doses are all fixed for adults, unless otherwise specified. The
various remedies are arranged in sections, according to their uses, as
being more easy for reference,
Contents / Index
476. Collyria, or Eye Washes
477. Alum
Dissolve half a drachm of alum in eight ounces (half a pint) of water.
Use as astringent wash. When twice as much alum and only half
the quantity of water are used, it acts as a discutient, but not as an
Note that this and the following washes are for
outward application only.
Contents / Index
478. Common
Add half an ounce of diluted acetic acid to three ounces of decoction
of poppy heads.
Use as anodyne wash.
Contents / Index
479. Compound Alum
Dissolve alum and white vitriol, of each one drachm, in one pint of
water, and filter through paper.
Use as astringent wash.
Contents / Index
480. Zinc and Lead
Dissolve white vitriol and acetate of lead, of each seven grains, in
four ounces of elder-flower water; add one drachm of laudanum
(tincture of opium), and the same quantity of spirit of camphor, then
Use as detergent wash.
Contents / Index
481. Acetate of Zinc
Dissolve half a drachm of white vitriol in five ounces of water.
Dissolve two scruples of acetate of lead in five ounces of water. Mix
these solutions, then set aside for a short time, and afterwards
Use as astringent wash; this forms a most valuable
Contents / Index
482. Sulphate of Zinc
Dissolve twenty grains of white vitriol in a pint of water or rose
Use for weak eyes.
Contents / Index
483. Zinc and Camphor
Dissolve a scruple of white vitriol in ten ounces of water; add one
drachm of spirit of camphor, and strain.
Use as a stimulant.
Contents / Index
484. Compound Zinc
Dissolve fifteen grains of white vitriol in eight ounces of camphor
water (Mistura camphoræ), and the same quantity of decoction of
poppy heads.
Use as anodyne and detergent wash: it is useful
for weak eyes.
Contents / Index
485. Confections and Electuaries
486. Purpose
Confections are used as vehicles for the administration of more active
medicines, and Electuaries are made for the purpose of
rendering some remedies palatable. Both should be kept in closely
covered jars.
Contents / Index
487. Almond Confection
Remove the outer coat from an ounce of sweet almonds, and beat them
well in a mortar with one drachm of powdered gum arabic, and half an
ounce of white sugar.
Use to make a demulcent mixture known as
"almond emulsion."
Contents / Index
488. Alum Confection
Mix two scruples of powdered alum with four scruples of treacle.
Dose, half a drachm.
Use as astringent in sore throat, relaxed uvula, and
ulcerations of mouth.
Contents / Index
489. Orange Confection
Take one ounce of the freshly rasped rind of orange, and mix it with
three ounces of white sugar, and beat together till perfectly
Dose, from one drachm to one ounce.
Use as a gentle stomachic and tonic, and as a vehicle for
administering tonic powders.
Contents / Index
490. Black Pepper Confection
Take of black pepper and elecampane root, each one ounce; fennel
seeds, three ounces; honey and sugar, of each two ounces. Rub the dry
ingredient to a fine powder, and when the confection is wanted, add
the honey, and mix well.
Dose, from one to two drachms.
Use in hæmorrhoids, or piles.
Contents / Index
Better Pay the Cook than the Doctor.
491. Cowhage
Mix in treacle as much of the fine hairs or spiculæ of cowhage as the
treacle will take up.
Dose, a teaspoonful every morning and evening.
Use as an anthelmintic.
Contents / Index
492. Senna Confection. No. 1.
Take of senna, powdered, four ounces; figs, half a pound, viassia
pulp, tamarind pulp, and the pulp of prunes, each four ounces;
coriander seeds, powdered, two ounces; liquorice root, one ounce and a
half; sugar, one pound and a quarter; water, one pint and a half. Rub
the senna with the coriander, and separate, by sifting, five ounces of
the mixture. Boil the water, with the figs and liquorice added, until
it is reduced to one half; then press out and strain the liquor.
Evaporate the strained liquor in a jar by boiling until twelve fluid
ounces remain; then add the sugar, and make a syrup. Now mix the pulps
with the syrup, add the sifted powder, and mix well.
Use as a purgative.
Contents / Index
493. Senna Confection. No. 2.
A more simple confection, but equally efficacious, may be made in the
following manner. Infuse an ounce of senna leaves in a pint of boiling
water, pouring the water on the leaves in a covered mug or jug, or
even an old earthenware teapot. Let the infusion stand till it is
cold, then strain off the liquor, and place it in a saucepan or
stewpan, adding to it one pound of prunes. Let the prunes stew gently
by the side of the fire till the liquor is entirely absorbed.
Use as a purgative or laxative, giving half a teaspoonful to
little children and a teaspoonful to children over ten years of age.
Contents / Index
494. Castor Oil and Senna Confection
Take one drachm of powdered gum arabic, and two ounces of confection
of senna, and mix, by gradually rubbing together in a mortar, with
half an ounce of castor oil.
Dose, from half an ounce to an ounce.
Use as a purgative.
Contents / Index
495. Sulphur and Senna Confection
Take of sulphur and sulphate of potash, each half an ounce; confection
of senna, two ounces; oil of aniseed, twenty minims; mix well.
Dose, from one to two drachms.
Use as a purgative.
Contents / Index
496. Cream of Tartar Confection
Take one ounce of cream of tartar, one drachm of jalap, and half a
drachm of powdered ginger; mix into a thick paste with treacle.
Dose, two drachms.
Use as a purgative.
Contents / Index
497. Antispasmodic Electuary
Take six drachms of powdered valerian and orange leaves, mixed and
made into an electuary, with a sufficient quantity of syrup of
Dose, from one to two drachms, to be taken two or
three times a day.
Contents / Index
498. Decoctions
These should only be made as they are wanted; pipkins or tin saucepans
should be used for the purpose; and no decoction should be boiled
longer than ten minutes.
Contents / Index
499. Chimaphila
Take one ounce of pyrola (chimaphila, or winter-green), and boil it in
a pint and a half of water until the water is reduced to one pint;
then strain.
Dose, from one to two ounces, four times a day.
Use in dropsies, as a diuretic.
Contents / Index
500. Logwood
Boil one ounce and a half of bruised logwood in two pints of water
until the water is reduced to one pint; then add one drachm of bruised
cassia, and strain.
Dose, from one to two ounces.
Use as an astringent.
Contents / Index
501. Dandelion
Take two ounces of the freshly-sliced root, and boil in a quart of
water until it comes to a pint.
Dose, from two to four ounces, that is to say, from an eighth
of a pint to a quarter of a pint.
Use for sluggish state of the liver.
Contents / Index
502. Embrocations and Liniments
These remedies are used externally as local stimulants, to relieve
deep seated inflammations when other means cannot he employed, as they
are more easily applied locally.
Contents / Index
503. Anodyne and Discutient
Take two drachms of scraped white soap, half a drachm of extract of
henbane, and dissolve them by a gentle heat in six ounces of olive
Use for glandular enlargements which are painful and
stubborn, about half an ounce to be well rubbed into the part twice a
Contents / Index
504. Strong Ammoniated
Add one ounce of strong liquid ammonia to two ounces of olive oil,
shake well together until properly mixed.
Use as a stimulant in rheumatic pains, paralytic numbnesses,
chronic glandular enlargements, lumbago, sciatica, &c.
Note that this embrocation must be used with care, and only
employed in very obstinate cases.
Contents / Index
505. Compound Ammoniated
Add six drachms of oil of turpentine to the strong ammoniated liniment
Use for the diseases mentioned in the preceding paragraph and
chronic affections of the knee and ankle joints.
Contents / Index
506. Lime and Oil
Take equal parts of common linseed oil and lime water and shake well.
Use for burns, scalds, sun peelings, &c.
Contents / Index
507. Camphorated
Take half an ounce of camphor and dissolve it in two ounces of olive
Use as a stimulating and soothing application for stubborn
breasts, glandular enlargements, dropsy of the belly, and rheumatic
Contents / Index
508. Soap Liniment with Spanish Flies
Take three ounces and a half of soap liniment, and half an ounce of
tincture of Spanish flies, mix and shake well.
Use as stimulant to chronic bruises, sprains, rheumatic pains,
and indolent swellings.
Contents / Index
509. Turpentine
Take two ounces and a half of resin cerate, and melt it by standing
the vessel in hot water, then add one ounce and a half of oil of
turpentine, and mix.
Use as stimulant to ulcers, burns, scalds, &c.
Contents / Index
510. Enemas
These are a peculiar kind of medicines, administered by injecting them
into the rectum or outlet of the body. The intention is either to
empty the bowels, kill worms, protect the lining membrane of the
intestines from injury, restrain copious discharges, allay spasms in
the bowels, or to nourish the body. These clysters, or glysters, are
administered by means of bladders and pipes, or a proper apparatus.
Contents / Index
511. Laxative
Take two ounces of Epsom salts, and dissolve in three quarters of a
pint of gruel, or thin broth, with an ounce of olive oil.
Contents / Index
512. Nutritive
Take twelve ounces of strong beef tea, and thicken with hartshorn
shavings or arrowroot.
Contents / Index
513. Turpentine
Take half an ounce of oil of turpentine, the yolk of one egg, and half
a pint of gruel. Mix the turpentine and egg, and then add the gruel.
Use as an anthelmintic.
Contents / Index
514. Common
Dissolve one ounce of salt in twelve ounces of gruel.
Contents / Index
515. Castor Oil
Mix two ounces of castor oil with one drachm of starch, then rub them
together, and add fourteen ounces of thin gruel.
Use as a purgative.
Contents / Index
516. Opium
Rub three grains of opium with two ounces of starch, then add two
ounces of warm water.
Use as an anodyne in colic, spasms, &c.
Contents / Index
517. Oil
Mix four ounces of olive oil with half an ounce of mucilage and half a
pint of warm water.
Use as a demulcent.
Contents / Index
518. Asafœtida
Mix one drachm of the tincture of asafœtida in a pint of barley
Use as an anthelmintic, or in convulsions from teething.
Contents / Index
519. Gargles
These are remedies used to stimulate chronic sore throats, or a
relaxed state of the swallow, or uvula.
Contents / Index
520. Acidulated
Mix one part of white vinegar with three parts of honey of roses, and
twenty-four of barley water.
Use in chronic inflammation of the throat, malignant sore
throat, &c.
Contents / Index
521. Astringent
Take two drachms of roses and mix with eight ounces of boiling water,
infuse for one hour, strain, and add one drachm of alum and one ounce
of honey of roses.
Use for severe sore throat, relaxed uvula, &c.
Contents / Index
Violent Passions Lead to Great Depressions.
522. For Salivation
Mix from one to four drachms of bruised gall-nuts with a pint of
boiling water, and infuse for two hours, then strain and sweeten.
Contents / Index
523. Tonic and Stimulant
Mix six ounces of decoction of bark with two ounces of tincture of
myrrh, and half a drachm of diluted sulphuric acid.
Use in scorbutic affections.
Contents / Index
524. Alum
Dissolve one drachm of alum in fifteen ounces of water, then add half
an ounce of treacle, and one drachm of diluted sulphuric acid.
Use as an astringent.
Contents / Index
525. Myrrh
Add six drachms of tincture of myrrh to seven ounces of infusion of
linseed, and then add one drachm of diluted sulphuric acid.
Use as a detergent.
Contents / Index
526. For Slight Inflammation of the Throat
Add one drachm of sulphuric ether to half an ounce of syrup of
marsh-mallows, and six ounces of barley water. This may be used
Contents / Index
527. Lotions
Lotions are usually applied to the parts required by means of a piece
of linen rag or piline, wetted with them, or by wetting the bandage
They are for outward application only.
Contents / Index
528. Emollient
Use decoction of marsh-mallow or linseed.
Contents / Index
529. Elder Flowers
Add two drachms and a half of elder flowers to one quart of boiling
water, infuse for one hour, and strain.
Use as a discutient.
Contents / Index
530. Sedative
Dissolve one drachm of extract of henbane in twenty-four drachms of
Contents / Index
531. Opium
Mix two drachms of bruised opium with half a pint of boiling water.
Use, when cold, for painful ulcers, bruises, &c.
Contents / Index
532. Stimulant
Dissolve one drachm of caustic potash in one pint of water, and then
gradually pour it upon twenty-four grains of camphor and one drachm of
sugar, previously bruised together in a mortar.
Use for fungoid and flabby ulcers.
Contents / Index
533. Ordinary
Mix one drachm of salt with eight ounces of water.
Use for foul ulcers and flabby wounds.
Contents / Index
534. Cold Evaporating
Add two drachms of Goulard's extract, and the same quantity of
sulphuric ether to a pint of cold water.
Use as lotion for contusions, sprains, inflamed parts, &c.
Contents / Index
535. Hydrochlorate of Ammonia
Dissolve two drachms of sal ammoniac in six ounces of water, then add
an ounce of distilled vinegar and the same quantity of rectified
Use as a refrigerant.
Contents / Index
536. Yellow Lotion
Dissolve one grain of corrosive sublimate in an ounce of lime water,
taking care to bruise the crystals of the salt in order to assist its
Use as a detergent.
Note, that corrosive sublimate is a violent and deadly
Contents / Index
537. Black Wash
Add half a drachm of calomel to four ounces of lime water, or eight
grains to an ounce of lime water; shake well.
Use as a detergent.
Contents / Index
538. Acetate of Lead with Opium
Take twenty grains of acetate of lead, and a drachm of powdered opium,
mix, and add an ounce of vinegar and four ounces of warm water, set
aside for an hour, then filter.
Use as an astringent.
Contents / Index
539. Creosote
Add a drachm of creosote to a pint of water, and mix by shaking.
Use as an application in cutaneous diseases.
Contents / Index
540. Galls
Boil one drachm of bruised galls in twelve ounces of water until only
half a pint remains, then strain, and add one ounce of laudanum.
Use as an astringent and sedative.
Contents / Index
541. Ointments and Cerates
These remedies are used as local applications to parts, generally
ulcers. They are usually spread upon linen or other materials.
Contents / Index
542. Camphorated
Mix half an ounce of camphor with one ounce of lard, having, of
course, previously powdered the camphor, by adding a few drops of
spirits of wine.
Use as a discutient and stimulant in indolent tumours.
Contents / Index
543. Chalk
Mix as much prepared chalk as you can into some lard, so as to form a
thick ointment.
Use as an application to burns and scalds.
Contents / Index
544. For Itch
Mix four drachms of sublimed sulphur, two ounces of lard, and half a
drachm of diluted sulphuric acid together.
Use as an ointment to be rubbed into the body.
Contents / Index
545. For Scrofulous Ulcerations
Mix one drachm of ioduret of zinc and one ounce of lard together.
Use twice a day to the ulcerations.
Contents / Index
546. Catechu
Mix one ounce of powdered catechu, two drachms and a half of powdered
alum, one ounce of powdered white resin, and two ounces and a half of
olive oil, together.
Use for flabby and indolent ulcerations.
Contents / Index
547. Tartar Emetic
Mix twenty grains of tartar emetic and ten grains of white sugar with
one drachm and a half of lard.
Use as a counter-irritant in white
swellings, &c.
Contents / Index
548. Pills
549. Strong Purgative
Take of powdered aloes, scammony, and gamboge, each fifteen grains,
mix, and add sufficient Venice turpentine to make into a mass, then
divide into twelve pills.
Dose, one or two occasionally.
Contents / Index
550. Milder Purgative
Take four grains of powdered scammony and the same quantity of
compound extract of colocynth, and two grains of calomel; mix well,
and add two drops of oil of cloves, or thin gum-water, to enable the
ingredients to combine properly, and divide into two pills.
Dose, one or two when necessary.
Contents / Index
551. Common Purgative
Take of powdered jalap and compound extract of colocynth each four
grains, of calomel two grains, mix as usual, and divide into two
Dose, one or two occasionally.
Contents / Index
552. Tonic
Mix twenty-four grains of extract of gentian and the same of purified
green vitriol (sulphate of iron) together, and divide into
twelve pills.
Dose, one or two when necessary. Use in debility.
Contents / Index
553. Cough
Mix one drachm of compound powder of ipecacuanha with one scruple of
gum ammoniacum and one of dried squill bulb in powder. Make into a
mass with mucilage, and divide into twenty pills.
Dose, one, three times a day.
Contents / Index
554. Astringent
Mix sixteen grains of acetate of lead (sugar of lead) with four
grains of opium, and make into a mass with extract of dandelion, so as
to make eight pills.
Dose, from one to two. Use as an astringent in obstinate diarrhœa,
dysentery, and spitting of blood.
Contents / Index
555. Mixtures
556. Fever, Simple
Add three ounces of spirit of mindererus (Liquor ammonia acetatis),
three drachms of spirits of sweet nitre, four drachms of antimonial
wine, and a drachm of syrup of saffron, to four ounces of water, or
medicated water, such as cinnamon, aniseed, &c.
Dose, for an adult, one or two tablespoonfuls every three hours. Use
as a diaphoretic.
Contents / Index
557. Aromatic
Mix two drachms of aromatic confection with two drachms of compound
tincture of cardamoms, and eight ounces of peppermint water.
Dose, from one ounce to one and a half. Use in flatulent colic and
spasms of the bowels.
Contents / Index
558. Cathartic
Dissolve two ounces of Epsom salts in six ounces of compound infusion
of senna, then add two ounces of peppermint water.
Dose, from one and a half to two ounces. Use as a warm and active
Contents / Index
559. Diuretic
Dissolve one drachm of powdered nitre in three ounces of camphor
mixture; add five ounces of the decoction of broom, with six drachms
of sweet spirits of nitre, and three drachms of tincture of squills;
Dose, one teaspoonful every two hours, or two tablespoonfuls every
three hours. Use, excellent in dropsies
Contents / Index
560. Cough
Dissolve three grains of tartar emetic and fifteen grains of opium in
one pint of boiling water, then add four ounces of treacle, two ounces
of vinegar, and one pint more of boiling water.
Dose, from two teaspoonfuls to two tablespoonfuls, according to
circumstances, every three hours, or three times a day. Use in common
catarrh, bronchitis, and irritable cough.
Contents / Index
561. Cough (for Children)
Mix three drachms of ipecacuanha wine with half an ounce of oxymel of
squills, the same quantity of spirits of tolu, one ounce of mucilage,
and two ounces of water.
Dose, one teaspoonful for children under one year, two teaspoonfuls
from one to five years, and a tablespoonful from five years, every
time the cough is troublesome.
Contents / Index
562. Antispasmodic
Dissolve fifty grains of camphor in two drachms of chloroform, and
then add two drachms of compound tincture of lavender, six drachms of
mucilage of gum arabic, eight ounces of aniseed, cinnamon, or some
other aromatic water, and two ounces of distilled water; mix well.
Dose, one tablespoonful every half hour if necessary. Use in cholera
in the cold stage, when cramps are severe, or exhaustion very great;
and as a general antispasmodic in doses of one dessert spoonful when
the spasms are severe.
Contents / Index
563. Tonic and Stimulant
Dissolve one drachm of extract of bark, and half a drachm of powdered
gum arabic, in six ounces of water, and then add one ounce of syrup of
marshmallow, and the same quantity of syrup of tolu.
Dose, one tablespoonful every three hours. Use after fevers and
Contents / Index
564. Stomachic
Take twenty grains of powdered rhubarb, and rub it down in three
ounces and a half of peppermint water, then add sal volatile and
compound tincture of gentian, each one drachm and a half; mix.
Dose, from one to one ounce and a half. Use this mixture as a tonic,
stimulant, and stomachic.
Contents / Index
565. Drinks
566. Tamarind (1)
Boil two ounces of the pulp of tamarinds in two pints of milk, then
strain. Use as cooling drink.
Contents / Index
567. Tamarind (2)
Boil two ounces of the pulp in two pints of warm water, and allow it
to get cold, then strain. Use as cooling drink.
Contents / Index
568. Powders
569. Compound Soda
Mix twenty-four grains of calomel, thirty-six grains of
sesquicarbonate of soda, and one drachm of compound chalk powder,
together. Divide into twelve powders. One of the powders to be given
for a dose when required. Use as a mild purgative for children during
Contents / Index
570. Tonic
Mix one drachm of powdered rhubarb with the same quantity of dried
carbonate of soda, then add two drachms of powdered calumba root.
Dose, from ten to twenty grains as a tonic after fevers, in all
cases of debility, and dyspepsia attended with acidity.
Contents / Index
571. Rhubarb and Magnesia
Mix one drachm of powdered rhubarb with two drachms of carbonate of
magnesia, and half a drachm of ginger.
Dose, from fifteen grains to one drachm. Use as a purgative for
Contents / Index
572. Sulphur and Potash
Mix one drachm of sulphur with four scruples of bicarbonate of potash,
and two scruples of nitre.
Dose, from half a drachm to one drachm. Use as a purgative,
diuretic, and refrigerant.
Contents / Index
573. Anti-Diarrhœal
Mix one grain of powdered ipecacuanha, and one grain of powdered
opium, with the same quantity of camphor.
Dose, one of these powders to be given in jam, treacle, &c., once or
twice a day; but to adults only.
Contents / Index
574. Antispasmodic
Mix four grains of subnitrate of bismuth, forty-eight grains of
carbonate of magnesia, and the same quantity of white sugar, and then
divide in four equal parts.
Dose, one-fourth part. Use in obstinate pain in the stomach with
cramps, unattended by inflammation.
Contents / Index
575. Antipertussal, or against Whooping-Cough
Mix one drachm of powdered belladonna root, and two ounces of white
sugar, together.
Dose, six grains morning and evening for children under one year;
nine grains for those under two and three years of age; fifteen grains
for those between five and ten; and thirty grains for adults.
Caution, this should be prepared by a chemist, as the belladonna is
a poison, and occasional doses of castor oil should be given while it
is being taken.
Contents / Index
576. Purgative (Common)
Mix ten grains of calomel, with one drachm of powdered jalap, and
twenty grains of sugar.
Dose, one-half of the whole for adults.
Contents / Index
577. Sudorific
Mix six grains of compound antimonial powder, two grains of
ipecacuanha, and two grains of sugar together.
Dose, as mixed, to be taken at bed-time. Use in catarrh and fever.
Contents / Index
578. Miscellaneous
579. Anthelmintic, or Vermifuge
For ridding the bowels of tape-worms, an excellent medicine exists in
the male fern—Aspidium felix mas. A decoction may be made of the
fresh roots, or the root may be dried and powdered.
Dose, of the powdered root, from ten to thirty grains; of the
decoction, from a tablespoonful to a wineglassful, according to age. Use
to kill tape-worm.
Contents / Index
580. Another Anthelmintic
For thread-worms, which infest the rectum and especially the lower
portion, near the orifice of the body, an injection of salt and water,
in the proportion of one ounce and a half of salt to a pint, or twenty
ounces of water, or of quassia chips, will generally prove effectual,
and obviate the necessity of administering medicine.
Contents / Index
581. Emulsion, Laxative
Rub down an ounce of castor oil in two drachms of mucilage of gum
arabic, add three ounces of dill water, and a drachm of tincture of
jalap, gradually.
Dose, as prepared, the whole to be taken while fasting in the
Contents / Index
582. Emulsion, Purgative
Rub down six grains of scammony with six drachms of white sugar in a
mortar, and gradually add four ounces of almond emulsion, and two
drops of oil of cloves.
Dose, as prepared, early in the morning.
Contents / Index
583. To Prevent Pitting after Small Pox
Spread a sheet of thin leather with the ointment of ammoniacum with
mercury, and cut out a place for the mouth, eyes, and nostrils. This
forms what is called a mask, and, after anointing the eyelids with a
little blue ointment, it should be applied to the face, and allowed to
remain for three days for the distinct kind, and four days for the
running variety. Apply before the spots fill with matter, although
it will answer sometimes even after they have become pustulous. It may
be applied to any part in the same way.
Contents / Index
584. Another Method
Another method,
and one more reliable, is that of touching every pustule, or poc, on
the face or bosom with a camel-hair pencil dipped in a weak solution
of lunar caustic (nitrate of silver), made in the proportion of two
grains of nitrate of silver to one ounce of distilled water. The time
for application is about the seventh day, while each pustule is filled
with a limpid fluid, or before suppuration takes place, the lotion
arresting that action, and by preventing the formation of matter,
saving the skin from being pitted; a result that follows from the
conversion of the adipose tissue into pus.
Contents / Index
585. A Third Method
of effecting the same purpose is by passing a fine needle through each
poc, when fully distended with lymph; the escape of the fluid
averting, as in the other mode, the suppuration which would otherwise
Contents / Index
A Fool or a Physician at Forty.
586. Another Method (4)
A fourth and much more simple method of preventing pitting from
small-pox is to lightly touch every part of the face with a feather
dipped in sweet oil. It also tends to prevent this disfigurement to
cause the light in the patient's apartment by day to assume a yellow
tinge or colour, which may be easily managed by fitting the room with
yellow or brownish yellow linen blinds.
Contents / Index
587. Mucilage of Gum Arabic
Rub one ounce of gum arabic in a mortar, with four ounces of warm
water. Use for coughs, &c.
Contents / Index
588. Mucilage of Starch
Rub one drachm of starch with a little water, and gradually add five
ounces of water, then boil until it forms a mucilage. Use for enemas,
topical applications, and demulcents.
Contents / Index
589. Diseases
For the proper Remedies and their Doses see "Prescriptions" (par.
Contents / Index
590. Seek Medical Advice
It should be clearly understood, that in all cases of disease, the
advice of a skilful physician is of the first importance. It is not,
therefore, intended by the following information to supersede the
important and necessary practice of the medical man; but rather, by
exhibiting the treatment required, to show in what degree his aid is
imperative. In cases, however, where the disorder may be simple and
transient, or in which remote residence, or other circumstances, may
deny the privilege of medical attendance, the following particulars
will be found of the utmost value. Moreover, the hints given upon what
should be avoided will be of great service to the patient, since the
physiological is no less important than the medical treatment of
Contents / Index
591. Apoplexy
Immediate and large bleeding from the arm, cupping at the back of the
neck, leeches to the temples, aperients Nos. 1 and 7, one or two drops
of croton oil rubbed or dropped on the tongue. Avoid excesses,
intemperance, animal food.
Contents / Index
592. Bile, Bilious, or Liver Complaints
Abstinence from malt liquors, cool homœopathic cocoa for drink, no
tea or coffee, few vegetables, no broths or soups; lean juicy meat not
over-cooked for dinner, with stale bread occasionally and a slice of
toasted bacon for breakfast. Nos. 44 and 45.
Contents / Index
593. Chicken Pox
Mild aperients, No. 4, succeeded by No. 7, and No. 8, if much fever
accompany the eruption.
Contents / Index
594. Chilblains
Warm, dry woollen clothing to exposed parts in cold weather, as a
preventive. In the first stage, friction with No. 48, used cold. When
ulcers form they should be poulticed with bread and water for a day or
two, and then dressed with calamine cerate. Or, chilblains in every
stage, whether of simple inflammation or open ulcer, may always he
successfully treated by Goulard's extract, used pure or applied on
lint twice a day.
Contents / Index
595. Common Continued Fever
Aperients in the commencement, No. 1, followed by No. 7, then
diaphoretics, No. 8, and afterwards tonics, No. 13, in the stage of
weakness. Avoid all excesses.
Contents / Index
596. Common Cough
The linctus, No. 42 or No. 43, abstinence from malt liquor, and
protection from cold damp air. Avoid cold, damp, and draughts.
Contents / Index
597. Constipation
The observance of a regular period of evacuating the bowels, which is
most proper in the morning after breakfast. The use of mild aperients,
No. 47, and brown bread instead of white. There should be an entire
change in the dietary for a few days while taking opening medicine.
Contents / Index
598. Consumption
The disease may be complicated with various morbid conditions of the
lungs and heart, which require appropriate treatment. To allay the
cough, No. 42 is an admirable remedy. Avoid cold, damp, excitement,
and over exertion.
Contents / Index
599. Convulsions (Children)
If during teething, free lancing of the gums, the warm bath, cold
applications to the head, leeches to the temples, an emetic, and a
laxative clyster, No. 20.
Contents / Index
600. Croup
Leeches to the throat, with hot fomentations as long as the attack
lasts; the emetic, No. 16, afterwards the aperient, No. 5. Avoid cold
and damp.
Contents / Index
Despise School and Remain a Fool.
601. Dropsy
Evacuate the water by means of No. 10, and by rubbing camphorated oil
into the body night and morning.
Contents / Index
602. Epilepsy
If accompanied or produced by fulness of the vessels of the head,
leeches to the temples, blisters, and No. 1 and No. 7. If from
debility or confirmed epilepsy, the mixture, No. 18. Avoid drinking
and excitement.
Contents / Index
603. Eruptions on the Face
The powder, No. 30, internally, sponging the face with the lotion, No.
31. Avoid excesses in diet.
Contents / Index
604. Erysipelas
Aperients, if the patient be strong, No. 1, followed by No. 7, then
tonics, No. 27. No. 27 may be used from the commencement for weak
Contents / Index
605. Faintness
Effusion of cold water on the face, stimulants to the nostrils, pure
air, and the recumbent position; afterwards, avoidance of the exciting
cause. Avoid excitement.
Contents / Index
606. Frost-Bite and Frozen Limbs
No heating or stimulating liquors must be given. Rub the parts
affected with ice, cold, or snow water, and lay the patient on a cold
Contents / Index
607. Gout
The aperients No. 1, followed by No. 24, bathing the parts with
gin-and-water; for drink, weak tea or coffee. Warmth by flannels.
Abstain from wines, spirits, and animal food.
Contents / Index
608. Gravel
No. 5, followed by No. 7, the free use of magnesia as an aperient. The
pill No. 22. Abstain from fermented drinks and hard water. Another
form of gravel must be treated by mineral acids, given three times a
Contents / Index
609. Whooping Cough
Whooping cough may be complicated with congestion or inflammation of
the lungs, or convulsions, and then becomes a serious disease. If
uncomplicated, No. 43.
Contents / Index
610. Hysterics
The fit may be prevented by the administration of thirty drops of
laudanum, and as many of ether. When it has taken place open the
windows, loosen the tight parts of the dress, sprinkle cold water on
the face, &c. A glass of wine or cold water when the patient can
swallow. Avoid excitement and tight lacing.
Contents / Index
611. Indigestion
The pills No. 2, with the mixture No. 18, at the same time abstinence
from veal, pork, mackerel, salmon, pastry, and beer; for drink,
homœopathic cocoa, a glass of cold spring water the first thing every
morning. Avoid excesses.
Contents / Index
612. Inflammation of the Bladder
Bleeding, aperients No. 5 and No. 7, the warm bath, afterwards opium;
the pill No. 11, three times a day till relieved. Avoid fermented
liquors, &c.
Contents / Index
613. Inflammation of the Bowels
Leeches, blisters, fomentations, hot baths, iced drinks, the pills No.
19; move the bowels with clysters, if necessary, No. 20. Avoid cold,
indigestible food, &c.
Contents / Index
614. Inflammation of the Brain
Application of cold to the head, bleeding from the temples or back of
the neck by leeches or cupping; aperients No. 1, followed by No. 7;
mercury to salivation, No. 15. Avoid excitement, study, intemperance.
Contents / Index
615. Inflammation of the Kidneys
Bleeding from the arm, leeches over the seat of pain, aperients No. 5,
followed by No. 49, the warm bath. Avoid violent exercise, rich living.
Contents / Index
616. Inflammation of the Liver
Leeches over the right side, the seat of pain, blisters, aperients No.
1, followed by No. 7, afterwards the pills No. 19, till the gums are
slightly tender. Avoid cold, damp, intemperance, and anxiety.
Contents / Index
617. Inflammation of the Lungs
Bleeding from the arm or over the painful part of the chest by
leeches, succeeded by a blister; the demulcent mixture, No. 14, to
allay the cough, with the powders No. 15. Avoid cold, damp, and
Contents / Index
618. Inflammation of the Stomach
Leeches to the pit of the stomach, followed by fomentations, cold iced
water for drink, bowels to be evacuated by clysters; abstinence from
all food except cold gruel, milk and water, or tea. Avoid excesses,
and condiments.
Contents / Index
619. Inflammatory Sore Throat
Leeches and blisters externally, aperients No. 1, followed by No. 7,
gargle to clear the throat, No. 17. Avoid cold, damp, and draughts.
Contents / Index
620. Inflamed Eyes
The bowels to be regulated by No. 5, a small blister behind the ear or
on the nape of the neck—the eye to be bathed with No. 35.
Contents / Index
621. Influenza
No 4 as an aperient and diaphoretic. No. 14 to allay fever and cough.
No. 27 as a tonic, when weakness only remains. Avoid cold and damp,
use clothing suited to the change of temperature.
Contents / Index
622. Intermittent Fever, or Ague
Take No. 13 during the intermission of the paroxysm of the fever;
keeping the bowels free with a wine-glass of No. 7. Avoid bad air,
stagnant pools, &c.
Contents / Index
623. Itch
The ointment of No. 28, or lotion No. 29.
Contents / Index
624. Jaundice
The pills No. 1, afterwards the mixture No. 7, drinking freely of
dandelion tea.
Contents / Index
625. Looseness of the Bowels (English Cholera)
One pill No. 19, repeated if necessary; afterwards the mixture No. 21.
Avoid unripe fruits, acid drinks, ginger beer; wrap flannel around the
Contents / Index
626. Measles
A well-ventilated room, aperients No. 4, with No. 14 to allay the
cough and fever.
Contents / Index
627. Menstruation (Excessive)
No. 40 during the attack, with rest in the recumbent position; in the
intervals, No. 39.
Contents / Index
628. Menstruation (Scanty)
In strong patients, cupping the loins, exercise in the open air, No.
40, the feet in warm water before the expected period, the pills No.
38; in weak subjects, No. 39. Gentle and regular exercise. Avoid hot
rooms, and too much sleep. In cases of this description it is
desirable to apply to a medical man for advice. It may be useful to
many to point out that pennyroyal tea is a simple and useful medicine
for inducing the desired result.
Contents / Index
629. Menstruation (Painful)
No. 41 during the attack; in the intervals, No. 38 twice a week, with
No. 39. Avoid cold, mental excitement, &c.
Contents / Index
630. Mumps
Fomentation with a decoction of camomiles and poppy heads; No. 4 as an
aperient, and No. 9 during the stage of fever. Avoid cold and attend
to the regularity of the bowels.
Contents / Index
631. Nervousness
Cheerful society, early rising, exercise in the open air, particularly
on horseback, and No. 12. Avoid excitement, study, and late meals.
Contents / Index
632. Palpitation of the Heart
The pills No 2, with, the mixture No. 12.
Contents / Index
633. Piles
The paste No. 34, at the same time a regulated diet. When the piles
are external, or can be reached, one or two applications of Goulard's
extract, with an occasional dose of lenitive electuary, will generally
succeed in curing them.
Contents / Index
634. Quinsey
A blister applied all round the throat: an emetic, No. 16, commonly
succeeds in breaking the abscess; afterwards the gargle No. 17. Avoid
cold and damp.
Contents / Index
635. Rheumatism
Bathe the affected parts with No. 23, and take internally No. 24, with
No. 25 at bedtime, to ease pain, &c. Avoid damp and cold, wear flannel.
Contents / Index
636. Rickets
The powder No. 33, a dry, pure atmosphere, a nourishing diet.
Contents / Index
637. Ringworm
The lotion No. 32, with the occasional use of the powder No. 5. Fresh
air and cleanliness.
Contents / Index
638. Scarlet Fever
Well-ventilated room, sponging the body when hot with cold or tepid
vinegar, or spirit and water; aperients, No 4; diaphoretics No. 8. If
dropsy succeed the disappearance of the eruption, frequent purging
with No. 5, succeeded by No. 7.
Contents / Index
639. Scrofula
Pure air, light but warm clothing, diet of fresh animal food; bowels
to be regulated by No. 6 and No. 26, taken regularly for a
considerable time.
Contents / Index
640. Scurvy
Fresh animal and vegetable food, and the free use of ripe fruits and
lemon juice. Avoid cold and damp.
Contents / Index
641. Small Pox
A well-ventilated apartment, mild aperients; if fever be present, No.
7, succeeded by diaphoretics No. 8, and tonics No. 13 in the stage of
debility, or decline of the eruption.
Contents / Index
642. St. Vitus's Dance
The occasional use, in the commencement, of No. 5, followed by No. 7,
afterwards No. 46.
Contents / Index
643. Thrush
One of the powders No. 6 every other night; in the intervals a
dessertspoonful of the mixture No. 18 three times a day; white spots
to be dressed with the honey of borax.
Contents / Index
644. Tic Doloreux
Regulate the bowels with No. 3, and take in the intervals of pain, No.
27. Avoid cold, damp, and mental anxiety.
Contents / Index
645. Toothache
Continue the use of No. 3 for a few alternate days. Apply liquor
ammoniæ to reduce the pain, and when that is accomplished, fill the
decayed spots with silver succedaneum without delay, or the pain will
return. A drop of creosote, or a few drops of chloroform on cotton,
applied to the tooth, or a few grains of camphor placed in the decayed
opening, or camphor moistened with turpentine, will often afford
instant relief.
Contents / Index
646. Typhus Fever
Sponging the body with cold or tepid water, a well-ventilated
apartment, cold applications to the head and temples. Aperients No.
4, with refrigerants No. 9, tonics No. 13 in the stage of debility.
Contents / Index
647. Water on the Brain
Local bleeding by means of leeches, blisters, aperients No. 5, and
mercurial medicines, No. 15.
Contents / Index
648. Whites
The mixture No. 36, with the injection No. 37. Clothing light but
warm, moderate exercise in the open air, country residence.
Contents / Index
649. Worms in the Intestines
The aperient No. 5, followed by No. 7, afterwards the free use of lime
water and milk in equal parts, a pint daily. Avoid unwholesome food.
Contents / Index
650. Prescriptions
To be used in the Cases enumerated under the head "Diseases" (page
Contents / Index
651. List of Prescriptions
The following prescriptions, originally derived from various
prescribers' Pharmacopœias, embody the favourite remedies employed by
the most eminent physicians:
Contents / Index
652. Medicines, Aperient
Take of powdered aloes, nine grains; extract of colocynth,
compound, eighteen grains; calomel, nine grains; tartrate of
antimony, two grains; mucilage, sufficient to make a mass, which is
to be divided into six pills; two to be taken every twenty-four
hours, till they act thoroughly on the bowels: in cases of
inflammation, apoplexy, &c.
Powdered rhubarb, Socotrine aloes, and gum mastic, each one
scruple; make into twelve pills: one before and one after dinner.
Compound extract of colocynth, extract of jalap, and Castile
soap, of each one scruple; make into twelve pills.
James's powder, five grains; calomel, three grains: in fevers,
for adults. For children, the following:—Powdered camphor, one
scruple; calomel and powdered scammony, of each nine grains; James's
powder, six grains; mix, and divide into six powders. Half of one
powder twice a day for an infant a year old; a whole powder for two
years: and for four years, the same three times a day.
James's powder, six grains; powdered jalap, ten grains; mix, and
divide into three or four powders, according to the child's age: in
one powder if for an adult.
Contents / Index
Powdered rhubarb, four grains; mercury and chalk, three grains;
ginger in powder, one grain: an alterative aperient for children.
Dried sulphate of magnesia, six drachms; sulphate of soda, three
drachms; infusion of senna, seven ounces; tincture of jalap, and
compound tincture of cardamoms, each half an ounce: in acute
diseases generally; take two tablespoonfuls every four hours till it
operates freely.
Nitrate of potass, one drachm and a half; spirits of nitric
ether, half an ounce; camphor mixture, and the spirit of mindererus,
each four ounces: in fevers, &c.; two tablespoonfuls, three times a
day, and for children a dessertspoonful every four hours.
Spirit of nitric ether, three drachms; dilute nitric acid, two
drachms; syrup, three drachms; camphor mixture, seven ounces; in
fevers, &c., with debility; dose as in preceding prescription.
Decoction of broom, half a pint; cream of tartar, one ounce,
tincture of squills, two drachms: in dropsies; a third part three
times a day.
Contents / Index
Pills of soap and opium, five grains for a dose, as directed.
Ammoniated tincture of valerian, six drachms; camphor mixture,
seven ounces; a fourth part three times a day; in spasmodic and
hysterical disorders.
Disulphate of quina, half a drachm; dilute sulphuric acid,
twenty drops; compound infusion of roses, eight ounces: two
tablespoonfuls every four hours, in intermittent and other fevers,
during the absence of the paroxysm.
Almond mixture seven ounces and a half; wine of antimony and
ipecacuanha, of each one drachm and a half: a tablespoonful every
four hours; in cough with fever, &c.
Calomel, one grain; powdered white sugar, two grains; to make a
powder to be placed on the tongue every two or three hours. Should
the calomel act on the bowels, powdered kino is to be substituted
for the sugar.
Contents / Index
Antimony and ipecacuanha wines, of each an ounce; a teaspoonful
every ten minutes for a child till vomiting is produced; but for an
adult a large tablespoonful should be taken.
Compound infusion of roses, seven ounces; tincture of myrrh, one
Infusion of orange peel, seven ounces; tincture of hops, half an
ounce; and a drachm of carbonate of soda: two tablespoonfuls twice a
day. Or, infusion of valerian, seven ounces; carbonate of ammonia,
two scruples; compound tincture of bark, six drachms; spirits of
ether, two drachms: one tablespoonful every twenty-four hours.
Blue pill, four grains; opium, half a grain: to be taken three
times a day.
For a Clyster.—A pint and a half of gruel or fat broth, a
tablespoonful of castor oil, one of common salt, and a lump of
butter; mix, to be injected slowly. A third of this quantity is
enough for an infant.
Contents / Index
Chalk mixture, seven ounces; aromatic and opiate confection, of
each one drachm; tincture of catechu, six drachms: two
tablespoonfuls every two hours.
Carbonate of soda, powdered rhubarb, and Castile soap, each one
drachm; make thirty-six pills; three twice a day.
Lotion.—Common salt, one ounce, distilled water, seven ounces;
spirit of wine, one ounce: mix.
Dried sulphate of magnesia, six drachms; heavy carbonate of
magnesia, two drachms; wine of colchicum, two drachms; water, eight
ounces: take two tablespoonfuls every four hours.
Compound powder of ipecacuanha, ten grains; powdered guaiacum,
four grains: in a powder at bedtime.
Contents / Index
Brandish's solution of potash; thirty drops twice a day in a
wineglass of beer.
Disulphate of quina, half a drachm; dilute sulphuric acid, ten
drops; compound infusion of roses, eight ounces: two tablespoonfuls
every four hours, and as a tonic in the stage of weakness succeeding
Flowers of sulphur, two ounces; hog's lard, four ounces; white
hellebore powder, half an ounce: oil of lavender, sixty drops.
Hydriodate of potass, two drachms; distilled water, eight
Flowers of sulphur, half a drachm; carbonate of soda, a scruple;
tartarized antimony, one-eighth of a grain: one powder, night and
morning, in eruptions of the skin or face.
Contents / Index
Milk of bitter almonds, seven ounces; bichloride of mercury,
four grains; spirits of rosemary, one ounce: bathe the eruption with
this lotion three times a day.
Sulphate of zinc, two scruples; sugar of lead, fifteen grains;
distilled water, six ounces: the parts to be washed with the lotion
two or three times a day.
Carbonate of iron, six grains; powdered rhubarb, four grains:
one powder night and morning.
Elecampane powder, two ounces; sweet fennel-seed powder, three
ounces; black pepper powder, one ounce; purified honey, and brown
sugar, of each two ounces; the size of a nutmeg, two or three times
a day.
Sulphate of zinc, twelve grains; wine of opium, one drachm; rose
water, six ounces.
Contents / Index
Sulphate of magnesia, six drachms; sulphate of iron, ten grains;
diluted sulphuric acid, forty drops; tincture of cardamoms
(compound), half an ounce; water, seven ounces: a fourth part night
and morning.
Decoction of oak bark, a pint; dried alum, half an ounce: for an
injection, a syringeful to be used night and morning.
Compound gamboge pill, and a pill of assafœtida and aloes, of
each half a drachm: make twelve pills; two twice or three times a
Griffiths' mixture—one tablespoonful three times a day.
Ergot of rye, five grains; in a powder, to be taken every four
hours. This should only be taken under medical advice and sanction.
Contents / Index
Powdered opium, half a grain; camphor, two grains in a pill; to
be taken every three or four hours whilst in pain.
Syrup of balsam of tolu, two ounces; the muriate of morphia, two
grains; muriatic acid, twenty drops: a teaspoonful twice a day.
Salts of tartar, two scruples, twenty grains of powdered
cochineal; 1/4 lb. of honey; water, half a pint; boil, and give a
tablespoonful three times a day.
Calomel, ten grains; Castile soap, extract of jalap, extract of
colocynth, of each one scruple; oil of juniper, five drops: make
into fifteen pills; one three times a day.
Infusion of orange peel, eight ounces; carbonate of soda, one
drachm; and compound tincture of cardamoms, half an ounce: take a
tablespoonful three times a day, succeeding the pills.
Contents / Index
Carbonate of iron, three ounces; syrup of ginger, sufficient to
make an electuary: a teaspoonful three times a day.
Take of Castile soap, compound extract of colocynth, compound
rhubarb pill, and the extract of jalap, each one scruple; oil of
caraway, ten drops; make into twenty pills, and take one after
dinner every day whilst necessary.
Spirit of rosemary, five parts; spirit of wine, or spirit of
turpentine, one part.
Take of thick mucilage, one ounce; castor oil, twelve drachms;
make into an emulsion: add mint water, four ounces; spirit of nitre,
three drachms; laudanum, one drachm; mixture of squills, one drachm;
and syrup, seven drachms; mix; two tablespoonfuls every six hours.
Contents / Index
652. Medicines (Aperient)
In the spring time of the year, the judicious use of aperient
medicines is much to be commended.
Contents / Index
653. Spring Aperients
For children, an excellent medicine is
Brimstone and treacle, prepared by mixing an ounce and a half of
sulphur, and half an ounce of cream of tartar, with eight ounces of
treacle; and, according to the age of the child, giving from a small
teaspoonful to a dessertspoonful, early in the morning, two or three
times a week.
As this sometimes produces sickness, the following may be used:
Take of powdered Rochelle salts one drachm and a half, powdered
jalap and powdered rhubarb each fifteen grains, ginger two grains,
mix. Dose, for a child above five years, one small teaspoonful;
above ten years, a large teaspoonful; above fifteen, half the
whole, or two teaspoonfuls: and for a person above twenty, three
teaspoonfuls, or the whole, as may be required by the habit of the
This medicine may be dissolved in warm water, mint, or common tea. The
powder can be kept for use in a wide-mouthed bottle, and be in
readiness for any emergency. The druggist may be directed to treble or
quadruple the quantities, as convenient.
Contents / Index
654. Aperient Pills.
To some adults all liquid medicines produce such nausea that pills are
the only form in which aperients can be exhibited; the following is a
useful formula:
Take of compound rhubarb pill a drachm and one scruple, of
powdered ipecacuanha ten grains, and of extract of hyoscyamus one
scruple; mix, and beat into a mass, and divide into twenty-four
pills; take one or two, or if of a very costive habit, three at
For persons requiring a more powerful aperient, the same
formula, with twenty grains of compound extract of colocynth, will
form a good purgative pill. The mass receiving this addition must be
divided into thirty, instead of twenty-four pills.
Contents / Index
655. Black Draught
The common aperient medicine known as black draught is made in the
following manner:
Take of senna leaves six drachms, bruised ginger half a drachm,
sliced liquorice root four drachms, Epsom salts two and a half
ounces, boiling water half an imperial pint. Keep this standing on
the hob or near the fire for three hours, then strain, and after
allowing it to grow cool, add of sal volatile one drachm and a half,
of tincture of senna, and of tincture of cardamoms, each half an
ounce. This mixture will keep a long time in a cool place. Dose, a
wineglassful for an adult; and two tablespoonfuls for young persons
about fifteen years of age. It is not a suitable medicine for
Contents / Index
656. Tonic Aperient
The following will be found a useful medicine for persons of all ages.
Take of Epsom salts one ounce, diluted sulphuric acid one drachm,
infusion of quassia chips half an imperial pint, compound tincture
of rhubarb two drachms. Dose, half a wineglassful twice a day.
Contents / Index
657. Infants' Aperient
The following may be used with safety for young children.
Take of rhubarb five grains, magnesia three grains, white sugar a
scruple, grey powder five grains; mix. Dose, for an infant from
twelve to eighteen months of age, from one-third to one-half of the
A useful laxative for children is composed of calomel five
grains, and sugar a scruple, made into five powders. Dose, half of
one of these for a child from birth to one year, and a whole one
from that age to three years.
Contents / Index
658. Flour of Brimstone
Flour of brimstone
is a mild aperient in doses of about a quarter of an ounce; it is best
taken in milk. Flour of brimstone, which is also called sublimed
sulphur, is generally put up in ounce packets at 7d.; its wholesale
price is 4d. per pound.
Contents / Index
A Spark may Raise an Awful Blaze.
659. Medicines
Preparations of them.—The following directions are of the utmost
value in connection with the Domestic Pharmacopœia, Diseases,
Prescriptions, and Poisons.
They will be found most important to emigrants, attendants upon the
sick, and persons who reside out of the reach of medical aid, sailors,
&c., &c. They contain instructions not only for the compounding of
medicines, but most useful hints and cautions upon the application of
leeches, blisters, poultices, &c.
Contents / Index
660. Articles Required for Mixing Medicines
- Three glass measures, one to measure ounces, another to measure
drachms, and a measure for minims, drops, or small doses.
- A pestle and mortar, both of glass and Wedgwood-ware.
- A spatula, or flexible knife, for spreading ointments, making pills,
- A set of scales and weights.
- A small slab of marble, or porcelain, for making pills upon, mixing
ointments, &c.
Contents / Index
661. Medicine Weights and Measures.—Weights
When you open your box containing the scales and weights, you will
observe that there are several square pieces of brass, of different
sizes and thicknesses, and stamped with a variety of characters. These
are the weights, which may now be explained.
Contents / Index
662. Troy Weight
Medicines are made up by troy weight, although drugs are bought by
avoirdupois weight. There are twelve ounces to the pound troy, which
is marked lb.; the ounce, which contains eight drachms, is marked
i; the drachm, containing
three scruples, is marked
i; and the
scruple of twenty grains is marked
i. The grain weights are marked
by little circles, thus:

Each of the grain weights, in addition to the circles denoting their
several weights, bears also the stamp of a crown. Care must be taken
not to mistake this for one of the numerals. Besides these weights
there are others marked
ss, which means half a scruple;
ss, meaning half a drachm; and
ss, meaning half an
ounce. When there are ounces, drachms, or scruples, the number of them
is shown by Roman figures, thus:—i. ii. iii. iv. v., &c., and
prescriptions are written in this style.
Contents / Index
663. Measures—Liquid
Liquid medicines are always measured by the following table:
60 minims |
are contained in |
1 fluid drachm |
8 fluid drachms |
are contained in |
1 fluid ounce |
20 fluid ounces |
are contained in |
a pint |
8 pints |
are contained in |
1 gallon |
And the signs which distinguish each are as follows:
c |
a gallon |
o |
a pint |
fl.  |
a fluid ounce |
fl.  |
a fluid drachm |
m |
a minim, or drop |
Formerly drops used to be
ordered, but as the size of a drop must necessarily vary, minims are
always directed to be employed now for any particular medicine,
although for such medicines as oil of cloves, essence of ginger, &c.,
drops are frequently ordered.
Contents / Index
664. Specific Measuring Vessels
In order that medicines may be measured accurately, there are
graduated glass vessels for measuring ounces, drachms, and minims.
Contents / Index
665. Approximate Measures
When proper measures are not at hand, it is necessary to adopt some
other method of determining the quantities required, and therefore the
following table has been drawn up for that purpose:
A tumbler |
usually contains about |
10 ounces |
A cup |
usually contains about |
6 ounces |
A wineglass |
usually contains about |
2 ounces |
A tablespoon |
usually contains about |
4 drachms |
A dessertspoon |
usually contains about |
2 drachms |
A teaspoon |
usually contains about |
1 drachm |
These quantities refer to ordinary sized spoons and vessels. Some cups
hold half as much more, and some tablespoons contain six drachms. A
medicine glass, which is graduated so as to show the number of
spoonfuls it contains, should be kept in every family.
Contents / Index
To-day, Man Lives in Pleasure, Wealth and Pride.
666. Process of Making Medicines
To powder substances.—Place the substance in the mortar, and strike
it gently with direct perpendicular blows of the pestle, until it
separates into several pieces, then remove all but a small portion,
which bruise gently at first, and rub the pestle round and round the
mortar, observing that the circles described by the pestle should
gradually decrease in diameter, and then increase again, because by
this means every part of the powder is subjected to the process of
pulverization. In powdering substances, making emulsions, and whenever
using a mortar, the pestle should always travel from the right to the
Contents / Index
667. Preparation and Assistance
Some substances require to be prepared in a particular manner before
they can be powdered, or to be assisted by adding some other body. For
example, camphor powders more easily when a few drops of spirits of
wine are added to it; mace, nutmegs, and such oily aromatic substances
are better for the addition of a little white sugar; resins and
gum-resins should be powdered in a cold place, and if they are
intended to be dissolved, a little fine well-washed white sand mixed
with them assists the process of powdering. Tough roots, like gentian
and calumba, should be cut into thin slices; and fibrous roots, like
ginger, cut slanting, otherwise the powder will be full of small
fibres. Vegetable matter, such as peppermint, loosestrife, senna, &c.,
requires to be dried before it is powdered.
Contents / Index
668. Care of the Mortar
Be careful not to pound too hard in glass, porcelain, or Wedgwood-ware
mortar; they are intended only for substances that pulverize easily,
and for the purpose of mixing or incorporating medicines. Never use
acids in a marble mortar, and be sure that you do not powder galls or
any other astringent substances in any but a brass mortar.
Contents / Index
669. Sifting
Sifting is frequently required for powdered substances, and this is
usually done by employing a fine sieve, or tying the powder up in a
piece of muslin, and striking it against the left hand over a piece of
Contents / Index
670. Filtering
Filtering is frequently required for the purpose of obtaining clear
fluids, such as infusions, eye-washes, and other medicines; and it is,
therefore, highly important to know how to perform this simple
operation. First of all take a square piece of white blotting paper,
and double it over so as to form an angular cup. Open out this filter
paper very carefully, and having placed it in a funnel, moisten it
with a little water. Then place the funnel in the neck of the bottle,
and pour the liquid gently down the side of the paper, otherwise the
fluid is apt to burst the paper.
Contents / Index
671. Maceration
Maceration is another process that is frequently required to be
performed in making up medicines, and consists simply in immersing the
medicines in cold water or spirits for a certain time.
Contents / Index
672. Digestion
Digestion resembles maceration, except that the process is assisted by
a gentle heat. The ingredients are placed in a flask, such as salad
oil is sold in, which should be fitted with a plug of tow or wood, and
have a piece of wire twisted round the neck. The flask is held by
means of the wire over the flame of a spirit lamp, or else placed in
some sand warmed in an old iron saucepan over the fire, care being
taken not to place more of the flask below the sand than the portion
occupied by the ingredients.
Contents / Index
673. Infusion
Infusion is one of the most frequent operations required in making up
medicines, its object being to extract the aromatic and volatile
principles of substances, that would be lost by decoction, or
digestion; and to extract the soluble from the insoluble parts of
bodies. Infusions may be made with cold water, in which case they are
weaker, but more pleasant. The general method employed consists in
slicing, bruising, or rasping the ingredients first, then placing them
in a common jug (which should be as globular as possible), and pouring
boiling water over them. Cover the jug with a cloth folded six or
eight times, but if there be a lid to the jug so much the better. When
the infusion has stood the time directed, hold a piece of very
coarse linen over the spout, and pour the liquid through it into
another jug.
Contents / Index
To-morrow, Poor—or Life Itself Denied.
674. Decoction
Decoction, or boiling, is employed to extract the mucilaginous or
gummy parts of substances, their bitter, astringent, or other
qualities, and is nothing more than boiling the ingredients in a
saucepan with the lid slightly raised. Be sure never to use an iron
saucepan for astringent decoctions, such as oak-bark, galls, &c., as
they will turn the saucepan black, and spoil the decoction. The
enamelled saucepans are very useful for decoctions, but an excellent
plan is to put the ingredients into a jar and boil the jar, thus
preparing it by a water bath, as it is technically termed; or by using
a common pipkin, which answers still better. No decoction should be
allowed to boil for more than ten minutes.
Contents / Index
675. Extracts
Extracts are made by evaporating the liquors obtained by infusion or
decoction, but these can be bought much cheaper and better of chemists
and druggists, and so can tinctures, confections, cerates and
plasters, and syrups: but as every one is not always in the
neighbourhood of druggists, we shall give recipes for those most
generally useful, and the method of making them.
Contents / Index
676. Precautions to be Observed in Giving Medicines.
677. Sex
Medicines for females should not be so strong as those for males,
therefore it is advisable to reduce the doses about one-third.
Contents / Index
678. Temperament
Persons of a phlegmatic temperament bear stimulants and purgatives
better than those of a sanguine temperament, therefore the latter
require smaller doses.
Contents / Index
679. Habits
Purgatives never act so well upon persons accustomed to take them as
upon those who are not, therefore it is better to change the form of
purgative from pill to potion, powder to draught, or aromatic to
saline. Purgatives should never be given when there is an irritable
state of the bowels.
Contents / Index
680. Use of Alcohol
Stimulants and narcotics never act so quickly upon persons accustomed
to use spirits freely as upon those who live abstemiously.
Contents / Index
681. Climate
The action of medicines is modified by climate and seasons. In summer,
certain medicines act more powerfully than in winter, and the same
person cannot bear the dose in July that he could in December.
Contents / Index
682. General Health
Persons whose general health is good bear stronger doses than the
debilitated and those who have suffered for a long time.
Contents / Index
683. Idiosyncrasy
By this is meant a peculiar temperament or disposition not common to
people generally. For example, some persons cannot take calomel in the
smallest dose without being salivated, or rhubarb without having
convulsions; others cannot take squills, opium, senna, &c.; and this
peculiarity is called the patient's idiosyncrasy, therefore it is
wrong to insist upon their taking these medicines.
Contents / Index
684. Forms best suited for Administration
Fluids act quicker than solids, and powders sooner than pills.
Contents / Index
685. Best Method of Preventing the Nauseous Taste of Medicines
Castor oil may be taken in milk, coffee, or spirit, such as brandy;
but the best method of covering the nauseous flavour is to put a
tablespoonful of strained orange juice in a wineglass, pour the castor
oil into the centre of the juice, and then squeeze a few drops of
lemon juice upon the top of the oil. The wineglass should first be
dipped, rim downwards, into water, so that the interior may be wetted.
Cod liver oil may be taken, like castor oil, in orange juice.
Peppermint water neutralizes, to a great extent, the nauseous taste of
Epsom salts; a strong solution of extract of liquorice, that of aloes;
milk, that of cinchona bark; and cloves that of senna.
Contents / Index
To-day, Lays Plans for Many Years to Come.
686. An Excellent Way to Prevent the Taste of Medicines
An excellent way to prevent the taste of medicines
is to have the medicine in a glass, as usual, and a tumbler of water
by the side of it; take the medicine, and retain it in the mouth,
which should be kept closed, and if drinking the water be then
commenced, the taste of the medicine is washed away. Even the
bitterness of quinine and aloes may be prevented by this means. If the
nostrils are firmly compressed by the thumb and finger of the left
hand, while taking a nauseous draught, and so retained till the mouth
has been washed out with water, the disagreeable taste of the medicine
will be almost imperceptible.
Contents / Index
687. Giving Medicines to Persons
Medicines should be given in such a manner that the effect of the
first dose shall not have ceased when the next dose is given,
therefore the intervals between the doses should be regulated
Contents / Index
688. Doses of Medicine for Different Ages
It must be plain to every one that children do not require such
powerful medicine as adults or old people, and therefore it is
desirable to have some fixed method of determining or regulating the
administration of doses of medicine. Now let it be supposed that the
dose for a full-grown person is one drachm, then the following
proportions will be suitable for the various ages given; keeping in
view other circumstances, such as sex, temperament, habits, climate,
state of general health, and idiosyncrasy.
Age |
Proportion |
Proportionate Dose |
7 weeks |
one-fifteenth |
or grains 4 |
7 months |
one-twelfth |
or grains 5 |
under 2 years |
one-eighth |
or grains 7.5 |
under 3 years |
one-sixth |
or grains 10 |
under 4 years |
one-fourth |
or grains 15 |
under 7 years |
one-third |
or scruple 1 |
under 14 years |
one-half |
or drachm 1/2 |
under 20 years |
two-fifths |
or scruples 2 |
above 21 years |
the full dose |
above 65 years |
the inverse gradation |
Contents / Index
689. Drugs, with their Properties and Doses
The various drugs have been arranged according to their properties,
and the doses of each have been given. Many, however, have been
necessarily omitted from each class, because they cannot be employed
except by a medical man. The doses are meant for adults.
Contents / Index
690. Classes of Drugs
Medicines have been divided into four grand classes
General stimulants;
- Local stimulants;
- Chemical remedies;
- Mechanical remedies.
Contents / Index
691. General Stimulants
General stimulants are subdivided into two classes, diffusible and
permanent stimulants: the first comprising narcotics and
antispasmodics, and the second tonics and astringents.
Contents / Index
692. Narcotics
Narcotics are medicines which stupefy and diminish the activity of the
nervous system. Given in small doses, they generally act as
stimulants, but an increased dose produces a sedative effect. Under
this head are included alcohol, camphor, ether, the hop, and opium.
Contents / Index
693. Alcohol
Alcohol, or rectified spirit, is a very powerful stimulant, and is
never used as a remedy without being diluted to the degree called
proof spirit; and even then it is seldom used internally. It is used
externally in restraining bleeding, when there is not any vessel of
importance wounded. It is also used as a lotion to burns, and is
applied by dipping a piece of lint into the spirit, and laying it over
the part. Freely diluted (one part to eighteen) with water, it forms a
useful eye-wash in the last stage of ophthalmia.
Used internally, it acts as a very useful stimulant when diluted and
taken moderately, increasing the general excitement, and giving energy
to the muscular fibres; hence it becomes very useful in certain cases
of debility, especially in habits disposed to create acidity; and in
the low stage of typhus fevers.
Dose.—It is impossible to fix anything like a dose for this remedy,
as much will depend upon the individual; but diluted with water and
sweetened with sugar, from half an ounce to two ounces may be given
three or four times a day. In cases of extreme debility, however, much
will depend upon the disease.
Caution.—Remember that alcohol is an irritant poison, and that
daily indulgence in its use originates dyspepsia, or indigestion, and
many other serious complaints. Of all kinds of spirits the best as a
tonic and stomachic is brandy.
Contents / Index
To-morrow, Sinks into the Silent Tomb.
694. Camphor
Camphor is not a very steady stimulant, as its effect is transitory;
but in large doses it acts as a narcotic, abating pain and inducing
sleep. In moderate doses it operates as a diaphoretic, diuretic,
antispasmodic, increasing the heat of the body, allaying irritation
and spasm.
It is used externally as a liniment when dissolved in oil, alcohol,
or acetic acid, being employed to allay rheumatic pains; and it is
also useful as an embrocation in sprains, bruises, chilblains, and,
when combined with opium, it has been advantageously employed in
flatulent colic, and severe diarrhœa, being rubbed over the bowels.
When reduced to a fine powder, by the addition of a little spirit of
wine and friction, it is very useful as a local stimulant to indolent
ulcers, especially when they discharge a foul kind of matter; a pinch
is taken between the finger and thumb, and sprinkled into the ulcer,
which is then dressed as usual.
When dissolved in oil of turpentine, a few drops placed in a hollow
tooth and covered with jeweller's wool, or scraped lint, give almost
instant relief to toothache.
Used internally, it is apt to excite
nausea, and even vomiting, especially when given in the solid form.
As a stimulant it is of great service in all low fevers, malignant
measles, malignant sore throat, and confluent small-pox; and when
combined with opium and bark, it is extremely useful in checking the
progress of malignant ulcers, and gangrene.
As a narcotic it is very useful, because it allays pain and
irritation, without increasing the pulse very much.
When powdered and sprinkled upon the surface of a blister, it
prevents the cantharides acting in a peculiar and painful manner upon
the bladder.
Combined with senna, it increases its purgative properties; and it
is also used to correct the nausea produced by squills, and the
irritating effects of drastic purgatives and mezereon.
Dose, from four grains to half a scruple, repeated at short
intervals when used in small doses, and long intervals when employed
in large doses.
Doses of the various preparations.—Camphor mixture, from half an
ounce to three ounces; compound tincture of camphor (paregoric
elixir), from fifteen minims to two drachms.
Caution.—When given in an overdose it acts as a poison, producing
vomiting, giddiness, delirium, convulsions, and sometimes death. Opium
is the best antidote for camphor, whether in excess or taken as a
Mode of exhibition.—It may be rubbed up with almond
emulsion, or mucilage, or the yolk of eggs, and by this means
suspended in water, or combined with chloroform as a mixture, in which
form it is a valuable stimulant in cholera and other diseases. (See
Mixtures, 556-564).
Contents / Index
695. Ether
Ether is a diffusible stimulant, narcotic and antispasmodic.
Contents / Index
696. Sulphuric Ether
Sulphuric Ether is used externally both as a stimulant and a
refrigerant. In the former case its evaporation is prevented by
covering a rag moistened with it with oiled silk, in order to relieve
headache; and in the latter case it is allowed to evaporate, and thus
produce coldness: hence it is applied over scalded surfaces by means
of rags dipped in it.
As a local application, it has been found to afford almost instant
relief in earache, when combined with almond oil, and dropped into the
It is used internally as a stimulant and narcotic in low fevers and
cases of great exhaustion.
Dose, from fifteen minims to half a drachm, repeated at short
intervals, as its effects soon pass off. Give in a little camphor
julep, or water.
Contents / Index
697. Nitric Ether
Nitric Ether is a refrigerant, diuretic, and antispasmodic, well known
as "sweet spirit of nitre."
Used externally, its evaporation relieves headache, and it is
sometimes applied to burns. It is used internally to relieve nausea,
flatulence, and thirst in fevers; also as a diuretic.
Dose, from ten minims to one drachm. The smaller dose taken in a
little warm water or gruel is useful as a sudorific in cases of cold
and chill, to induce and promote the proper action of the skin which
has been checked. If a larger dose be taken, it acts as a diuretic and
not as a sudorific, and so fails to produce the desired effect.
Contents / Index
To-day, His Food is Dressed in Dainty Forms.
698. Compound Spirit of Sulphuric Ether
Compound Spirit of Sulphuric Ether is a very useful stimulant,
narcotic, and antispasmodic.
Used internally in cases of great exhaustion, attended with
Dose, from half a drachm to two drachms, in camphor julep. When
combined with laudanum, it prevents the nauseating effects of the
opium, and acts more beneficially as a narcotic.
Contents / Index
699. The Hop
The Hop is a narcotic, tonic, and diuretic; it reduces the frequency
of the pulse, and does not affect the head, like most anodynes.
Used externally, it acts as an anodyne and discutient, and is useful
as a fomentation for painful tumours, rheumatic pains in the joints,
and severe contusions. A pillow stuffed with hops acts as a narcotic.
When the powder is mixed with lard, it acts as an anodyne dressing in
painful ulcers.
Dose, of the extract, from five grains to one scruple; of the
tincture, from half a drachm to two drachms; of the powder, from
three! grains to one scruple; of the infusion, half an ounce to one
and a half ounce.
Contents / Index
700. Opium
Opium is a stimulant, narcotic, and anodyne.
Used externally it acts almost as well as when taken into the
stomach, and without affecting the head or causing nausea. Applied to
irritable ulcers in the form of tincture, it promotes their cure, and
allays pain. Cloths dipped in a strong solution, and applied over
painful bruises, tumours, or inflamed joints, allay pain. A small
piece of solid opium stuffed into a hollow tooth relieves toothache. A
weak solution of opium forms a valuable collyrium in ophthalmia. Two
drops of the wine of opium dropped into the eye acts as an excellent
stimulant in bloodshot eye; or after long-continued inflammation, it
is useful in strengthening the eye. Applied as a liniment, in
combination with ammonia and oil, or with camphorated spirit, it
relieves muscular pain. When combined with oil of turpentine, it is
useful as a liniment in spasmodic colic.
Used internally, it acts as a very powerful stimulant: then as a
sedative, and finally as an anodyne and narcotic, allaying pain in the
most extraordinary manner, by acting directly upon the nervous system.
In acute rheumatism it is a most excellent medicine when combined with
calomel and tartrate of antimony; but its exhibition requires the
judicious care of a medical man.
Doses of the various preparations.—. Confection of opium, from
five grains to half a drachm; extract of opium, from one to five
grains (this is a valuable form, as it does not produce so much after
derangement of the nervous system as solid opium); pills of soap and
opium, from five to ten grains; compound ipecacuanha powder
("Dover's Powder"), from ten to fifteen grains; compound kino
powder, from five to fifteen grains; wine of opium, from ten minims
to one drachm.
Caution.—Opium is a powerful poison when taken in
too large a quantity (See Poisons, pars. 1340-1367), and thus
should be used with extreme caution. It is on this account that we
have omitted some of its preparations. The best antidote for opium is
Contents / Index
701. Antispasmodics
Antispasmodics are medicines which possess the power of overcoming the
spasms of the muscles, or allaying any severe pain which is not
attended by inflammation. The class includes a great many, but the
most safe and serviceable are ammonia, assafœtida, galbanum,
valerian, bark, ether, camphor, opium, and chloroform; with the
minerals, oxide of zinc and calomel.
Contents / Index
702. Ammonia
Ammonia, or Sal Volatile, is an antispasmodic antacid, stimulant and
Used externally, combined with oil, it forms a cheap and useful
liniment, but it should be dissolved in proof spirit before the oil
is added. One part of this salt, and three parts of extract of
belladonna, mixed and spread upon leather, makes an excellent plaster
for relieving rheumatic pains. As a local stimulant it is well known,
as regards its effects in hysterics, faintness, and lassitude, when
applied to the nose, as common smelling salts.
It is used internally as an adjunct to infusion of gentian in
dyspepsia or indigestion, and in moderate doses in gout.
Dose, from five to fifteen grains.
Caution.—Overdoses act as a
narcotic and irritant poison.
Contents / Index
To-morrow, is Himself a Feast for Worms.
703. Bicarbonate of Ammonia
Bicarbonate of Ammonia is used internally the same as sal volatile.
Dose, from six to twelve grains. It is frequently combined with Epsom
Contents / Index
704. Solution of Sesquicarbonate of Ammonia
Solution of Sesquicarbonate of Ammonia, used the same as sal
Dose, from half a drachm to one drachm, combined with some milky
fluid, like almond emulsion.
Contents / Index
705. Asafœtida
Asafœtida is an antispasmodic, expectorant, excitant, and
Used internally, it is extremely useful in dyspepsia, flatulent
colic, hysteria, and nervous diseases; and where there are no
inflammatory symptoms, it is an excellent remedy in hooping cough and
Used locally as an enema, it is useful in flatulent colic, and
convulsions that come on through teething.
Doses of various preparations.—Solid gum, from five to ten grains
as pills; mixture, from half an ounce to one ounce; tincture, from
fifteen minims to one drachm; ammoniated tincture, from twenty
minims to one drachm.
Caution. —Never give this drug when inflammation exists.
Contents / Index
706. Galbanum
Galbanum is stimulant, antispasmodic, expectorant, and deobstruent.
Used externally, it assists in dispelling tumours when spread upon
indolent leather as a plaster, and is useful in weakness of the legs
from rickets, being applied as a plaster to the loins.
Employed internally, it is useful in chronic or old-standing
rheumatism and hysteria.
Doses of preparations.—Of the gum, from ten to fifteen grains as
pills; tincture, from fifteen minims to one drachm. It may be made
into an emulsion with mucilage and water.
Contents / Index
707. Valerian
Valerian is a powerful antispasmodic, tonic, and excitant, acting
chiefly on the nervous centres.
Used internally, it is employed in hysteria, nervous languors, and
spasmodic complaints generally. It is useful in low fevers.
Doses of various preparations. —Powder, from ten grains to half a
drachm, three or four times a day; tincture, from two to four
drachms; ammoniated tincture, from one to two drachms; infusion,
from two to three ounces, or more.
Contents / Index
708. Peruvian Bark
Bark, or, as it is commonly called, Peruvian bark, is an
antispasmodic, tonic, astringent, and stomachic.
Used externally, it is an excellent detergent for foul ulcers, and
those that heal slowly.
Used internally, it is particularly valuable in intermittent fever
or ague, malignant measles, dysentery, diarrhœa, intermittent
rheumatism, St. Vitus's dance, indigestion, nervous affections,
malignant sore throat, and erysipelas; its use being indicated in all
cases of debility.
Doses of its preparations.—Powder, from five grains to two
drachms, mixed in wine, water, milk, syrup, or solution of liquorice;
infusion, from one to three ounces; decoction, from one to three
ounces; tincture and compound tincture, each from one to three
Caution.—If it causes oppression at the stomach, combine it with an
aromatic; if it causes vomiting, give it in wine or soda water; if it
purges, give opium; and if it constipates give rhubarb.
Contents / Index
709. Sulphuric Ether
Sulphuric Ether is given internally as an antispasmodic in difficult
breathing and spasmodic asthma; also in hysteria, cramp of the
stomach, hiccough, locked jaw, and cholera. It is useful in checking
Dose, from twenty minims to one drachm.
Caution.—An overdose produces apoplectic symptoms.
Contents / Index
To-day He's Clad in Gaudy, Rich Array
710. Camphor (2)
Camphor is given internally as an antispasmodic in hysteria, cramp in
the stomach, flatulent colic, and St. Vitus's dance.
Dose, from two to twenty grains.
Contents / Index
711. Opium (2)
Opium is employed internally in spasmodic affections, such as cholera,
spasmodic asthma, whooping cough, flatulent colic, and St. Vitus's
Dose, from one-sixth of a grain to two grains of the solid opium,
according to the disease.
Contents / Index
712. Oxide of Zinc
Oxide of Zinc is an antispasmodic, astringent, and tonic.
Used externally, as an ointment, it forms an excellent astringent in
affections of the eyelids, arising from relaxation; or as a powder, it
is an excellent detergent for unhealthy ulcers.
Used internally, it has proved efficacious in St. Vitus's dance, and
some other spasmodic affections.
Dose, from one to six grains twice a day.
Contents / Index
713. Calomel
Calomel is an antispasmodic, alterative deobstruent, purgative, and
Used internally, combined with opium, it acts as an antispasmodic in
locked jaw, cholera, and many other spasmodic affections. As an
alterative and deobstruent, it has been found useful in leprosy and
itch, when combined with antimonials and guaiacum, and in enlargement
of the liver and glandular affections. It acts beneficially in
dropsies, by producing watery motions. In typhus it is of great
benefit when combined with antimonials; and it may be given as a
purgative in almost any disease, provided there is not any
inflammation of the bowels, irritability of the system, or great
Dose, as a deobstruent and alterative, from one to five grains,
daily; as a cathartic, from five to fifteen grains; to produce
ptyalism, or salivation, from one to two grains, in a pill, with a
quarter of a grain of opium, night and morning.
Caution.—When taking calomel, exposure to cold or dampness should
be guarded against, as such an imprudence would bring out an eruption
of the skin, attended with fever. When this does occur, leave off the
calomel, and give bark, wine, and purgatives; take a warm bath twice a
day, and powder the surface of the body with powdered starch.
Contents / Index
714. Tonics
Tonics are given to improve the tone of the system, and restore the
natural energies and general strength of the body. They consist of
bark, quassia, gentian, camomile, wormwood, and angostura bark.
Contents / Index
715. Quassia
Quassia is a simple tonic, and can be used with safety by any one, as
it does not increase the animal heat, or quicken the circulation.
Used internally, in the form of infusion, it has been found of great
benefit in indigestion and nervous irritability, and is useful after
bilious fevers and diarrhœa.
Dose, of the infusion, from one and a half to two ounces, three
times a day.
Contents / Index
716. Gentian
Gentian is an excellent tonic and stomachic; but when given in large
doses, it acts as an aperient.
It is used internally in all cases of general debility, and when
combined with bark is used in intermittent fevers. It has also been
employed in indigestion, and it is sometimes used, combined with sal
volatile, in that disease; but, at other times alone, in the form of
infusion. After diarrhœa, it proves a useful tonic. Its infusion is
sometimes applied externally to foul ulcers.
Dose, of the infusion, one and a half to two ounces; of the
tincture, one to four drachms; of the extract, from ten to thirty
Contents / Index
717. Camomile
The flowers of the camomile are tonic, slightly anodyne,
antispasmodic, and emetic.
They are used externally as fomentations, in colic, faceache, and
tumours, and to unhealthy ulcers.
They are used internally in the form of infusion, with carbonate of
soda, ginger, and other stomachic remedies, in dyspepsia, flatulent
colic, debility following dysentery and gout. Warm infusion of the
flowers acts as an emetic; and the powdered flowers are sometimes
combined with opium or kino, and given in intermittent fevers.
Dose, of the powdered flowers, from ten grains to one drachm,
twice or thrice a day; of the infusion, from one to two ounces, as a
tonic, three times a day: and from six ounces to one pint as an
emetic; of the extract, from five to twenty grains.
Contents / Index
To-morrow, Shrouded for a Bed of Clay.
718. Wormwood
Wormwood is a tonic and anthelmintic.
It is used externally as a discutient and antiseptic.
It is used internally in long-standing cases of dyspepsia, in the
form of infusion, with or without aromatics. It has also been used in
Dose, of the infusion, from one to two ounces, three times a day;
of the powder, from one to two scruples.
Contents / Index
719. Angostura Bark
Angostura Bark, or Cusparia, is a tonic and stimulant. It expels
flatulence, increases the appetite, and produces a grateful warmth in
the stomach.
It is used internally in intermittent fevers, dyspepsia, hysteria,
and all cases of debility, where a stimulating tonic is desirable,
particularly after bilious diarrhœa.
Dose, of the powder, from ten to fifteen grains, combined with
cinnamon powder, magnesia, or rhubarb; of the extract, from three to
ten grains; of the infusion, from one to two ounces.
Caution. —This drug should never be given in inflammatory diseases
or hectic fever.
Contents / Index
720. Astringents
Astringents are medicines given for the purpose of diminishing
excessive discharges, and to act indirectly as tonics. This class
includes catechu, kino, oak bark, log wood, rose leaves, chalk, and
white vitriol.
Contents / Index
721. Catechu
Catechu is a most valuable astringent.
It is used externally, when powdered, to promote the contraction of
flabby ulcers. As a local astringent it is useful in relaxed uvula, a
small piece being dissolved in the mouth; small, spotty ulcerations of
the mouth and throat, and bleeding gums, and for these two affections
it is used in the form of infusion to wash the parts.
It is given internally in diarrhœa, dysentery, and hemorrhage from
the bowels.
Dose, of the infusion, from one to three ounces; of the
tincture, from one to four drachms; of the powder, from ten to
thirty grains.
Caution.—It must not be given with soda or any alkali; nor metallic
salts, albumen, or gelatine, as its property is destroyed by this
Contents / Index
722. Kino
Kino is a powerful astringent.
It is used externally to ulcers, to give tone to them when flabby,
and discharging foul and thin matter.
It is used internally in the same diseases as catechu.
Dose, of the powder, from ten to fifteen grains; of the tincture,
from one to two drachms; of the compound powder, from ten to twenty
grains; of the infusion, from a half to one and a half ounce.
Caution.—Kino is used in combination with calomel, when salivation
is intended, to prevent, by its astringency, the action of the calomel
on the bowels, and thereby insure its affecting the constitution.—
(See Catechu).
Contents / Index
723. Oak Bark
Oak Bark is an astringent and tonic.
It is used externally in the form of decoction, to restrain bleeding
from lacerated surfaces. As a local astringent, it is used in the
form of decoction, as a gargle in sore throat and relaxed uvula.
It is used internally in the same diseases as catechu, and when
combined with aromatics and bitters, in intermittent fevers.
Dose of the powder, from fifteen to thirty grains; of the
decoction, from two to eight drachms.
Contents / Index
724. Logwood
Logwood is not a very satisfactory astringent.
It is used internally in diarrhœa, the last stage of dysentery, and
a lax state of the intestines.
Dose, of the extract, from ten grains to one drachm; of the
decoction from one to three ounces, three or four times a day.
Contents / Index
725. Rose Leaves
Rose Leaves are stringent and tonic.
They are used internally in spitting of blood, hemorrhage from the
stomach, intestines, &c., as a gargle for sore throat, and for the
night sweats of consumption. The infusion is frequently used as a
tonic with diluted sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol), after low fevers,
or in combination with Epsom salts and sulphuric acid in certain
states of the bowels.
Dose of infusion, from two to four ounces.
Contents / Index
To-day, Enjoys his Halls, Built to his Mind.
726. Chalk
Chalk, when prepared by washing, becomes an astringent as well as
It is used internally in diarrhœa, in the form of mixture, and
externally as an application to burns, scalds, and excoriations.
Dose of the mixture, from one to two ounces.
Contents / Index
727. White Vitriol
White Vitriol, or Sulphate of Zinc, is an astringent, tonic, and
It is used externally as a collyrium for ophthalmia (See Domestic
Pharmacopœia,), and as a detergent for scrofulous
ulcers, in the proportion of three grains of the salt to one ounce of
It is used internally in indigestion, and many other diseases; but
it should not be given unless ordered by a medical man, as it is a
Contents / Index
728. Local Stimulants
Local stimulants comprise emetics, cathartics, diuretics,
diaphoretics, expectorants, sialogogues, errhines, and epispastics.
Contents / Index
729. Emetics
Emetics are medicines given for the purpose of causing vomiting, as in
cases of poisoning. They consist of ipecacuanha, camomile, antimony,
copper, zinc, and several others.
Contents / Index
730. Ipecacuanha
Ipecacuanha is an emetic, diaphoretic, and expectorant.
It is used internally to excite vomiting, in doses of from ten to
twenty grains of the powder, or one to one and a half ounce of the
infusion, every half hour until vomiting takes place. To make it act
well and easily, the patient should drink half pints of warm water
after each dose of the infusion. As a diaphoretic, it should be given
in doses of three grains, mixed with some soft substance, such as
crumbs of bread, and repeated every four hours.
Dose of the wine, from twenty minims to one drachm as a
diaphoretic, and from one drachm to one and a half ounces as an
Caution.—Do not give more than the doses named above, because,
although a safe emetic, yet it is an acrid narcotic poison.
Contents / Index
731. Mustard
Mustard is too well known to require describing. It is an emetic,
diuretic, stimulant, and rubefacient.
It is used externally as a poultice. Mustard poultices are made of
the powder, bread crumbs, and water; or of one part of mustard to two
of flour; or, especially for children, of linseed meal, mixed with a
little of the powder, or having some of the powder slightly sprinkled
on the surface. Sometimes a little vinegar is added under the idea
that it increases the strength of the poultice, but this is not
necessary. In all cases where a stimulant is required, such as sore
throats, rheumatic pains in the joints, cholera, cramps in the
extremities, diarrhœa, and many other diseases. When applied it
should not he left on too long, as it is apt to cause ulceration of
the part. From ten to thirty minutes is quite long enough.
When used internally as an emetic, a large teaspoonful mixed with a
tumbler of warm water generally operates quickly and safely,
frequently when other emetics have failed. In dropsy it is sometimes
given in the form of whey, which is made by boiling half an ounce of
the bruised seeds in a pint of milk, and straining off the curd.
From three to four ounces of this is to be taken for a dose three
times a day.
Contents / Index
732. Cathartics
Cathartics are divided into laxatives and purgatives. Manna,
tamarinds, castor oil, sulphur, and magnesia are laxatives; senna,
rhubarb, jalap, colocynth, buckthorn, aloes, cream of tartar,
scammony, calomel, Epsom salts, Glauber's salts, sulphate of potash,
and Venice turpentine are purgatives.
Contents / Index
733. Manna
Manna is a very gentle laxative, and therefore used for children and
delicate persons.
Dose for children, from one to two drachms; and for adults, from
one to two ounces, combined with rhubarb and cinnamon water.
Contents / Index
734. Tamarinds
Tamarinds are generally laxative and refrigerant. As it is agreeable,
this medicine will generally be eaten by children when they will not
take other medicines.
Dose, from half to one ounce. As a refrigerant beverage in fevers it
is extremely grateful.
Contents / Index
To-morrow, in a Coffin is Confined.
735. Castor Oil
Castor Oil is a most valuable medicine, as it generally operates
quickly and mildly.
It is used externally, combined with citron ointment, as a topical
application in common leprosy.
It is used internally as an ordinary purgative for infants, as a
laxative for adults, and in diarrhœa and dysentery. In colic it is
very useful and safe; and also after delivery.
Dose for infants, from forty drops to two drachms; for adults,
from half an ounce to one and a half ounces.
Contents / Index
736. Sulphur
Sublimed sulphur is laxative and diaphoretic.
It is used externally in skin diseases, especially itch, both in the
form of ointment and as a vapour bath.
It is used internally in hemorrhoids, combined with magnesia, as a
laxative for children, and as a diaphoretic in rheumatism.
Dose, from one scruple to two drachms, mixed in milk or with
treacle. When combined with an equal proportion of cream of tartar, it
acts as a purgative.
Contents / Index
737. Magnesia
Calcined magnesia possesses the same properties as the carbonate.
Dose, from ten to thirty grains, in milk or water.
Carbonate of magnesia is an antacid and laxative, and is very useful
for children when teething, and for heartburn in adults.
Dose, from a half to two drachms, in water or milk.
Fluid Magnesia is a useful preparation by whose use is avoided the
grittiness that is inseparable from magnesia when taken in the form of
Contents / Index
738. Senna
Senna is a purgative, but is apt to gripe when given alone; therefore
it is combined with some aromatic, such as cloves or ginger, and the
infusion should be made with cold instead of hot water. It usually
acts in about four hours, but its action should be assisted by
drinking warm fluids.
Dose, of the confection, commonly called "lenitive electuary,"
from one to three or four drachma at bedtime; of the infusion, from
one to two ounces; of the tincture, from one to two drachms; of the
syrup (used for children), from one drachm to one ounce.
Caution.—Do not give senna, in any form except confection, in
hæmorrhoids, and never in irritability of the intestines.
Contents / Index
739. Rhubarb
Rhubarb is a purgative, astringent and stomachic.
It is used externally in the form of powder to ulcers, to promote a
healthy action.
It is given internally in diarrhœa, dyspepsia, and a debilitated
state of the bowels. Combined with a mild preparation of calomel, it
forms an excellent purgative for children.
Dose, of the infusion, from one to two ounces; of the powder,
from one scruple to half a drachm as a purgative, and from six to ten
grains as a stomachic; of the tincture and compound tincture, from
one to four drachms; of the compound pill, from ten to twenty grains.
Contents / Index
740. Jalap
Jalap is a powerful cathartic and hydrogogue, and is therefore apt to
Dose, of the powder, from ten to thirty grains, combined with a
drop or two of aromatic oil; of the compound powder, from fifteen to
forty grains; of the tincture, from one to three drachms; of the
extract, from ten to twenty grains. The watery extract is better
than the alcoholic.
Contents / Index
741. Colocynth
Colocynth is a powerful drastic cathartic, and should never be given
alone, unless ordered by a medical man, as its action is too violent
for some constitutions.
Dose, of the extract, from five to fifteen grains; of the
compound extract, from five to fifteen grains; of the compound
colocynth pill, the best of all its preparations, from ten to twenty
Contents / Index
742. Buckthorn
Buckthorn is a brisk purgative for children in the form of syrup.
Dose of the syrup, from one to six drachms.
Contents / Index
743. Aloes
Aloes is a purgative and cathartic in large, and tonic in smaller
Dose, of powder, from two to ten grains, combined with soap,
bitter extracts, or other purgative medicines, and given in the form
of pills; of the compound pill, from five to twenty grains; of the
pill of aloes and myrrh from five to twenty grains; of the
tincture, from four drachms to one ounce; of the compound
tincture, from one to four drachms; of the extract, from six to ten
grains; of the compound decoction, from four drachms to two ounces.
Contents / Index
To-day, He Floats on Honour's Lofty Wave.
744. Cream of Tartar
Cream of Tartar is a purgative and refrigerant.
It is used internally in dropsy, especially of the belly, in doses
of from one scruple to one drachm. As a refrigerant drink it is
dissolved in hot water, and sweetened with sugar, and is used in
febrile diseases, care being taken not to allow it to rest too much
upon the bowels.
Dose, as a purgative, from two to four drachms, as a hydrogogue,
from four to six drachms, mixed with honey or treacle.
Caution.—Its use should be followed by tonics, especially gentian
and angostura.
Contents / Index
745. Scammony
Scammony is a drastic purgative, generally acting quickly and
powerfully; sometimes producing nausea, and even vomiting, and being
very apt to gripe.
It is used internally, to produce watery evacuations in dropsy, to
remove intestinal worms, and correct the slimy motions of children.
Dose, of the powder, from five to sixteen grains, given in
liquorice water, treacle, or honey; of the confection, from twenty
to thirty grains.
Caution.—Do not give it in an irritable or inflamed state of the
Contents / Index
746. Epsom Salts
Epsom Salts is a purgative and diuretic. This medicine generally
operates quickly, and therefore is extremely useful in acute diseases.
It is found to be beneficial in dyspepsia when combined with infusion
of gentian and a little ginger. It forms an excellent enema with olive
Dose, from a half to two ounces, dissolved in warm tea or water.
Infusion of roses partially covers its taste and assists its action.
Note, that with regard to Epsom salts, the larger in reason is the
amount of water in which they are taken, the smaller the dose of
salts required: thus, half an ounce properly dissolved may be made a
strong dose. The action and efficacy of Epsom salts may be greatly
increased by adding one grain of tartar emetic to a dose of salts.
Contents / Index
747. Glauber's Salt
Glauber's Salt is a very good purgative.
Dose, from a half to two ounces, dissolved in warm water
Contents / Index
748. Sulphate of Potash
Sulphate of Potash is a cathartic and deobstruent. It is used
internally, combined with aloes or rhubarb, in obstructions of the
bowels, and is an excellent saline purgative in dyspepsia and
Dose, from ten grains to one drachm.
Contents / Index
749. Venice Turpentine
Venice Turpentine is cathartic, diuretic, stimulant, and anthelmintic.
It is used externally as a rubefacient, and is given internally in
flatulent colic, in tapeworm, rheumatism, and other diseases.
Dose, as a diuretic, from ten grains to one drachm; as a
cathartic, from ten to twelve drachms; as an anthelmintic, from
one to two ounces every eight hours, till the worm be ejected.
Contents / Index
750. Diuretics
Diuretics are medicines which promote an increased secretion of urine.
They consist of nitre, acetate of potassa, squills, juniper, oil of
turpentine, and others, vegetable and mineral.
Contents / Index
751. Nitre
Nitre is a diuretic and refrigerant.
It is used externally as a detergent when dissolved in water, and as
a lotion to inflamed and painful rheumatic joints.
It is given internally in doses of from ten grains to half a drachm,
or even one drachm; in spitting blood it is given in one drachm doses
with great benefit. It is beneficial in sore throat, a few grains
being allowed to dissolve in the mouth.
Contents / Index
752. Acetate of Potassa
Acetate of Potassa is diuretic and cathartic.
It is given internally as a diuretic, in combination with infusion
of quassia; in dropsy, in doses of from one scruple to one drachm,
every three or four hours.
Dose, as a cathartic, from two to three drachms.
Contents / Index
753. Squills
Squills is diuretic and expectorant when given in small doses; and
emetic and purgative when given in large doses.
It is used internally in dropsy, in combination with calomel and
opium; in asthma, with ammoniacum; in catarrh, in the form of oxymel.
Dose, of the dried bulb powdered, from one to two grains every six
hours; of the compound pill, from ten to fifteen grains; of the
tincture, from ten minims to half a drachm; of the oxymel, from a
half to two drachms; of the vinegar, from twenty minims to two
Contents / Index
To-morrow, Leaves his Title for a Grave.
754. Juniper
Juniper is diuretic and stomachic.
It is given internally in dropsy.
Dose, of the infusion, from two to three ounces every four hours,
of the oil, from one to five minims.
Contents / Index
755. Oil of Turpentine
Oil of Turpentine is a diuretic, anthelmintic, and rubefacient.
It is used externally in flatulent colic, sprinkled over flannels
dipped in hot water and wrung out dry.
It is used internally in the same diseases as Venice turpentine.
Dose, from five minims to two drachms.
Contents / Index
756. Diaphoretics
Diaphoretics are medicines given to increase the secretion from the
skin by sweating. They comprise acetate of ammonia, calomel, antimony,
opium, camphor, sarsaparilla.
Contents / Index
757. Solution of Acetate of Ammonia
Solution of Acetate of Ammonia is a most useful diaphoretic.
It is used externally as a discutient, as a lotion to inflamed
milk-breasts, as an eye-wash, and a lotion in scald head.
It is given internally to promote perspiration in febrile diseases,
which it does most effectually, especially when combined with camphor
mixture. This is the article so frequently met with in prescriptions,
and called spirits of mindercrus.
Dose, from a half to one and a half ounces every three or four hours.
Contents / Index
758. Antimony.—Tartar emetic
Tartar emetic is diaphoretic, emetic, expectorant, alterative, and
It is used externally as an irritant in white swellings and
deep-seated inflammations, in the form of an ointment.
It is given internally in pleurisy, bilious fevers, and many other
diseases, but its exhibition requires the skill of a medical man, to
watch its effects.
Dose, from one-sixth of a grain to four grains.
Caution. —It is a poison, and therefore requires great care in
its administration.
Contents / Index
759. Antimonial Powder
Antimonial Powder is a diaphoretic, emetic, and alterative.
It is given internally, in febrile diseases, to produce
determination to the skin, and is useful in rheumatism, when combined
with opium or calomel.
Dose, from three to ten grains every four hours, taking plenty of
warm fluids between each dose.
Contents / Index
760. Sarsiparilla
Sarsiparilla is diaphoretic, alterative, diuretic, and tonic.
It is given internally in cutaneous diseases, old-standing
rheumatism, scrofula, and debility.
Dose, of the decoction, from four to eight ounces; of the
compound decoction, from four to eight ounces; of the extract,
from five grains to one drachm.
Contents / Index
761. Expectorants
Expectorants are medicines given to promote the secretion from the
windpipe, &c. They consist of antimony, ipecacuanha, squills,
ammoniacum, and tolu.
Contents / Index
762. Ammoniacum
Ammoniacum is an expectorant, antispasmodic, diuretic, and
It is used externally as a discutient, and is given internally,
with great benefit in asthma, hysteria, and chronic catarrh.
Dose, from ten to twenty grains.
Contents / Index
763. Tolu
Tolu is an excellent expectorant, when there are no inflammatory
It is given internally in asthma and chronic catarrh.
Dose, of the balsam, from five to thirty grains, combined with
mucilage and suspended in water; of the tincture, from a half to one
drachm; of the syrup, from a half to four drachms.
Contents / Index
764. Sialogogues
These are given to increase the flow of saliva or spittle. They
consist of ginger and calomel, pellitory of Spain, tobacco, the acids,
and some others.
Contents / Index
765. Ginger
Ginger ia a sialogogue, carminative, and stimulant.
It is used internally in flatulent colic, dyspepsia, and to prevent
the griping of medicines. When chewed, it acts as a sialogogue, and is
therefore useful in relaxed uvula.
Dose, from ten to twenty grains of the powder; of the tincture,
from ten minims to one drachm.
Contents / Index
To-day, his Beauteous Visage we Extol.
766. Epispastics and Rubefacients
These are remedies which are applied to blister and cause redness of
the surface. They consist of cantharides, ammonia, Burgundy pitch, and
Contents / Index
767. Cantharides, or Spanish flies
Cantharides, or Spanish flies, when used internally, are diuretic and
stimulant; and epispastic and rubefacient when applied externally.
Mode of application.—A portion of the blistering plaster is spread
with the thumb upon brown paper, linen, or leather, to the size
required; its surface then slightly moistened with olive oil and
sprinkled with camphor, and the plaster applied by a light bandage:
or it is spread on adhesive plaster, and attached to the skin by the
adhesive margin of the plaster.
Caution.—If a blister is to be applied to the head, shave it at
least ten hours before it is put on; it is better to place a thin
piece of gauze, wetted with vinegar, between the skin and the blister.
If a distressing feeling be experienced about the bladder, give warm
and copious draughts of linseed tea, milk, or decoction of quince
seeds, and apply warm fomentations of milk and water to the blistered
surface. The period required for a blister to remain on varies
from eight to ten hours for adults, and from twenty minutes to two
hours for children: as soon as it is removed, if the blister is not
raised, apply a "spongio-piline" poultice, and it will then rise
properly. When it is required to act as a rubefacient, the blister
should remain on from one to three hours for adults, and from fifteen
to forty minutes for children.
To dress a blister.—Cut the bag of cuticle containing the scrum at
the lowest part, by snipping it with the scissors, so as to form an
opening like this—V; and then apply a piece of calico, spread with
spermaceti or some other dressing. Such is the ordinary method; but a
much better and more expeditious plan, and one that prevents all pain
and inconvenience in the healing, is, after cutting the blister as
directed above, to immediately cover it with a warm bread and water
poultice for about an hour and a half, and on the removal of the
poultice to dust the raw surface with violet powder; apply a
handkerchief to retain the powder, and lastly dust the part every two
hours. It will be healed in twelve hours.
Caution.—Never attempt to take cantharides internally, except under
the advice of a medical man, as it is a poison, and requires extreme
caution in its use.
Contents / Index
768. Burgundy Pitch
Burgundy Pitch is warmed and spread upon linen or leather, and applied
over the chest in cases of catarrh, difficult breathing, and hooping
cough; over the loins in debility or lumbago; and over any part that
it is desirable to excite a mild degree of inflammation in.
Contents / Index
769. Chemical Remedies
These comprise refrigerants, antacids, antalkalies, and escharotics.
Contents / Index
770. Refrigerants
These are medicines given for the purpose of suppressing an unnatural
heat of the body. They are Seville oranges, lemons, tamarinds, nitre,
and cream of tartar.
Contents / Index
771. Seville Oranges
Seville Oranges and sweet oranges are formed into a refrigerant
beverage, which is extremely grateful in febrile diseases.
The rind is an agreeable mild tonic, carminative, and stomachic.
Dose, of the tincture, from one to four drachms; of the
infusion, from one to two ounces.
Contents / Index
To-morrow, Loathsome in the Sight of All.
772. Lemons
Lemons are used to form a refrigerant beverage, which is given to
quench thirst in febrile and inflammatory diseases,
Lemon juice given with carbonate of potash (half an ounce of the
juice to twenty grains of the salt), and taken while effervescing,
allays vomiting; a tablespoonful, taken occasionally, allays
hysterical palpitations of the heart, it is useful in scurvy caused by
eating too much salt food, but requires to be taken with sugar.
The rind forms a nice mild tonic and stomachic in certain forms of
Dose of the infusion (made the same as orange peel), from one to
two ounces.
Contents / Index
773. Antacids
These are given to correct acidity in the system. They are soda,
ammonia, chalk, and magnesia.
Contents / Index
774. Soda, Carbonate of, and Sesquicarbonate of Soda
Soda, Carbonate of, and Sesquicarbonate of Soda, are antacids and
They are used internally in acidity of the stomach and dyspepsia.
Dose of both preparations, from 10 grains to half a drachm.
Contents / Index
775. Antalkalies
These are given to neutralize an alkaline state of the system. They
are citric acid, lemon juice, and tartaric acid.
Contents / Index
776. Citric Acid
Citric Acid is used to check profuse sweating, and as a substitute for
lemon juice when it cannot be procured.
Dose, from ten to thirty grains.
Contents / Index
777. Tartaric Acid
Tartaric Acid, when largely diluted, forms an excellent refrigerant
beverage and antalkali. It enters into the composition of
extemporaneous soda and Seidlitz waters.
Dose, from ten to thirty grains.
Contents / Index
778. Escharotics
These are remedies used to destroy the vitality of a part. They
comprise lunar caustic, bluestone, and solution of chloride of zinc.
Contents / Index
779. Bluestone, or Sulphate of Copper
Bluestone, or Sulphate of Copper, is used in a solution of from four
to fifteen grains to the ounce of water, and applied to foul and
indolent ulcers, by means of rag dipped in it. It is rubbed in
substance on fungous growths, warts, &c., to destroy them.
Caution.—It is a poison.
Contents / Index
780. Lunar Caustic; or Nitrate of Silver
Lunar Caustic; or Nitrate of Silver, is an excellent remedy in
erysipelas when applied in solution (one drachm of the salt to one
ounce of water), which should be brushed all over the inflamed part,
and for an inch beyond it. This blackens the skin, but it soon peels
off. To destroy warts, proud flesh, and unhealthy edges of ulcers,
&c., it is invaluable; and as an application to bed sores, pencilled
over with a solution of the same strength, and in the same manner as
for erysipelas.
Caution.—It is a poison.
Contents / Index
781. Solution of Chloride of Zinc
Solution of Chloride of Zinc, more commonly known as Sir William
Burnett's "Disinfecting Fluid," is a valuable escharotic in
destroying the parts of poisoned wounds, such as the bite of a mad
dog. It is also very useful in restoring the hair after the scalp has
been attacked with ringworm; but its use requires extreme caution, as
it is a powerful escharotic. In itch, diluted (one part to thirty-two)
with water, it appears to answer very well.
Caution.—It is a most powerful poison.
Contents / Index
782. Mechanical Remedies
These comprise anthelmintics, demulcents, diluents, and emollients.
Contents / Index
783. Anthelmintics
These are medicines given for the purpose of expelling or destroying
worms. They are cowhage, scammony, male fern root, calomel, gamboge,
tin, and turpentine.
Contents / Index
784. Cowhage
Cowhage is used to expel the round worm, which it does by wounding it
with the fine prickles.
Dose of the confection, for a child three or four years old, a
teaspoonful early, for three mornings, followed by a dose of castor
oil. (See par 491.)
The mechanical anthelmintics are strictly confined to those agents
which kill the worm in the body by piercing its cuticle with the sharp
darts or spiculae of the cowhage hairs, or the fine metallic points of
powdered tin (pulvis stanni). When these drops are employed, they
should be given in honey or treacle for ten or fifteen days, and an
aperient powder every fourth morning, to expel the killed worms.
Contents / Index
785. Male Fern Root
Male Fern Root is a powerful anthelmintic, and an astringent. It is
used to kill tapeworm.
Dose, three drachms of the powdered root mixed in a teacupful of
water, to be taken in the morning while in bed, and followed by a
brisk purgative two hours afterwards; or from a tablespoonful to a
wineglassful, according to age, to be taken early in the morning.
(See par 569).
Contents / Index
786. Gamboge
Gamboge is a powerful drastic and anthelmintic.
It is used internally in dropsy, and for the expulsion of tapeworm;
but its use requires caution, as it is an irritant poison.
Dose, from two to six grains, in the form of pills, combined with
colocynth, soap, rhubarb, or bread-crumbs.
Contents / Index
787. Demulcents
These are used to diminish irritation, and soften parts by protecting
them with a viscid matter. They are tragacanth, linseed, marsh-mallow,
mallow, liquorice, arrowroot, isinglass, suet, wax, and almonds.
Contents / Index
788. Tragacanth
Tragacanth is used to allay tickling cough, and lubricate abraded
parts. It is usually given in the form of mucilage.
Dose, from ten grains to one drachm, or more.
Contents / Index
789. Linseed
Linseed is emollient and demulcent.
It is used externally, in the form of powder or "meal," as a
poultice; and the oil, combined with lime water, is applied to burns
and scalds.
It is used internally as an infusion in diarrhœa, dysentery, and
irritation of the intestines after certain poisons, and in catarrh.
The best form of linseed meal is that which is obtained from seed from
which the oil has not been extracted.
Dose, of the infusion, as much as the patient pleases.
Contents / Index
790. Marsh-Mallow
Marsh-Mallow is used internally in the same diseases as linseed.
The leaves are used externally as a fomentation, and the boiled
roots are bruised and applied as an emollient poultice.
Dose, the same as for linseed.
Contents / Index
791. Mallow
Mallow is used externally as a fomentation and poultice in
inflammation, and the infusion is used internally in dysentery,
diseases of the kidneys, and the same diseases as marsh-mallow and
linseed. It is also used as an enema.
Dose, same as for linseed and marsh-mallow.
Contents / Index
792. Liquorice
Liquorice is an agreeable demulcent, and is given in the form of
decoction in catarrh, and some forms of dyspepsia, and the extract is
used in catarrh.
Dose, of the extract, from ten grains to one drachm; of the
decoction, from two to four ounces.
Contents / Index
793. Arrowroot etc.
Arrowroot, islinglass, almonds, suet, and wax, are too well known to
require descriptions. (See par 487, for "Almond Confection" for
Contents / Index
794. Diluents
These are chiefly watery compounds, such as weak tea, water, thin
broth, gruel, weak infusions of balm, hore-hound, pennyroyal, ground
ivy, mint, and sage.
Contents / Index
795. Emollients
These consist of unctuous remedies, such as cerates and ointments, and
any materials that combine heat with moisture, —poultices of bread,
bran, linseed meal, carrots, and turnips. (See par 809.)
Contents / Index
796. Domestic Surgery
This will comprise such hints and advice as will enable any one to act
on an emergency, or in ordinary trivial accidents requiring simple
treatment: and also to distinguish between serious and simple
accidents, and the best means to adopt in all cases that are likely to
fall under a person's notice.
These hints will be of the utmost value to heads of families, to
emigrants, and to persons who are frequently called upon to attend the
sick. We strongly recommend the Parent, Emigrant, and Nurse, to read
over these directions occasionally, —to regard it as a duty to do so
at least three or four times a year, so as to be prepared for
emergencies whenever they may arise. When accidents occur, people are
too excited to acquire immediately a knowledge of what they should do;
and many lives have been lost for want of this knowledge.
Study, therefore, at moderate intervals, the Domestic Surgery,
Treatment of Poisons, Rules for the Prevention of Accidents, How
to Escape from Fires, the Domestic Pharmacopœia, &c., which will
he found in various pages of Enquire Within.
And let it be impressed upon your mind that The Index will enable you
to refer to anything you may require In A Moment. Don't trouble to
hunt through the pages; but when you wish to Enquire Within, remember
that the Index is the knocker, by which the door of knowledge may be
Contents / Index
To-morrow, Cries Too Late to be Forgiven.
797. Dressings
These are substances usually applied to parts for the purpose of
soothing, promoting their reunion when divided, protecting them from
external injuries, absorbing discharges, protecting the surrounding
parts, insuring cleanliness, and as a means of applying various
Contents / Index
798. Certain Instruments
Certain Instruments are required for the application of dressings in
domestic surgery, viz.—scissors, a pair of tweezers or simple
forceps, a knife, needles and thread, a razor, a lancet, a piece of
lunar caustic in a quill, and a sponge.
Contents / Index
799. Materials for dressings
These consist of lint, scraped linen, carded cotton, tow, ointment
spread on calico, adhesive plaster, compresses, pads, bandages,
poultices, old rags of linen or calico, and water.
Contents / Index
800. Rules
The following rules should be attended to in applying dressings:
Always prepare the new dressing before removing the old one.
Always have hot and cold water at hand, and a vessel to place
the foul dressings in.
Have one or more persons at hand ready to assist, and, to
prevent confusion, tell each person what they are to do before you
commence; thus, one is to wash out and hand the sponges, another to
heat the adhesive plaster, or hand the bandages and dressings, and,
if requisite, a third to support the limb, &c.
Always stand on the outside of a limb to dress it.
Place the patient in as easy a position as possible, so as not to
fatigue him.
Arrange the bed after changing the dressings; but in some
cases you will have to do so before the patient is placed on it.
Never be in a hurry when applying dressings, do it quietly.
When a patient requires moving from one bed to another, the
best way is for one person to stand on each side of the patient,
and each to place an arm behind his back, while he passes his arms
over their necks, then let their other arms be passed under his
thighs, and by holding each other's hands, the patient can be raised
with ease, and removed to another bed. If the leg is injured, a
third person should steady it; and if the arm, the same precaution
should be adopted. Sometimes a stout sheet is passed under the
patient, and by several people holding the sides, thy patient is
lifted without any fatigue or much disturbance.
Contents / Index
801. Lint, how made
Lint, how made. This may be quickly made by nailing a piece of old
linen on a board, and scraping its surface with a knife. It is used
either alone or spread with ointment. Scraped lint is the fine
filaments from ordinary lint, and is used to stimulate ulcers and
absorb discharges; it is what the French call charpie.
Contents / Index
802. Uses of Scraped Lint
This is made into various shapes for particular purposes. When it is
screwed up into a conical or wedge-like shape, it is called a tent,
and is used to dilate fistulous openings, so as to allow the matter to
escape freely; and to plug wounds, so as to promote the formation of a
clot of blood, and thus arrest bleeding. When rolled into little
balls, called boulettes, it is used for absorbing matter in
cavities, or blood in wounds. Another useful form is made by rolling a
mass of scraped lint into a long roll, and then tying it in the middle
with a piece of thread; the middle is then doubled and pushed into a
deep-seated wound, so as to press upon the bleeding vessel, while the
ends remain loose and assist in forming a clot; or it is used in
deep-seated ulcers to absorb the matter and keep the edges apart. This
form is called the bourdonnet. Another form is called the pelote,
which is merely a ball of scraped lint tied up in a piece of linen
rag, commonly called a dabber. This is used in the treatment of
protrusion of the navel in children.
Contents / Index
803. Carded Cotton
Carded cotton is used as a dressing for superficial burns, and care
should be taken to free it from specks, as flies are apt to lay their
eggs there, and generate maggots.
Contents / Index
804. Tow
Tow is chiefly employed as a padding for splints, as a compress, and
also as an outer dressing where there is much discharge from a surface.
Contents / Index
805. Ointments
Ointments are spread on calicoes, lint, or even thin layers of tow, by
means of a knife; they should not be spread too thick. Sometimes
ointment is applied to discharging surfaces on a piece of linen,
folded over on itself several times, and then cut at the corners with
scissors, in order to make small holes in it. The matter discharged
passes out freely through these holes, and is received in a layer of
tow spread over the linen.
Contents / Index
806. Adhesive Plaster
Adhesive plaster is cut into strips, ranging in width, according to
the nature of the wound, &c., but the usual width is about
three-quarters of an inch. Isinglass plaster is not so irritating as
diachylon, and is more easily removed.
Contents / Index
807. Compresses
Compresses are made of pieces of linen, calico, lint, or tow, doubled
or cut into various shapes, according to the purposes for which they
are required. They are used to confine dressings in their places, and
to apply an equal pressure on parts. They should be free from darns,
hems, and knots. Ordinary compresses are square, oblong, and
triangular. Compresses are also graduated by placing square pieces of
folded cloth on one another, so arranged that they decrease in size
each time. They are used for keeping up pressure upon certain parts.
Contents / Index
808. Pads
Pads are made by sewing tow inside pieces of linen, or folding linen
and sewing the pieces together. They are used to keep off pressure
from parts such as that caused by splints in fractures.
Contents / Index
809. Poultices
Poultices are usually made of linseed meal, oatmeal, or bread, either
combined with water or other fluids; sometimes they are made of
carrots, charcoal, potatoes, yeast, and linseed meal, mustard, &c.,
but the best and most economical kind of poultice is a fabric made of
sponge and wool felted together, and backed by Indian rubber, called
"spongio piline."
The method of using this poultice is as follows:— A piece of the
material of the required form and size is cut off, and the edges are
pared or bevelled off with a pair of scissors, so that the caoutchouc
may come in contact with the surrounding skin, in order to prevent
evaporation of the fluid used; for, as it only forms the vehicle, the
various poultices generally used can be employed with much less
expenditure of time and money, and increased cleanliness.
For example,—a vinegar poultice is made by moistening the fabric
with distilled vinegar; an alum poultice, by using a strong solution
of alum; a charcoal poultice, by sprinkling powdered charcoal on the
moistened surface of the material; a yeast poultice, by using warmed
yeast, and moistening the fabric with hot water, which is to be well
squeezed out previous to the absorption of the yeast; a beer
poultice, by employing warm porter-dregs or strong beer as the fluid;
and a carrot poultice, by using the expressed and evaporated liquor
of boiled carrots.
Spongio-piline costs about one farthing a square inch, and may be
obtained of the chemist. As a fomentation it is most invaluable, and
by moistening the material with compound camphor liniment or
hartshorn, it acts the same as a mustard poultice.
Contents / Index
To-morrow, Dies in Anguish and Despair.
810. Mustard Poultices
These may be made of the mustard powder alone, or in combination with
bread crumbs, or linseed meal. When mustard only is used, the powder
should be moistened with water, and the paste thus produced spread on
a piece of linen, and covered with muslin to intervene between the
mustard and the skin. When mixed with linseed the powder and the meal
may be incorporated before water is added, or the meal may be
moistened and spread on linen for application, and the mustard be then
strewn on the surface, more or less thickly according to the age of
the patient. Rigollot's Mustard leaves, which can be procured from any
chemist, are now much used in the place of mustard poultices. They
only require wetting before application, and are both clean and
Contents / Index
811. Bandages
Bandages are strips of calico, linen, flannel, muslin, elastic
webbing, bunting, or some other substance, of various lengths, and
from one to six inches wide, free from hems or darns, soft and
unglazed. They are better after they have been washed. Their uses are
to retain dressings, apparatus, or parts of the body in their proper
positions, support the soft parts, and maintain equal pressure.
Contents / Index
812. Simple and Compound Bandages
Bandages are simple and compound; the former are simple slips rolled
up tightly like a roll of ribbon. There is also another simple kind,
which is rolled from both ends—this is called a double-headed
bandage. The compound bandages are formed of many pieces.
Contents / Index
813. Bandages for Different Parts of the Body
Bandages for the head should be two inches wide and five yards long;
for the neck, two inches wide, and three yards long; for the arm, two
inches wide, and seven yards long; for the leg, two inches and a half
wide and seven yards long; for the thigh three inches wide, and eight
yards long; and for the body, four or six inches wide and ten or
twelve yards long.
Contents / Index
814. To Apply a Single-Headed Bandage
To apply a single-headed bandage, lay the outside of the end near to
the part to be bandaged, and hold the roll between the little, ring
and middle fingers, and the palm of the left hand, using the thumb and
forefinger of the same hand to guide it, and the right hand to keep it
firm, and pass the bandage partly round the leg towards the left hand.
It is sometimes necessary to reverse this order, and therefore it is
well to be able to use both hands.
Particular parts require a different method of applying bandages, and
therefore it is necessary to describe the most useful separately; and
there are different ways of putting on the same bandage, which consist
in the manner the folds or turns are made. For example, the circular
bandage is formed by horizontal turns, each of which overlaps the one
made before it; the spiral consists of spiral turns; the oblique
follows a course oblique or slanting to the centre of the limb; and
the recurrent folds back again to the part whence it started.
Contents / Index
815. Circular Bandages
Circular bandages are used for the neck, to retain dressings on any
part of it, or for blisters, setons, &c.; for the head, to keep
dressings on the forehead or any part contained within a circle
passing round the head; for the arm, previous to bleeding; for the
leg, above the knee; and for the fingers, &c.
Contents / Index
816. To Confine the Ends of Bandages
To confine the ends of bandages some persons use pins, others slit the
end for a short distance, and tie the two strips into a knot, and some
use a strip of adhesive plaster. Always place the point of a pin in
such a position that it cannot prick the patient, or the person
dressing the limb, or be liable to be drawn out by using the limb;
therefore, as a general rule, turn the head of the pin from the free
end of the bandage, of towards the upper part of the limb. The best
mode is to sew the bandage on. A few stitches will hold it more
securely than pins can.
Contents / Index
Little Deeds are Like Little Seeds.
817. The Oblique Bandage
The oblique bandage is generally used for arms and legs, to retain
Contents / Index
818. The Spiral Bandage
The spiral bandage is generally applied to the trunk and extremities,
but is apt to fall off even when very carefully applied; therefore the
recurrent bandage, which folds back again, is generally used.
Contents / Index
819. The Recurrent Bandage
The recurrent bandage is the best kind of bandage that we can employ
for general purposes. The method of putting it on the leg is as
follows: —Apply the end of the bandage that is free, with the outside
of it next the skin, and hold this end with the finger and thumb of
the left hand, while some one supports the heel of the patient; then
with the right hand pass the bandage over the piece you are holding,
and keep it crossed thus, until you can place your right forefinger
upon the spot where it crosses the other bandage, where it must be
kept firm. Now hold the roll of the bandage in your left hand, with
the palm turned upwards, and taking care to keep that part of the
bandage between your right forefinger, and the roll in your left hand,
quite slack; turn your left hand over, and bring the bandage down
upon the leg; then pass the roll under the leg towards your right
hand, and repeat this until the leg is bandaged up to the knee, taking
care not to drag the bandage at any time during the process of
bandaging. When you arrive at the knee, pass the bandage round the leg
in circles just below the knee, and pin it as usual.
Bandaging is very easy, and if you once see any one apply a bandage
properly, and attend to these rules, there will not be any difficulty;
but bear one thing in mind, without which you will never put on a
bandage even decently; and that is, never to drag or pull at a
bandage, but make the turns while it is slack, and you have your right
forefinger placed upon the point where it is to be folded down. When a
limb is properly bandaged, the folds should run in a line
corresponding to the shin-bone. Use, to retain dressings, and for
varicose veins.
Contents / Index
820. A Bandage for the Chest
A bandage for the chest is always placed upon the patient in a sitting
posture; and it may be put on in circles, or spirally. Use, in
fractures of the ribs, to retain dressings, and after severe
Contents / Index
821. A Bandage for the Belly
A bandage for the belly is placed on the patient as directed for the
chest, carrying it spirally from above downwards. Use, to compress
belly after dropsy, or retain dressings.
Contents / Index
822. Bandaging the Hand
The hand is bandaged by crossing the bandage over the back of the hand
Use, to retain dressings.
Contents / Index
823. Different Bandages for the Head
For the head, a bandage may be circular, or spiral, or both; in the
latter case, commence by placing one circular turn just over the ears;
then bring down from left to right, and round the head again, so as to
alternate a spiral with a circular turn. Use, to retain dressings on
the head or over the eye; but this form soon gets slack. The circular
bandage is the best, crossing it over both eyes.
Contents / Index
824. For the Foot
Place the end just above the outer ankle, and make two circular turns,
to prevent its slipping: then bring it down from the inside of the
foot over the instep towards the outer part; pass it under the sole of
the foot, and upwards and inward over the instep towards the inner
ankle, then round the ankle and repeat again. Use, to retain dressings
to the instep, heel, or ankle.
Contents / Index
825. For the Leg and Foot
For the leg and foot, commence and proceed as directed in the
preceding paragraph; then continue if up the leg as ordered in the
Recurrent Bandage.
Contents / Index
826. Substitutes
As it sometimes happens that it is necessary to apply a bandage at
once, and the materials are not at hand it is desirable to know how to
substitute something else that any one may apply with ease. This can
be readily done with handkerchiefs.
Contents / Index
They Grow to Flowers, or to Weeds.
827. Handkerchiefs
Any ordinary handkerchief will do; but a square of linen folded into
various shapes answers better. The shapes generally required are as
follows:—The triangle, the long square, the cravat, and the cord.
Contents / Index
828. The Triangular Handkerchief
The triangular handkerchief is made by folding it from corner to
corner. Use, as a bandage for the head.
Application.—Place the base round the head, and the short part
hanging down behind, then tie the long ends over it.
Contents / Index
829. The Long Square
The long square is made by folding the handkerchief in three. Use, as
a bandage to the ribs, belly, &c. If one handkerchief is not long
enough, sew two together.
Contents / Index
830. The Cravat
The cravat is folded as usual with cravats. Use, as a bandage for the
head, arms, legs, feet, neck, &c.
Contents / Index
831. The Cord
The cord is used to compress vessels, when a knot is made in it, and
placed over the vessel to be compressed. It is merely a handkerchief
twisted in its diagonal.
Contents / Index
832. Multiple Handkerchiefs
Two or more handkerchiefs must sometimes be applied, as in a broken
collar-bone, or when it is necessary to keep dressings under the arm.
The bandage is applied by knotting the opposite comers of one
handkerchief together, and passing the left arm through it, then
passing another handkerchief under the right arm, and tying it. By
this means we can brace the shoulders well back, and the handkerchief
will press firmly over the broken collar-bone: besides, this form of
bandage does not readily slip or get slack, but it requires to be
combined with the sling, in order to keep the arm steady.
Contents / Index
833. For an Inflamed Breast
For an inflamed breast that requires support, or dressings to be kept
to it, pass one corner over the shoulder, bring the body of it over
the breast, and pass it upwards and backwards under the arm of that
side, and tie the opposite corners together.
Contents / Index
834. An Excellent Sling
An excellent sling is formed by placing one handkerchief around the
neck, and knotting opposite corners ever the breast bone, then placing
the other in triangle under the arm, to be supported with the base
near to the hand; tie the ends over the handkerchief, and pin the top
to the other part, after passing it around the elbow.
Contents / Index
835. Apparatus
When a person receives a severe contusion of the leg or foot, or
breaks his leg, or has painful ulcers over the leg, or is unable from
some cause to bear the pressure of the bedclothes, it is advisable to
know how to keep them from hurting the leg. This may be done by
bending up a fire-guard, or placing a chair, resting upon the edge of
its back and front of the seat, over the leg, or putting a box on each
side of it, and placing a plank ever them; but the best way is to make
a cradle, as it is called. This is done by getting three pieces of
wood, and three pieces of iron wire, and passing the wire or hoop
through the wood. This can be placed to any height, and is very useful
in all cases where pressure cannot be borne. Wooden hoops cut in
halves answer better than the wire.
Contents / Index
836. When a Person Breaks his Leg
When a person breaks his leg, and splints cannot he had directly,
get bunches of straw or twigs, roll them up in handkerchiefs, and
placing one on each side of the leg or arm, bind another handkerchief
firmly around them; or make a long bag about three inches in diameter,
or even more, of coarse linen duck, or carpet, and stuff this full of
bran, sawdust, or sand, sew up the end, and use this the same as the
twigs. It forms an excellent extemporaneous splint. Another good plan
is to get a hat-box made of chip, and cut it into suitable lengths; or
for want of all these, take some bones out of a pair of stays, and run
them through a stout piece of rug, protecting the leg with a fold of
rug, linen, &c. A still better splint or set of splints can be
extemporized by cutting a sheet of thick pasteboard into proper sized
slips, then passing each piece through a basin of hot water to soften
it. It is then applied to the fractured limb like an ordinary splint,
when it hardens as it dries, taking the exact shape of the part to
which it is applied.
Contents / Index
Good-Nature Collects Honey from Every Herb.
837. Applying Dry Warmth
When dry warmth is required to be applied to any part of the body, fry
a flour pancake and lay it over the part; or warm some sand and place
in the patient's socks, and lay it to the part; salt put into a paper
bag does as well; or warm water put into a stone jar, and rolled up in
Contents / Index
838. Minor Operations.
839. Bleeding
Bleeding is sometimes necessary at once in certain accidents, such as
concussion, and therefore it is well to know how to do this. First of
all, bind up the arm above the elbow with a piece of bandage or a
handkerchief pretty firmly, then place your finger over one of the
veins at the bend of the arm, and feel if there is any pulsation; if
there is, try another vein, and if it does not pulsate or beat, choose
that one. Now rub the arm from the wrist towards the elbow, place the
left thumb upon the vein, and hold the lancet as you would a pen, and
nearly at right angles to the vein, taking care to prevent its going
in too far, by keeping the thumb near to the point, and resting the
hand upon the little finger. Now place the point of the lancet on the
vein, push it suddenly inwards, depress the elbow, and raise the hand
upwards and outwards, so as to cut obliquely across the vein.
When sufficient blood is drawn off, which is known by feeling the
pulse at the wrist, and near the thumb, bandage the arm. If the pulse
feel like a piece of cord, more blood should be taken away, but if it
is soft, and can be easily pressed, the bleeding should be stopped.
When you bandage the arm, place a piece of lint over the opening made
by the lancet, and pass a bandage lightly but firmly around the arm,
so as to cross it over the bend of the elbow, in form of a figure 8.
Contents / Index
840. Dry Cupping
Dry cupping is performed by throwing a piece of paper dipped into
spirit of wine, and ignited, into a wineglass, and placing it over the
part, such as the neck, temples, &c. It thus draws the flesh into the
glass, and causes a determination of blood to the part, which is
useful in headache, and many other complaints. This is an excellent
method of extracting the poison from wounds made by adders, mad dogs,
fish, &c.
Contents / Index
841. Ordinary Cupping
Ordinary cupping is performed the same as dry cupping, with this
exception, that the part is scarified or scratched with a lancet, so
as to cause the blood to flow; or by the application of a
scarificator, which makes by one action from seven to twenty-one light
superficial cuts. Then the glass is placed over it again with the
lighted paper in it, and when sufficient blood has been taken away,
the parts are then sponged, and a piece of sticking plaster placed
over them.
Contents / Index
842. Leeches and their Application
The leech used for medical purposes is called the hirudo medicinalis
to distinguish it from other varieties, such as the horse-leech and
the Lisbon leech. It varies from two to four inches in length, and is
of a blackish brown colour, marked on the back with six yellow spots,
and edged with a yellow line on each side. Formerly leeches were
supplied by Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, and other fenny countries, but
latterly most of the leeches are procured from France, where they are
now becoming scarce.
Contents / Index
843. When Leeches are Applied
When leeches are applied to a part, it should be thoroughly freed from
down or hair by shaving, and all liniments, &c., carefully and
effectually cleaned away by washing. If the leech is hungry it will
soon bite, but sometimes great difficulty is experienced in getting
them to fasten. When this is the case, roll the leech into a little
porter, or moisten the surface with a little blood, or milk, or sugar
and water. Leeches may be applied by holding them over the part with a
piece of linen cloth, or by means of an inverted glass, under which
they must be placed.
Contents / Index
844. When applied to the Gums
When applied to the gums, care should be taken to use a leech glass,
as they are apt to creep down the patient's throat: a large swan's
quill will answer the purpose of a leech glass. When leeches are
gorged they will drop off themselves; never tear them off from a
person, but just dip the point of a moistened finger into some salt
and touch them with it.
Contents / Index
Ill-Nature Sucks Poison from the Sweetest Flower.]
845. Quantity Removed
Leeches are supposed to abstract about two drachms of blood, or six
leeches draw about an ounce; but this is independent of the bleeding
after they have come off, and more blood generally flows then than
during the time they are sucking. The total amount of blood drawn and
subsequently lost by each leech-bite, is nearly half an ounce.
Contents / Index
846. After Leeches Come Away
After leeches come away, encourage the bleeding by flannels dipped in
hot water and wrung out dry, and then apply a warm spongiopiline
poultice. If the bleeding is not to be encouraged, cover the bites
with a rag dipped in olive oil, or spread with spermaceti ointment,
having previously sponged the parts clean.
Contents / Index
847. When Bleeding Continues
When bleeding continues from leech-bites, and it is desirable to stop
it, apply pressure with the fingers over the part, or dip a rag in a
strong solution of alum and lay over them, or use the tincture of
sesquichloride of iron, or apply a leaf of matico to them, placing the
under surface of the leaf next to the skin, or touch each bite with a
finely-pointed piece of lunar caustic, or lay a piece of lint soaked
in the extract of lead over the bites; and if all these tried in
succession fail, pass a fine needle through a fold of the skin so as
to include the bite, and twist a piece of thread round it. Be sure
never to allow any one to go to sleep with leech-bites bleeding,
without watching them carefully; and never apply too many to children;
or place them where their bites can be compressed if necessary. In
other words, never apply leeches to children except over a bone.
Contents / Index
848. After Leeches have been Used
After leeches have been used they should be placed in water containing
sixteen per cent. of salt, which facilitates the removal of the blood
they contain; and they should afterwards be placed one by one in
warm water, and the blood forced out by _gentle_ pressure. The leeches
should then be thrown into fresh water, which is to be renewed every
twenty-four hours: they may then be re-applied after an interval of
eight or ten days, and be disgorged a second time. The best plan,
however, is to empty the leech by drawing the thumb and forefinger of
the right hand along its body from the tail to the mouth, the leech
being firmly held at the sucker extremity by the fingers of the left
hand. By this means, with a few minutes' rest between each
application, the same leech may be used four or five times in
Contents / Index
849. If a Leech be Accidentally Swallowed
If a leech be accidentally swallowed, or by any means should get into
the body, employ an emetic, or enema of salt and water.
Contents / Index
850. Scarification
Scarification is useful in severe contusions, and inflammation of
parts. It is performed by scratching or slightly cutting through the
skin with a lancet, holding the lancet as you would a pen when you are
ruling lines on paper.
Contents / Index
851. Terms used to express the Properties of Medicines
852. Absorbents
Absorbents are medicines which destroy acidity in the stomach and
bowels, such as magnesia, prepared chalk, &c.
Contents / Index
853. Alteratives
Alteratives are medicines which restore health to the constitution,
without producing any sensible effect, such as sarsaparilla, sulphur,
Contents / Index
854. Analeptics
Analeptics are medicines that restore the strength which has been lost
by sickness, such as gentian, bark, &c.
Contents / Index
855. Anodynes
Anodynes are medicines which relieve pain, and they are divided into
three kinds, sedatives, hypnotics, and narcotics (see these
terms); camphor is anodyne as well as narcotic.
Contents / Index
856. Antacids
Antacids are medicines which destroy acidity, such as lime, magnesia,
soda, &c.
Contents / Index
One Watch Set Right will Do to Set Many by.
857. Antalkalies
Antalkalies are medicines given to neutralize alkalies in the system,
such as citric, nitric, and sulphuric, acids, &c.
Contents / Index
858. Anthelmintics
Anthelmintics are medicines used to expel and destroy worms from the
stomach and intestines, such as turpentine, cowhage, male fern, &c.
Contents / Index
859. Antibilious
Antibilious are medicines which are useful in bilious affections, such
as calomel, &c.
Contents / Index
860. Antirheumatics
Antirheumatics are medicines used for the cure of rheumatism, such as
colchicum, iodide of potash, &c.
Contents / Index
861. Antiscorbutics
Antiscorbutics are medicines against scurvy, such as citric acid, &c.
Contents / Index
862. Antiseptics
Antiseptics are substances used to correct putrefaction, such as bark,
camphor, charcoal, vinegar, and creosote.
Contents / Index
863. Antispasmodics
Antispasmodics are medicines which possess the power of overcoming
spasms of the muscles, or allaying severe pain from any cause
unconnected with inflammation, such as valerian, ammonia, opium, and
Contents / Index
864. Aperients
Aperients are medicines which move the bowels gently, such as rhubarb,
manna, and grey powder.
Contents / Index
865. Aromatics
Aromatics are cordial, spicy, and agreeably-flavoured, medicines, such
as cardamoms, cinnamon, &c.
Contents / Index
866. Astringents
Astringents are medicines which contract the fibres of the body,
diminish excessive discharges, and act indirectly as tonics, such as
oak bark, galls, &c.
Contents / Index
867. Attenuants
Attenuants are medicines which are supposed to thin the blood, such as
ammoniated iron, &c.
Contents / Index
868. Balsamics
Balsamics are medicines of a soothing kind, such as tolu, Peruvian
balsam, &c.
Contents / Index
869. Carminatives
Carminatives are medicines which allay pain in the stomach and bowels,
and expel flatulence, such as aniseed water, &c.
Contents / Index
870. Cathartics
Cathartics are strong purgative medicines, such as jalap, &c.
Contents / Index
871. Cordials
Cordials are exhilarating and warming medicines, such as aromatic
confection, &c.
Contents / Index
872. Corroborants
Corroborants are medicines and food which increase the strength, such
as iron, gentian, meat, and wine.
Contents / Index
873. Demulcents
Demulcents correct acrimony, diminish irritation, and soften parts by
covering their surfaces with a mild and viscid matter, such as
linseed-tea, gum, mucilage, honey, and marsh-mallow.
Contents / Index
874. Deobstruents
Deobstruents are medicines which remove obstructions, such as iodide
of potash, &c.
Contents / Index
875. Detergents
Detergents clean the surfaces over which they pass, such as soap, &c.
Contents / Index
876. Diaphoretics
Diaphoretics produce perspiration, such as tartrate of antimony,
James's powder, and camphor.
Contents / Index
877. Digestives
Digestives are remedies applied to ulcers or wounds, to promote the
formation of matter, such as resin, ointments, warm poultices, &c.
Contents / Index
878. Discutients
Discutients possess the power of repelling or resolving tumours, such
as galbanum, mercury, and iodine.
Contents / Index
879. Diuretics
Diuretics act upon the kidneys and bladder, and increase the flow of
urine, such as nitre, squills, cantharides, camphor, antimony, and
Contents / Index
880. Drastics
Drastics are violent purgatives, such as gamboge, &c.
Contents / Index
881. Emetics
Emetics produce vomiting, or the discharge of the contents of the
stomach, such as mustard and hot water, tartar-emetic, ipecacuanha,
sulphate of zinc, and sulphate of copper.
Contents / Index
882. Emmenagogues
Emmenagogues are medicines which exercise a direct action on the
uterus or womb, provoking the natural periodical secretion, such as
castor, asafœtida, galbanum, iron, mercury, aloes, hellebore, savine,
ergot of rye, juniper, and pennyroyal.
Contents / Index
883. Emollients
Emollients are remedies used externally to soften the parts they are
applied to, such as spermaceti, palm oil, &c.
Contents / Index
884. Epispastics
Epispastics are medicines which blister or cause effusion of serum
under the cuticle, such as Spanish flies, Burgundy pitch, rosin, and
Contents / Index
885. Errhines
Errhines are medicines which produce sneezing, such as tobacco, &c.
Contents / Index
886. Escharotics
Escharotics are medicines which corrode or destroy the vitality of the
part to which they are applied, such as lunar caustic, &c.
Contents / Index
One that Goes Wrong may Mislead a Whole Neighbourhood.
887. Expectorants
Expectorants are medicines which increase expectoration, or the
discharge from the bronchial tubes, such as ipecacuanha, squills,
opium, ammoniacum.
Contents / Index
888. Febrifuges
Febrifuges are remedies used in fevers, such as all the antimonials,
bark, quinine, mineral acids, arsenic.
Contents / Index
889. Hydragogues
Hydragogues are medicines which have the effect of removing the fluid
of dropsy, by producing watery evacuations, such as gamboge, calomel,
Contents / Index
890. Hypnotics
Hypnotics are medicines that relieve pain by procuring sleep, such as
hops, henbane, morphia, poppy.
Contents / Index
891. Laxatives
Laxatives are medicines which cause the bowels to act rather more than
natural, such as manna, &c.
Contents / Index
892. Narcotics
Narcotics are medicines which cause sleep or stupor, and allay pain,
such as opium, &c.
Contents / Index
893. Nutrients
Nutrients are remedies that nourish the body, such as sugar, sago, &c.
Contents / Index
894. Paregorics
Paregorics are medicines which actually assuage pain, such as compound
tincture of camphor, henbane, hops, opium.
Contents / Index
895. Prophylactics
Prophylactics are remedies employed to prevent the attack of any
particular disease, such as quinine, &c.
Contents / Index
896. Purgatives
Purgatives are medicines that promote the evacuation of the bowels,
such as senna, aloes, jalap, salts.
Contents / Index
897. Refrigerants
Refrigerants are medicines which suppress an unusual heat of the body,
such as wood-sorrel, tamarind, &c.
Contents / Index
898. Rubefacients
Rubefacients are medicaments which cause redness of the skin, such as
mustard, &c.
Contents / Index
899. Sedatives
Sedatives are medicines which depress the nervous energy, and destroy
sensation, so as to compose, such as foxglove. (See Paregorics.)
Contents / Index
900. Sialogogues
Sialogogues are medicines which promote the flow of saliva or spittle,
such as salt, calomel, &c.
Contents / Index
901. Soporifics
Soporifics are medicines which induce sleep, such as hops, &c.
Contents / Index
902. Stimulants
Stimulants are remedies which increase the action of the heart and
arteries, or the energy of the part to which they are applied, such as
food, wine, spirits, ether, sassafras, which is an internal stimulant,
and savine, which is an external one.
Contents / Index
903. Stomachics
Stomachics restore the tone of the stomach, such as gentian, &c.
Contents / Index
904. Styptics
Styptics are medicines which constrict the surface of a part, and
prevent the effusion of blood, such as kino, Friar's balsam, extract
of lead, and ice.
Contents / Index
905. Sudorifics
Sudorifics promote profuse perspiration or sweating, such as
ipecacuanha, antimony, James's powder, ammonia.
Contents / Index
906. Tonics
Tonics give general strength to the constitution, restore the natural
energies, and improve the tone of the system, such as all the
vegetable bitters, most of the minerals, also some kinds of food,
wine, and beer.
Contents / Index
907. Vesicants
Vesicants are medicines which blister, such as strong liquid ammonia,
Contents / Index
908. Special Rules for the Prevention of Cholera
It is impossible to urge too strongly the necessity, in all cases
of cholera, of instant recourse to medical aid, and also in every form
and variety of indisposition; for all disorders are found to merge in
the dominant disease.
Let immediate Relief be sought under disorder of the bowels
especially, however slight. The invasion of cholera may thus be
readily prevented.
Let every Impurity, animal and vegetable, be quickly removed to a
distance from the habitation, such as slaughterhouses, pig-sties,
cesspools, necessaries, and all other domestic nuisances.
Let all Uncovered Drains be carefully and frequently cleansed.
Let the Grounds in and around the habitation be drained, so as
effectually to carry off moisture of every kind.
Let all Partitions he removed from within and without habitations,
which unnecessarily impede ventilation.
Let every Room be daily thrown open for the admission of fresh
air; this should be done about noon, when the atmosphere is most
likely to be dry.
Let Dry Scrubbing be used in domestic cleansing in place of
water cleansing.
Let excessive Fatigue, and exposure to damp and cold, especially
during the night, be avoided.
Let the Use of Cold Drinks and acid liquors, especially under
fatigue, be avoided, or when the body is heated.
Let the Use of Cold Acid Fruits and vegetables be avoided.
Let Excess in the use of ardent and fermented liquors and tobacco
be avoided.
Let a Poor Diet, and the use of impure water in cooking, or for
drinking, be avoided.
Let the Wearing of wet and insufficient clothes be avoided.
Let a Flannel or woollen belt be worn round the belly.
Let Personal Cleanliness be carefully observed.
Let every cause tending to depress the moral and physical
energies be carefully avoided. Let exposure to extremes of heat and
cold be avoided.
Let Crowding of persons within houses and apartments be
Let Sleeping in low or damp rooms be avoided.
Let Fires be kept up during the night in sleeping or adjoining
apartments, the night being the period of most danger from attack,
especially under exposure to cold or damp.
Let all Bedding and clothing be daily exposed during winter and
spring to the fire, and in summer to the heat of the sun.
Let the Dead be buried in places remote from the habitations of
the living. By the timely adoption of simple means such as these,
cholera, or other epidemic, will be made to lose its venom.
Contents / Index
The Loveliest Bird has No Song.
909. Rules for the Preservation of Health
910. Fresh Air
Pure atmospheric air is composed of nitrogen, oxygen, and a very
small proportion of carbonic acid gas. Air once breathed has lost the
chief part of its oxygen, and acquired a proportionate increase of
carbonic acid gas.
Therefore, health requires that we breathe the same air once only.
Contents / Index
911. Diet and Exercise
The solid part of our Bodies is continually wasting, and requires to
be repaired by fresh substances.
Therefore, food which is to repair the loss, should be taken with
due regard to the exercise and waste of the body.
Contents / Index
912. Water
The fluid part of our bodies also wastes constantly; there is but one
fluid in animals, which is water.
Therefore, water only is necessary, and no artifice can produce a
better drink.
Contents / Index
913. Proportion of Food and Drink
The fluid of our bodies is to the solid in proportion as nine to one.
Therefore, a like proportion should prevail in the total amount of
food taken.
Contents / Index
914. Sunshine
Light exercises an important influence upon the growth and vigour of
animals and plants.
Therefore, our dwellings should freely admit the solar rays.
Contents / Index
915. Bad Odours
Decomposing animal and vegetable substances yield various noxious gases
which enter the lungs and corrupt the blood.
Therefore, all impurities should be kept away from our abodes, and
every precaution be observed to secure a pure atmosphere.
Contents / Index
916. Warmth
Warmth is essential to all the bodily functions.
Therefore, an equal bodily temperature should be maintained by
exercise, by clothing, or by fire.
Contents / Index
917. Exercise and Clothing
Exercise warms, invigorates and purifies the body; clothing preserves
the warmth the body generates; fire imparts warmth externally.
Therefore, to obtain and preserve warmth, exercise and clothing are
preferable to fire.
Contents / Index
918. Ventilation
Fire consumes the Oxygen of the air, and produces noxious gases.
Therefore, the air is less pure in the presence of candles, gas, or
coal fire, than otherwise, and the deterioration should be repaired by
increased ventilation.
Contents / Index
So the Loveliest Woman may Lack Virtue.
919. Clean Skin
The skin is a highly-organized membrane, full of minute pores, cells,
bloodvessels, and nerves; it imbibes moisture or throws it off,
according to the state of the atmosphere and the temperature of the
body. It also "breathes," as do the lungs (though less actively). All
the internal organs sympathize with the skin.
Therefore, it should be repeatedly cleansed.
Contents / Index
920. Over-Work
Late hours and anxious pursuits exhaust the nervous system, and produce
disease and premature death.
Therefore, the hours of labour and study should be short.
Contents / Index
921. Body and Mind
Mental and bodily exercise are equally essential to the general health
and happiness.
Therefore, labour and study should succeed each other.
Contents / Index
922. Over-Indulgence
Man will live most healthily upon simple solids and fluids, of which a
sufficient but temperate quantity should be taken.
Therefore, over indulgence in strong drinks, tobacco, snuff, opium,
and all mere indulgences, should be avoided.
Contents / Index
923. Moderate Temperature
Sudden alternations of heat and cold are dangerous (especially to the
young and the aged).
Therefore, clothing, in quantity and quality, should be adapted to the
alternations of night and day, and of the seasons; and drinking cold
water when the body is hot, and hot tea and soups when cold, are
productive of many evils.
Contents / Index
924. Summary
Moderation in eating and drinking, short hours of labour and study,
regularity in exercise, recreation, and rest, cleanliness, equanimity
of temper and equality of temperature, —these are the great
essentials to that which surpasses all wealth, health of mind and
Contents / Index
925. Homœopathy
926. Principle of Homœopathy
As homœopathy is now practised so widely and, indeed, preferred to
the older system in many families, the Domestic Pharmacopœia could
scarcely lay claim to be considered complete without a brief mention
of the principal remedies used and recommended by homœopathic
practitioners, and the disorders for which these remedies are
specially applicable. The principle of homœopathy is set forth in the
Latin words "similia similibus curantur," the meaning of which is
"likes are cured by likes."
The meaning of this is simply that the homœopathist in order to cure
a disease, administers a medicine which would produce in a perfectly
healthy subject, symptoms like, but not identical with or the
same as, the symptoms to counteract which the medicine is given. The
homœopathic practitioner, therefore, first makes himself thoroughly
acquainted with the symptoms that are exhibited by the sufferer;
having ascertained these, in order to neutralize them and restore the
state of the patient's health to a state of equilibrium, so to speak,
he administers preparations that would produce symptoms of a like
character in persons in good health.
It is not said, be it remembered, that the drug can produce in a
healthy person the disease from which the patient is suffering: it is
only advanced by homœopathists that the drug given has the power of
producing in a person in health, symptoms similar to those of the
disease under which the patient is languishing, and that the correct
mode of treatment is to counteract the disease symptoms by the
artificial production of similar symptoms by medicinal means, or in
other words, to suit the medicine to the disorder, by a previously
acquired knowledge of the effects of the drug, by experiment on a
healthy person.
Contents / Index
927. Allopathy
Allopathy is the name given to the older treatment of disorders, and
the name is obtained from the fact, that the drugs given, do not
produce symptoms corresponding to those of the disease for whose
relief they are administered as in homœopathy. The introduction of
the term is contemporary with homœopathy itself. It was merely given
to define briefly the distinction that exists between the rival modes
of treatment, and it has been accepted and adopted by all medical men
who have no faith in homœopathy, and the treatment that its followers
Contents / Index
Deep Rivers Flow with Silent Majesty.
928. Comparison
Allopathic treatment is said to be experimental, while homeopathic
treatment is based on certainty, resulting from experience. The
allopathist tries various drugs, and if one medicine or one
combination of drugs fails, tries another; but the homœopathist
administers only such medicaments as may be indicated by the symptoms
of the patient. If two drugs are given, as is frequently, and perhaps
generally, the case, it is because the symptoms exhibited are of such
a character that they cannot be produced in a healthy person by the
action of one and the same drug, and, consequently cannot be
counteracted or neutralized by the action of a single drug.
Contents / Index
929. Homœopathic Medicines
Homœopathic medicines are given in the form of globules or tinctures,
the latter being generally preferred by homeopathic practitioners.
When contrasted with the doses of drugs given by allopathists, the
small doses administered by homœopathists must at first sight appear
wholly in adequate to the purpose for which they are given; but
homœopathists, whose dilution and trituration diffuse the drug given
throughout the vehicle in which it is administered, argue that by this
extension of its surface the active power of the drug is greatly
increased; and that there is reason in this argument is shown by the
fact that large doses of certain drugs administered for certain
purposes will pass through the system without in any way affecting
those organs, which will be acted on most powerfully by the very same
drugs when administered in much smaller doses. Thus a small dose of
sweet spirit of nitre will act on the skin and promote perspiration,
but a large dose will act as a diuretic only, and exert no influence
on the skin.
Contents / Index
930. Treatment of Ailments by Homœopathy
Great stress is laid by homœopathists on attention to diet, but not
so much so in the present day as when the system was first introduced.
The reader will find a list of articles of food that may and may not
be taken in par. 961. For complete direction on this point, and on
diseases and their treatment and remedies, he must be referred to
works on this subject by Dr. Richard Epps and others. All that can be
done here is to give briefly a few of the more common ailments "that
flesh is heir to," with the symptoms by which they are indicated, and
the medicines by which they may be alleviated and eventually cured.
Contents / Index
931. Asthma
Asthma, an ailment which should be referred in all cases to the
medical practitioner.
Symptoms. Difficulty of breathing, with cough, either spasmodic and
without expectoration, or accompanied with much expectoration.
Medicines. Aconitum napellus, especially with congestion or slight
spitting of blood; Antimonium tartaricum for wheezing and rattling in
the chest; Arsenicum for chronic asthma; ipecacuanha; Nux vomica.
Contents / Index
932. Bilious Attacks
Bilious attacks, if attended with diarrhœa and copious evacuations of
a bright yellow colour.
Medicines. Bryonia, if arising from sedentary occupations, or from
eating and drinking too freely; or Nux vomica and Mercurius in
alternation, the former correcting constipation and the latter nausea,
fulness at the pit of the stomach, and a foul tongue.
Contents / Index
933. Bronchitis
Symptoms. Catarrh accompanied with fever, expectoration dark, thick,
and sometimes streaked with blood; urine dark, thick, and scanty.
Medicines. Aconitum napellus, especially in earlier stages; Bryonia
for pain in coughing and difficulty of breathing; Antimonium
tartaricum, loose cough with much expectoration and a feeling of, and
tendency to, suffocation; Ipecacuanha, accumulation of phlegm in
bronchial tubes and for children.
Contents / Index
Shallow Brooks are Noisy.
934. Bruises and Wounds
For all bruises, black eyes, etc., apply Arnica lotion; for slight
wounds, after washing well with cold water, apply Arnica plaster; to
stop bleeding when ordinary means fail, and for larger wounds, apply
concentrated tincture of Calendula.
Contents / Index
935. Cold in the Head or Catarrh
Symptoms. Feverish feeling generally, and especially about the head,
eyes, and nose, running from, and obstruction of, nose; soreness and
irritation of the throat and bronchial tubes.
Medicines. Aconitum napellus for feverish symptoms; Belladonna for
sore throat and headache with inclination to cough; Mercurius for
running from nose and sneezing; Nux vomica for stoppage of nostrils;
Chamomilla for children and women, for whom Pulsatilla is also useful
in such cases.
Contents / Index
936. Chilblains
Symptoms. Irritation and itching of the skin, which assumes a bluish
red colour.
Medicines. Arnica montana, taken internally or used as outward
application, unless the chilblain be broken, when arsenicum should be
used. If the swelling and irritation do not yield to these remedies
use Belladona and Rhus toxicodendron.
Contents / Index
937. Cholera
- Bilious or English cholera.
Symptoms. Nausea, proceeding to vomiting, griping of the bowels,
watery and offensive evacuations, in which much bile is present,
accompanied with weakness and depression.
Medicines. Bryonia, with ipecacuanha at commencement of attack.
- Malignant or Asiatic cholera.
Symptoms as in English cholera, but in a more aggravated form,
followed by what is called the "cold stage," marked by great
severity of griping pain in the stomach, accompanied with frequent
and copious watery evacuations, and presently with cramps in all
parts of the body; after which the extremities become chilled, the
pulse scarcely discernible, the result of which is stupor and
ultimately death.
Medicines. Camphor, in the form of tincture, in frequent doses,
until the sufferer begins to feel warmth returning to the body, and
perspiration ensues. In the later stages, Cuprum and Veratrum.
Contents / Index
938. Tincture of Camphor
Tincture of camphor is one of the most useful of the homœopathic
remedies in all cases of colic, diarrhœa, etc. In ordinary cases
fifteen drops on sugar may be taken every quarter of an hour until the
pain is allayed. In more aggravated cases, and in cases of cholera, a
few drops may be taken at intervals of from two to five minutes. A
dose of fifteen drops of camphor on sugar tends to counteract a chill
if taken soon after premonitory symptoms show themselves, and act as a
prophylactic against cold.
Contents / Index
939. Colic or Stomach-Ache
This disorder is indicated by griping pains in the bowels, which
sometimes extends upwards into and over the region of the chest.
Sometimes the pain is attended with vomiting and cold perspiration. A
warm bath is useful, and hot flannels, or a jar or bottle filled with
hot water should be applied to the abdomen.
Medicines. Aconitum napellus, especially when the abdomen is tender
to the touch, and the patient is feverish; Belladonna for severe
griping and spasmodic pains; Bryonia for bilious colic and diarrhœa;
Chamomilla for children.
Contents / Index
940. Constipation
Women are more subject than men to this confined state of the bowels,
which will, in many cases yield to exercise, plain nutritious diet,
with vegetables and cooked fruit, and but little bread, and an enema
of milk and water, or thin gruel if it is some time since there has
been any action of the bowels.
Medicines. Bryonia, especially for rheumatic patients, and disturbed
state of the stomach; Nux vomica, for persons of sedentary habits,
especially males; Pulsatilla, for women; Sulphur, for constipation
that is habitual or of long continuance.
Contents / Index
941. Convulsions
For convulsions arising from whatever cause, a warm bath is desirable,
and a milk and water enema, if the child's bowels are confined.
Medicines. Belladonna and Chamomilla, if the convulsions are caused
by teething, with Aconitum napellus if the little patient be feverish;
Aconitum napellus, Cina, and Belladonna, for convulsions caused by
worms; Aconite and Coffœa, when they arise from fright; Ipecacuanha
and Nux vomica, when they have been caused by repletion, or food that
is difficult of digestion.
Contents / Index
942. Cough
For this disorder, a light farinaceous diet is desirable, with plenty
of out-door exercise and constant use of the sponging-bath.
Medicines. Aconitum napellus, for a hard, dry, hacking cough;
Antimonium, for cough with wheezing and difficulty of expectoration;
Belladonna, for spasmodic cough, with tickling in the throat, or sore
throat; Bryonia, for hard, dry cough, with expectorations streaked
with blood; ipecacuanha, for children.
Contents / Index
943. Croup
As this disorder frequently and quickly terminates fatally, recourse
should be had to a duly qualified practitioner as soon as possible.
The disease lies chiefly in the larynx and bronchial tubes, and is
easily recognisable by the sharp, barking sound of the cough. A warm
bath and mustard poultice will often tend to give relief.
Medicines. Aconitum napellus, in the earlier stages of the disorder,
and spongia and Hepar sulphuris, in the more advanced stages, the
latter medicine being desirable when the cough is not so violent and
the breathing easier.
Contents / Index
944. Diarrhœa
The medicines to be used in this disorder are those which are
mentioned under colic and bilious attacks.
Contents / Index
945. Dysentery
Dysentery is somewhat similar to diarrhœa, but the symptoms are more
aggravated in character, and the evacuations are chiefly mucus
streaked with blood. As a local remedy hot flannels or a stone jar
filled with hot water and wrapped in flannel, should be applied to the
Medicines. Colocynthis and Mercurius in alternation.
Contents / Index
946. Dyspepsia
Dyspepsia or Indigestion arises from weakness of the digestive organs.
Symptoms. Chief among these are habitual costiveness, heartburn and
nausea, disinclination to eat, listlessness and weakness, accompanied
with fatigue after walking, &c., restlessness and disturbed sleep at
night, bad taste in the mouth, with white tongue, especially in the
morning, accompanied at times with fulness in the region of the
stomach, and flatulence which causes disturbance of the heart.
The causes of indigestion are too numerous to be mentioned here, but
they may be inferred when it is said that scrupulous attention must be
paid to diet (see par. 961); that meals should be taken at regular
and not too long intervals; that warm drinks, stimulants, and tobacco
should be avoided; that early and regular hours should be kept, with a
cold or chilled sponge bath every morning; and that measures should be
taken to obtain a fair amount of exercise, and to provide suitable
occupation for both body and mind during the day.
Medicines. Arnica montana for persons who are nervous and irritable,
and suffer much from headache; Bryonia for persons who are bilious and
subject to rheumatism, and those who are listless, disinclined to eat,
and have an unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth; Hepar sulphuris for
chronic indigestion and costiveness, attended with tendency to vomit
in the morning; Mercurius in cases of flatulence, combined with
costiveness; Nux vomica for indigestion that makes itself felt from 2
a.m. to 4 a.m., or thereabouts, with loss of appetite and nausea in
the morning, and for persons with a tendency to piles, and those who
are engaged in sedentary occupations; Pulsatilla for women generally,
and Chamomilla for children.
Contents / Index
947. Fevers
For all fevers of a serious character, such as scarlet fever, typhus
fever, typhoid fever, gastric fever, intermittent fever, or ague, &c.,
it is better to send at once for a medical man. In cases of ordinary
fever, indicated by alternate flushes and shivering, a hot dry skin,
rapid pulse, and dry foul tongue, the patient should have a warm bath,
take but little nourishment, and drink cold water.
Medicine. Aconitum napellus.
Contents / Index
And Faith be Our Staff.
948. Flatulency
This disorder, which arises from, and is a symptom of, indigestion,
frequently affects respiration, and causes disturbance and quickened
action of the heart. The patient should pay attention to diet, as for
Medicines. China and Nux vomica; Pulsatilla for women, and
Chamomilla for children. See Dyspepsia (946).
Contents / Index
949. Headache
This disorder proceeds from so many various causes, which require
different treatment, that it is wiser to apply at once to a regular
homœopathic practitioner, and especially in headache of frequent
Medicines. Nux vomica when headache is caused by indigestion;
Pulsatilla being useful for women; Belladonna and Ignatia, for sick
headache; Aconitum napellus and Arsenicum for nervous headache.
Contents / Index
950. Heartburn
For this unpleasant sensation of heat, arising from the stomach,
accompanied by a bitter taste, and sometimes by nausea, Nux vomica is
a good medicine. Pulsatilla may be taken by women.
Contents / Index
951. Indigestion
See Dyspepsia (946).
Contents / Index
952. Measles
This complaint, which seldom attacks adults, is indicated in its early
stage by the usual accompaniments and signs of a severe cold in the
head—namely, sneezing, running from the nose and eyelids, which are
swollen. The sufferer also coughs, does not care to eat, and feels
sick and restless. About four days after the first appearance of these
premonitory symptoms, a red rash comes out over the face, neck, and
body, which dies away, and finally disappears in about five days. The
patient should be kept warm, and remain in one room during the
continuance of the disorder, and especially while the rash is out,
lest, through exposure to cold in any way, the rash may be checked and
driven inwards.
Medicines. Aconitum napellus, and Pulsatilla, which are sufficient
for all ordinary cases. If there be much fever, Belladonna; and if the
rash be driven in by a chill, Bryonia.
Contents / Index
953. Mumps
This disorder is sometimes consequent on measles. It is indicated by
the swelling of the glands under the ears and lower jaw. It is far
more painful than dangerous. Fomenting with warm water is useful.
Medicines. Mercurius generally; Belladonna may be used when mumps
follow an attack of measles.
Contents / Index
954. Nettlerash
This rash, so called because in appearance it resembles the swelling
and redness caused by the sting of a nettle, is generally produced by
a disordered state of the stomach.
Medicines. Aconitum napellus, Nux vomica, or Pulsatilla, in
ordinary cases; Arsenicum is useful if there be much fever; Belladonna
if the rash is accompanied with headache.
Contents / Index
955. Piles
The ordinary homœopathic remedies for this painful complaint are Nux
vomica and Sulphur.
Contents / Index
956. Sprains
Apply to the part affected a lotion formed of one part of tincture of
Arnica to two of water. For persons who cannot use Arnica, in
consequence of the irritation produced by it, a lotion of tincture of
Calendula may be used in the proportion of one part of the tincture to
four of water.
Contents / Index
957. Teething
Infants and very young children frequently experience much pain in the
mouth during dentition, and especially when the tooth is making its
way through the gum. The child is often feverish, the mouth and gums
hot and tender, and the face flushed. There is also much running from
the mouth, and the bowels are disturbed, being in some cases confined,
and in others relaxed, approaching to diarrhœa.
Medicines. These are Aconitum napellus, in ordinary cases; Nux
vomica, when the bowels are confined; Chamomilla, when the bowels are
relaxed; Mercurius, if the relaxed state of the bowels has deepened
into diarrhœa; Belladonna, if there be symptoms of disturbance of the
Contents / Index
958. Whooping-Cough
This disease is sometimes of long duration, for if it shows itself in
the autumn or winter months, the little patient will frequently retain
the cough until May or even June, when it disappears with the return
of warmer weather. Change of air when practicable is desirable,
especially when the cough has been of long continuance.
In this cough there are three stages. In the first the symptoms are
those of an ordinary cold in the head and cough. In the second the
cough becomes hard, dry and rapid, and the inhalation of the air,
after or during the paroxysm of coughing produces the peculiar sound
from which the disease is named. In the final stage the cough occurs
at longer intervals, and the paroxysms are less violent and ultimately
disappear. In this stage the disease is subject to fluctuation, the
cough again increasing in frequency of occurrence and intensity if the
patient has been unduly exposed to cold or damp, or if the weather is
very changeable.
Children suffering from whooping-cough should have a light nourishing
diet and only go out when the weather is mild and warm.
Medicines. Aconitum napellus in the very commencement of the
disorder, followed by Ipecacuanha and Nux vomica when the second stage
is just approaching and during its continuance. These medicines may be
continued if necessary during the third stage.
Contents / Index
959. Worms
The presence of worms is indicated by irritation of the membrane of
the nose, causing the child to thrust its finger into the nostrils; by
irritation of the lower part of the body; by thinness, excessive
appetite and restlessness in sleep. Children suffering from worms
should eat meat freely and not take so much bread, vegetables, and
farinaceous food as children generally do. They should have as much
exercise as possible in the open air, and be sponged with cold water
every morning. The worms that mostly trouble children are the thread
worms, which are present chiefly in the lower portion of the
intestines, and the round worm.
Medicines, &c.. Administer an injection of weak salt-and-water, and
give Aconitum napellus, to be followed by Ignatia and Sulphur in the
order in which they are here given. These are the usual remedies for
thread worms. For round worms, whose presence in the stomach is
indicated by great thinness, sickness and discomfort, and pain in the
stomach, Aconitum napellus, Cina, Ignatia and Sulphur are given.
Contents / Index
960. Extent of Doses in Homœopathy
Homœopathic medicines are given in the form of globules, pilules, or
tincture, the last-named being generally preferred. The average doses
for adults are from half a drop to one drop of the tincture given in a
tablespoonful of water, from two to four pilules, or from three to six
globules. In using the tincture it is usual to measure out a few
tablespoonfuls of water and to add to it a certain number of drops
regulated by the quantity of water that is used. For children medicine
is mixed at the same strength, but a less quantity is given. The
proper quantity for a dose is always given in books and manuals for
the homœopathic treatment of disease. Small cases of the principal
medicines used in homœopathy can be procured from most chemists, and
with each case a little book showing the symptoms and treatment of all
ordinary complaints is usually given.
Contents / Index
961. Diet in Homœopathy
The articles of food that are chiefly recommended when attention to
diet is necessary are stale bread, beef, mutton, poultry, fresh game,
fish, chiefly cod and flat fish, avoiding mackerel, &c., eggs and
oysters. Rice, sago, tapioca, and arrowroot are permitted, as are also
potatoes, carrots, turnips, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, French
beans, and broad beans. Water, milk, cocoa, and chocolate may be
drunk. It is desirable to avoid all things that are not specified in
the foregoing list. Ripe fruit may be eaten, but unripe fruit, unless
cooked should be scrupulously avoided.
Contents / Index
end of part 1 — part 2
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